RPTA 490 Syllabus

RPTA 490 – Fraternity and Sorority Leadership
Spring 2015 • 2 credit hours • Board Room, University Union • Tuesday 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Caitlyn Westfall
Office of Student Activities
Phone: 309-298-3232
Email: cm-westfall@wiu.edu
Office Hours: By Appointment
Brett Moody
Phone: 309-298-3047
Email: bs-moody@wiu.edu
Office Hours: By Appointment
Nick Katz
Associate Director
Office of Student Activities
Phone: 309-298-3232
Email: nb-katz@wiu.edu
Office Hours: By Appointment
 Course packet: Available for purchase at cost in the Office of Student Activities
 Motivating the Middle: T.J. Sullivan
 StrengthsFinder 2.0: Tom Rath (top five strengths online assessment only: available at
1. To identify your personal values and how to actively live through them.
2. To identify your strengths and understand how these skills can influence your leadership.
3. To understand Greek life on a more global level, outside of WIU.
4. To recognize your personal beliefs through reflection and how to represent them through your own voice.
5. To gain a sense of Greek unity at WIU.
6. To apprehend the dangers of risky behavior concerning hazing and risk management.
7. To learn how to critically think about the issues in Greek life – in your chapter, at WIU, and overall.
8. To gain practical competence of effective communication techniques and conflict management.
Attendance & Participation - All class meetings are MANDATORY. Students are expected to attend every class
(unless prior permission for an absence has been obtained) and be on time for class promptly at 2:00 p.m. Students are
expected to be prepared (i.e. assigned readings completed) and ready to actively participate and contribute regularly to
class discussions and activities. Your class attendance and participation will be out of 30 points.
You will submit a total of 5 journal entries. They should be approximately 2-3 pages in length (double spaced) and will
be submitted at the start of each class meeting. The following will be the topics/questions that you need to reflect on.
Journal #1 – due January 27
o What are your expectations for the class and what do you hope to learn from this experience?
Journal #2 – due March 10
o Motivating the Middle – See attached handout.
Journal #3 – due March 31
o What can you do to more closely make your chapters ritual a daily habit in your life?
Journal #4 – due April 7
o How can identifying and utilizing your strengths help you as a leader? Discuss your top five strengths
and how do you believe they relate/not relate to your leadership style? What are some strategies to
improve upon these strengths?
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Spring 2015 Syllabus
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Journal #5 – due May 5
o What legacy do you want to leave to your chapter, Greek community, and/or WIU? How do you plan
on accomplishing this?
Grading Criteria - Journals
Journals will be graded based on the amount of thought and reflection that is put into the responses. Spelling and
grammar errors will lead to a deduction of points. All journals will be kept in strict confidence of the instructors. Each
journal is worth 5 points, with the exception of Journal 4 which is 20 points, for a total of 40 points total.
Group Activity/Discussion Facilitation
The group activity/discussion facilitation is an opportunity for you to engage the class in an activity and discussion about
Greek issues. You will be paired with group members and given a specific topic according to the course syllabus.
The group must come prepared to class with a 30 minute engaging activity related to the reading and topic of class
scheduled that day. Possible activities range from watching a video with discussion, present case studies, small
group work, ice-breakers, team builders, etc.
Make sure the activity and discussion relates back to the reading, but also be prepared to ask the class challenging
questions related their thoughts and feelings on the subject. You will be graded on the quality of your activity and
discussion, as well as class engagement.
The group must meet with the instructors one week before the scheduled facilitation to present an outline of the
facilitation to get it approved.
This assignment is a great opportunity to work on public speaking and group facilitation skills. Both of these are
vital to chapter involvement and change.
Grading Criteria – Group Activity/Discussion Facilitation
The goal of this assignment is to engage your classmates in discussion about a topic from the reading. Ideally, you want to
create an activity that promotes participation, challenges the class to think critically, discuss openly, and address the topic
at hand. This assignment is worth 10 points total. You will be graded on the following:
Quality of the activity/discussion (5 points): Did your activity reflect the readings? Did the group ask throught
provoking rather than “yes or no” questions? The quality of the discussion is more important than the quantity of
Attempt to engage the class (5 points): It is understood that sometimes a class will not participate as much, but
you will be graded on your attempt to get your classmates involved. Feel free to be creative and think outside of
the box when planning how to engage the class.
Greek Experience Paper: Due February 3
The purpose of this assignment is for you to reflect upon your experiences with fraternities and sororities thus far. You
will complete a 3-5 page paper on your personal Greek experience, in which you discuss your experience and answer the
following questions
Why did you decide to join a Greek organization?
What were your thoughts about Greek life before you joined, how have they since changed?
Has being Greek enhanced your collegiate experience? Explain!
What does ritual mean to you?
How has your Greek experience impacted or will impact your leadership style and/or philosophy?
What changes would you like to see made in the Greek community? How can you be involved with these
Any additional comments
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Spring 2015 Syllabus
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Grading Criteria – Greek Experience Paper
Students will be graded on the degree to which they have thoughtfully answered the questions outlined in the syllabus;
this means taking the time to reflect on each question and respond honestly. Additionally, the paper will be graded on
mechanics (spelling and grammar usage). Let this paper serve as a chance to reflect on your experience so far in Greek
Life. Do not hesitate to be open and honest in the paper, all subject matter stays with the instructors. The more honest
and open you are, the more you will benefit from the paper. This paper is worth 20 points.
StrengthsFinder 2.0 Assessment – Due April 7
Each student will need to complete the StrenghthsFinder 2.0 online assessment.
The StrengthsFinder assessment gives student and educators the opportunity to develop strengths by building on
their greatest talents – the way in which they most naturally think, feel, and behave as unique individuals.
Grading Criteria – StrengthsFinder 2.0
Print off your top five strengths and your overall assessment report and turn them in to the instructors. Each student will
be given participation points for the completion of the assessment.
Critical Issues Paper and Presentation – Topic due by February 17; Paper and Presentation due February 24
The purpose of this project is to identify an issue challenging the Greek Life community on college campuses. You will
explore the issue, write a 3-5 page paper and prepare an oral presentation (10-15 minutes in length) to be presented in
 This is an opportunity to be creative in thinking about how you might influence change in the Greek community,
as well as promote a better understanding of the issue’s impact on the Greek Community.
 Examples: Academics, Risk management, Alcohol & Drugs, Financial Management, Stereotypes, No Frills
Recruitment, Hazing, Time Management, PR of your Organization, Values-Based Recruitment, and Living
your Ritual. Please speak to your instructors if you have another topic of interest you would like to write and
present on.
Grading Criteria – Critical Issue Paper and Presentation
The paper should include: (a) statement of the issue; (b) background information (presentation of relevant
data/literature to support various perspectives concerning the issue—include at least 2 articles from a reputable
source of the background information); and (c) your recommendation on how to meet the challenges posed by this
particular issue based upon your research and understanding of the issue. For the presentation, please provide a brief
10- 15 minute summary of your research. DO NOT READ FROM YOUR PAPER. Grading will be based on you
presentation, the research, clarity, and preparedness. The paper will be worth 25 points with the presentation being
10 points. In total, this project is worth 35 points.
Greek Community Project – Part One due March 31; Part Two due by April 28; Part Three due May 12
The Greek Community Project is an opportunity for you and your group members to research, design, and
implement a program designed to have positive influence on the Greek community as a whole. In essence, you
are charged with making the Greek Community a better place. Instructors will assign the groups. Each group will
choose an issue or problem within Greek life and create a program that combats this issue. Each group is required
to implement this program within the campus community.
There are three portions of the project:
 Part 1: Part one will consist of the proposed design of the programmatic intervention; this means your research,
knowledge of the topic and program. Your group proposal should include an overview of your program
intervention, present a case for doing the program, describe who is involved, and why you chose to do this
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program. You will be required to turn in a 5 page group paper and cite at least three academic references of
research which will support your decision for doing this program.
 Part 2: Part two will consist of the actual implementation of the project itself. No passive programs will be allowed.
Presenting to one or more Greek Councils does not count as a program. You will be required to notify the
instructors the time and location of the program so it can be evaluated. You will be evaluated on the program
format, audience engagement, and overall delivery.
 Part 3: This is the presentation portion of both parts 1 and 2 to the class. That includes your research and
implementation of the program. The presentation will be a 25-30 minute summary to the class of what you did, how
it was implemented and why your particular topic is important for the Greek community. Please address strengths
and weaknesses, action items, and outcomes of the project. Finally, provide a recommendation to Greek Life
Programs based on the outcome of your project.
 A self and peer evaluation is provided to hold yourself and your group members accountable.
Grading Criteria – Greek Community Project
The Greek Community Project is an opportunity for you and your group members to research, design, and implement a
program designed to have positive influence on the Greek community as a whole. The project will be graded in three
parts with a total of 105 points.
 Part One Point Breakdown:
Research: 10 points
Displayed understanding of the topic: 10 points
Program implementation plan and outline: 10 points
Grammar and spelling: 5 points
TOTAL: 35 points
 Part Two Point Breakdown:
Program format: 10 points (Location/time: 5 points & Organization: 5 points)
Audience engagement: 10 points
Overall delivery: 10 points
TOTAL: 30 points
 Part Three Point Breakdown:
Preparedness (knowledge of topic, organized, etc.): 10 points
Presentation (clarity, informative, etc.): 10 points
Recommendations: 10 points
Peer evaluation: 10 points
Total: 40 points
Final Reflection Paper – Due May 12
The purpose of this assignment is for students to “pull it all together” and to reflect on how the topics covered
throughout the class have affected them individually. Students will write a 4-6 page paper on how the class experience
has influenced them as student leaders. It should include a personal plan of action for future leadership within their
individual chapters and/or the Greek community.
Grading Criteria – Final Reflection Paper
You will be graded on your thoughtfulness and attention to topics covered in the course. Additionally, you will be graded
on your personal plan of action and the effort put into making it realistic and dynamic. As always, mechanics will be
attended to. Use this paper as an opportunity to reflect on what we have talked about. You are free to agree or disagree,
but make sure to use evidence when stating an opinion. The goal is to synthesize everything you have learned in the class
to reflect critically and create a plan of action that will further you and your organization. Full points will be given for
well-developed thoughts and attention paid to in class material. This assignment is worth 30 points.
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The total course points are 270 points.
 Class Participation & Attendance
 Journals (5)
 Group Facilitation
 Greek Experience Paper
 Critical Issues Paper and Presentation (35)
 Greek Community Project
 Final Reflection Paper
Grades will be assigned using the +/- model.
A= 100-94%, A-= 93-90% B+= 89-87
B= 86-84%, B-= 84-80%, C+= 79-77%
C= 76-74%, C-= 74-70%, D+= 69-67%
D= 66-64%, D-= 64-60%, E= <60%
DISCLAIMER: For any assignment not turned in,
a zero grade will be assigned. Late assignments may
be accepted and graded with a point reduction penalty.
All assignments need to be printed and are due at the beginning of each class meeting unless otherwise specified..
Papers will be completed using 8.5 X 11 size paper (standard size printer paper- no colors please) and should be
typed (double-spaced, unless otherwise specified) in 12 point Times New Roman font with 1 inch margins on all
sides, and should include a cover page.
Assignments will be graded on content, thoughtful reflection, spelling, and grammar. Please proofread your work
before turning in.
All students are expected to demonstrate standards of academic integrity and honesty consistent with university
policy. Violators will be referred to Student Judicial Programs.
Students are expected to maintain and regularly check their WIU email account.
Extra credit may be available throughout the semester; amount of extra credit is at instructors’ discretion.
The syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor and any changes will be communicated to the
members of the class in a timely manner.
**In accordance with University policy and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), academic accommodations may
be made for any student who notifies the instructor of the need for an accommodation. For the instructor to provide the
proper accommodation(s), you must obtain documentation of the need for an accommodation through Disability
Support Services and provide it to the instructor. It is imperative that you take the initiative to bring such needs to the
instructor's attention, as he/she is not legally permitted to inquire about such particular needs of students. Students who
may require special assistance in emergency evacuations (i.e. fire, tornado, etc.) should contact the instructor as to the
most appropriate procedures to follow in such an emergency. Contact Disability Support Services at 298-2512 for
additional services
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UNIT 1: Leadership & Purpose
January 20
Introduction, Review Syllabus, and
January 27
History of Fraternities & Sororities
February 3
Ethics & Values
February 10
Principles and Expectations
UNIT 2: Group Dynamics
February 17
Hazing and Risk Management
Journal 1
Read: Torbenson, McKenzie
Greek Experience Paper
Read: Call for Values Congruence,
Values & Action Congruence, Lutzky, Keim
Read: Jackson & Harless
Critical Issues Paper Topic
Read: Reitman, Swick-Duttine
Critical Issues Paper and Presentations
February 24
March 3
March 17
Communication & Conflict Management Activity/Discussion Facilitation
Read: Tuckerman, University of Kentucky
Motivating the Middle
Journal 2
Motivating the Middle Discussion
Enjoy your break!
March 24
March 31
March 10
Activity/Discussion Facilitation
Read: Phired Up!
Part 1 of the Greek Community Project
Activity/Discussion Facilitation
Journal 3
Read: King, Callais
UNIT 3: Personal Growth
April 7
April 14
Who am I?
April 21
Professional Growth
UNIT 4: Lifelong Learning
April 28
Leaving a Legacy
May 5
Finals Week
May 12
Greek Leadership Beyond College &
Alumni Involvement
Presentations & Evaluations
Journal 4
StrengthsFinder 2.0 Assessment
Activity/Discussion Facilitation
Read: Dobson
Read: Marketing Your Leadership Experience
Part 2 of the Greek Community Project
Activity/Discussion Facilitation
Read: Glass, Latour
Journal 5
Read: Kuscin, Stringer
Part 3 of the Greek Community Project
Final Reflection Paper Due
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