
South Texas College
Business Computer Systems Program
Section Outline
Fall 2013
Chair's (Author's) Information:
1. Name of Chair:
Adolfo Lozano
2. Office Location:
East Bldg./Room # A217/Technology Center
3. Telephone #:
(965) 872-6175
4. FAX #:
(956) 872-2762 (Dean’s office)
5. E-mail Address:
Instructor Information:
1. Instructor’s Name: Enrique Gonzalez
2. Office/Building/Campus Location: Weslaco East HS (Room 313)
3. Office Telephone Number: 956.969.6950
4. FAX Number: 956.968.8693
5. E-mail Address:
6. Office Hours: 3A, 2B
Course Information:
1. Course Name: Integrated Software Applications I
2. Course #: ITSC 1409
3. Classroom Location: Weslaco East HS (Room 313)
4. Days and Times Class Meets: 1A & 1B (8:10 – 10:00), 2A (10:05 – 11:45), and 3B (12:30 – 2:10)
5. Catalog Course Description: Introduction to business productivity software suites using word
processing, spreadsheets, databases, and/or presentation software.
End-of-Course Outcomes: Use word processing, spreadsheet, database, and/or presentation software;
and integrate applications to produce documents.
6. Program Learning Outcomes:
 Manage a complex Directory Services;tune the network and server for better performance;
integrate diverse network clients; add advanced network services; and integrate and manage
application server and multiserver environments.
 Summarize the process of hardware/software selection and acquisition; identify the various
categories of software licenses; contrast the options available for software/hardware
maintenance; develop a plan for scheduling hardware usage; and explain factors involved in
successful workplace personnel interactions.
 As outlined in the learning plan, apply the theory, concepts, and skills involving specialized
materials, tools, equipment, procedures, regulations, laws, and interactions within and among
political, economic, environmental, social, and legal systems associated with the occupation and
the business/industry and will demonstrate legal and ethical behavior, safety practices,
interpersonal and teamwork skills, and appropriate written and verbal communication skills using
the terminology of the occupation and the business/industry.
Course Learning Outcomes:
ITSC 1409: Integrated Software Applications I
CLO 1 Use word processing, spreadsheet, database, and/or presentation software. (WECM)
CLO 2 Integrate applications to produce documents. (WECM)
Departmental Course Requirements, Evaluation Methods, and Grading Criteria:
Evaluation Methods :
Test #1 ..........................................15.0%
Test #2 ..........................................15.0%
Test #3 ..........................................15.0%
Final Exam ....................................15.0%
Word Lab Assignments ...................7.5%
Excel Lab Assignments ...................7.5%
Access Lab Assignments ................7.5%
PowerPoint Lab Assignments ......... 7.5%
Project .............................................. 10%
Grading Criteria:
A= 90 – 100%
B = 80 - 89%
C= 70 – 79%
F = 0 – 69%
9. Required Textbook & Resources:
TEXTBOOK: Shelly/Vermaat, Microsoft® Office 2010 : Introductory, 1st Edition, 1439078386 or
10. Each Major Assignment and Examination:
Chapter 1: Word 2010
Creating, Formatting, and Editing a Word Document with Pictures
Project: Flyer with Pictures
Apply Your Knowledge
Apply 1-1 Buffalo Photo Shoot Flyer Unformatted
In the Lab
Lab 1-1 Study Habits Flyer
Lab 1-2 Photography Contest Flyer
Lab 1-3 Train Ride Flyer
Chapter 2: Word 2010
Creating a Research Paper with Citations and References
Project: Research Paper
Apply Your Knowledge
Apply 2-1 Space Paragraph Draft
In the Lab
Lab 2-1 Game Controllers Paper
Lab 2-2 Agriculture Paper
Lab 2-3 Cloud Storage Paper
Chapter 3: Word 2010
Creating a Business Letter with a Letterhead and Table
Project: Business Letter with a Letterhead and Table
Apply Your Knowledge
Apply 3-1 Projected College Expenses Draft
In the Lab
Lab 3-1 Cloud Storage Letterhead
Lab 3-2 Library Letter
Lab 3-3 Education Board Letter
wd_1 – wd_63
wd_54 – wd_55
Week 1
Aug 30
wd_58 – wd_60
wd_60 – wd_61
wd_61 – wd_63
Week 1
Aug 30
wd_65 – wd_135
wd_126 – wd_127
Week 2
Sep 6
wd_130 – wd_132
wd_132 – wd_134
wd_134 – wd_135
Week 2
Sep 6
wd_137 – wd_199
wd_191 – wd_192
Week 3
Sep 13
wd_195 – wd_196
wd_196 – wd_197
wd_198 – wd_199
Week 3
Sep 13
Week 4
Sep 20
Word 2010 Unit Exam
Chapter 1: PowerPoint 2010
Creating and Editing a Presentation with Clip Art
Project: Presentation with Bulleted Lists and Clip Art
Apply Your Knowledge
Apply 1-1 Flu Season
In the Lab
Lab 1-1 Study Skills
Lab 1-2 Vitamin D
Lab 1-3 Part One Child Party
Lab 1-3 Part Two Retirement Party
Chapter 2: PowerPoint 2010
Enhancing a Presentation with Pictures, Shapes, and WordArt
Project: Presentation with Pictures, Shapes, and WordArt
Apply Your Knowledge
Apply 2-1 Lab Procedures
In the Lab
Lab 2-1 Trip to Germany
Lab 2-2 Small Business Loans
Lab 2-3 ABCs of Money
Due Date
ppt_1 – ppt_67
ppt_55 – ppt_56
ppt_59 – ppt_60
ppt_61 – ppt_63
Week 5
Sep 27
Week 5
Sep 27
ppt_73 – ppt_121
ppt_123 – ppt_125
Week 6
Oct 4
ppt_130 – ppt_131
ppt_132 – ppt_133
ppt_134 – ppt_135
Week 6
Oct 4
Chapter 3: PowerPoint 2010
Reusing a Presentation and Adding Media
Project: Presentation with Video, Audio, and Pictures with Effects
Apply Your Knowledge
Apply 3-1 SAD
In the Lab
Lab 3-1 Cooking
Lab 3-2 Dancers
Lab 3-3 Locomotives
ppt_137 – ppt_199
ppt_191 – ppt_192
Week 7
Oct 11
ppt_195 – ppt_196
ppt_197 – ppt_198
ppt_198 – ppt_199
Week 7
Oct 11
Week 8
Oct 18
PowerPoint 2010 Unit Exam
Chapter 1: Excel 2010
Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart
Project: Worksheet with an Embedded Chart
Apply Your Knowledge
Apply 1-1 Clothes Campus Third Quarter Expenses
In the Lab
Lab 1-1 A Healthy Body Shop Annual Revenue Analysis
Lab 1-2 Play’em Again Semiannual Revenue
Lab 1-3 Part 3 College Resources and Expenses
Chapter 2: Excel 2010
Formulas, Functions, and Formatting
Project: Worksheet with Formulas and Functions
Apply Your Knowledge
Apply 2-1 Village of Scott Police Department Complete
In the Lab
Lab 2-1 Part 2 Aficionado Guitar Parts Accounts Receivable Balance
Lab 2-2 Part 3 Electry Auto Start-Up Financing Needs
Lab 2-3 Sock-It-Away Stock Club
Chapter 3: Excel 2010
What-if Analysis, Charting and Working with Large Worksheets
Project: Financial Projection Worksheet with What-If Analysis and Chart
Apply Your Knowledge
Apply 3-1 Absolute Cell References
In the Lab
Lab 3-1 Med Supply Online Warehouse Six-Year Financial Projection
Lab 3-2 ReachOut Neighbor Analysis of Indirect Expenses
Lab 3-3 Dinah’s Weekly Inventory Report Complete
ex_1 – ex_52
ex_54 – ex_55
Week 9
Oct 25
ex_58 – ex_59
ex_59 – ex_61
Week 9
Oct 25
ex_73 – ex_120
ex_122 – ex_124
ex_126 – ex_129
ex_129 – ex_131
ex_132 – ex_133
Week 10
Nov 1
ex_137 – ex_202
ex_204 – ex_205
Week 11
Nov 8
ex_209 – ex_213
ex_214 – ex_217
ex_217 – ex_220
Week 11
Nov 8
Week 12
Nov 15
Excel 2010 Unit Exam
Chapter 1: Access 2010
Databases and Database Objects: An Introduction
Project: Database Creation
Apply Your Knowledge
Apply 1-1 Babbage CPA Firm database
In the Lab
Lab 1-1 ECO Clothesline database
Lab 1-2 Walburg Energy Alternatives
Lab 1-3 Philamar Training
Week 10
Nov 1
ac_1 – ac_62
ac_64 – ac_64
Week 13
Nov 22
ac_66 – ac_67
ac_68 – ac_69
ac_70 – ac_71
Week 13
Nov 22
Chapter 2: Access 2010
Querying a Database
Project: Querying a Database
Apply Your Knowledge
Apply 2-1 Babbage CPA Firm database
In the Lab
Lab 2-1 ECO Clothesline
Lab 2-2 Walburg Energy Alternatives
Lab 2-3 Philamar Training
Chapter 3: Access 2010
Maintaining a Database
Project: Maintaining a Database
Apply Your Knowledge
Apply 3-1 Babbage CPA Firm
In the Lab
Lab 3-1 ECO Clotheslines
Lab 3-2 Walburg Energy Alternatives
Lab 3-3 Philamar Training
Access 2010 Unit Exam
Final Project
ac_73 – ac_127
ac_129 – ac_130
Week 14
Nov 29*
ac_132 – ac_133
ac_134 – ac_135
ac_135 – ac_135
Week 14
Nov 29*
ac_137 – ac_195
ac_197 – ac_198
Week 15
Dec 6
ac_201 – ac_202
ac_202 – ac_203
ac_204 – ac_205
Week 15
Dec 6
Week 16
Dec 13
Week 16
Dec 13
Note: Make up exams will be given only to students who have an excused absence. Expect a different version (harder) of
the exam.
11. General description of each lecture or discussion:
Introduction to Computers.
Office 2010 and Windows 7: Essential Concepts and Skills.
Word 2010.
1. Creating, Formatting, and Editing a Word Document with Pictures.
2. Creating a Research Paper with Citations and References.
3. Creating a Business Letter with a Letterhead and Table.
1. Creating and Editing a Presentation with Clip Art.
2. Enhancing a Presentation with Pictures, Shapes, and WordArt.
3. Reusing a Presentation and Adding Media.
Excel 2010.
1. Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart.
2. Formulas, Functions, and Formatting.
3. What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets.
Access 2010.
1. Databases and Database Objects: An Introduction.
2. Querying a Database.
3. Maintaining a Database.
Developmental Studies Policy Statement:
The College’s Developmental Education Plan requires students who have not met the college-level
placement standard on an approved assessment instrument in reading, writing, and/or mathematics to
enroll in Developmental Studies courses including College Success. Failure to attend these required
classes may result in the student's withdrawal from ALL college courses.
Statement of Equal Opportunity: No person shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits
of, or be subject to discrimination under any program or activity sponsored or conducted by South Texas
College on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, veteran status or disability.
Alternative Format Statement: This document is available in an alternative format upon request by
calling ( 956 ) 618-8302.
ADA Statement: Individuals with disabilities requiring assistance or access to receive services should
contact disABILITY Support Services at ( 956 ) 872-2173.