Religion/superstition/ emotion V Science/reason/logic: P7 – ‘where faith has been enthroned doubt now sits’ P7 Builders use logic not assumptions Giordano Bruno – burnt at the stake for putting science before religion – P15 "Today mankind can write in its diary: Got rid of Heaven" (page 24) P28 Sagredo questions 'then where is God?' Sagredo does not believe that people will put reason before superstition but Galileo does p29 and p33 Sagredo p29 says 'Forty years spent amongst human beings has again and again brought it home to me that they are not open to reason Galileo p31- don’t tell me people like that cant grasp the truth. They grab at it. Emotion and truth always exist together- Sagredo calls truth disastrous p.33 Galileo and the philosopher Individual freedom/self V Social harmony/state(church): P7 – ‘the old days are over’ Draught blowing up skirts of princes and prelates Marxist thinking = universe has lost its centre overnight and woken up to find it has countless centres Sagredo is concerned that in Florence Galileo wont enjoy the freedom he does in Venice and he will be burnt at the stake like Bruno Virginia wants to look through the telescope but Galileo dismisses her (pg31)- she is a woman- so he wants equality only in some areas- she must know her place still p.43 workers undoubted truth vs powerful who ignore- cling to old values Mrs Sarti stays and works in plague p. 45 Selfishness in the plague vs caring for others (woman vs old woman risks her health leaving milk for Galileo) p.49 p.52 "Which is better: I ask Internal conflict (conflict in the self): Galileo in scene 1 = harmonious internally Andrea – school vs Galileo Anxious knowledge is dangerous, not enough time to research, not clever enough (steals telescope) selfish/deceitful vs desire for knowledge +equality Sagredo was afraid to accept the truth (scene 3 page 24) Galileo wants equality between classes but is happy to be sexist Galileo is prepared to give up his honour to gain money and time for research (being sycophantic to gain a place at the court in Florence p32- wondering if his letter is submissive enough Andrea- his mother vs Science V Economic needs/health/family: Is research for its own sake O.K? – Yes says Galileo No says procurator – we want inventions to make money (P7) Galileo is not at all ashamed that he tricked the Procurator into thinking he invented the telescope 'How am I suppose to work with the bailiffs in the house?" pg 26 Galileo keeps researching in the plague p44 (internal conflict) Prioritising research over health- asks for book p.49 Other: Plague vs society The certainty and support and meaning that faith gives versus the uncertainty of science p.65 The whole drama of the world is constructed around them, (peasants) Conflict between what the truth is and what we’d like it to be – Galileo says he can’t change facts about triangles to suit the church p.68 have different concepts of truth- believes in Aristotle model p. 42 Scene 6- Church investigates Galileo's theories- monks etc mock Galileo but apparently Galileo wins 'reason has won' Monks represent very old cardinal - entrenched power/old beliefs p.54 Very old cardinal threatens Galileo- you remind me of Bruno p.53 Little Monk – science/curiosity versus the church – end of scene 8 he is engrossed in Galileo’s papers you: to have an eclipse of the moon happen three days later than the calendar says, or never to have eternal salvation at all?" Galileo's freedom is disappearing- he threatens the power of the established system- secretaries, cardinal etc inquisitor hints at danger (scene 7)- ball Galileo argues that the peasants suffer because those in power do not care – it’s not about God – the church is used to keep the rich in power and the poor poor 66 67 S desire to learn (betrayed vs learning p.49) Guilt- Andrea's mum sick The little monk- faithful to religion or science- p. 54 (Theologians must change heavens) Clavius- agrees with Galileo (despite majority view) Barberini is conflictedadmires Galileo but supports church. Advises Galileo to use a mask as he does p. 61 Little Monk – scene 8 He sees that Galileo is correct about the moons of Jupiter but he doesn’t want to give up his faith Galileo is in Scene 8 still believe in reason but realises truth has to be forced through and relies on people thinking. Not suffering internally apparently scene 8 – prepared to suffer for truth? Says if he kept quiet would be a coward p67 Religion/superstition/ emotion V Science/reason/logic: Individual freedom/self V Social harmony/state(church): (Even class conflict?) Internal conflict (conflict in the self): Science V Economic needs/health/family: Other: Virginia and Mrs Sarti discuss star signs – superstition is more important than reason to them p.71 Manufacturers are seen to be allied with reason p. 87 – Vanni Barberini becomes the symbol of this conflict when he becomes pope scene 12 The inquisitor says ‘Are we to base human society on doubt and no longer on faith?’ Points out the dangers to the church of Gallileop. 92 Yet the inquisitor argues that the Galileo’s star charts should be used for business’ sake p.93 Andrea and Little Monk state that once the truth is known and discovered ‘no force will help them (the church) to make what as been seen unseen.’ P.96 By recanting Galileo set science back by many years – p.103 Galileo has secretly completed the Discorsi (p. 105 – 106 Galileo openly states that Galileo confronts Ludovico’s conservative views about the peasants and threatens to stir them up and write his ideas in Italian – the language ordinary people will understand p.79 Scene 10 p. 82depicts the concept that Galileo’s ideas might disrupt the social order via a ballad (like a pop song in that time that ordinary people sang and enjoyed). Galileo Galilei the bible buster 11 – Galileo is rejected by authority – Grand Duke and taken by the Inquisition p. 90 Andrea feels betrayed when Galileo recants ‘Unhappy the land that has no heroes’ p.98 Galileo in Scene 14 is writing a book in support of the church (p. 101 better to hand out soup in Christian love than pay them more) and is effectively under house arrest by the Inquisition Galileo feels that despite writing the Discorsi he failed because he recanted – he was a coward. Someone who knows the truth and calls it a lie is a crook says Galileo p.70 throws out Mucius Galileo demonstrates a deliberate ? failure to see the danger he is in in Scene 11 refusing help from Vanni – is this internal conflict – not facing truth? Barberini is now Pope and deeply conflicted in that position in Scene 12. He doesn’t want to deny science but he has to be the pope – only when fully robed as The Pope does he allow for the instruments of torture to be shown to Galileo p.94 Despite the belief of his followers Galileo recants p. 98 (so contradicts himself – seep.67 and p.70. Andrea seems to forgive Galileo p. 109 Virginia has been neglected by her father as he just keeps on ‘putting those little bits of ice on water’ p71 Galileo is keeping quiet about sunspots etc – doesn’t want to get burnt at the stake p. 73 Mrs Sarti accuses Galileo of choosing science over Virginia’s happiness – p.78 Ludovico does reject Virginia p.80 and she faints.\ Galileo refuses help from businessman Vanni p. 88 Virginia wants Galileo to recant and avoid death – she prays for him p. 96 Andrea tries to justify Galileo’s actions – better stained than empty p. 106, but Galileo says he didn’t plan to recant so the Discorsi could be written he was just scared. Galileo says he sold out and that Science is not honourable Used to be his pupil so now he’s his enemy says Virginia of Andrea – what conflicts does this explore? P. 102 Science aims to turn us all into doubters. Supersition, greed and laziness allow reason through in the last scene – fear of witches and a desire to eat mean the Discorsi make it out of Italy. Ironic. P. 113 Science is involved in the betterment of mankind ‘Had I stood firm the scientists could have developed a vow ….to use their knowledge exclusively for mankind’s benefit. P. 109 So the way a conflict is handled can have huge consequences for generations to come?