May 2015

Monthly Publication Volume 3, Issue 16
May, 2015
Worship Services
We offer two styles of worship every Sunday, Contemporary at 9:00 a.m. and Traditional at 10:45 a.m.
with fellowship time between. Communion is typically offered at the first worship service each month.
Professional childcare is offered during each of the worship times. Plan to stay or come early for refreshments and
fellowship between services. Don’t forget to wear your name tag!
Praise Reports
Over 70 people from our Child care and Christ Church families enjoyed time together bowling in March.
Over 60 people gathered to hear a Jewish Christian present “Christ in the Passover” during Holy Week.
We hosted an Easter Egg party for over 150 kids from our Church and wider community.
* * * Pork Chop Dinner * * *
Saturday May 2, 4:00-7:00 p.m. 2 Chop Dinner is $11.00, 1 Chop Dinner is $9.00, for children
6 to 11 yrs. old a 1 Chop Dinner is $7.00. The rest of the menu remains basically the same too,
including our memorable baked potato. Tickets will be available Sunday’s during “Fellowship
Hour” or reservations may be made in the church office. You may dine in or have drive up take
out service through tickets purchased in advance.
Our Mission: Love God, Love & Serve Others, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ
THE ANNOUNCER is a publication of Christ Church United Methodist, 5109 Washington Ave., Racine, WI 53406
Christ Church United Methodist - Phone 262-632-1607, Fax 262-632-1609, E-Mail address:
From the Pastor’s Desk
Radical Hospitality is called for to continue moving forward in reaching out,
inviting, and welcoming new people. Radical refers to going beyond expectation and
even going beyond our comfort zone and hospitality means focusing on someone else
in order to welcome and treat them with the love of Christ.
We learn from Genesis that hospitality means being prepared as Abraham was
to receive and welcome the stranger and to do so by treating them as an honored guest.
Radical hospitality calls us to set a high standard of excellence in all we do and it calls us to do whatever it
takes to invite, welcome, and include others in God’s family. The Bible tells a story about God’s invitation
into His kingdom and love for all. This love of God is shown most powerfully through the radical
hospitality of Jesus, God in the flesh.
Jesus makes clear in the Scriptures that we who follow Him are to be like Him. This means that the
church must practice radical hospitality too. In Romans 15, Paul addresses the issue of hospitality,
particularly as it relates to the inclusion of those who come with different backgrounds and practices. He
writes, “Welcome one another, just as Christ has welcomed you.” Jesus’ example of hospitality calls for a
constant invitational posture that we carry with us into our world of work and leisure and to our practice of
neighborliness and community service. Hospitality is not simply something we do; it is an attitude. It
needs to be part of our culture as a church.”
There are many powerful ministries and life giving things going on at Christ Church. How will
those who are strangers experience these things unless someone invites them? Radical hospitality involves
extending the invitation and it involves welcome when our invitations are accepted or when someone new
comes to Christ Church.
I am glad to say that I have heard from others that this congregation is friendly, but I also know that
being a friendly place and being a place that helps people make friends are two different things. Hospitality
means making the effort to include people. This is more than just saying “hi,” it means getting to know
them and finding ways to connect them to the body of Christ. The ministry of welcome belongs to us all.
What could happen if we lived out the hospitality of Jesus every day of our lives? What could
happen if radical hospitality became a high value in our church’s culture? What would it mean if we were
to welcome the stranger, the outcast, the lost, in the ways Jesus did? What would it mean for us to
understand that it’s about the people we are called to be and the people we are called to serve. What if we
fully embraced that it’s about making disciples, that it’s about transforming lives, and that it’s about
building God’s kingdom in this community.
Remember, Jesus has made a place for you and a place for me and He’s asking us to make a place
for others in the kingdom as well. God is doing good stuff in this congregation and through our radical
hospitality many more can join us in experiencing it. I look forward to how focusing on this practice will
enhance our ministry with one another and with those we do not yet know. Have a great May.
God Bless, Pastor George Kafer
The program is simple, free, and allows you to be a good steward of your funds as you donate
money for ministry by spending it on your regular purchases since the church gets a percentage from
the company for each card purchased! If you wish to place orders online go to to register, the enrollment code for Christ Church is 91LDB747375L9.
Paper order forms will be available at the church as well. Purchases can be paid online from your
bank account or to Christ Church by check. On various Sundays after worship there will be gift cards
to various stores on hand for immediate purchase as well. Questions, call Kelly Swiggett at 262-6335973. We will place orders for each week on the 2nd & 4th Mondays for pick up by Sunday. Payments
must be in by 9:00 a.m. on those Mondays otherwise the order will be held until the next order date.
Our church is looking to help you live out your faith throughout the week. We are inviting you to have
a free account to a video library called Right Now Media. It's essentially the "Netflix of Video Bible
Studies" because you will have instant access to thousands of great videos for kids, youth, parents,
singles, married couples and more. You can view these videos from your phone, tablet or computer. If
you want to sign up please email the church office.
Share your “Time & Talent” and further God’s work!
Here are some ministry areas to consider.
-Help watch and play with kids on the first Friday of each month from 6:00-8:30 p.m. to enable
Christ Church to offer free child care so parents can have some time out. Contact Jason Groen.
-Audio/Visual Ministry, be trained to run the system during 10:45 a.m. worship. Contact Pastor.
-Adult helper Sept. – May with Wednesday kids club (elementary) or youth group (6-12 grade)
from 6:00-7:00 p.m. or special youth events, contact Jason Groen at the church office.
-Adult class facilitator for short term group on Sunday from 10:45-11:45 a.m., or a weekday
group. Materials provided for a variety of topics or Bible studies. Contact: Liz Martin.
-Wednesday Night Meal Preparers (September-May): Meal served at 5:15 p.m. Helpers are
needed to help cook food. Contact: Jason Groen
-Driver: Help pick people up for worship using the church van.
Raise Funds For Ministry Through Normal Internet Shopping
UMC Market
you do
you are able
to donate
to the
in anywhen
of these
other existing
at the same time. To designate your generated office.
micro-donations to Christ church, follow these steps:
1. Go to and log in with your email-address and your password.
2. Click on Organizations and write the name of your home church in the search box and click search.
3. When you’ve found it, click “Join Organization”. Now your donations will go to your Home church.
Help Fund Ministry As You search The Internet!
You can help financially support ministry at Christ Church by searching through is a Yahoo search that donates a penny to the church each
time you use it after selecting Christ Church, Racine as your charity. Go to, designate
Christ Church as your charity and search normally. Free ministry money by your normal internet use!
May Birthdays
God Is Good
God is working good in the
lives of people through the
ministries of Christ Church.
If you have a story of how
your life or someone else’s
has been blessed by God or
affected by a ministry at
Christ Church please share
it with Pastor George so
God can be glorified.
Learn how to find
them at Christ
Josie Tenuta
Rainie Ernst
Patty Dobrowski 5
Dave Zirkelbach 5
Chet Melcher
Noah Reece Jr.
Michael Touchtone 5
Logan Albright
Patsy Ruppe
Bob Knudson
Kelly Swiggett
Linkin Cain
Don Sponholtz
Barb Zirkelbach 5
Isis Cain
Vicki Bryan
Brandon Crowe 5
Brian Crowe
Your Giving Makes a
You don’t knit or crochet? You
can be part of this ministry by
supporting, with a monetary
donation for the purchase of
yarn. Put your gift in an
envelope. Mark it “PRAYER
SHAWL YARN” and place in
the offering plate. Thanks for
your assistance.
The Shawl Ministry Team
Staff Email’s
Linda Steimle (Office)
Pastor George Kafer
Jason Groen (Youth/Family)
Liz Martin (Discipleship)
Merry Kris Demske (Adm.)
In April we were able to launch
3 adult growth groups for the
spring utilizing DVD and
streaming resources purchased
by the church for adult
education. These groups
facilitate fellowship and study
that helps us connect people in
the faith community and grow
individuals in their faith
journey. Each group has new
people in them along with
those who have been part of
previous groups at the church.
Thank you to those who
offer financial support for
vital, life changing ministry.
(A Quarterly “numbers”
financial report is available in
the office).
Mission Project
In the south entrance there
are bins for collecting
various items for mission
projects and ministries.
You can drop off items for
the local food pantry,
Campbell’s soup labels,
and supplies for school.
Eye on Evangelism
Here’s a thought relating to evangelism, our call to share the faith and invite others to God’s family.
The single most important factor in your ability to witness for Christ is your own
personal faith. A genuine faith is often shared successfully even when the sharing seems
awkward. Transparent Christian faith is so powerful in its appeal that it is selfcommending. A second vital factor in faith sharing is a passionate and deep caring for
others. Unless you genuinely care about whether or not your friend is brought closer to
Christ, you probably will not be motivated to give your witness. That passion emerges out
of your relationship with God and with your friend.
-Harold K. Bates in “Witness for Christ”
A Stewardship Message
Give Willingly. “…all that is mine is yours.” Luke 15:31b
I often hear, “We can’t wait for our tax refund to come back!” And I want to ask, “What will you
do with it when you receive it?” One blogger on the internet asked others: “If and when you receive a
tax refund do you plan to a) spend it; b) save it; or c) pay an existing debt?” The first person to reply
said, “Maybe we’ll create a 4th option. Gift it.” Would you consider giving all or a portion of your tax
refund this year as a charitable gift? By providing additional charitable gifts to our churches, our camps,
and our United Methodist mission projects throughout the state, you know these dollars will be put to
good use. Imagine if the average person in our congregations received a $600 refund. If everyone tithed
their refund, we could expect our churches to receive $60 per member. For every 50 members, we might
expect to receive an additional $3000 this year for mission and ministry. In some churches, that would
be an additional monthly apportionment payment! One church I talked with recently indicated that their
snow plowing bills alone were $1000/month this year. We want and need our church parking lots to be
as clear of snow and ice as possible so we can enter safely to worship and grow in our faith. Imagine
what an extra $3,000 would do to help this congregation meet their goals. What ministries could your
congregation enhance or begin with an additional $3,000 or more this year? For every 50 members who
might give 50%, or $300 of their $600 refund to the ministry of Christ and the church, we would
anticipate an additional $15,000 for mission and ministry! In the parable of the lost son, we have two
sons and their father who struggle with a stewardship challenge. The father says to the
younger son, “all that is mine is yours.” God tells us the same thing. Will we use God’s gifts wisely?
–Jean Ehnert Nicholas
Wisconsin United Methodist Foundation
750 Windsor Street, Ste 305
Sun Prairie, WI 53590
1-888-903-9863 or
Christ Church Adult Growth & Fellowship Groups
Adult Sunday School 9:00-10:00 a.m.
Using the Right Now Media resource to live stream video studies.
Grief Group
Meets in the Library on the 1st Monday of the month at 5 pm, and the 3rd Monday of the month at 2 pm.
TOPS Weight Loss Group
Meets at Christ Church on Mondays 10:30 a.m. offering support, tips, and tools for sustained weight loss.
Cribbage Group
Meets on the 4th Monday of each month at 1:30 p.m. in the Friendship Room at Christ Church.
Meet in Room 16 on Tuesday mornings at 9:00 a.m. to quilt together and share tips and fellowship.
Journey 101 Study with Pastor George
“Serving God” will be offered twice a day at 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. from April 15 – May 20.
6 Decisions That Will Change Your Life Study with Liz Martin
“6 Decisions” will be offered in the Chapel at 6:00 p.m. from April 15 – May 20.
“Parenting: The Early Years” series led by Susan Crowe
This “Parenting” series will be in Room 16 at 6:00 p.m. on April 15 – May 20.
Friday Morning Book Study with Liz in the Friendship Room
March 20-April 24 from 9:30 -11:00 a.m. Right Now Media: “When God’s Spirit Moves”
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Meets at church every 2nd Friday at 1:00 p.m. in the Friendship Room.
Scrapbooking Group
Meets in room 16 on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 9:00 a.m.
Kindred Hearts
Meets on the third Saturday at 9:30 a.m. gathering single women and widows for fellowship and breakfast.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
United Methodist Women
Evening Dinner Circle meets May 4 at 6pm. Ellen Circle meets May 21 at 1pm.
Men’s Group & Young Couples Group
Check the posters, weekly pink sheet, newsletters, website, and Facebook for future gathering details.
More Group Leaders Needed
If interested in leading a group at church see Liz Martin or Pastor George to share an idea or to see resources.
To be a host home for gatherings of people from church who live in your area for fellowship contact Liz Martin.
Apportionment Giving
Christ Church has a history of 100%
apportionment giving, allowing us to
help transform lives by God’s love.
Apportionments provide for ministries
that directly help over 50,000 people in
Wisconsin and many more beyond. In
2014 our apportionment was $50,483, if
we each give faithfully to the general
fund and if able a special gift for
apportionments, $125 a year per
member, we can continue to support
connectional ministries and free up
more of our general funds to increase
outreach and ministry in our local area.
Stewardship Makes a Difference!
Thank you for all the ways you support
ministry. This newsletter has examples
of how our church is making a
difference in people’s lives through
your giving! It is good to see people
trusting in God and answering His
call to give. People are offering
themselves to serve and their financial
giving (several tithing 10% of income,
or working toward tithing)! Check the
connection table for Electronic Fund
Transfer forms and ways to give of your
time and talent as well. As you respond
to God’s call in the giving of your time,
talent, and resources remember if you
have a need contact Pastor George.
Made to Need Each Other
Passage for the Day: 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17
Men often avoid situations in which they don’t feel competent. A
man may be sure of himself in his work but unsure of his skills in
deeply personal relationships. If he feels unsure, he will often
compensate by coming on even stronger. I remember a time in our
marriage when a one-hour trip took three hours. I insisted that I
knew exactly where I was going. If Karen would suggest that we
ask for directions, I would suggest that she keep knitting. Finally,
when I realized it was not a sign of weakness to admit need, Karen
and I came up with a mutually satisfying plan: I pilot, Karen
navigates. I have the wheel, Karen has the map. We have both
become very good at what we do, and we get places much faster.
Karen and I are made to need each other. No wonder we get lost if
we get crowded out of each other’s life. Author: Ron Hutchcraft
Name some areas where you and your spouse have
opposite, but complementary, talents or gifts.
Additional Scripture Readings:
Ephesians 5:25-33, Genesis 2:18-24 and Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
---------------------------------------------------------------------2015 ASP
Thinking about volunteering for this summer’s
Appalachian Service Project mission trip? If you or
someone you know is interested in volunteering to help
repair homes or would like more information, please
contact Jay or Linda Slife (878-2882). ASP is open to all
youth entering 8th grade +. Take a risk and see what God
has in store for you…..”
All Church Activities
-Cook’s Night Out –5:00 p.m. Thurs., May 7. Call Carl at
634-2235 or e-mail for reservations
-A.C.A. Luncheon on Wed., May 13 and 27 at 12:30 p.m.
Reservations call Billie at 554-8801
What Will Your Legacy Be?
Have you considered your legacy; how about continuing to let God use you to transform lives by
adding a line to your Will that gives 10% of your estate to Christ Church. Estate funds have
helped us with much needed building repairs or improvements so that our building continues to
support vital ministry.
Need a Visit?
May Fellowship Hour
Consider This
Gifted lay people along with
the Pastor extend the Church’s
presence to the homebound
and others through visits. If
you have moved, are ill,
having surgery, or need a visit
for any reason please call the
church office to keep the
Pastor and lay visiting team
informed. If we do not know
we cannot go!
May 3
May 10
May 17
Spiritual Education
May 24
May 31
If you desire to give to specific
ministries beyond your general
offering here are some areas:
Building Fund
(helps with: painting, siding,
repairs, parking lot…),
Compassionate fund,
Youth Ministry,
Audio/Visual Fund,
Camp Scholarships
($100 per camper).
Music Ministry
at Christ Church
Christ Church’s Vision
A church that seeks,
welcomes, and forms in
Christian faith all people
with a special focus at this
time on reaching out more
to families and children,
increasing our connection
with and ministry in the
community, and forming
more small groups to grow
people in relationship with
Jesus and one another.
Praise Team
Provides/leads praise and
worship songs at our Sunday
Contemporary worship.
Practices currently on
Tuesdays at 6 p.m. year round.
Chancel Choir
Provides special music and
leads hymns at our Sunday
Traditional worship. Sept.May. Practices on
Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.
Bell Choir
Provides special music once a
month at our Sunday
Traditional worship. Sept.May. Practice times to be
announced for 2015.
Special Music
Please contact Alan Biehn
Membership Expectations
By taking the vows of
membership members of Christ
Church agree to help carry out
our mission and to be: regular
in worship; active in spiritual
growth (personal
devotions/growth groups);
active in an area of service in
the church and/or
community; to give in
proportion to your income, and
to be a witness to the faith.
These vows help us grow in
faith and live it out in the world
as followers of Jesus.
Passions & Gifts Inventory
We each have God given gifts and abilities that are to be used to help carry out the churches mission.
Please pray over where God would have you continue or start to serve in 2015. Also you are invited go
online to take a Spiritual gifts assessment. You can get to it by clicking on the “spiritual gifts” link on
our church website ( and take the “Online Gifts Assessment” to help
discover your gifts. If you have questions or need computer access contact the church office.
Christian Education, Children’s, Youth & Family Ministry
Sunday School September 7 – May
On Sunday morning grade level classes are offered for kids’ age 3 - high school. Preschool-12th graders are
dismissed during the 9:00 worship to attend classes down the north and south hallways.
Sunday School Rooms: Elementary South Educational Wing
Preschool – Room 5 led by Jenny Dahlen and Linda Dibble
K & 1st Grade Room 2 led by Tyler Bosch
2nd & 3rd Grade Room 1 led by Susan Crowe
4 & 5th Grade Room 7 led by Samantha Wallenta
Middle School & High School: North Educational Wing
Middle School (6th-8th Grade) Room 14 led by Brian Crowe
High School (9th-12th Grade) Room 17/18 led by Kevin Dahlen
Confirmation Class
Confirmation class meets on Wednesdays 4:30-5:15 p.m. on May 13, 20, & 27. Using classes, a mission trip,
and participation in church life confirmation helps youth learn about and confirm the Christian faith.
Wednesday Kids Club September - May
For K– 5th graders from 6:00-7:00 p.m. where kids grow to follow Jesus as they learn Biblical teachings
through hands on activities like: songs, videos, drama, crafts, Bible stories, games, and mission projects.
Wednesday Youth Group (“Anchored”) 6th – 12th graders
We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. Hebrews 6:19a
We meet at Christ Church every Wednesday from 5:45 -7:00 p.m.
We hang out, join in praise music, gather for accountability, devotions, and missions.
Come as you are and invite friends along for the ride. If rides are an issue, please contact Jason.
Thursday Youth Gatherings (“Harbor” & “Immersed”)
“HARBOR” is on the 1st & 3rd Thursdays and “IMMERSED is on the 2nd & 4th Thursdays both from 3:30-5:00
p.m. at Christ Church. “Harbor” is a casual atmosphere for students to hang out and invite their friends
“Immersed” is a chance to go deeper in your faith and friendship with the people around you.
Family Ministry
Pork Chop Dinner Saturday May 2 from 4:00-7:00 p.m. Don’t worry about cooking that night just bring the
family out and enjoy a meal. 2 Chop Dinner is $11.00, 1 Chop Dinner is $9.00,
for children 6 to 11 yrs. old a 1 Chop Dinner is $7.00.
Options for Kids During Worship
Worship Clipboards are located in the south entryway for children Preschool - 3rd grade.
A nursery room for infants and toddlers is staffed with Professional Child Care for parents who want it.
Other Youth Opportunities
Boy Scouts: Meets at Christ Church on Mondays from 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Please remember to drop off your
Meals@Home contest cards at the
Faith@Home Center by May
10. Participants will be eligible for
the drawing of contest prizes for the
whole family.
The question is never whether or not you
communicate, the question is, "How well do you
communicate with those whom you love the
most?" Strong families are not perfect and without
conflict, but they are families who understand how
to communicate effectively. Often, spouses and
families with poor communication are unsure what
they can do to change, but that's where our new
feature kit comes in. Over the next two months,
you are invited to accept the challenge to better
understand good communication and take next steps
towards building a stronger healthier family. Please
visit the Faith@Home center to pick up your very
own Communication@Home kit that will help get
you started.
Thank you
to everyone who donated food for the food
pantry during the Lenten season. Over 400
pounds of food was delivered to the Holy
Communion Food Pantry.
Summer Camp Booklets are Available on
the Youth Bulletin Board.
-Get $25 off (up to 4 times) for every friend
you get to register.
-Christ Church gives $100 toward registration
for member families.
-Conference Scholarship funds may be
available to non-members by request.
On April 17-18, the
youth of Christ
Church grades 6-12
participated in a 30hour food fast to help
raise awareness for
world hunger. It was
an incredible
experience and the
students and leaders grew closer to one
another and to God. Now that we have
experienced and learned about hunger, we
want to support the effort to end world
hunger. Over the next 4 weeks, we will be
pursuing our goal to raise $5,000 in order to
provide food, medicine, and education to
nearly 12 kids for a whole year. Since 1998,
Christ Church youth have raised a total of
$35,800 for this important ministry. We
hope that you will participate again with us
this year in your giving! ~ The youth of
Christ Church
REMINDER: If you would like free access
to the streaming resource “Right Now Media”;
please contact the church office with your
email and an invitation will be sent to you.
Parents Night Out – May 1
On the first Friday of the month, parents
(couples, singles, grandparents) are invited to
drop off their kids (3 months-5th grade) at
Christ Church for free child care from 6:008:30 p.m. where games, activities, and snacks
will be provided.
This is a way to support families in our
congregation and community by allowing
parents to have time for themselves and their
Please sign up children at the
connection table or call the church office at
632-1607. Those wishing to help may sign up
at the connection table as well.
1 9:30 am –
6 pm –
Parent’s Night
4-7 pm Pork
Chop Dinner
4 10:30 am
6 5:15 pm Meal
9am Contemporary
10:45 am Traditional
5 pm – grief
6 pm –
6:30 pm Scouts
5 pm –
6 pm – Band
5:45 pm-Youth
6 pm-Kids Club
11 & 6 Serving God
6 pm -6 decisions
6 pm – parenting
7 pm – Choir
12:30 pm –UMW
5 pm – cook’s
night out
1 pm – Prayer
Shawl Ministry
8 am – Spiritual
9 am – Witness
9 am Scrapbooking
1312:30 pm – ACA
9am Contemporary
10:45 am Traditional
10:30 am –
6 pm –
6:30 pm –
4:30 pm – St.
6 pm – Band
6 pm –
Sunshine Mt.
6:30 pm –
4:30 pm Confirmation
5:15 pm Meal
5:45 pm-Youth
6 pm-Kids Club
11 & 6 Serving God
6 pm -6 decisions
6 pm – parenting
7 pm - Choir
9:30 am –
9:30 am –
Kindred Hearts
204:30 pm -
9am Contemporary
10:45 am Traditional
10:30 am –
2 pm – Grief
6 pm SPRC
6:30 pm Scouts
5:30 pm –
Delta Kappa
6 pm – Band
6:30 pm –
5:15 pm Meal
5:45 pm-Youth
6 pm-Kids Club
11 & 6 Serving God
6 pm -6 decisions
6 pm – parenting
7pm - Choir
1 pm – Ellen
UMW Circle
9:30 am –
24 9am -
26 9 am –
6 pm – Band
6:30 pm –
12:30 pm – ACA
4:30 pm Confirmation
5:15 pm Meal
5:45 pm-Youth
6 pm-Kids Club
7 pm - Choir
10:45 am Traditional
31 9am Contemporary
10:45 am Traditional
9:30 am –
Christ Church United Methodist
5109 Washington Avenue
Racine, WI 53406
U.S. Postage
Racine, WI
Permit No 24
Our Worship Schedule May 2015
Sunday, May 3
“Loving Large: Loving is Giving”
Matthew 6:19-24
Communion Offered
9:00 a.m. Contemporary & 10:45 a.m. Traditional
Sunday, May 10
9:00 a.m. Contemporary & 10:45 a.m. Traditional
“Loving Large: Can We Change the World”
Mark 12:28-34
Sunday, May 17
Youth Led Worship
9:00 a.m. Contemporary & 10:45 a.m. Traditional
Sunday, May 24
9:00 a.m. Contemporary & 10:45 a.m. Traditional
Sunday, May 31
9:00 a.m. Contemporary & 10:45 a.m. Traditional