PowerPoint Project 4


M i c r o s o f t



Advanced Concepts and


PowerPoint Project 4

Modifying Visual Elements and Presentation Formats


• Create a presentation using the

AutoContent Wizard

• Create and scale a WordArt element and add it to a slide

• Add sound effects and hyperlinks to slides

• Insert a chart, an Excel chart, and a Word table

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• Revise and customize individual slides

• Use the Thesaurus

• Modify a presentation template by changing the color scheme

• Add information to the slide master Footer


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• Add an action button and action setting

• Apply transition effects to a presentation

• Rehearse presentation timings and run a slide show with hyperlinks

• Print speaker notes and save slide presentations as Rich Text Format outlines

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Using the AutoContent Wizard

• Click the Create a new presentation link in the Open area of the Getting Started task pane

• Click From AutoContent wizard

• If necessary, hide the Office Assistant

• Click the Next button

• When the Presentation type panel is displayed, click the Sales / Marketing button

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Using the AutoContent Wizard

• Click the Marketing Plan presentation type

• Click the Next button

• Click the Next button

• When the Presentation options panel is displayed, click the Footer text box and then type as the footer text

• Click the Next button, then click the Finish button

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Using the AutoContent Wizard

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Selecting a WordArt Style

• Click the Insert

WordArt button on the

Drawing toolbar

• When the WordArt

Gallery dialog box is displayed, click the

WordArt style in row

5, column 4

• Click the OK button

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Entering the WordArt Text

• If necessary, select the text in the Edit WordArt

Text dialog box

• Type Cash for

College in the Text text box

• Click the OK button

• Display the WordArt toolbar by right-clicking a toolbar and then clicking


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WordArt Toolbar Button Functions

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Changing the WordArt

Height and Width

• Click the Format WordArt button on the

WordArt toolbar

• Click the Size tab in the Format WordArt dialog box

• Click Lock aspect ratio

• Triple-click the Height text box in the Size and rotate area

• Type 2.5

in the Height text box and click the OK button

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Changing the WordArt

Height and Width

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Adding a Sound Effect

• Click Insert on the menu bar and then point to Movies and Sounds

• Point to Sound from File on the Movies and Sounds submenu

• Click Sound from File

• Locate and select the Marketing Music file in the Insert Sound dialog box, and select it

• Click the OK button

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Adding a Sound Effect

• When the Microsoft

Office PowerPoint dialog box is displayed, click the

Automatically button

• Drag the speaker icon off the slide to the lower-right corner of the screen

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Inserting a Chart and Replacing

Sample Data

• Select a slide layout with a content placeholder, and click the Insert Chart button in the content placeholder

• Right-click the letter D at the top of column D in the datasheet and then point to Clear Contents on the shortcut menu

• Click Clear Contents

• Click cell A1, which is the intersection of column

A and row 1

• Type 1234 in cell A1 and then press the RIGHT


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Inserting a Chart and Replacing

Sample Data

• Enter the remaining figures and data labels

• Click the Close button on the datasheet

• Click the slide anywhere except the chart window

• Drag the middle sizing handle on the bottom edge of the chart window down until it is above the bulleted paragraph in the text placeholder

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Inserting a Chart and Replacing

Sample Data

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Inserting an Excel Chart

• Click Insert on the menu bar and then point to Object

• Click Object

• When the Insert Object dialog box is displayed, click Create from file

• Click the Browse button

• Select the College Expenses file on your floppy disk from the Browse dialog box

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Inserting an Excel Chart

• Click the OK button

• When the Insert

Object dialog box is redisplayed, click the

OK button

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Inserting a Word Table

• Click Insert on the menu bar and then click


• When the Insert Object dialog box is displayed, click Create from file. Click the Browse button

• Select the Average Income file located on your floppy disk when the Browse dialog box is displayed

• When the Insert Object dialog box is displayed, click the OK button

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Inserting a Word Table

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Hiding a Slide

• Click the Slide Sorter

View button at the lower left of the

PowerPoint window

• Right-click the slide you wish to hide and then click Hide Slide on the shortcut menu

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Finding a Word and Using the Thesaurus

• Click the Normal View button at the lower left of the PowerPoint window

• Click Edit on the menu bar and then click


• When the Find dialog box is displayed, type Costs in the Find what box

• Click the Find Next button

• Click the Close button in the Find dialog box

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Finding a Word and Using the Thesaurus

• Click Tools on the menu bar and then click


• When the Research task pane is displayed, point to the word, expenses, in the Thesaurus list and then click the arrow to the right of that word

• Point to Insert

• Click Insert

• Click the Close button in the Research task pane

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Finding a Word and Using the Thesaurus

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Changing the Presentation

Template Color Scheme

• Click the Slide Design button on the

Formatting toolbar

• Point to Color Schemes in the Slide

Design task pane

• Click Color Schemes

• Click the top-right color scheme template

• Click the Close button in the Slide Design task pane title bar

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Changing the Presentation

Template Color Scheme

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Modifying the Footer on the Slide Master

• Click View on the menu bar, point to Master, and then click Slide Master on the Master submenu

• If necessary, click the Marketing Plan Slide master thumbnail on the left slide of the screen

• Click the word, <footer>, in the Footer Area on the slide master

• Type Eastwood Financial Aid Office in the footer text box

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Modifying the Footer on the Slide Master

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Adding an Action Button and an Action Setting

• Click Slide Show on the menu bar, point to

Action Buttons, and then point to Action Button:

End on the Action Buttons submenu

• Click Action Button: End

• Click the bottom-right corner of the slide master

• If necessary, when the Action Settings dialog box is displayed, click the Mouse Click tab

• Click Play sound

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Adding an Action Button and an Action Setting

• Click the Play sound box arrow, click the down scroll arrow, and then click Cash


• Click the OK button

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Adding a Slide Transition Effect to a Slide Show

• On the Slides tab, select the slides you wish to add transitions to

• Right-click the first slide in your selection and click Slide Transition on the shortcut menu

• When the Slide Transition task pane is displayed, click the down scroll arrow in the Apply to selected slides list until Shape

Diamond is displayed

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Adding a Slide Transition Effect to a Slide Show

• Click Shape Diamond

• Click the Modify Transition Speed box arrow and then click Slow

• Click the Close button in the Slide

Transition task pane

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Adding a Slide Transition Effect to a Slide Show

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Rehearsing Timings

• Click Slide Show on the menu bar and then click Rehearse Timings

• Point to the Next button on the Rehearsal toolbar

• When the Elapsed Time box displays 0:40, click the Next button

• Repeat the previous step for the remaining slides, setting an acceptable time to spend for each slide

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Rehearsing Timings

• When the black slide displays, point to the

Yes button in the

Microsoft PowerPoint dialog box

• Click the Yes button

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Printing Speaker Notes

• Click File on the menu bar and then click


• When the Print dialog box is displayed, click the Print what box arrow and then click Notes Pages

• Click the OK button

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Printing Speaker Notes

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Saving the Presentation in Rich Text Format

• Click File on the menu bar and then click

Save As

• When the Save As dialog box is displayed, click the Save as type box arrow scroll down, and then click Outline/RTF

• Click the Save button

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Saving the Presentation in Rich Text Format

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Slide Show Navigation

Shortcut Keys

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Slide Show Toolbar Buttons

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• Create a presentation using the

AutoContent Wizard

• Create and scale a WordArt element and add it to a slide

• Add sound effects and hyperlinks to slides

• Insert a chart, an Excel chart, and a Word table

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• Revise and customize individual slides

• Use the Thesaurus

• Modify a presentation template by changing the color scheme

• Add information to the slide master Footer


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• Add an action button and action setting

• Apply transition effects to a presentation

• Rehearse presentation timings and run a slide show with hyperlinks

• Print speaker notes and save slide presentations as Rich Text Format outlines

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M i c r o s o f t



Advanced Concepts and


PowerPoint Project 4

