Economics 809-195 Joe Halter, email Assignments for the week of April 14, week thirteen Learning Plan 6 and 7 is on macroeconomics using fiscal and monetary policy. Please continue to work with your team members on the Monetary and Fiscal Debate scheduled for your class. Read Chapter 7, 8, 10, 11 and 13 in your textbook for fiscal policy. Chapter 13 is Fiscal Policy and is the key chapter to successfully complete the fiscal debate. The key chapter for the debate on monetary policy is Chapter 17. Your team members need to be familiar with Chapter 13 and 17 to do well on the debate. New! Review the additional information provided on the scoring guides below for sources of information. Go to Economics USA web site at login by providing your e-mail address and a password created by you and proceed to view the Fiscal or Monetary Policy video. Complete a one page typewritten summary of key points made by the video. Bring to class for discussion and turn in for core abilities valued at two points. A CD copy is available in the Fond du Lac library for those that are unable to have access to a broad band network. Please contact staff at the library for additional information. Quote of the week, “We create our fate every day…most of the ills we suffer from are directly traceable to our own behavior.” Henry Miller Learning Plan 7: Scoring Guide 2 Fiscal Team Scoring Standards: 40 points possible Rating Scale: not met = not completed - REDO met = completed 5 = Exceeds Expectations. Criterion met with extensive detail and support. 4 = Meets Expectations. Criterion met at satisfactory level. 2 = Needs Improvement. Criterion has gaps, details missing, major errors exist. 0 = Criterion not present or unacceptable/incorrect. Criteria Each criterion needs to have at least one or more separate slides. Have major headings restated for each sub heading. Include reference page with at least four sources at end of presentation. Values Learners describe the role of government in adjusting economic fluctuations. (Business cycle, expansion, growth, etc.) Define fiscal policy. Explain who the government is and their role. Also, discuss the three macro economic goals of our government chapter 5. Explain fluctuations and how they can be adjusted using fiscal policy. Explain why it is important to have smooth economic cycles. Sources: chapter 7 and 13. 5 4 2 0 Learners apply conventional fiscal policy actions to correct economic fluctuations. Look at the budget process. How long does it take? Explain an increase and decrease in policy tools and how it will correct economics fluctuations. 5 4 2 0 Learners describe the role of the federal government implementing fiscal policy. How does spending and taxes get parceled out? Who does the implementation? 5 4 2 0 Learners describe the fiscal tools used by the federal government. Explain the fiscal tools including automatic stabilizers. 5 4 2 0 Learners describe an actual situation in which output, employment and/or prices change using fiscal policy. Review the video from Economics U$A, number 6 and other sources like the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, etc. 5 4 2 0 Learners include a graph to show relationship between changes in aggregate demand (AD) or aggregate supply (AS) and output, employment, and/or price level using fiscal policy. Use the PowerPoint’s provided in chapter 13. Explain the relationships. Go to on-line sources or economics website 5 4 2 0 Learners analyze causes and consequences of the fiscal changes in AD, AS, output, employment, and/or price level providing a defensible rationale. Review chapter 10 5 4 2 0 Learners describe fiscal standard indicators of economic fluctuations. Describe what indicators are and the type that are most important for fiscal policy and why. Research the Conference Board at 5 4 2 0 Team score: Learning Plan 7: Scoring Guide 1 Monetary Team Scoring Standards: 40 points possible Rating Scale: not met = not completed - REDO met = completed 5 = Exceeds Expectations. Criterion met with extensive detail and support. 4 = Meets Expectations. Criterion met at satisfactory level. 2 = Needs Improvement. Criterion has gaps, details missing, major errors exist. 0 = Criterion not present or unacceptable/incorrect. Criteria Each criterion needs to have at least one or more separate slides. Have major headings restated for each sub heading. Include reference page with at least four sources at end of presentation. Values Learners describe the role of government in adjusting economic fluctuations. (Business cycle, expansion, growth, etc.) Define monetary policy. Explain who the government is and their role. Also, discuss the three macro economic goals of our government chapter 5.Explain fluctuations and how they can be adjusted using monetary policy. Explain why it is important to have smooth economic cycles. Sources: chapter 7 and 17. 5 4 2 0 Learners apply conventional monetary policy actions to correct economic fluctuations. Look at the monetary process. How long does it take? Explain an increase and decrease in policy tools and how it will correct economics fluctuations. 5 4 2 0 Learners describe the role of the Federal Reserve system in implementing monetary policy. How does monetary policy work? Who does the implementation? 5 4 2 0 Learners describe the monetary tools used by the Federal Reserve. Explain the monetary tools. Review the monetary video on-line or under Learning Plan 7. 5 4 2 0 Learners describe an actual situation in which output, employment and/or prices change using monetary policy. Review the video from Economics U$A, number 13 and other sources like the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, etc. 5 4 2 0 Learners include a graph to show relationship between changes in aggregate 5 4 2 0 demand (AD) or aggregate supply (AS) and output, employment, and/or price level using monetary policy. Use the PowerPoint’s provided in chapter 17. Explain the relationships. Go to on-line sources or economics website Learners analyze causes and consequences of the monetary changes in AD, AS, output, employment, and/or price level providing a defensible rationale. Review chapter 10 5 Learners describe monetary standard indicators of economic fluctuations. Describe what indicators are and the type that are most important for monetary policy and why. Research the Conference Board at 5 4 2 0 Team Score: 4 2 0