Types of Government

Types of Government
Day 1
What is Gov’t?
• Government- ruling authority for a
community or society. Any organization that
has the power to make and enforce, or carry
out laws and decisions for its members acts as
a gov’t.
What do gov’ts do?
• Keep Order
– ex) Pass and enforce traffic laws,
establish courts
• Provide Security
– Ex) prevent crime, protect citizens from
foreign attacks
• Provide Services
– Ex) libraries, schools, hospitals, parks,
water, utilities
• Guide the Community
– Ex) manage the economy, conduct
foreign relations
• Developing public policy- a course of gov’t
action in order to achieve community goals
• Budget- a plan for collecting and spending
Direct Democracy
• Direct Democracy – everyone in a direct
democracy gets an equal vote on each issue.
Instead of having elected representatives,
everyone votes on each issue.
– Ex) Switzerland
• Based on principles from Athens, Greece
Republic/ Representative Democracy
• Republic/ Representative Democracy citizens elect a smaller group of individuals to
represent the wishes of the entire people to
make laws, and govern on their behalf.
– Ex) USA
• Monarchy- a gov’t with
a hereditary ruler, a
king, queen, or other
royal figure who inherits
the position of power.
Constitutional Monarchy• Constitutional Monarchy- a monarchy who’s
powers that are limited by the country’s
constitution and laws.
• In most constitutional monarchies the
monarchs are heads of states only, presiding
at ceremonies and serving as symbols of
unity. Aka Figureheads
– Ex) Great Britain
Authoritarian Regimes
• Authoritarian Regimes- power is held by the
individual or a group not accountable to the
Types of Authoritarian Regimes
• Absolute Monarchy- the power of the royal
family was unrestricted. Mostly died out
around the 1600s
Types of Authoritarian Regimes
• Dictatorship- absolute control over the state,
but normally the power is taken by force. Rely
heavily on the police and military. Often
tamper with elections or refuse to hold them.
Limit freedom of speech, assembly, and the
• http://www.parade.com/dictators/index.html
Types of Authoritarian Regimes
• Totalitarianism- many dictators impose
totalitarian rule on their people. Gov’t control
extends to almost all aspects of people’s lives.
Ban political opposition. Regulate industries.
Suppress individual freedoms and tell people
what to believe. Control the media, use scare
tactics, and violence.
– Ex) Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler.
– Ex)Some people today consider China, North
Korea, Cuba to be under totalitarianism