Science Foundation Ireland Building Partnerships between Industry and Academia Dr Phil Hemmingway– SFI Programme Manager Phil Hemmingway | T: +353 1 607 3297 | E: SFI position on the Irish landscape Department of Jobs, Enterprise & Innovation Building Irish Academic Base Supporting Indigenous Irish Companies Supporting Multinational Companies in Ireland Top level SFI information Founded in 2000 €160m annual investment >€2.3bn €1.6bn Committed Spend and to date €2bn >4,200 Awards 3,750 As of June 2015 Committed to date in with investments totalling Awards 752 Live Awards >€447m SFI funding since establishment SFI Budget was maintained throughout times of austerity What SFI does Makes grants to Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) in Ireland Based on competitive, international merit review for scientific excellence and impact Trains people Leverages other research funding e.g. Industrial / EU / Charitable/ Philanthropic/ International Builds infrastructure Significant industrial linkages attracting, anchoring and starting companies Produces scientific results and technology ✚ People and technology transfer to Industry and Society ✚ Industry more competitive, better public services ✚ Higher value products/services ✚ Higher living standards What SFI Researchers Deliver A research engine of 2,851 people including over 460 leading researchers 12 World leading SFI Research Centres spanning several HEIs and industry 752 Active Research awards Generated in 2014 2,029 €117m scientific papers in leveraged non-SFI funding 1200 collaborations with industry (650 MNCs, 561 SMEs) 18 license agreements 31 patent filings, 13 patents awarded 1,843 international collaborations in over 57 countries Programmes for Industry SFI Industry Fellowship SFI Partnerships Supports bi-directional movement of industry and academic researchers Supports collaborative research projects of scale SFI Research Centres SFI Spokes Supports large scale Research Centres in areas of economic importance Supports recruitment of new industry partners and collaborative projects to Research Centres SFI Industry Fellowship • Up to €120k per Fellowship Salary, travel and subsistence of an academic researcher to spend time in industry, anywhere in the world Travel and subsistence of industry personnel to spend time in academia in Ireland • Up to one year full time or two years part time • Open to Irish and international companies • No limit on the number of Fellows in any company • No requirement for academic Fellow to return to the Research Body • Two deadlines per year – June and December Finding a Partner • SFI Industry Fellowship Programme LinkedIn Group (>400 members) • SFI Research Career Forum • National Research Centre Directory • One-to-one meetings – later today • Contact SFI SFI Industry Fellowship Who can apply? • Academic partner submits application • Must meet defined eligibility criteria Proposal • Aim, work plan, impact, career development prospects • CVs International Peer Review • Quality of proposed fellow, work programme, potential for impact including long term collaboration and career development • Industry Fellowship Awards In 2013 & 2014 46 academic researchers and 38 companies partnered and received Industry Fellowship Academia Alaunus Bioscience Crystal Innovation Codelco chile SFI Research Centres SFI Research Centres • World leading, large scale Centres with major economic impact for Ireland • Funding of between €1m and €5m per year in direct costs over six years • SFI funds up to 70%. Minimum 30% industry investment at least one third of which must be cash • 12 Centres funded, representing €355m Exchequer funding and €190m industry investment (>300 industry collaborations) SFI Research Centres Spokes • Opportunity to become a new Industry or Academic Partner of a Centre • Allows existing Centres to grow and evolve • Fixed call: competitive assessment, 30% industry cash contribution • Rolling call: proposals assessed on own merits, 50% industry cash contribution • No min or max award size, projects of scale expected SFI Research Centres: Structure • Hub: Core operations Platform research • Spokes: Targeted projects, each with at least one industry partner Imperatives 1. Collaboration with industry & other academics 2. Harnessing strengths of different experts in different HEIs (Virtual centre) SFI Research Centres - ICT Centre Focus Director Materials Science; nano- Prof. Stefano Sanvito technology; bio-nano (TCD) Photonics systems – communications & meddevices Prof Paul Townsend (Tyndall) Big data; data analysis, data management; Connected Health Mr. Oliver Daniels (NUIG) Marine renewable energy; materials; smart grid Prof. Conchúr Ó Brádaigh (UCC) SFI Research Centres - ICT Centre Focus Director Unlocking Ireland’s natural resources – energy, minerals, water Prof John Walsh (UCD) Software engineering & development Prof. Mike Hinchey (UL) Future Networks and Communications Prof Linda Doyle (TCD) Digital content and media innovation Prof Vinny Wade (TCD) SFI Research Centres Lifesciences Centre Focus Director Food for health; pharamabiotics Prof. Fergus Shanahan (UCC) Perinatal health Profs. Louise Kenny & Geraldine Boylan (UCC) Pharmaceutical production chain: synthesis, isolation and formulation Prof. Kieran Hodnett (UL) Medical Devices: biomedical implants, cell-device and drugdevice combination products Prof. Abhay Pandit (NUIG) SFI Partnerships • Flexible mechanism to support ambitious research projects of scale between industry and academia • SFI matches the investment by industry • Two strands: • Competitive Joint Funding Partnership Programme • Strategic Partnerships Competitive Joint Funding Partnership • What? Company partners with SFI to launch a new competitive funding programme • Why? Solicit ideas from the research community addressing industry challenges Develop new industry-academic collaborations Opportunity to leverage state funding to de-risk early stage research • How? Joint design of funding programme to meet needs of company and SFI SFI administers programme Fast track review Opportunity for industry partner to engage in review of proposals Joint decision-making process Joint funding of successful applications Strategic Partnership Programme Key aim: To foster and develop strategic partnerships Initiatives of scale with strong potential for delivering economic impact to Ireland • Application prepared jointly by academic researcher and company, submitted by academic partner • Non-competitive rolling call – can apply anytime • 50% cash co-funding requirement • Two stage application process Expression of interest Full proposal (by invitation only) Programmes for Industry SFI Industry Fellowship SFI Partnerships Supports bi-directional movement of industry and academic researchers Supports collaborative research projects of scale SFI Research Centres SFI Spokes Supports large scale Research Centres in areas of economic importance Supports recruitment of new industry partners and collaborative projects to Research Centres One-to-One Meetings…. • Industry Fellowship speed-dating….. – Opportunity to meet potential candidates who could apply to take up a Fellowship at your company • Meetings have not been pre-screened by SFI – open booking system – Assume some will have a good knowledge of the IF Programme, and some may have little – Assume some will know what they want to achieve from the meeting, and some won’t • Starts at 2 o’clock - everyone should have a ‘meeting agenda’ • Reminder: Industry Fellowship Deadlines – June and December every year Thank you for your interest Phil Hemmingway, BE PhD CEng MIEI Programme Manager Programmes Directorate Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Wilton Park House, Wilton Place, Dublin 2 T: +353 1 607 3297 | F: +353 1 607 3201 | E: | W: Science Foundation Ireland – Research for Ireland’s Future SUPPLEMENTARY SLIDES Intellectual Property • National IP Framework Putting public research to work for Ireland Document • Ensure a streamlined and transparent process by which industry interacts with RPO’s • Balance the needs of industry and the State • RPO ownership of research that is partly or fully funded by the state • Industry partner can negotiate preferential access to IP subject to a minimum cash commitment • Industry partner owns IP in contract research undertakings • Ownership of background IP protected Irish Research Landscape Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) • 7 Universities • 14 Institutes of Technology 12 SFI-sponsored Research Centres Academia-led (industry partners) Across multiple HEIs TRL 1-7 > 15 EI-sponsored Technology Centres Industry-led Some co-located with HEIs TRL 5-9 Centre Title Director Professor John J. Walsh Lead Institution University College Dublin Research Programme Description The Irish Centre for Research in Applied Geosciences (iCRAG) brings together a team of internationally leading researchers representing the full geosciences spectrum with a clear focus on the wider economic impact of the geosciences sector in Ireland. iCRAG’s research programme comprises four cohesive topics or ‘spokes’ in the areas of raw materials, marine, groundwater and hydrocarbons, which are built around four enabling technology and equipment based ’platforms’ which focus on geophysical sensing and imaging, geochemistry, 3D geological modelling and public perception and understanding. iCRAG’s research focusses on finding solutions for problems such as: • safe and secure groundwater supplies • the discovery of mineral and aggregate deposits • de-risking of oil and gas exploration. Academic Partners Trinity College Dublin, NUI Galway, University College Cork, NUI Maynooth and Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies. Budget & Research Team Size €30.1m (€19.4m SFI + €10.7m Industry) Large: 50+ Industry Partners Raw Materials and Groundwater Marine and Hydrocarbons Boliden Geoscience Ireland PIPCO International Lithium Corporation AGEC Atlantic Petroleum Lundin APEX Cairn Energy Teck Ireland AWN Consulting Chevron Trevali Mining Corp. BRG ENI SRK Consulting Byrne Looby Partners Europa Oil and Gas Eurostone Coastway ExxonMobil Homebond F.L.I. Group Husky Energy David Ball Associates GDG Kosmos Energy Geoserv IGSL Maersk Oil NRA (National Roads Authority) Irish Drilling Providence Resources Tobin Consulting Engineers J.B. Barry & Partners Repsol Exploration PIPCO Meehan Drilling San Leon Energy Nicholas O’Dwyer Serica Energy Priority Drilling Shell Priority Geotechnical Sosina Sorhill Advocates Pty QME Tullow Oil Verde Environmental Group SLR Woodside Energy Co-Principal Investigators • • • • • • • • Contact Details Name: Prof. John J. Walsh Telephone: +353(1)7162169 Email: Web: icrag‐ Prof. Balz Kamber Prof. Chris Bean Prof. Peter Croot Prof. Laurence Gill Prof. Peter Haughton Prof. Frank McDermott Prof. Pat Shannon Prof. Andy Wheeler TCD DIAS NUIG TCD UCD UCD UCD UCC Centre Title Director Prof. Mike Hinchey Lead Institution University of Limerick Research Programme Description Lero’s research programme is informed by three long-term trends: software is everywhere and our quality of life and economic well-being depend on it; the digital and physical worlds are increasingly integrated; and software-intensive systems must be always-on, yet continuously changing. These trends are significantly impacting key Irish industry sectors, such as manufacturing, medical devices, financial services, cloud computing, analytics, and smart cities. Hence, Lero’s research mission is to replicate the success of traditional software engineering in the context of large-scale, pervasive, physically-integrated, highly interconnected, evolving, and continuously-available systems, in which the boundary between design-time and runtime is disappearing. Lero’s research focuses on the tools, methods and best practices required to maintain software development leadership in this climate of accelerating change. Academic Partners Dublin City University, Dundalk Institute of Technology, Maynooth University, NUI Galway, Trinity College Dublin, University College Cork, University College Dublin Budget & Research Team Size €41 Million (24.7m SFI 16.3m industry) Large: 197 Industry Partners ACI Worldwide FTL Group Aerogen Hewlett Packard Allstate Insurance (NI) IBM Almir Business Information Mosaic Bluebridge Technologies Microsoft dabl Ocuco Dell Portable Medical Technology DMF Systems S3 Group Drop Technology SQS Ericsson United Technologies Research Centre Fijowave Co-Principal Investigators • • • • • • • • Contact Details Name: Brendan O’Malley Telephone: + 353 (0)61 202484 Email: Web: Prof. Brian Fitzgerald, Chief Scientist (UL) Prof. Liam Bannon (UL) Prof. Mathew Hennessy (TCD) Prof. Tiziana Margaria (UL) Prof. Joao Marques-Silva (UCD) Prof. John Murphy (UCD) Prof. Bashar Nuseibeh (UL) Prof. Gregory Provan (UCC) Centre Title Centre for Research in Medical Devices (CÚRAM) Director Prof. Abhay Pandit Lead Institution National University of Ireland, Galway Research Programme Description The objective for CÚRAM is to radically improve health outcomes for patients by developing innovative implantable medical devices. Devices will be developed with strong clinical collaborations, with industry partners and hospital groups, to enable rapid translation to the clinic. CÚRAM will design and create implantable ‘smart’ medical devices. Implants will be designed and manufactured to respond to the body’s environment and to deliver therapeutic agents, such as drugs, exactly where needed. CÚRAM’s outputs will particularly benefit patients with chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and musculoskeletal diseases. Research areas include: • • • • • Academic Partners Budget & Research Team Size Combinational and advanced delivery devices Enhancement of current implants and devices Design of devices Characterisation of implants and devices Clinical translation of selected CÚRAM technologies University College Dublin, University College Cork, Dublin City University, Trinity College Dublin, University of Limerick, The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland €41.3m (€28.8m SFI + €12.5m Industry) Large: 200+ Industry Partners 38 Industry Partners (30 SMEs and 8 MNCs) including the following: Co-Principal Investigators • Prof. David Brayden • Prof. Lokesh Joshi • Prof. Tim O’Brien Contact Details Name: Telephone: Email: Web: UCD NUI Galway NUI Galway Prof. Abhay Pandit +353 (0)91 492758 Centre Title CONNECT Director Linda Doyle Lead Institution Trinity College Dublin Research Programme Description The CONNECT Centre for Future Networks & Communications will solve multi-faceted scientific and engineering challenges relating to the design of flexible and responsive future communications networks. We envisage networks of the future as systems of highly heterogeneous connections between sensors, mobile devices, access points and smart nodes, which are performed into existence in response to a service need, creating the ultimate service-aware network. Central to our vision is the idea of open communications: we will design network infrastructure that is shared by unlimited virtual operators supporting specialised services. This infrastructure will be able to seamlessly handle everything from light-weight IoT services, to media-rich applications, to mobile services. We will take a system-wide, end-to-end view, considering challenges from the service, the network and the underlying physical perspectives. We will create a virtualized and programmable network substrate, in which distributed software services directly configure networking functionality to meet their needs. We will push resource sharing to the extreme, throughout the network. We will design smart sensors, sophisticated processing-intensive intelligent nodes and complex infrastructural elements that are responsive to the service and network needs. Our vision will be exemplified via a range of targeted projects co-designed with our extensive team of industry partners. Academic Partners Trinity College Dublin (TCD), Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT), Dublin City University (DCU), National University of Ireland Maynooth (NUIM), University College Dublin (UCD), Telecommunications Software & Systems Group (TSSG), Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT), University College Cork (UCC), Tyndall National Institute (Tyndall) & University of Limerick (UL) Budget & Research Team Size €52.5m (€23.8m SFI & €28.7m Industry & Cash) Large: 177 Industry Partners Co-Principal Investigators • • • • • • • • • Contact Details Name: Telephone: Email: Web: Prof. Max Ammann (DIT) Prof. Luiz Da Silva (TCD) Prof. Michael Peter Kennedy (UCC) Prof. Cian O’ Mathúna (Tyndall) Prof. Cormac J. Sreenan (UCC) Prof. Tom Brazil (UCD) Dr. Willie Donnelly (TSSG) Prof. Doug Leith (TCD) Prof. Dave Payne (TCD) Catherine Keogh +353 (0)1-896-8441 Centre Title ADAPT Director Professor Vincent Wade Lead Institution Trinity College Dublin Research Programme Description We live in a world of global digital connectivity where enterprises, communities and individuals are sharing information and content and communicating globally at incredible speed, in enormous volumes, across the world’s languages and over an ever-increasing number of devices. The ADAPT Centre empowers people, companies and communities to achieve unprecedented engagement across digital content and multimodal interaction. ADAPT empowers people and communities by enabling: deeper understanding of multilingual content by significant advances in multilingual language processing; dynamic transformation of content to break down language and cultural barriers; personalisation of the user experience to ensure rapid assimilation and reuse of content; and multimodal/multimedia interaction with global content for contextualised discovery, communication and interaction. ADAPT innovations can help businesses to analyse, personalise and deliver digital content more effectively to drive business in the digital age. ADAPT research is fundamentally changing the way in which enterprises, communities and individuals can engage globally in real time. ADAPT enhances efficiencies and global reach for industry partners in key priority sectors for Ireland, including ICT, localisation, financial services, eCommerce, media, entertainment and games, life sciences, digital culture and humanities, and eLearning/eEducation. Academic Partners Trinity College Dublin, Dublin City University, University College Dublin, Dublin Institute of Technology Budget & Research Team Size €49.9m (€23.8 SFI + €26.1m Industry). Large : 127 Industry Partners Acrolin Moravia AOL ovartis C SCO DRC Commetric ay al eBay Sa an BD Symantec Huawei istaT C i lyTek elocali e ntel anadu Microsoft celerator Co-Principal Investigators Contact Details • • • • • • • Prof. Andy Way Prof. Nick Campbell Prof. Qun Liu Dr. Gareth Jones Prof. Owen Conlan rof. Declan O’Sullivan Prof. David Lewis Name: Telephone: Email: Web: Vincent Wade +353 1 8961765 Centre Title Advanced Materials and Bio-Engineering Research (AMBER) Director (Interim) Prof. Stefano Sanvito Lead Institution Trinity College Dublin Research Programme Description The Advanced Materials and Bioengineering Research (AMBER) Centre delivers internationallyleading materials research which is industrially and clinically informed. The research is translated to have direct impact on devices and products in the ICT, Medical Devices and Industrial Technology sectors. Research activities include: • improving our understanding of existing materials • exploring novel ways to deposit, pattern, structure and package these materials and translate their benefits to deliver products to the ICT and medical device sectors • innovative materials research for applications such as filtration, packaging, memory and drug delivery The centre comprises of a team of leading international researchers from areas such as nanoscience, material science, physics, chemistry, medicine, immunology, pharmacology and bioengineering. Academic Partners Royal College of Surgeons Ireland, University College Cork Budget & Research Team Size €50.5m (€27.3m SFI + €23.2m Industry) Large: 100+ Industry Partners Co-Principal Investigators • • • • • • • • • Contact Details Name: Telephone: Email: Web: Prof. Michael Coey TCD Prof. Jonathan Coleman TCD Prof. Georg Duesberg TCD Prof. Michael Morris UCC Prof. Justin Holmes UCC Prof. Daniel Kelly TCD Prof. ergal O’Brien RCS Prof. Valeria Nicolosi TCD Prof. John Boland TCD Prof. Stefano Sanvito +353-(0)1-896-3065 Centre Title Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre (APC) Director Professor Fergus Shanahan Lead Institution University College Cork Research Programme Description The overall focus of APC is to investigate the role of the gut microbiotia in human health and disease. The APC focuses on the following thematic areas: 1. Mining the gut microbiota for novel bioactives, including bacteriocins, probiotics, prebiotics and bacteriophages 2. The role of the gut microbiota at the extremes of life; determining the mechanistic links between diet, microbiota composition and health status in infants, elderly, athletes etc 3. The role of the gut microbiota in the brain-gut axis; examining the relationship between the gut microbiota and brain function e.g. stress, cognitive function, IBS 4. The role of the GI microbiota in host-microbe dialogue; identify mechanisms used by microbiota to regulate the host immune system & gut epithelium homeostasis and investigate intestinal inflammation Academic Partners Teagasc Moorepark Food Research Centre Cork Institute of Technology Budget & Research Team Size €42.6m (€27.9m SFI + €14.7m Industry) Large: 150 Industry Partners 13 Companies from the Food, Biotech, Diagnostics and Pharma sectors Co-Principal Investigators • Prof. Gerald Fitzgerald UCC • Prof. Paul Ross UCC • Dr. Catherine Stanton Teagasc • Prof. Colin Hill UCC • Prof. Ted Dinan UCC • Prof. John Cryan UCC • Dr. aul O’Toole UCC • Prof. Douwe van Sinderen UCC Contact Details Name: Telephone: Email: Web: Professor Fergus Shanahan +353 (0)21 4901226 Centre Title Irish Centre for Fetal and Neonatal Translational Research (INFANT) Director Prof. Louise Kenny, Prof. Geraldine Boylan Lead Institution University College Cork Research Programme Description • Biomarkers for screening and diagnostics in pregnancy • Innovative cot-side monitoring • Perinatal clinical trials centre • Major thematic areas: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The INFANT Biobank: Investing in our future Predict to Prevent: Creating safer pregnancies for lifelong health Innovative cot-side monitoring Neonatal risk prediction Protecting the pre-term brain Perinatal clinical trials: INFANT as a global hub for data and biobanking Infant and maternal nutrition Connected Health: Mobilising perinatal healthcare to the community and the home Academic Partners Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland Budget & Research Team Size €11.9m (€5.9m SFI + €6.0m Industry) Medium: 11 – 49 Industry Partners Industry Partners Waters Corporation IBM Incereb Inspiration Healthcare Kvikna Nihon Kohden BrepCo Pharmaceutical Alere MedSci Net Newsweaver Co-Principal Investigators • • • • • • • Contact Details Name: Telephone: Email: Web: Prof. Eugene Dempsey UCC Prof. David Henshall RCSI Dr. Liam Marnane UCC Dr. Deirdre Murray UCC Dr. Gordon Lightbody UCC Prof. Frederic Adams UCC Dr. Mairead Kiely UCC Prof. Louise Kenny +353 (0)21 420 5023 Centre Title Insight Director Mr. Oliver Daniels Lead Institution(s) University College Dublin University College Cork Dublin City University National University of Ireland, Galway. Research Programme Description • Big Data Analytics • Capture, organise, and crucially understand, this torrent of data that is the basis for competition and growth within the global economy. • Apply Big Data techniques in the areas of: • • • Connected Health The Discovery Economy Insight brings together five major Irish research centres: CLARITY, DERI, Clique, 4C and TRIL Academic Partners Trinity College Dublin, National University of Ireland Maynooth, Tyndall Institute, Royal Irish Academy. Budget & Research Team Size €75.1m (€44.4m SFI + €30.7m Industry) Large: 100+ Industry Partners Abtran Ltd. Microsoft Adoreboard Nitrosell Avego RTE Cisco Rubicoin Citibank Shimmer Research Eagle Alpha Starwood Elsevier Stryker Flashpoint Treemetrics IRFU UTRC Irish Times Co-Principal Investigators • • • • • • Contact Details Name: Telephone: Email: Web: Prof. Barry Smyth Prof. Alan Smeaton Prof. Brian Caulfield Prof. Padraig Cunningham Prof. Stefan Decker Prof. Barry O'Sullivan UCD DCU UCD UCD NUIG UCC Mr. Oliver Daniels (CEO) +353-(0)91-495-009 Mr. Mike Turley (COO) +353-(0)91-495-010 Centre Title Irish Photonic Integration Centre (IPIC) Director Prof Paul Townsend Lead Institution Tyndall National Institute, UCC Research Programme Description The Irish Photonic Integration Centre (IPIC) brings together over 100 researchers from four institutes to develop new light-enabled technologies. Targeting the ICT and medical devices sectors, IPIC is working with 18 industry partners to develop the next generation of highly-compact and miniaturised photonics devices. The Centre’s work is focused on: • Enabling continued growth of the internet through faster more energy efficient devices for information transport, storage and display. • Delivering smart medical devices for improved diagnosis and treatment of disease through the integration of photonics onto surgical instruments and into compact high sensitivity analysis equipment. • Developing systems for food and environment monitoring. Academic Partners University College Cork, Dublin City University, Cork Institute of Technology Budget & Research Team Size €24.5m (€16.2m SFI + €8.3m Industry) Large: 50+ Industry Partners Intel Lake Region British Telecom Somex M/A-COM InfiniLED Finisar Radisens Diagonstics Firecomms Luxcel Biosciences X-Celeprint Eblana Pilot Photonics Stryker Seagate Epi-light Huawei Co-Principal Investigators • • • • • • • • • Contact Details Name: Telephone: Email: Web: Prof. Liam Barry DCU Dr. Frank Peters Tyndall Dr. Emanuele Pelucchi Tyndall Brian Corbett Tyndall Dr. Guillaume Huyet Tyndall Dr. eter O’ Brien Tyndall Prof. Eoin .O’Reilly Tyndall Prof. Colette McDonagh DCU Prof. Dmitri Papkovsky UCC Prof. Paul Townsend +353-(0)21-490 4857 Centre Title Director Marine Renewable Energy Ireland (MaREI) rofessor Conchúr Ó’Brádaigh Lead Institution University College Cork Research Programme Description The Marine Renewable Energy Ireland (MaREI) Centre will develop the science required by industry to generate energy from wave, tidal and floating wind devices. Societal impact will include a route to achieving binding renewable energy targets for Ireland and an approach to maximising the value and security of reland’s national renewable energy portfolio. MaREI will carry out 22 fundamental science projects and a further 51 joint industry projects related to a wide range of challenges including: • Operations, maintenance and reliability of marine renewable energy (MRE) devices. • Enabling large-scale deployment of MRE devices. • Connection of MRE devices to the national grid. • Novel methods for storing the energy generated by MRE devices. • Related marine governance, planning, economics and environmental issues. MaREI will be shared between third-level institutions in Cork, Dublin, Galway, Limerick and Maynooth, in collaboration with more than 40 industry partners. Academic Partners University College Cork (UCC), University of Limerick (UL), NUIG Galway (NUIG), NUI Maynooth (NUIM), University College Dublin (UCD), Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) Budget & Research Team Size €25m (€14.7m SFI + €10.3m Industry) Large: 50+ Industry Partners AQUAFACT Automsoft Global Renewable Solutions Ltd. Shell E&P Ireland Ltd. IDS Monitoring Ltd. SkySails GmbH. Brí Toinne Teoranta Marine Harvest SonarSIM B9 Energy Commissioners of Irish Lights DePuy Marsh Technology Ltd. McCormacks of Ardagh MYMIC LLC. SSE Renewables Technology From Ideas (tfi) TechWorks Marine DP Energy Ireland Ltd. Ecoventi Pure Marine Gen. REALSIM Ltd. Teledyne BlueView Inc. Teledyne RESON Inc. Enerco Energy Ltd. Resilience Energy Ltd. WECCA ESBI Shannon Foynes Port Company Co-Principal Investigators • • • • • • • • Contact Details Name: Telephone: Email: Web: Prof. Tony Lewis Prof. Frederic Dias Dr. Michael Hartnett Dr. Gordon Lightbody Dr. Jerry Murphy Dr. Eamon McKeogh Prof. John Ringwood Dr. Daniel Toal UCC UCD NUIG UCC UCC UCC NUIM UL Professor Conchúr Ó Brádaigh +353-(0)21-4250022/4250021 Centre Title Synthesis and Solid State Pharmaceutical Centre (SSPC) Director Prof. Kieran Hodnett Lead Institution University of Limerick Research Programme Description The Synthesis and Solid State Pharmaceutical Centre (SSPC) will carry out research spanning the entire pharmaceutical chain, ranging from molecules to medicines, with the overarching objective to better understand mechanisms, control processes and predict outcomes for the efficient and environmentally sustainable production of safe medicines. The Centre will focus on three key areas: • New Frontiers in Pharmaceutical Synthesis • Crystal Growth and Design • Drug Product Formulation and Manufacture Academic Partners University College Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, University College Cork, National University of Ireland Galway, Dublin City University, Athlone Institute of Technology, Waterford Institute of Technology Budget & Research Team Size €31.8m (€22.0m SFI + €9.8m Industry) Large: 50+ Industry Partners Pfizer GlaxoSmithKline Eli Lilly SA Janssen Pharmaceuticals Merck Sharpe & Dohme Bristol Myers Squibb Roche Ireland Alkermes Abbvie UCB (Schwarz Pharma) APC Limited Scale-Up Systems Clarochem Ireland Innopharma Labs Eirgen Pharma Ltd Glantreo Amebis Co-Principal Investigators • • • • • • • • • Contact Details Name: Telephone: Email: Web: Prof. Martin Albrecht UCD Prof. Stephen Connon TCD Prof. Alan Dobson UCC Prof. Brian Glennon UCD Prof. Pat Guiry UCD Dr. Anne Marie Healy TCD Prof. Anita R. Maguire UCC Prof. Åke Rasmuson UL Prof. Gavin Walker UL Prof. Kieran Hodnett +353-(0)61-202-246