XXIX Symposium of the Scientific Instrument Commission IMSS, Florence, 4-9 October 2010 ABSTRACT Title of the paper Science and Architecture. Images and dissemination of knowledge in Florentine '600. New directions of research. Author Antonino Pellicanò Institution Architect. Freelance Laboratory Sustainable Development (Prof. Fera) Oasis Mediterranean University Dept. The designs of Cosimo Noferi related to architecture can be considered a continuation of Renaissance culture reviewed with the application to the architecture of the scientific discoveries of Galileo and, thus, explicitly placed within the scientific revolution of Galileo. They are tools of a Wunderkammer public, civil and professional. They treat all activities related to the civil and military architecture, perspective, anamorphosis, the technical and scientific means of measurement applied to the territory, the extension to traditional architecture of hydraulics, physics, mathematics, new professional ethics, aesthetics and respect for history. But many designs are equivalent in quality, scientific and graphics, to a modern industrial design. For A. Marabottini Noferi design “compete with the best graphics of the Florentine '600".For P. Galluzzi, Noferi “raises the insights of Galileo far beyond his time and the traditional interpretations that have been given” and then this study outline “a more accurate profile of the relationship between Art History, History of Architecture and History of Science and Technology, which have hitherto operated as bodies separate but instead are born, just think about the travails of Borromini, with a unified conceptual approach.”And only a drawing of his school was presented at exhibition The Medici and Sciences. Noferi translate in images not only what comes from the Renaissance tradition, but also the discoveries of Galileo and the New Science, and, welding with mathematics, geometry, physics, hydraulics, writings with drawings, particularly in the Travagliata Architettura, creates a new conceptual dimension within which they must develop new design rules. But his designs and his work were seen and known at least in the Accademia del Cimento (we have strong evidence), and probably also in the milieu of the Prince. This material have great quality and importance, to the point where it could be considered the other leg of the Accademia del Cimento, was published only recently (Pellicanò, 2005; Schlimme, ed., 2006) and remains misunderstood and hidden for 350 years. Then, the Wunderkammer of concepts developed by Galileo and Noferi, now and from now on, acquires a different meaning. It 's the same concept should apply to Galileo, whose works had to wait, to be fully known, the end of 800, what is now believed to be, from certain, the twilight of modernity. We therefore, for the first time, have a concept, that will find 100 years later in the Encyclopédie, which exceeds to be pure conservation or museum and becomes applied science and element of social diffusion of knowledge, but must meet certain historical, civilians as well as technical and aesthetic values. It is therefore once again highlights one of the objectives of Galileo, which began with the choice to write in Italian, and continued in various forms, with the Immaculate of Cigoli, with Borromini, the Travagliata Architettura and by the work of Viviani.