Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, z.p.robinson@esci.keele.ac.uk
Greening Business: An online teaching resource. www.esci.keele.ac.uk/greeningbusiness
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• These resources may be used for undergraduate educational purposes only, for other uses please contact the author
• When using these resources full acknowledgement to the originator and source should be made.
• These slides were last updated in February 2010
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, z.p.robinson@esci.keele.ac.uk
Greening Business: An online teaching resource. www.esci.keele.ac.uk/greeningbusiness
• Links within this presentation may lead to other sites. These are provided for convenience only. We do not sponsor, endorse or otherwise approve of any information or statements appearing in those sites. The author is not responsible for the availability of, or the content located on or through, any such external site.
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Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, z.p.robinson@esci.keele.ac.uk
Greening Business: An online teaching resource. www.esci.keele.ac.uk/greeningbusiness
Session outline
Businesses are responsible for producing a large volume of waste.
Reducing waste has many benefits for the environment and organisations.
(Source: D’Arcy (flickr.com))
1. Motivations for reducing waste in an organisation
2. Strategies for reducing waste
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, z.p.robinson@esci.keele.ac.uk
Greening Business: An online teaching resource. www.esci.keele.ac.uk/greeningbusiness
What is waste?
Waste or resource?
(Source: Dale Harvey (flickr.com))
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, z.p.robinson@esci.keele.ac.uk
Greening Business: An online teaching resource. www.esci.keele.ac.uk/greeningbusiness
Motivations to reduce waste
There are many benefits to an organization from reducing its waste
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, z.p.robinson@esci.keele.ac.uk
Greening Business: An online teaching resource. www.esci.keele.ac.uk/greeningbusiness
Waste-related legislation
There is increasing legislation, from the
EU and UK, directing the disposal of electrical goods. (Source: Southernpixel
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, z.p.robinson@esci.keele.ac.uk
Greening Business: An online teaching resource. www.esci.keele.ac.uk/greeningbusiness
The true cost of waste
Reducing waste has many different benefits for an organization and for the environment. (Source: Jonas B (flickr.com))
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, z.p.robinson@esci.keele.ac.uk
Greening Business: An online teaching resource. www.esci.keele.ac.uk/greeningbusiness
Environmental benefits of waste reduction
Composting organic waste has many advantages. (Photo: different sorts of compost bin,
Centre for Alternative Technology, Zoe Robinson)
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, z.p.robinson@esci.keele.ac.uk
Greening Business: An online teaching resource. www.esci.keele.ac.uk/greeningbusiness
Cost reductions through waste management
Transportation is just one of the costs associated with a company’s waste.
(Source: Hugo90
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, z.p.robinson@esci.keele.ac.uk
Greening Business: An online teaching resource. www.esci.keele.ac.uk/greeningbusiness
Waste statistics
Recycling saves energy and raw materials. (
Source: James Cridland
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, z.p.robinson@esci.keele.ac.uk
Greening Business: An online teaching resource. www.esci.keele.ac.uk/greeningbusiness
The waste hierarchy
‘Waste’ materials can be re-used for very different purposes. Old wash basins are being used as ornamental plant pots, Centre for Alternative
Technology (Photo: Zoe Robinson)
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, z.p.robinson@esci.keele.ac.uk
Greening Business: An online teaching resource. www.esci.keele.ac.uk/greeningbusiness
Strategies for addressing waste issues
Recycling is just one strategy for dealing with an organisation’s waste
Stephen Whitfield)
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, z.p.robinson@esci.keele.ac.uk
Greening Business: An online teaching resource. www.esci.keele.ac.uk/greeningbusiness
Hitchcock, D. and Willard, M. (2006) The business guide to sustainability. Earthscan.
Reay, D. (2006) Climate Change Begins at Home.
Chartered Institution of Wastes Management http://www.ciwm.co.uk/ (Professional body for waste and resource management)
Netregs. Environmental guidance for your business. http://www.netregs.gov.uk/ (covers waste legislation)
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, z.p.robinson@esci.keele.ac.uk
Greening Business: An online teaching resource. www.esci.keele.ac.uk/greeningbusiness