Name: Hour: Glacial Erosion Web Quest You will be using the

Glacial Erosion Web Quest
You will be using the computers and websites to collect data. With this data you will be responsible for drawing 3
diagrams that explain
1. Glacial Abrasion
2. Glacial Plucking
3. Glacial Freeze-Thaw/Thermal Expansion
Goal: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Station 1: Glaciers ( Use this website for all of station 1.
What are glaciers?
What percent of Earth do glaciers cover? ____________
Watch the video “How Glaciers Form” and explain how glaciers form (include the importance of air removal)
Station 2: Glacial Abrasion (1)(
(1)Watch the video “Glacial Movement and Erosion” and explain how glaciers move.
(2)The definition of abrasion is “the act or process of damaging or wearing away something by rubbing”. Does
this definition make sense in terms of glacial abrasion? Why?
Station 3: Glacial Plucking (1) (
(1&2)Watch the video and define/explain glacial plucking:
(3)What is a glacial erratic?
Station 4: Glacial Freeze/Thaw 1 1.
2. (
(1)What happens as the ice freezes?
(1)What happens as the glacier melts?
(2)What will this do to cracks in the ground over time?
Station 5: Glaciers and Michigan ( Use this website for all questions below.
Where can you find glaciers?
How many ice ages have there been? ________
What did the glaciers do during the last ice age (2 million – 12,000 years ago)?
Complete the sentence: With each advance and retreat of the glaciers, the
__________________________ of the lakes changed.
Were some of Michigan’s inland lakes formed by glaciers? If so, give an example.
As glaciers carved the landscape they left deposits of sediment. Small pieces of rock originally
from Canada have been found as far south as _____________________ or
Name one of the types of rock that Michigan sits atop __________________
Why does Michigan have sandy beaches?
To receive full points for the diagrams, you will probably need several pictures per diagrams and labels of what is
Draw a diagram that SHOWS/EXPLAINS how glacial abrasion takes place.
Draw a diagram that SHOWS/EXPLAINS how glacial plucking takes place.
Draw a diagram that SHOWS/EXPLAINS how glacial freeze thaw takes places