Teen Court PowerPoint - California State University, Los Angeles

Roosevelt High
Teen Court
Teen Court Philosophy
Teen Court is a form of restorative justice. Under this philosophy,
victims, their families, and the community are seen as the recipients
of harm caused by an offender. Restorative justice has roots in
Native American community healing practices.
Teen Courts are rooted in the belief that the students who volunteer
to participate as jurors, clerks, and bailiffs, and the juvenile offender
will benefit from participation.
The premise is that a juvenile offender will not continue delinquent
behavior after participating in a judicial process in which a jury of
their peers determines that he/she violated the law and
recommends an appropriate consequence.
Typical Offenses Youth Courts
will Accept
Percentage of Youth Courts that Accept this Type of Offense
Theft 91%
Vandalism 76%
Alcohol 73%
Disorderly Conduct 73%
 Assault 67%
 Possession of Marijuana
 Tobacco 59%
 Curfew Violations 50%
 School Disciplinary 45%
Traffic Violation 39%
Truancy 39%
Trespassing 38%
Criminal Mischief 30%
Possession of Drug
Paraphernalia 24%
Other drug offenses 20%
Harassment 21%
Fraud 8%
Statistical Data from National Youth Court Center
The Los Angeles Model
Honorable Superior Court
Judge - Jose Sandoval
serves as the Volunteer
Judge at Roosevelt High
Student volunteers take
on the roles of:
Court Clerks
Student interpreter assists Spanish speaking parent.
A Fair Trial
Los Angeles Teen Court
does not require that
minors admit guilt.
Jurors are responsible for
weighing evidence, the
minor’s version of the
incident and their
credibility to determine
guilt and/or sentencing.
Judge Sandoval listens intently to
respondent charged with battery on
school property.
Judge Sandoval and Judge Wesley give
teen court jury pool pre-trial instructions.
Minors come to court
either admitting guilt or
with an explanation of
their innocence.
The teen jurors must ask
questions and gather
enough information to
render a verdict and/or
recommend a fair
Jurors are encouraged to be creative when sentencing
offenders, yet they are given the following
Letter(s) of Apology
Curfew / Association
Counseling / Tutoring
Community Service (min. 10 hrs.) (max. 120 hrs.)
Jury Duty
Incarceration or fines are not allowed.
Superior Court Collaboration with
The Roosevelt High School Teen Court is the newest
program in Los Angeles and is a result of partnership
between the Court, the Mayor’s Office (GRP), Probation
Dept. and the LA school district.
Any minors who are picked up in the GRP area will be
flagged for GRP services including Teen Court. Minors
who attend Roosevelt will be referred to Wilson High
School’s Teen Court. (This is done to prevent jurors
from knowing the defendant).
GRP services are offered to Teen Court defendants even
after the mandatory 6-month probation period for Teen
Court participants ends.
Teen Court Provides
Students & Community
A better understanding of the juvenile justice system.
A better understanding of recurring delinquency
problems among juveniles.
An intimate look at the judicial system.
Exposure to careers in law/court related professions.
Exposure to the serious consequences of juvenile
A meaningful role in helping restore the community.
Teen Court Provides the
Juvenile Offender
The opportunity to have their verdict of guilt or innocence, and if
applicable, their sentence decided by people in their own peer
group as opposed to an adult judge.
Offers a convicted juvenile offender the incentive of having no
record of a criminal conviction if the sentence imposed is
completed within a six month period.
If the juvenile offender fails to comply with the conditions of
informal probation for the entire six month period, the offender
is transferred back into the traditional juvenile justice system for
adjudication. This informal probation, early intervention program
is authorized by Welfare and Institutions Code Sections 236 and
Roosevelt High Teen Court
Mayor Villaraigosa addresses the audience at the
inaugural session of the Roosevelt Teen Court.
On May 24, 2006
Mayor Antonio
kicked-off our
first Teen Court
session at
Roosevelt High
Case # 1 - Petty Theft
On March 11, 2006, At approximately
8:09pm. A loss prevention officer
observed the minor and her two
companions taking selected items from
the various display racks and tables. All
three suspects enter the fitting room and
exited the fitting room without the items.
The minor and her companions were
detained after they exited the store
without purchasing the items.
80 hours of community service.
Curfew between the hours of 6:00pm and 6:00am.
Cooperate in an individual and/or family counseling
Write a letter of apology to J.C. Penney.
Attend 5 Teen Court sessions at Roosevelt H.S. for 3 hrs.
of community service credit for each attendance.
Future Partnerships &
Roosevelt High School
Hollenbeck Middle School
Stevenson Middle School
 Public Counsel of Los Angeles
 Los Angeles Center for Law & Justice
 Los Angeles School Police Explorer Program
Los Angeles County
One Teen Court per Judicial District and, eventually, Teen Courts at every
major high school.
 Stopping Hate and Delinquency by Empowering Students (SHADES).
 Model for future collaboration with gang reduction efforts.