WATFORD RURAL PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE MEETING of the Council Meeting held at the Parish Hall, Oxhey Drive on WEDNESDAY 5th February 2014 at 7.30 pm. 101. PRESENT Councillors: Mr B O’Brien (Chaired the Meeting) Cllr. A Bakshi, Mrs P Hames, Mrs J King, Mr S King, Mrs P King, Mrs A Scarth, Mr W Waite Michele Fundrey – Clerk Sgt. Luke Mitchell - Oxhey Police APOLOGIES Apologies for absence were received from: Councillors: Cllr. D Wilkinson (Chairperson), Mr E Bishop, Mrs D Day, Mr P Gordon, Mr B Jukes, Mr P C Ray, 102. DECLARATIONS The following declarations were received: Cllr. W Waite declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 7.6 (Scouts grant). Cllr. Waite is involved in the Scouts Group. Cllr. Waite will leave the room whilst this item is being considered. Cllr. S King & Cllr. P Hames declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 8 (Planning) as they are Members of the Planning Committee at the District Council. Cllrs. King & Hames will leave the room whilst this item is considered. 103. POLICE MATTERS Sgt. Mitchell reported that there had been a dwelling burglary on Hayling Road where jewellery had been taken. James Street from Cherryhills has been charged with the burglary. A male (Roger McConnon) has been charged with handling stolen goods after being caught in Cash Converters. Sgt. Mitchell reported that there have been some racial issues taking place at the back of the shops. Two Asian residents have been verbally abused and the Police are investigating this. There was disorder at the Ox Pub on 24.1.14 @ 11.30pm. A large sword and knuckle dusters were used with numerous injuries sustained. The Police are investigating and they have lots of CCTV footage. The Ox has now changed Landlord. The Ox is a problematic pub and the owner is very supportive of Police advice. Sgt. Mitchell reported that two 10 year old girls were knocked down on a zebra crossing outside of Greenfield School on Tuesday 4.2.14. One girl was walking wounded, but the other girl had serous facial injuries and has been transferred to the Royal Free Hospital. Speed was not a factor. One car had stopped at the zebra crossing but the other continued, knocking down the girls. Sgt. Mitchell advised that it would be difficult to install a speed camera on this part of the road due to there being a bend. The Police will be 48 attending all 6 schools to speak to children about road safety and ask the children to create banners and posters about road safety. The Parish Council would like to contribute to the safety of the school children and one suggestion was visibility cuffs. Sgt. Mitchell will send the Clerk a link to a website where these can be purchased. Clerk to report back on the cost at the next meeting. The Clerk is to write to Greenfield School to pass on the Council’s best wishes for a speedy recovery for the 2 young girls. Sgt. Mitchell advised that 3 new PCSO’s were in training. The Members agreed that this was good news. Sgt. Mitchell was thanked for his time and left the meeting. 104. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (8.1.14) The Minutes were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairperson, but with the following amendments:Minute 91 correct 6.11.13 to 4.12.13. Minute 93 correct 6.11.13 to 4.12.13. Minute 100 – 3rd paragraph - remove Cllr. P Gordon. 105. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION There were no members of the public present. 106. MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MEETING (8.1.14) 106.1. Minute 90- Police Matters The Clerk reported that at the Joint Parish Meeting she raised concern regarding PCSO funding. Chorleywood advised that the Police stop invoicing for the named PCSO when they leave, but reinstate the invoicing once they have recruited and have someone in training, this is normally 3 months. 106.2. Minute 93.3 – LSP Nomination The Clerk has advised the Joint Parish Committee that Cllr. W Waite would like to be put forward for the above nomination. The Clerk will send Cllr. Waite’s details to the Chorleywood Clerk. 106.3. Minute 93.4 – Parks The letter from Geof Muggeridge (TRDC) was noted. The Clerk reported that TRDC assets were discussed at the Joint Parish Meeting. The Clerk reported the Council has spent in the region of £200,000+ since the leases expired. It was interesting to hear the views of the Committee. One suggestion was that WRPC should pursue the purchase of the parks in light of the fact that we have maintained the parks for so many years. The other suggestion was, if TRDC will not sell the parks then request a 999 year lease. Cllr. S King reported that the 2 play areas were originally on the plans for the SOI. Now they have been removed. The Clerk reported that she looked at the TRDC asset register (2009-2014) and the parks were not on the list. The asset register is due to be reviewed in June 2014. This is because the parks were not officially listed with land registry until 2010. It appears that TRDC were not aware that they owned the land until the 49 Clerk was trying to ascertain who owned the parks in 2010. The Clerk also advised that TRDC have earmarked £150,000 for play areas in Carpenders Park and can only imagine that this money is for Greenfield and the Mead. The Members requested that the Clerk compiles a report with the costs incurred by the Parish Council since expiry of the leases, in readiness for the next communication from TRDC. The Clerk advised that she is still waiting to receive a reply from Daniel Monk/Chris Hope in relation to her email regarding fences. Incidentally, the Clerks at the Joint Parish Committee also advised that communication between TRDC and the Parish Councils is very poor. 106.4. Minute 94.2 – Business Connector The Clerk advised that Business Connector will attend the meeting on 2nd April 2014. 106.5. Minute 95 – Polling Stations The Clerk advised that TRDC have considered representation received in respect of the 2 polling stations in Hayling Ward. TRDC have confirmed the 2 polling stations will not be amalgamated. 106.6. Minute 98.3 – Market The Clerk confirmed that the Fruit & Veg stall is back. 107. CORRESPONDENCE for consideration 107.1. TRDC – Summer Activity/Event in the Precinct Noted. The Clerk is to request the date(s). 107.2. HCC – Waste Site Allocation Document Noted. 107.3. HCC – Travel Plan Consultation Cllr. P King reported that the No. 503 (formerly No.2) buses are always late. This makes children late for school and people late for work. Children have to leave home at 6.30am to ensure that they get to school on time. Cllr. P King advised that she left home at 6.35am and got into work at 7.55pm – Cllr. P King works in Watford. The new electronic screens at the bus stops showing the time tables of the buses, do not display late or non-running buses. Cllr. O’Brien advised that a member of his family catches the No. 8. This bus is also late and sometimes does not show up. It was also noted that the time on the bus tickets is incorrect. Cllr. P King enquired as to whether there is a refund available for those residents to purchase weekly/monthly passes. Clerk to check on the Arriva website. The Clerk is to write to Arriva with the above concerns cc to John Woods Chief Executive at HCC with a copy to County Councillor Joan King. Clerk is to also respond to the consultation. 107.4. Grant Request – Oxhey Police The Police have requested a grant for equipment that enables them to enter properties to help the elderly, drug searches etc. The equipment will assist the Police in entering properties with minimum disruption to doors and the frames. RESOLVED that the Police are awarded a grant for £236.94 for the equipment. 50 (Crime & Disorder Act 1998 s17) 107.5. Grant Request – Oxhey Jets Oxhey Jets have requested a grant for travel kits for 17 players at a cost of £600.00. RESOLVED that Oxhey Jets are awarded at grant of £600.00 for the purchase of the travel kits. The Clerk to request that Oxhey Jets advertise that the Parish Council sponsored the kits in their programmes. (Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 s19 ss1(f)) Cllr. Waite left the room. 107.6. Grant Request – 14th Bushey & Oxhey Sea Scouts The Scouts have requested a grant for their Liability Insurance. The Clerk advised that she was waiting for the accounts. Very careful consideration was given to this grant request and it was agreed that £1,250 would be awarded on this occasion only. It was clear that the Scouts did not have the funds to pay the insurance without which the Scouts would have to close down. Subject to the Clerk receiving the accounts: RESOLVED that the Scouts are awarded £1,250 for the insurance. The Members request that the Scouts look at their finances to ensure that they have sufficient funds for when the next insurance is due. The Parish Council will not consider such a request (Liability Insurance) in forthcoming years. (Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 s19 ss1(f)). Cllr. Waite returned to the meeting. 107.7. Grant Request – Knit & Natter Knit & Natter requested a grant for the purchase of wool and postage to enable them to continue knitting premature baby clothing for the hospitals. RESOLVED that Knit & Natter are awarded a grant of £300.00. (Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 s19 ss1(f)). 107.8. Grant Request – Carpenders Park Station 100 years Plaque A request from David Reidy for a plaque. David is organising a celebration of Carpenders Park Station being open 100 years. The cost of the plaque is £205.20. Cllr. B O’Brien and Cllr. J King are not in agreement with this grant being awarded. RESOLVED that the Carpenders Park Centenary Plaque be purchased for a cost of £205.20. (LGA 1972 s144(1)). Clerk to enquire as to where the plaque will be located in the station. 108. PLANNING/LICENCE APPLICATIONS Cllrs. P Hames & S King left the room. At 9.25 it was agreed to continue the meeting for 15 mins. 108.1. Planning Applications 108.1.1. 14/0047/FUL 86 Raglan Gardens, Oxhey Hall Demolition of garage and erection of part single, part two-storey side and rear extension 51 OBJECTION: The proposal for the 1st floor to come out as far as the front of the house will give the effect of a terrace house and will not be consistent with the other houses on Raglan Gardens nor on the Oxhey Hall estate. There is also concern that there is not sufficient gap between the first floor wall and the neighbouring property. The original 1930’s door should be replaced with a similar style door and not a double front door as the proposal. Again, this will not be in-keeping with the rest of the road. 108.1.2. 14/0060/FUL Oxhey Golf Range, Prestwick Road COMMENTS: In relation to the proposed pond. For safety to children, to erect a fence around the pond and remove the bunds on Prestwick Road so that children, if in the vicinity of the pond, can be seen from the main road. 108.1.3. All other planning applications were noted. 108.1.4. TRDC Appeal Hearing Date – Green Acres, Oxhey Lane, Carpenders Park Noted. Cllrs. P Hames & S King returned to the meeting. 109. COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES AND RECOMMENDATIONS 109.1. F&A Recommendations (28.1.14) 109.1.1. Bus Shelter – Hampermill Lane The Clerk advised that the cost of the Guildford bus shelter including installation is £6,192.37 net. The Clerk advised that to dismantle and dispose of the existing shelter will be an additional £350.00. The Clerk did seek an alternative quote but the Bus Shelter company were cheaper. The Clerk is to request a grant from the County Councillors Locality Budget Scheme for Oxhey Hall (Cllr. Button). As mentioned previously, the Oxhey Hall Residents Association would like contribute towards the bus shelter. Cllr. Scarth will speak to the OHRA. The Clerk is to report back at the next meeting. At 9.45 it was agreed to continue the meeting for 15 mins. 109.1.2. Lights RESOLVED that the lights at the side of the building are replaced with dawn to dusk sensor lights at a total cost of £201.50 . 109.1.3. Band Stand (Hemel Hempstead) RESOLVED not to take up the offer of the bandstand. 109.1.4. Welcome to South Oxhey Sign (Prestwick Road) RESOLVED that the sign is erected in its agreed original position (on the back of the Oxhey Hall sign). 52 109.1.5. Interim Audit Report 2013/2014 RESOLVED that its contents are noted and approved. 110. FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION 110.1. Schedule of Accounts The Schedule of Accounts for January were approved. 110.2. Precept 2014/2015 It was agreed that the precept of £219,323 be agreed. The Clerk explained that although this is a 1% increase, there is no increase to the householder. This is due to the tax base slightly increasing on last year’s figures. The cost to the householder will be the same as 2013/2014 at £33.21 per year/per household. The grant received from TRDC of £33,128 will be placed into reserves. RESOLVED that the precept for 2014/2015 is £219,323. 110.3. Hall Hire The Clerk advised that a hall hire enquiry for a regular booking on a Sunday has been requested. It was agreed that due to Staffing issues, a regular Sunday booking could not be authorised. RESOLVED not to accept regular bookings on a Sunday due to staffing. 111. PART II – CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS (Agenda Item 11 Staff) (Separate sheet) Due to there not being press or public in attendance, a resolution was not required. There being no further business to be considered, the Chairperson closed the meeting at 10.07pm. ......................................................... Chairperson, 5th March 2014 53