Vocab Proposed Law (Bill) House of Reps Number of Members (435) Senate Number of Members (100) “I’m just a bill” S.978 is a bill started in which chamber of Congress (Senate) Powers of Congress One of the ways we finance government is collect these, a topic of debate for current GOP candidates such as Perry (Taxes) Method of Delaying a vote in Senate (Filibuster) Most powerful member of the House of Reps (Speaker of the House) This person is officially the president of the Senate (Vice President) If I get vetoed by the president, Congress can still make me a law with this vote (2/3) Congress regulates trade and protects inventors. Give an example of a protection for inventors (TM, Copyright, Patent) Redrawing of Congressional District Lines to favor a particular group (Gerrymander) When the House acts as one big committee debating bills it is known as (Committee of the Whole) This person presides over the day-to-day meetings of Senate on a normal basis; Daniel Inouye is the current one (President Pro Tempore) After being presented and assigned a name, I will likely go to this where I will be debated and amended by a smaller group of Congressmen (Committee—also accept subcommittee) “make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers” is known as this (Elastic Clause) Accuse an officeholder of misconduct (Impeach) This type of bill involving the spending of money must start in the House (Appropriations Bill) Treaties are only approved in our chamber, but need this vote to pass (2/3) Once I have been introduced and given a name, I am officially placed on this publication of daily proceedings in Congress (Congressional Record) Impeachment charges start in this chamber of Congress (House of Representatives) Legislative process for ending debate in Senate (Cloture) Committee that decides the length of debate on the bill (House Rules Committee) One of our checks and balance powers include having to approve these presidential appointments (Supreme Court Justices) Once I pass both the House and Senate, I may need to go to this type of committee to have differences between the bills settled (Conference Committee) If a president is impeached, the trial will be held in the Senate. This person would preside as judge of the presidential impeachment hearing (Chief Justice) Vocab Qualifications for Congress Terms and Sessions Current Leaders Random Legislature Trivia This person counts votes, encourages party loyalty, and ensures that the party’s members are present for important votes (Party Whip) You must be at least this old to serve in the United States Senate (30) One term in the House of Representatives lasts this many years (2) Speaker of the House (Boehner) Seats in the House of Reps are based off population. This process is known as apportionment. How often does this occur? (Every 10 Years) Private meetings in which each party selects leaders (Caucuses) To serve in the House, you must be a US Citizen for how many years (7) One term in Senate lasts this many years (6) House Minority Leader (Pelosi) Certain bills will have a special voting protocol where the member’s name will be called and their vote will be recorded. This is known as a (roll call vote) Formal disapproval of actions where one must stand in front of room and hear charges read off against them (Censure) You must be this old to serve in the US House of Reps (25) How long does one session of Congress last? (1 year; 2 per term) House Majority Leader (Cantor) Permanent Congressional committees that meet regularly are known as (Standing Committees) Expulsion is when a person is booted from Congress, it requires this vote to occur (2/3) To serve in the US Senate, you must be a citizen for how many years (9) A session of Congress will begin on this date at noon each year (January 3) Senate Majority Leader (Reid) If the president ignores a bill for ten days what two things may happen? (Pocket veto if Congress not in session; Becomes law if Congress is in Session) The longest serving member of the minority party will normally hold this position in committees (ranking member) The only residency requirement for the House is this—so don’t worry about districts too much. (Live in state you represent) We are currently in this term of Congress (112th Congress) Senate Minority Leader (McConnell) For the House or Senate to conduct business each day, a majority of Congressmen must be present. This is known as a (quorum)