Chapter 3 The Level and Structure of Interest Rates Historical Interest Rate Patterns Over the last three decades interest rates have often followed patterns of persistent increases or persistent decreases with fluctuations around these trends. • In the 1970s and early 1980s the U.S.’s inflation led to increasing interest rates during that period. This period of increasing rates was particularly acute from the late 1970s through early 1980s when the U.S. Federal Reserve changed the direction of monetary policy by raising discount rates, increasing reserve requirements, and lowering monetary growth. Historical Interest Rate Patterns • This period of increasing rates was followed by a period of declining rates from the early 1980s to the late 1980s, then a period of gradually increasing rates for most of the 1990s, and finally a period of decreasing rates from 2000 through 2003. • The different interest rates levels observed since the 1970s can be explained by such factors as economic growth, monetary and fiscal policy, and inflation. Years 2001 2000 1998 1996 1995 1993 1991 1990 1988 16 1986 1985 1983 1981 1980 1978 1976 1975 1973 1971 1970 T-bill Rates Historical Interest Rate Patterns 18 TREASURY BILL RATES, 1970-2003 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Historical Interest Rate Spreads • In addition to the observed fluctuations in interest rate levels, there have also been observed spreads between the interest rates on bonds of different categories and terms to maturity over this same period. • For example, the spread between yields on Baa and AAA bonds is greater in the late 1980s and early 1990s when the U.S. economy was in recession compared to the differences in the mid to late 1990s when the U.S. economy was growing. • In general, spreads can be explained by differences in each bond’s characteristics: risk, liquidity, and taxability. Historical Interest Rate Spreads 20 TREASURY BOND, Aaa CORPORATE, Baa CORPORATE, AND MORTAGE RATES, 1970-2002 18 16 12 10 8 6 4 2 AAA BBB 10-Yr T-Bond 30-yr Mortgage Rate 2002 2000 1999 1998 1996 1995 1994 1992 1991 1990 1988 1987 1986 1984 1983 1982 1980 1979 1978 1976 1975 1974 1972 1971 0 1970 Rates (%) 14 Historical Interest Rate Spreads • Interest rate differences can be observed between similar bonds with different maturities. The figures on the next slide shows two plots of the YTM on U.S. government bonds with different maturities for early 2002 and early 1981. • The graphs are known as yield curves and they illustrate what is referred to as the term structure of interest rates. – The lower graph shows a positively-sloped yield curve in early 2002 with rates on short-term government securities lower than intermediate-term and long-term ones. – In contrast, the upper graph shows a negatively sloped curve in early 1981 with short-term rates higher than intermediate- and long-term ones. Historical Interest Rate Spreads Yield Curves 18 16 14 Rates (%) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Years to Maturity January, 1981 January, 2001 Objective • Understanding what determines both the overall level and structure of interest rates is an important subject in financial economics. Here, we examine the factors that are important in explaining the level and differences in interest rates. – Examining the behavior of overall interest rates using basic supply and demand analysis – Looking at how risk, liquidity, and taxes explain the differences in the rates on bonds of different categories. – Looking at four well-known theories that explain the term structure on interest rates. Supply and Demand Analysis • One of the best ways to understand how market forces determine interest rates is to use fundamental supply and demand analysis. • In determining the supply and demand for bonds, let us treat different bonds as being alike and simply assume the bond in question is a oneperiod, zero-coupon bond paying a principal of F equal to 100 at maturity and priced at P0 to yield a rate i. • Given this type of bond, we want to determine the important factors that determine its supply and demand. Bond Demand and Supply Analysis Bond Demand Curve: • Bond Demand Curve: The curve shows an inverse relationship between, bond demand, BD, and its price, P0, and a direct relation between BD interest rate, i, given other factors are constant. • Bond demand curve is also called the supply of loanable funds curve. Bond Demand and Supply Analysis Bond Demand Curve: • The factors held constant include the overall wealth or economic state of the economy, as measured by real output, gdp, the bond’s risk relative to other assets, its liquidity relative to other assets, expected future interest rates, E(i) and inflation, and government policies: BD f (i or P0 , gdp, E(i), E(Inflation ), risk , Liq , govt. policy ) Bond Demand and Supply Analysis Bond Demand Curve: • Bond demand is inversely related to its price and directly related to interest rate. • The bond demand curve showing bond demand and price relation is negatively-sloped. • This reflects the fundamental assumption that investors will demand more bonds the lower the price or equivalently the greater the interest rate. • Changes in the economy, futures interest rate and inflation expectations, risk, liquidity, and government policies lead to either rightward or leftward shifts in the demand curve, reflecting greater or less bond demand at each price or interest rate. • Bond Demand Curve Interest Rate Bond Pr ice ( P ) B 0 D i P0 BD (Supply of Loanable Funds ) 0 Quantity of Bonds B f (i or P0 , gdp, E(i), E( Inflation ), risk , Liq , govt . policy ) D (i ) Bond Demand and Supply Analysis Bond Supply Curve: • The bond supply curve shows the quantity supplied of bonds, BS, by corporations, governments, and intermediaries is directly related to the bond’s price and inversely related interest rate, given other factors such as the state of the economy, government policy, and expected future inflation are constant: BS f (i or P0 , gdp, E(Inflation ), govt . policy ) • Bond supply curve is also called the demand of loanable funds curve. Bond Demand and Supply Analysis Bond Supply Curve: • The bond supply curve is positively sloped. • The positively sloped curve reflects the fundamental assumption that corporations, governments, and financial intermediaries will sell more bonds the greater the bond’s price or equivalently the lower the interest rate. • The bond supply curve will shift in response to changes in the state of the economy, government policy, and expected inflation. • Supply Curve for Bonds Interest Rate Bond Pr ice S ( P ) B B D 0 (i ) i P0 BS (Demand of Loanable Funds ) 0 Quantity of Bonds BS f (i or P0 , gdp, E(Inflation ), govt. policy ) Bond Demand and Supply Analysis Equilibrium: • The equilibrium rate, i* and price, P0*, are graphically defined by the intersection of the bond supply and bond demand curves. • Supply and Demand for Bonds Interest Rate Bond Pr ice S ( P ) B B D P0* BS BD (Demand of (Supply of Loanable Funds ) Loanable Funds ) Quantity of Bonds (i ) i* 0 B f (i or P0 , gdp, E(i), E( Inflation ), risk , Liq , govt . policy ) BS f (i or P0 , gdp, E(Inflation ), govt . policy ) D 0 Bond Demand and Supply Analysis Proof of Equilibrium: • If the bond price were below this equilibrium price (or equivalently the interest rate were above the equilibrium rate), then investors would want more bonds than issuers were willing to sell. • This excess demand would drive the price of the bonds up, decreasing the demand and increasing the supply until the excess was eliminated. Bond Demand and Supply Analysis Proof of Equilibrium: • If the price on bonds were higher than its equilibrium (or interest rates lower that the equilibrium rate), then bondholders would want fewer bonds, while issuers would want to sell more bonds. • This excess supply in the market would lead to lower prices and higher interest rates, increasing bond demand and reducing bond supply until the excess supply was eliminated. Bond Demand and Supply Analysis Shifts in Bond Demand Cuve : a. gdp BD BD BD Shifts right Re ason : An increase in gdp may reflect an increase in wealth that increases the demand for all assets , including bonds . b. E (Inflation ) BD BD B D Shifts left Re ason : Investors will increase their purchase of consumptio n goods and decrease their purchase of assets , including bonds . c. E (i) BD BD BD Shifts right Re ason : Expected lower rates means greater bond prices in the future and therefore greater exp ected rates for some bonds . Bond Demand and Supply Analysis Shifts in Bond Demand Cuve : d. Re lative Risk BD B D B D Shifts left Re ason : If bonds become more risky relative to other sec urities or other sec urities become less risky relative to bonds , then bond demand would decrease. e. Re lative Liquidity B D BD BD Shifts right f . Decrease in Re serve Re quirments Bank loans sup ply of funds BD B D B D Shifts right g. Increase in Central Bank Discount Rate Bank loans sup ply of funds B D B D B D Shifts left Bond Demand and Supply Analysis Shifts in Bond Supply Cuve : a. gdp BS BS BS Shifts right Re ason : When the economy is growing producers will increase their capital formation (inventory , accounts receivable , plant exp ansion , etc ). To finance their capital exp ansion , they will sell more bonds . b. E (Inflation ) BS BS BS Shifts right Re ason : If inf lation is exp ected in the future , then companies and government s will be exp ecting greater borrowing needs in the future given higher prices . They will therefore find it advantageo us to borrow more now . c. Deficit Treasury sells more bonds to finance shortfall BS BS BS Shifts right Bond Demand and Supply Analysis Shifts in Bond Supply Cuve : d. Government Surplus Treasury may buy existing government bonds BS BS BS Shifts left e. Expansiona ry OMO Central bank buys bonds BS BS BS Shifts left f . Contractio nary OMO Central bank sells its bonds BS BS BS Shifts right Cases Using Demand and Supply Analysis Expansionary Open Market Operation: • Central Bank buys bonds, decreasing the bond supply and shifting the bond supply curve to the left. • The impact would be an increase in bond prices and a decrease in interest rates. Intuitively, as the central bank buys bonds, they will push the price of bond up and interest rate down. Expansionary Open Market Operation Interest Rate Bond Pr ice 0 ( P ) BS2 B1D B1S P1 P0 BS2 0 i** B1S i* B1D (i ) Cases Using Demand and Supply Analysis • Economic Recession: In an economic recession, there is less capital formation and therefore fewer bonds are sold. • This leads to a decrease in bond supply and a leftward shift in the bond supply curve. • The recession also lowers bond demand, shifting the bond demand curve to the left. • If the supply effect dominates the demand effect, then there will be an increase in bond prices and a decrease in interest rates. Economic Recession Interest Rate Bond Pr ice 0 ( P ) BS2 B1D B D2 B1S P1 P0 BS2 0 i** i* B1D B1S B D2 (i ) Cases Using Demand and Supply Analysis Treasury Financing of a Deficit: • With a government deficit, the Treasury will have to sell more bonds to finance the shortfall. • Their sale of bonds will increase the supply of bonds, shifting the bond supply curve to the right, initially creating an excess supply of bonds. • This excess supply will force bond prices down and interest rates up. Treasury Financing of Deficit Interest Rate Bond Pr ice 0 ( P ) B1S B1D BS2 P0 i* P1 B1S 0 (Tresury Issue ) i** B1D BS2 (i ) Cases Using Demand and Supply Analysis • Economic Expansion: In a period of economic expansion, there is an increase in capital formation and therefore more bonds are being sold to finance the capital expansion. • This leads to an increase in bond supply and a rightward shift in the bond supply curve. • The expansion also increases bond demand, shifting the bond demand curve to the right. • If the supply effect dominates the demand effects, then there will be a decrease in bond prices and an increase in interest rates. Economic Expansion Interest Rate Bond Pr ice 0 ( P ) B B1S D 2 B1D BS2 P0 P1 B1S B1D BS2 0 i* i** B D2 (i ) Risk and Risk Premium • Investment risk is the uncertainty that the actual rate of return realized from a security will differ from the expected rate. • In general, a riskier bond will trade in the market at a price that yields a greater YTM than a less risky bond. • The difference in the YTM of a risky bond and the YTM of less risky or risk-free bond is referred to as a risk spread or risk premium. Risk and Risk Premium • The risk premium, RP, indicates how much additional return investors must earn in order to induce them to buy the riskier bond: RP = YTM on Risky Bond - YTM on Risk-Free Bond • We can use the supply and demand model to show how the risk premium is positive. Risk and Risk Premium • Consider the equilibrium adjustment that would occur for two identical bonds (C and T) that are priced with the same yields, but events occur that make one of the bonds more risky. Risk and Risk Premium • The increased riskiness on the one bond (Bond C) would cause its demand to decrease, shifting its bond demand curve to the left. That bond’s riskiness would also make the other bond (Bond T) more attractive, increasing its demand and shifting its demand curve to the right. • At the new equilibriums, the riskier bond’s price is lower and its rate greater than the other. • The different risk associated with bonds leads to a market adjustment in which at the new equilibrium there is a positive risk premium. Risk Premium Market for Bond C P () D 1 Market for Bond T i () P () S B B B1D B D2( Risk ) BS C 0 C 1 i i B D2 BD2 (Risk in C ) B1D Bond Qu The riskiness of Bond C decreases its demand, shifting its bond demand curve to the left. Impact: A Higher Interest Rate on Bond C i () BS i1T i T0 B D2 B1D Bond Qu The riskiness of Bond C increases the demand for Bond T, shifting its bond demand curve to the right. Impact: A Lower Interest Rate on Bond T Risk Premiums and Investors’ Return-Risk Premiums • The size of the risk premium depends on investors’ attitudes toward risk. • To see this relation, suppose there are only two bonds available in the market: a risk-free bond and a risky bond. Risk Premiums and Investors’ Return-Risk Premiums • Suppose the risk-free bond is a zero-coupon bond promising to pay $1,000 at the end of one year and currently is trading for $909.09 to yield a one-year risk-free rate, Rf, of 10%: $1,000 P0 $909.09 1.10 $1,000 Rf 1 .10 $909.09 Risk Premiums and Investors’ Return-Risk Premiums • Suppose the risky bond is a one-year zero coupon bond with a principal of $1,000. • Suppose there is a .8 probability the bond would pay its principal of $1,000 and a .2 probability it would pay nothing. • The expected dollar return from the risky bond is therefore $800: E(Return) = .8($1,000) + .2(0) = $800 Risk Premiums and Investors’ Return-Risk Premiums • Given the choice of two securities, suppose that the market were characterized by investors who were willing to pay $727.27 for the risky bond, in turn yielding them an expected rate of return of 10%: E(R ) E(R ) • • E (Re turn ) 1 P0 $800 1 .10 $727.27 In this case, investors would be willing to receive an expected return from the risky investment that is equal to the risk-free rate of 10%, and the risk premium, E(R) - Rf, would be equal to zero. In finance terminology, such a market is described as risk neutral. RP = 0 → Risk-Neutral Market Risk Premiums and Investors’ Return-Risk Premiums • Instead of paying $727.27, suppose investors like the chance of obtaining returns greater than 10% (even though there is a chance of losing their investment), and as a result are willing to pay $750 for the risky bond. In this case, the expected return on the bond would be 6.67% and the risk premium would be negative: $800 1 .0667 $750 RP E(R ) R f .0667 .10 .033 E(R ) • By definition, markets in which the risk premium is negative are called risk loving. RP < 0 → Risk-Loving Market • • Risk Premiums and Investors’ Return-Risk Premiums Risk loving markets can be described as ones in which investors enjoy the excitement of the gamble and are willing to pay for it by accepting an expected return from the risky investment that is less than the risk-free rate. Even though there are some investors who are risk loving, a risk loving market is an aberration, with the exceptions being casinos, sports gambling markets, lotteries, and racetracks. Risk Premiums and Investors’ Return-Risk Premiums • Suppose most of the investors making up our market were unwilling to pay $727.27 or more for the risky bond. • In this case, if the price of the risky bond were $727.27 and the price of the risk-free were $909.09, then there would be little demand for the risky bond and a high demand for the risk-free one. • Holders of the risky bonds who wanted to sell would therefore have to lower their price, increasing the expected return. On the other hand, the high demand for the risk-free bond would tend to increase its price and lower its rate. Risk Premiums and Investors’ Return-Risk Premiums • Suppose the markets cleared when the price of the risky bond dropped to $701.75 to yield 14%, and the price of the risk-free bond increased to $917.43 to yield 9%: $800 1 .14 $701.75 $1,000 Rf 1 .09 $917.43 E(R ) • In this case, the risk premium would be 5%: RP E(R) R f .14 .09 .05 • Risk Premiums and Investors’ Return-Risk Premiums By definition, markets in which the risk premium is positive are called risk-averse markets. RP > 0 → Risk-Averse Market • In a risk-averse market, investors require compensation in the form of a positive risk premium to pay them for the risk they are assuming. • Risk-averse investors view risk as a disutility, not a utility as risk-loving investors do. Risk Premiums and Investors’ Return-Risk Premiums • Historically, security markets such as the stock and corporate bond markets have generated rates of return that, on average, have exceeded the rates on Treasury securities. • This would suggest that such markets are risk averse. • Since most markets are risk averse, a relevant question is the degree of risk aversion. • The degree of risk aversion can be measured in terms of the size of the risk premium. The greater investors’ risk aversion, the greater the demand for risk-free securities and the lower the demand for risky ones, and thus the larger the risk premium. Liquidity and Liquidity Premium • Liquid securities are those that can be easily traded and in the short-run are absent of risk. • In general, we can say that a less liquid bond will trade in the market at a price that yields a greater YTM than a more liquid one. Liquidity and Liquidity Premium • The difference in the YTM of a less liquid bond and the YTM of a more liquid one is defined as the liquidity premium, LP: LP = YTM on Less Liquid Bond - YTM on More-Liquid Bond Liquidity and Liquidity Premium • Consider the equilibrium adjustment that would occur for two identical bonds that are priced with the same yields, but events occur that make one of the bonds less liquid. • The decrease in liquidity on one of the bonds would cause its demand to decrease, shifting its bond demand curve to the left. The decrease in that bond’s liquidity would also make the other bond relatively more liquid, increasing its demand and shifting its demand curve to the right. • Once the markets adjust to the liquidity difference between the bonds, then the less liquid bond’s price would be lower and its yield greater than the relative more liquid bond. • Thus, the difference in liquidity between the bonds leads to a market adjustment in which there is a difference between rates due to their different liquidity features. Liquidity Premium Market for Bond C P () D 1 B C 0 C 1 i i B D2 BD2 (Liquidity in C) B1D ) BS i () P () S B B D2( Liquidity Market for Bond T B1D Bond Qu The decrease in liquidity of Bond C decreases its demand, shifting its bond demand curve to the left. Impact: A Higher Interest Rate on Bond C i () BS i1T i T0 B D2 B1D Bond Qu The decrease in liquidity of Bond C increases the demand for Bond T, shifting its bond demand curve to the right. Impact: A Lower Interest Rate on Bond T Taxability • An investor in a 40% income tax bracket who purchased a fully-taxable 10% corporate bond at par, would earn an after-tax yield, ATY, of 6%: ATY = 10%(1-.4). • In general, the ATY can be found by solving for that yield, ATY, that equates the bond’s price to the present value of its after-tax cash flows: CFt (1 tax rate ) P0 t ( 1 ATY ) t 1 M Taxability and Pre-Tax Yield Spread • Bonds that have different tax treatments but otherwise are identical will trade at different pre-tax YTM. • That is, the investor in the 40% tax bracket would be indifferent between the 10% fully-taxable corporate bond and a 6% tax-exempt municipal bond selling at par, if the two bond were identical in all other respects. • The two bonds would therefore trade at equivalent after-tax yields of 6%, but with a pre-tax yield spread of 4%: Pr e Tax Yield Spread i C0 i 0M 10% 6% 4% Taxability and Pre-Tax Yield Spread • In general, bonds whose cash flows are subject to less taxes trade at a lower YTM than bonds that are subject to more taxes. • Historically, taxability explains why U.S. municipal bonds whose coupon interest is exempt from federal income taxes, have traded at yields below default-free U.S. Treasury securities even though many municipals are subject to default risk. Term Structure of Interest Rates • Term Structure examines the relationship between YTM and maturity, M. • Yield Curve: Plot of YTM against M for bonds that are otherwise alike. Term Structure of Interest Rates • A yield curve can be constructed from current observations. For example, one could take all outstanding corporate bonds from a group in which the bonds are almost identical in all respects except their maturities, then generate the current yield curve. • For investors who are more interested in long-run average yields instead of current ones, the yield curve could be generated by taking the average yields over a sample period (e.g., 5-year averages) and plotting these averages against their maturities. • Finally, a widely-used approach is to generate a spot yield curve from spot rates. Term Structure of Interest Rates Shapes: Yield curves have tended to take on one of the three shapes: They can be positively-sloped with long-term rates being greater than shorter-term ones. 1. • 2. Yield curves can also be negatively-sloped, with short-term rates greater than long-term ones. • 3. Such yield curves are called normal or upward sloping curves. They are usually convex from below, with the YTM flattening out at higher maturities. These curves are known as inverted or downward sloping yield curves. Like normal curves, these curves also tend to be convex, with the yields flattening out at the higher maturities. Yield curves can be relatively flat, with YTM being invariant to maturity. Term Structure of Interest Rates YTM Normal Flat Inverse M Theories of the Term Structure of Interest Rates The actual shape of the yield curve depends on: • The types of bonds under consideration (e.g., AAA bond versus B bond) • Economic conditions (e.g., economic growth or recession, tight monetary conditions, etc.) • The maturity preferences of investors and borrowers • Investors' and borrowers' expectations about future rates, inflation, and the state of economy. Theories of the Term Structure of Interest Rates Four theories have evolved over the years to try to explain the shapes of yield curves: 1. Market Segmentation Theory (MST) 2. Preferred Habitat Theory (PHT) 3. Liquidity Premium Theory (LPT) 4. Pure Expectation Theory (PET) Market Segmentation Theory • MST: Yield curve is determined by supply and demand conditions unique to each maturity segment. • MST assumes that markets are segmented by maturity. Market Segmentation Theory • Example: The yield curve for high quality corporate bonds could be segmented into two markets: – short-term – long-term Market Segmentation Theory Short-Term Market • The supply of short-term corporate bonds, such as commercial paper would depend on business demand for short-term assets such as inventories, accounts receivables, and the like • The demand for short-term corporate bonds would emanate from investors looking to invest their excess cash for short periods. • The demand for short-term bonds by investors and the supply of such bonds by corporations would ultimately determine the rate on short-term corporate bonds. Market Segmentation Theory Long-Term Market • The supply of long-term bonds would come from corporations trying to finance their long-term assets (plant expansion, equipment purchases, acquisitions, etc.). • The demand for such bonds would come from investors, either directly or indirectly through institutions (e.g., pension funds, mutual funds, insurance companies, etc.), who have long-term liabilities and horizon dates. • The demand for long-term bonds by investors and the supply of such bonds by corporations would ultimately determine the rate on long-term corporate bonds. Market Segmentation Theory: Illustration Yield Curve for corporate bonds with two maturity segments: ST and LT Short-Term Market Supply : Financing of S T assets : Accounts receivable , inventorie s, etc. ST Bonds B rST Demand : Investors with S T horizon dates Market Segmentation Theory: Illustration • Long-Term Market: Supply : Financing of L T assets : Plants , equipment , acquisitio ns , etc. LT Bonds B rLT Demand : Investors with L T Horizon Date Market Segmentation Theory • Important to MST is the idea of unique or independent markets. • According to MST, the short-term bond market is unaffected by rates determined in the intermediate or long-term markets, and vice versa. • This independence assumption is based on the premise that investors and borrowers have a strong need to match the maturities of their assets and liabilities. MST: Supply and Demand Model • One way to examine how market forces determine the shape of yield curves is to examine MST using our supply and demand analysis. • Consider a simple world in which there are two types of corporate and government treasury bonds: – Corporate bonds: long-term (BcLT) and short-term (BcST) – Treasury bonds: long-term (BTLT) and short-term (BTLT). • Assumptions: The supplies and demands for each sector and segment are based on the following assumptions: MST: Supply and Demand Model Assumption 1: Short-Term Bond Demand for Corporate and Treasury • The most important factors determining the demand for shortterm bonds (both corporate and Treasury) are the bond’s own price or interest rate, government policy, liquidity, and risk. • Short-term bond demand is assumed to be inversely related to its price and directly related to its own rate (negatively sloped bond demand curves); government actions that affect the supply of loanable funds also can change bond demand (e.g., monetary policy changing bank reserve requirements). • The demand for the short-term bond in one sector is also assumed to be an inverse function of the short-term rate in the other sector, but not the long-term rate in either its sector or the other sector given the assumption of segmented markets. MST: Supply and Demand Model • Assumption 1: Short-Term Bond Demand for Corporate and Treasury c c T BD ST f (iST , iST , risk , liquidity , government policy ) T T c BD ST f (iST , iST , risk , liquidity , government policy ) MST: Supply and Demand Model Assumption 2: Long-Term Bond Demand for Corporate and Treasury • The most important factors determining the demand for long-term bonds (both corporate and Treasury) are the bond’s own price or interest rate, government policy such as monetary actions (e.g., change in bank reserve requirements), liquidity, and risk. • Demand is assumed to be inversely related to its own price and directly related to its own rate (negatively sloped bond demand curves). • In addition, the demand for the long-term bond in one sector is an inverse function of the long-term rate in the other sector, but not a function of short-term rates given the market segmentation assumption. MST: Supply and Demand Model • Assumption 2: Long-Term Bond Demand for Corporate and Treasury BD cLT f (i cLT , i TLT , risk , liquidity , government policy ) BD TLT f (i TLT , i cLT , risk , liquidity , government policy ) MST: Supply and Demand Model Assumption 3: Long-Term and Short-Term Bond Supplies for Corporate • The supplies of short-term and long-term corporate bonds are directly related to their own prices and inversely to their own interest rates (positively sloped corporate bond supply curve) and directly related to general economic conditions, increasing in economic expansion and decreasing in recession. c c BSST f (iST , gdp ) BS c LT f (i , gdp ) c LT MST: Supply and Demand Model Assumption 4: Long-Term and Short-Term Bond Supplies for Treasury • The supplies of Treasury bonds depend only on government actions (monetary and fiscal policy), and not on the economic state or interest rates. • This assumption says that the sale or purchase of Treasury securities by the central bank or the Treasury is a policy decision. The assumption that the supply of Treasury securities depends on government actions and not interest rates means that the bond supply curve is vertical. T BSST f (government policy ) BSTLT f (government policy ) MST: Supply and Demand Model • In the exhibit, the two equilibrium rates for short-term and long-term corporate bonds are plotted against their corresponding maturities to generate the yield curve for corporate bonds. • Similarly, the equilibrium rates for short-term and long-term Treasury bonds are plotted against their corresponding maturities to generate the yield curve for Treasury bonds. Market Segmentation Theory Model Corporate Bond Market P () Short Term D ( i , risk , liquidity , government B ST T ST Treasury Bond Market policy ) P () B SST ( gdp ) Long Term D (i TLT , risk , liquidity BLT i i i C* LT C* ST P () Short Term D (i , risk , liquidity B ST C ST Bond Qu i () , government policy ) i () , government policy ) B SST ( Gov. Policy ) C* iST P () T* iST Bond Qu Long Term D ( i , risk , liquidity , government policy ) BLT BSLT ( Gov. Policy ) C LT i CLT* BSLT i () i () i TLT* ( gdp ) Bond Qu Bond Qu i Yield Curve ST i TLT* T* iST LT M Yield Curve ST LT M MST: Supply and Demand Model • These yield curves, in turn, capture an MST world in which interest rates for each segment are determined by the supply and demand for that bond, with the rates on bonds in the other maturity segments having no effect. • In general, the positions and the shapes of the yield curves depend on the factors that determine the supply and demand for shortterm and long-term bonds. MST: Cases Using S&D Model Economic Expansion: • When an economy moves into a period of economic growth, business demand for short-term and long-term assets increases. • As a result, many companies issue more short-term bonds to finance their larger inventories and accounts receivables. They also issue more long-term bonds to finance their increase in investments in plants, equipment, and other long-term assets. • In the bond market, these actions cause the short-term and the long-term supplies of bonds to increase as the economy grows. MST: Cases Using S&D Model Economic Expansion: • At the initial interest rates, the increase in bonds outstanding creates an excess supply. This drives bond prices down and the YTM up. • Using the supply and demand model, the economic expansion shifts the corporate short-term and long-term bond supply curves to the right, creating an excess supply for short-term bonds at ic*ST and an excess supply for long-term bonds at ic*LT. • The excess causes corporate bond prices to fall and rates to rise until a new equilibrium is reached (ic**ST and ic**LT). MST: Cases Using S&D Model Economic Expansion: • As the rates on short-term and long-term corporate bonds increase, short-term and long-term Treasury securities become relatively less attractive. • As a result, the demands for short-term and long-term Treasuries decrease, shifting the short-term and longterm Treasury bond demand curves to the left and creating an excess supply in both Treasury markets at their initial rates. • Like the corporate bond markets, the excess supply in the Treasury security markets will cause their prices to decrease and their rates to rise until a new equilibrium is attained. MST: Cases Using S&D Model Economic Expansion: • Thus, the supply and demand analysis shows that a recession has a tendency to increase both short-term and long-term rates for corporate bonds, and by a substitution effect, increase short-term and long-term Treasury rates. • Hence, an economic expansion causes the yield curves for both sectors to shift up. Economic Expansion Corporate Bond Market P () Short Term i () B SST Long Term BDLT i CLT** iSTC** i CLT* iSTC* BSLT Yield Curve S ( gdp ST i i i B SST( gdp ) P () i CLT* i () i TLT* i TLT** Yield Curve i TLT** iSTT** T* LT T* ST i i M Bond Qu Bond Qu i LT T* iST T** i ST Long DTerm S B LT BLT BDLT (i CLT ) C* LT Bond Qu ST C* ST C** ST ) Bond Qu i () i () Short Term B S D ST B ST D C BST (i ST ) B i P () D B ST P () Treasury Bond Market ST LT M MST: Cases Using S&D Model Government surplus in which the Treasury buys existing long-term Treasury bonds: • When the Treasury uses a surplus to buy long-term Treasury securities there is a decrease in the supply of long-term Treasuries (leftward shift in the Treasury LT bond supply curve). • The decrease in supply would push the price of the long-term government securities up, resulting in a lower long-term Treasury yield. MST: Cases Using S&D Model Government surplus in which the Treasury buys existing long-term Treasury bonds: • In the corporate bond market, the lower rates on long-term government securities would lead to an increase in the demand for long-term corporate securities (rightward shift in the corporate LT bond demand curve), which, in turn, would lead to an excess demand in that market. • As bondholders try to buy long-term corporate bonds, the prices on such bonds would increase, causing the yields on long-term corporate bonds to fall until a new equilibrium is reached. MST: Cases Using S&D Model Government surplus in which the Treasury buys existing long-term Treasury bonds: • Thus, the purchase of the long-term Treasury securities decreases both long-term government and long-term corporate rates. • Since the long-term market is assumed to be independent of short-term rates, the total adjustment to the Treasury’s purchase of long-term securities would occur through the decrease in long-term corporate and Treasury rates. • If corporate and Treasury yield curves were initially flat, the Treasury’s action would cause the yield curves to become negatively sloped. Government surplus in which the Treasury buys existing long-term Treasury bonds Corporate Bond Market P () Short Term D B ST Treasury Bond Market i () B SST P () Bond Long Term D T BLT (i LT ) BDLT i C* * i ST iC LT i i i i BSLT Yield Curve C** LT ST P () Long Term BSLT * T* iT LT i ST Bond Qu S LT B i () T** LT T* LT i i Bond Qu Yield Curve ST LT iTLT** M T* iST BDLT i LT C* LT C* LT Bond Qu i () Short Term B S D ST B ST C* ST Qu i () P () M MST: Cases Using S&D Model Contractionary open market operation in which the Central Bank sells some of it short-term Treasury securities: • A contractionary OMO in which the Fed sells shortterm Treasury securities would cause the price on short-term Treasury securities to decrease and their yield to increase. This would be reflected by a rightward shift in the short-term Treasury bond supply curve, as the Central Bank sells it securities to the public. • As the yield on short-term Treasuries increases, the demand for short-term corporate would decrease (demand curve shifting left), leading to lower prices and higher yields on short-term corporate bonds. MST: Cases Using S&D Model Contractionary open market operation in which the Central Bank sells some of it short-term Treasury securities: • Since the long-term market is assumed to be independent of short-term rates, the total adjustment to the Central bank’s sale of short-term securities to the public would be in the short-term corporate and Treasury markets with no impact on the long-term markets. • If both the Treasury and corporate yield curves were initially flat, then the contractionary OMO would result in new negatively sloped yield curves. Contractionary Open Market Operation: Central Bank sells short-term Treasuries Corporate Bond Market Short Term D B ST P () D ST B (i T ST B SST ) i () P () Short Term Bond Qu i () Long Term BDLT S LT P () B SST B SST Long Term T* iST D B ST T** i ST Bond Qu i () S LT B B i () C* iST C** i ST P () Treasury Bond Market i CLT* i TLT* BDLT i C** i ST C* * i ST iC LT Bond Qu Yield Curve i iSTT** ST LT * T* iT LT i ST M Bond Qu Yield Curve ST LT M MST: Outline of Cases Using S&D Model Recession • Outline: Decrease in capital formation (S-T and L-T) Fewer bonds sold (S-T and L-T) Excess demand for bonds (S-T and L-T) Bond prices increase and rates decrease. Downward shift in YC MST: Outline of Cases Using S&D Model Expansionary open market operation in which the central bank buys shortterm Treasury securities • Outline: Central bank buys S-T Treasuries (T-bills) T-bill prices increase and rates decrease Substitution effect in which the demand for S-T corporate securities increase, causing their prices to increase and their yields to decrease. Tendency for YC to become positively sloped. MST: Outline of Cases Using S&D Model Treasury Sale of long-term Treasury bonds • Outline: Treasury sells L-T Treasuries (TBonds) T-Bond prices decrease and yields increase Substitution effect in which the demand for L-T corporate securities decrease, causing their prices to decrease and their rates to increase. Tendency for YC to become positively sloped. Preferred Habitat Theory (PHT) • PHT assumes that investors and borrowers are willing to give up their desired maturity segment and assume market risk if rates are attractive. • PHT asserts that investors and borrowers will be induced to forego their perfect hedges and shift out of their preferred maturity segments when supply and demand conditions in different maturity markets do not match. Preferred Habitat Theory (PHT) • PHT is a necessary extension of the MST: – If an economy is poorly hedged (e.g., more investors want ST investments and more borrowers want to borrow LT), then the market will not be in equilibrium. – In such cases, ST and LT rates will change and the markets will clear as investors and borrowers give up their hedge. Preferred Habitat Theory (PHT) • To illustrate PHT, consider an economic world in which, on the demand side, investors in corporate securities, on average, prefer short-term to long-term instruments, while on the supply side, corporations have a greater need to finance long-term assets than short-term, and therefore prefer to issue more long-term bonds than short-term. • Combined, these relative preferences would cause an excess demand for short-term bonds and an excess supply for long-term claims and an equilibrium adjustment would have to occur. Preferred Habitat Theory (PHT) • In the long-term market, the excess supply would force issuers to lower their bond prices, thus increasing bond yields and inducing some investors to change their shortterm investment demands. • In the short-term market, the excess demand would cause bond prices to increase and rates to fall, inducing some corporations to finance their long-term assets by selling short-term claims. • Ultimately, equilibriums in both markets would be reached with long-term rates higher than short-term rates, a premium necessary to compensate investors and borrowers/issuers for the market risk they've assumed. Preferred Habitat Theory • Poorly Hedged Economy: Investors, on average, prefer ST investments; corporate borrowers, on average, prefer to borrow LT (sell LT corporate bonds): r attracts Investors prefer ST Borrower prefer LT B , rST ST Excess Demand in ST PST LT Borrowers r attracts B Excess Supply in LT PLT , rLT LT ST Investors Liquidity Preference Theory • Long-term bonds are more price sensitive to interest rate changes than short-term bonds. As a result, the prices of long-term securities tend to be more volatile and therefore more risky than shortterm securities. • The Liquidity Premium Theory (LPT), also referred to as the Risk Premium Theory (RPT), posits that there is a liquidity premium for longterm bonds over short-term bonds. Liquidity Preference Theory • According to LPT, if investors were risk averse, then they would require some additional return (liquidity premium, LP) in order to hold long-term bonds instead of short-term ones. LP rLT rST 0 Liquidity Preference Theory • Thus, if the yield curve were initially flat, but had no risk premium factored in to compensate investors for the additional volatility they assumed from buying long-term bonds, then the demand for long-term bonds would decrease and their rates increase until risk-averse investors were compensated. • In this case, the yield curve would become positively sloped. Pure Expectations Theory • Expectation theories address the question of what impact expectations have on the current yield curve. • One of these theories is the Pure Expectations Theory (PET); also referred to as the unbiased expectations theory (UET). • PET posits that the yield curve is governed by the condition that the implied forward rate is equal to the expected sport rate. Pure Expectations Theory To illustrate PET: • Consider a market consisting of only two bonds: a risk-free one-year zero-coupon bond and a risk-free two-year zerocoupon bond, both with principals of $100. • Suppose that supply and demand conditions are such that both the one-year and two-year bonds are trading at an 8% YTM. • Suppose that the market expects the yield curve to shift up to 10% next year, but, as yet, has not factored that expectation into its current investment decisions. • Finally, assume the market is risk-neutral, such that investors do not require a risk premium for investing in risky securities (i.e., they will accept an expected rate on a risky investment that is equal to the risk-free rate). Pure Expectations Theory Question: • What is the impact of the expectation on the current yield curve? Pure Expectations Theory • Consider investors with HD = 2 years • Alternatives: – Buy 2-year bond at 8% – Buy a series of 1-year bonds: 1-year bond today at 8% and 1-year bond one year later at E(r11) = 10%. The expected return from the series would be 9%: YTM 2:Series (1.08)(1.10) 1/ 2 1 .09 • In a risk-neutral world, investors with HD = 2 years would prefer the series of 1-year bonds over the 2-year bond. Pure Expectations Theory • Consider investors with HD = 1 year. • Alternatives: – Buy 1-year bond at 8%. – Buy a 2-year bonds at 8% for P2 = 100/(1.08)2 = 85.734, then sell it one year later at an expected price of E(P11) = 100/(1.10) = 90.91. The expected rate of return would be 6%: 90.9185.734 E(r11 ) .06 85.734 • In a risk-neutral world, investors with HD = 1 year would prefer the 1-year bond over the 2-year bond. Pure Expectations Theory • Thus, in a risk-neutral market with an expectation of higher rates next year, both investors with one-year horizon dates and investors with two-year horizon dates would purchase one-year instead of two-year bonds • If enough investors do this, an increase in the demand for one-year bonds and a decrease in the demand for two-year bonds would occur until the average annual rate on the two-year bond is equal to the equivalent annual rate from the series of one-year investments (or the one-year bond's rate is equal to the rate expected on the two-year bond held one year). Pure Expectations Theory • Investors with HD of 2 years and those with HD of 1 year would prefer one-year bonds over twoyear bonds. • Market Response: BD2 P2B r2 B1D P1B r1 YC becomes r 10% 8% 1 yr 2 yr PET M Positively Sloped Pure Expectations Theory • In the example, if the price on a two-year bond fell such that it traded at a YTM of 9% and the rate on a one-year bond stayed at 8%, then investors with two-year horizon dates would be indifferent between a two-year bond yielding a certain 9% and a series of one-year bonds yielding 10% and 8%, for an expected rate of 9%. • Investors with one-year horizon dates would likewise be indifferent between a one-year bond yielding 8% and a two-year bond purchased at 9% and sold one year later at 10%, for an expected one-year rate of 8%. Pure Expectations Theory • Thus in this case, the impact of the market's expectation of higher rates would be to push 2-year rates up to 9%. • Note: With YTM2 = 9% and YTM1 = 8%, the implied forward rate is f11 = 10% -- the same rate as the expected rate E(r11). Pure Expectations Theory • Assume that the market response is one in which only the demand for 2-year bonds is affected by the expectations. BD2 P2B r2 Note : When YTM 2 9%, YTM 1 8%, r2 until r2 r2:Series .09 then f11 10% E(r11 ). Thus , if PET holds , then f Mt E(rMt ) r 10% 9% 8% 1 yr 2 yr PET M Pure Expectations Theory • In the above example, the yield curve is positively sloped, reflecting expectations of higher rates. • By contrast, if the yield curve were currently flat at 10% and there was a market expectation that it would shift down to 8% next year, then the expectation of lower rates would cause the yield curve to become negatively sloped. Pure Expectations Theory • That is, given a yield curve currently flat at 10% and a market expectation that it would shift down to 8% next year, an investor with a two-year horizon date would prefer the two-year bond at 10% to a series of one-year bonds yielding an expected rate of only 9% (E(R) = [(1.10)(1.08)]1/2 -1 = .09). • Similarly, an investor with a one-year horizon would also prefer buying a two-year bond that has an expected rate of return of 12% (P2 =100/(1.10)2 = 82.6446, E(P11) = 100/1.08 = 92.5926, E(R) = [92.5926-82.6446]/82.6446 = .12) to the one-year bond that yields only 10%. Pure Expectations Theory • In markets for both one-year and two-year bonds, the expectations of lower rates would cause the demand and price of the two-year bond to increase, lowering its rate, and the demand and price for the one-year bond to decrease, increasing its rate. Pure Expectations Theory Market expects the yield curve to shift down from 10% to 8%. Investors with two-year horizon dates would prefer the two-year bond at 10% to a series of one-year bonds yielding an expected rate of only 9%: (E(R) = [(1.10)(1.08)]1/2 -1 = .09) Investor with a one-year horizon would prefer buying a two-year bond that has an expected rate of return of 12% to the one-year bond that yields only 10%: P2 =100/(1.10)2 = 82.6446 E(P11) = 100/1.08 = 92.5926 E(R) = [92.5926-82.6446]/82.6446 = .12 Market Re sponse : Market Re sponse : BD2 P2B r2 r B1D P1B r1 10% 8% 1 yr 2 yr PET YC become negatively sloped M Pure Expectations Theory • The adjustments would continue until the rate on the two-year bond equaled the average rate from the series of one-year investments, or until the rate on the one-year bond equaled the expected rate from holding a two-year bond one year (or when the implied forward rate is equal to expected spot rates). • In this case, if one-year rates stayed at 8%, then the demand for the two-year bond would increase until it was priced to yield 9% - the expected rate from the series: [(1.10)(1.08)]1/2 -1 = .09 Pure Expectations Theory • Assume that the market response is one in which only the demand for 2-year bonds is affected by the expectations. BD2 P2B r2 r2 until r2 r2:Series .09 r 10% 9% 8% 1 yr 2 yr PET M Features of PET 1. One of the features of the PET is that in equilibrium the yield curve reflects current expectations about future rates. From our preceding examples: • When the equilibrium yield curve was positively sloped, the market expected higher rates in the future • When the curve was negatively sloped, the market expected lower rates. Features of PET 2. PET intuitively captures what should be considered as normal market behavior. – For example, if long-term rates were expected to be higher in the future, long-term investors would not want to purchase long-term bonds now, given that next period they would be expecting higher yields and lower prices on such bonds. Instead, such investors would invest in short-term securities now, reinvesting later at the expected higher long-term rates. – In contrast, borrowers/issuers wishing to borrow long-term would want to sell long-term bonds now instead of later at possibly higher rates. – Combined, the decrease in demand for long-term bonds by investors and the increase in the supply of long-term bonds by borrowers would serve to lower long-term bond prices and increase yields, leading to a positively-sloped yield curve. Features of PET 3. If PET strictly holds (i.e., we can accept all of the model's assumptions), then the expected future rates would be equal to the implied forward rates. As a result, one could forecast futures rates and future yield curves by simply calculating implied forward rates from current rates. Features of PET • The last feature suggests that given a spot yield curve, one could use PET to estimate next period's spot yield curve by determining the implied forward rates. • The exhibit on the next slide shows spot rates on bonds with maturities ranging from one year to five years (Column 2). From these rates, expected spot rates (St) are generated for bonds one year from the present (Column 3) and two years from the present (Column 4). The expected spot rates shown are equal to their corresponding implied forward rates. Features of PET (1) (2) (3) (4) Maturity Spot Rates Expected Spot Rates One year from Present Expected Spot Rates Two Years from Present 1 2 3 4 5 10.0% 10.5% 11.0% 11.5% 12.0% f11 = 11.0% f21 = 11.5% f31 = 12.0% f41 = 12.5% f12 = 12.0% f22 = 12.5% f32 = 13.0% Features of PET f 12 f 32 S3 [(1 S1 )(1 f 11 )(1 f 12 )]1 / 3 1 S5 [(1 S1 )(1 f11 )(1 f12 )(1 f13 )(1 f14 )]1 / 5 1 S3 [(1 S 2 ) 2 (1 f 12 )]1 / 3 1 S5 [(1 S 2 ) 2 (1 f 32 ) 3 ]1 / 5 1 (1 S3 ) 3 f 12 1 2 (1 S 2 ) (1 S5 ) 5 f 32 2 (1 S 2 ) (1.11) 3 f 12 1 .12 (1.105) 2 (1.12) 5 f 32 2 (1.105) 1/ 3 1 1/ 3 1 .13 General Formula : (1 SM t ) t ( 1 S ) t Mt f Mt 1/ M 1 Features of PET • According to PET, if the market is risk-neutral, then the implied forward rate is equal to the expected spot rate, and in equilibrium, the expected rate of return for holding any bond for one year would be equal to the current spot rate on one-year bonds. Features of PET • For example, the expected rate of return from purchasing a two-year zero-coupon bond at the spot rate of 10.5% and selling it one year later at an expected one-year spot rate equal to the implied forward rate of f11 = 11% is 10%. This is the same rate obtained from investing in a one-year bond: 90.09 81.8984 E(R ) .10 81.8984 100 E(P11 ) 90.09 1.11 100 P20 81.8984 2 (1.105) Features of PET • Similarly, the expected rate of return from holding a threeyear bond for one year, then selling it at the implied forward rate of f21 is also 10%. That is: 80.43596 73.1191 .10 73.1191 100 E (P21 ) 80.43596 2 (1.115) 100 P30 73.1191 3 (1.11) E(R ) • Any of the bonds with spot rates shown in the exhibit would have expected rates for one year of 10% if the implied forward rate were used as the estimated expected rate. Features of PET • Similarly, any bond held for two years and sold at its forward rate would earn the two-year spot rate of 10.5%. For example, a four-year bond purchased at the spot rate of 11.5% and expected to be sold two years later at f22 = 12.5%, would trade at an expected rate of 10.5% - the same as the current two-year spot. Features of PET • Analysts often refer to forward rates as hedgable rates. • The most practical use of forward rates or expected spot yield curves generated from forward rates is that they provide cut-off rates, useful in evaluating investment decisions. • For example, an investor with a one-year horizon date should only consider investing in the two-year bond in our above example, if she expected one-year rates one year later to be less than f11 = 11%; that is, assuming she is risk-averse and wants an expected rate greater than 10%. • Thus, forward rates serve as a good cut-off rate for evaluating investments. Websites • Historical interest rate data on different bonds can be found at the Federal Reserve site and • For information on Federal Reserve policies go to • For information on European Central Banks go to Websites • Current and historical data on U.S. government expenditures and revenues can be found at • Yield curves can be found at a number of and