Multimedia/word processing - Stamford Hill Primary School

Year 2 ICT Curriculum – Skills and Outcomes
Information Technology
Computer Science
Online and E-Safety
Information Technology
Activity ideas
ICT Resources you could use
Create an on-screen book, or a leaflet,
linked to topic work
2Create A Story; 2Publish; 2Publish Extra;
Clicker; PowerPoint, LGfL Content Picture
Book Maker
2Publish, 2Publish Extra; Clicker; Smart
Notebook; MS Word, PowerPoint
2Create A Story; PowerPoint
Use microphones to record interviews with
story characters
Record interviews with parents /
grandparents / local shopkeepers / people
of interest!
Design and create a picture or 3D model
linked to topic (eg. transport)
Easispeak Microphones; Audacity
Easispeak Microphones; Audacity
Level 1
 With support, work with
text, images and sound
to explore and share
their ideas
 Explore imaginary and
virtual worlds and
investigate the options
 Say what a pictogram is
showing them.
 Put data into a program
 Sort objects and pictures
in lists or simple tables.
Use a paint package create a map, diagram
or poster
2Paint; 2Paint A Picture; Revelation
Natural Art; MS Paint
Use a paint package to create a scene from
the Great Fire of London
2Paint; 2Paint A Picture; Revelation
Natural Art; MS Paint
Children take photos on a trip and put them
into a slideshow to show others
Digital cameras; Powerpoint; Photostory 3
Use video camera to record the pupils
acting out stories they have created
Video cameras
Use digital images and text to create a
document or presentation linked to topic or
event eg. take pictures of bugs and then
label (identifying features of bugs etc.)
Create a multimedia book of a favourite
Purple Mash 2Design and Make
Word process short narrative and non-narrative
Develop basic editing skills including font size,
colour and style
Select from different presentational features e.g.
title, paragraph, label etc
Save, print, retrieve and amend their work
Use the mouse or arrow keys to insert words and
Use appropriate editing tools to improve their
Make use of graphics, video and sound to
enhance their text on screen
Talk about their use of graphics and sound and
how it may change the mood and atmosphere of
their presentation, and make changes where
Use different layouts and templates for different
Select and use devices for recording sound for a
specific purpose
Exploring a range of sounds and choose
appropriate sounds for a purpose
Use the sound features of programs to add to
their work
Use a range of tools and techniques to
communicate a specific idea or artistic style
Describe to others their use of a paint package
and their reason for choice of tools
Level 2
 Use simple editing and
formatting techniques to
develop their work
 Organise information
and present in different
 Make informed choices
when using ICT to
explore what happens in
real and imaginary
 Sort and organise
information and present
it in simple graph form
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Year 2 ICT Curriculum – Skills and Outcomes
Use a Science Simulation to change
variables – e.g. BBC Science Clip ‘Plants and
Animals in the Local Environment’ or
Create graphs linked to the class topic /
Children use a branching database to sort,
e.g. regular 2D shapes, animals etc.
BBC Science Clip Plants and Animals in the
Local Environment
2Count; 2Graph;
2Question; 2Investigate;
online database 
Develop greater control over a digital/video
Begin to discuss the quality of their image and
make decisions (eg. delete a blurred / bad image)
Enter information into a computer simulation to
support other curriculum areas
Explore the effects of changing the variables in
simulations and use them to make and test
Develop different criteria and create own
Use a simple graphing package to record
information – add labels and numbers as
Talk about how ICT helps them to organise their
Use graphs to create and answer questions
Use a branching database to identify objects using
yes or no questions
Ask questions that comply with the rule that it can
only have a yes or no answer
Able to use a simple Y/N
branching database
Level 3
 Use editing and
formatting techniques to
develop and refine their
work to improve its
quality and presentation
 Create and combine
different forms of
information, refining and
presenting it for a
particular purpose,
showing an awareness
of audience and the
need for quality.
 Collect, record and
organise data to answer
questions and present
findings in different
ways, (e.g. bar graph, pie
chart etc.)
Computer Science
Activity ideas
ICT Resources you could use
Control a floor robot and give it a sequence
of instructions e.g. pretend it’s Postman
Pat’s van delivering letters on a certain
route; program a route for the 3 Wise Men
at Christmas etc.
BeeBot; Roamer; create your own floor
mat for the Beebot to travel around
Level 1
 Explore how devices respond
to commands
 Give and follow instructions,
Talk about how everyday devices can be
Know that devices and actions on screen may be
controlled by sequences of actions and
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Year 2 ICT Curriculum – Skills and Outcomes
Program a sequence of instructions to
control or create a computer activity
LGfL iBoard > ICT>Y2>Understanding
Instructions activities
Espresso Coding
Create a sequence of instructions to control a
programmable robot to carry out a predetermined route to include direction, distance
and turn (on screen or floor robot)
Control a floor robot using appropriate buttons;
make predictions and estimate distances and
Understand that an algorithm is a sequence of
Understand that computers need instructions
(algorithms) to know what to do
which include straight and
turning commands, one at a
Level 2
 Generate/create a sequence
of instructions
 Edit/refine a sequence of
 Understand what an
algorithm is and what it does
Level 3
 Use conditional statement
commands within a series of
instructions (‘if…then’;
 Use repetition in program
Online and E-Safety
Activity ideas
ICT Resources you could use
Share work with other pupils in their own
class, other classes and other schools
Class blog j2webby
Level 1
 Explore information on the
 Use ICT safely by following
instructions with an adult
Level 2
 Locate and use
information from the
Create, save and share work using Purple
Mash at school and at home. Talk about
keeping their passwords secret etc.
Purple Mash
Contribute and discuss ideas to compose and
respond to discussions on a class blog
Upload and save files onto Purple Mash
Consider who can see their contributions on
Purple Mash and begin to talk about the
advantages of using electronic communication
in terms of sharing pages and information with
a wider audience at home and school
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Year 2 ICT Curriculum – Skills and Outcomes
Children search the internet to find out
specific information about an aspect of
their topic
Google Search
Infant Encyclopaedia
To discuss e-safety, understand and abide by
acceptable use policy
To talk about passwords and why they need to
be kept private
Use web based resources to find answers to
Begin to navigate within a website using
hyperlinks and menu buttons to locate
Understand that web sites have a specific
address e.g.
Locate links to web sites from Favourites or
saved hyperlinks
internet to answer
 Use ICT to communicate
with others following
instructions on safe use
Level 3
 Use communication tools
to share and exchange their
ideas with others online
 Use strategies for staying
safe online
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