Year 5 Computing Curriculum-Skills and Outcomes

Year 5 Computing Curriculum – Skills and Outcomes
Information Technology
Information Technology
Activity ideas
Create a multimedia presentation or
lesson to teach showing what they
have learnt in the topic
Create a narrated e-book linked to a
topic area or literacy for a younger
Write feelings / emotion poems
Write / add music to reflect or
accompany the poem
Create a news report either for TV or
radio linked to topic area
Create an animation to illustrate the
water cycle
Add effects to a photo or image to
change its mood (link to literacy) or to
create an art work effect (e.g. take
Tudor portraits and make into Andy
Warhol-type paintings)
Computer Science
Online and E-Safety
ICT Resources you could use
PowerPoint; Prezi; Smart
Notebook; PhotoStory3; MS
PowerPoint; Purple Mash 2Publish;
Photo Story 3
Level 2
 Use simple editing and formatting techniques to
develop their work
 Organise information and present in different forms.
 Make informed choices when using ICT to explore
what happens in real and imaginary situations
 Sort and organise information and present it in
simple graph form
 Able to use a simple Y/N branching database
Powerpoint; 2Publish Purple Mash
2Sequence; 2Simple Music Toolkit;
Audacity; Audio Network LGfL;
Video cameras (if for TV); Audacity
(to edit for radio); Easispeak
microphones; Audio Networks
LGfL; MS Movie Maker (to edit for
TV); Listen to/watch examples of
other news reports for style
Purple Mash 2Animate; Jelly Cam
for stop motion
Irfanview; Photoscape;
Organise, refine and present information in
different forms for a specific audience
Select and import graphics from digital cameras,
graphics packages and other sources and prepare
it for processing using ICT
Understand how pages are linked together and
recognise the need for clarity. Create a range of
hyperlinks to produce a non-linear presentation
Select and import sounds from their own
recording, create their own effects and music and
import from other sources (copyright)
Format and edit work to improve clarity and
mood, use a range of tools
Through peer assessment and self-evaluation
evaluate their design and make suitable
Download and save an audio or image file from
the internet
Begin to use software with a timeline to layer
sound, adding voice, music and sound effects
Use different filming techniques and camera
angles e.g. zoom, panning, wide shot etc to create
different mood/perspective
Select and edit sounds, text, movie clips and other
effects to suit purpose and audience
Use an image manipulation package purposefully
to change / add effects to a photo
Level 3
 Use editing and formatting techniques to develop
and refine their work to improve its quality and
 Create and combine different forms of information,
refining and presenting it for a particular purpose,
showing an awareness of audience and the need for
 Collect, record and organise data to answer
questions and present findings in different ways,
(e.g. bar graph, pie chart etc.)
Level 4
 Create and combine different forms of information,
refining and presenting it for a particular purpose,
showing an awareness of audience and the need for
 Use simple ICT-based models to explore patterns
and relationships, and make predictions about the
consequences of their decisions
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Year 5 Computing Curriculum – Skills and Outcomes
Link to Data Handling topics in Maths
works, eg. Problem solving, ways of
presenting information, Carroll
Diagrams etc.
NRich has some interesting
activities for data handling in KS2:
Use data loggers to collect information
about temp / heat / light around the
school and present that information to
Data loggers and software
 Create and use a spreadsheet to create costings
which are within budget
 To consider appropriate layout and design of their
information and data
 Check for accuracy by checking data, using different
views, search tools, and graphing. Be able to
recognise and correct the data
 Investigate changes in the environment using a
data-logging device
 Use graphs to provide supporting evidence for their
 Know how to check for and spot inaccurate data.
 Know which formulas to use when using a
spreadsheet model.
 Produce graphs from calculations on a spreadsheet.
Computer Science
Activity ideas
ICT Resources you could use
Create a computer game or activity
linked to a topic area. Share these and
comment/review each others’ work
2DIY; Purple Mash 3DIY; Scratch;
Kodu Game Lab; Espresso Coding
Level 2
Generate/create a sequence of instructions
Edit/refine a sequence of commands
Understand what an algorithm is and what it does
Control a robot to sense and respond
to various conditions, e.g. ‘Robot
Wars’, or create a robot pet that will
respond to a clap or will sense a wall
and stop etc.
Lego WeDo; Lego Mindstorms;
 Control an on-screen mimic or simulation with
inputs and outputs
 Sequence instructions to control on-screen devices
such as a sprite or avatar
 Refine procedures to improve desired outcomes.
 Combine procedures to solve more complex
 Detect errors in sequences and repetitions and
 Know that algorithms may be decomposed into
component parts (procedures), each of which itself
contains an algorithm.
Level 3
Use conditional statement commands within a
series of instructions (‘if…then’; ‘when…’)
Use repetition in program commands
Level 4
Create and edit variables within a program
Can work with various forms of input and output.
 Understand that the behaviour of a program
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Year 5 Computing Curriculum – Skills and Outcomes
Flowol 4; Go Software
 Understand that algorithms can include selection (if)
and repetition (loops).
 Know that the behaviour of a program should be
 Knowing one or more mechanisms for selecting
which statement sequence will be executed, based
upon the value of some data item
Activity ideas
ICT Resources you could use
Children regularly post and make
comments on the school blog linked to
class topics or 100 Word Challenge
Children save, collaborate and share
work online, e.g. Purple Mash or wikis
Blog j2webby
Level 2
Locate and use information from the internet to
answer questions
Use ICT to communicate with others following
instructions on safe use
“Find out 5 key facts about...” link to
Ask pupils to look at a given website
and check it’s accuracy/plausibility
Search engines
 Develop own e-portfolio to include a range of work
and stored/organised on school network
 Talk about the different forms of electronic
communication and web tools, discuss
appropriateness of using different tools in different
contexts, advantages and disadvantages
 Have an understanding of personal safety when
using electronic communications and possible
implications of misuse
 Understand that a password can keep information
private and secure
 Ensure they understand the need to keep to
copyright rules when publishing their work
 Modify searches further to find relevant information
for a report
 Discuss different strategies for finding relevant
information e.g. using different keywords to find
information on a given enquiry
 Use a range of keywords to find different sources of
information and enter them into a chosen search
 To be aware that web sites are not always accurate
and that information should be checked before it is
Control a simulated real-world
environment or situation, e.g.
controlling traffic lights at a junction.
must be planned
Design and debug programs to accomplish
specific goals
Online and E-Safety
Purple Mash; wikispaces
Phil Bradley has a list of useful fake
websites to use for this:
Level 3
Use communication tools to share and exchange
their ideas with others online
Use strategies for staying safe online
Level 4
Pupils refine searches to find, select and use
information, questioning its reliability.
Communicate and exchange information and
ideas with others online to develop ideas.
 Manage the risks associated with the digital
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