Satellite View of China China’s Provinces China vs. the U. S. in Size China 0 250 500 1,000 1,500 United States Miles 2,000 Comparing China & the U. S. China 3.7 million square miles United States 3.6 million square miles Main physical barrier Main River Himalayas Rockies Population East Coast Connectivity problems North - South East - West Size Yangtze / East Mississippi / - West North – South East Coast The Great Wall of China Percentages of Different Landforms Mountains & Peaks Altai Mts. Tian Shan Kunlun Shan Himalayan Mts. Greater Khingan Deserts & Plateaus Gobi Desert Taklamakan Desert Tibetan Plateau China’s Climate Zones Precipitation in China Monsoon Precipitation Patterns Agricultural Regions in China Arable Land “Brown” China vs. “Green” China Pasture and Oasis Double-crop rice Major Chinese Industries China as % of World Population Top 10 Populated Nations 0 500 1000 1500 0 China India India China US US Indonesia Pakistan Brazil Indonesia Russia Nigeria Pakistan Bangladesh Bangladesh Brazil Japan Congo Nigeria Ethiopia 2001 500 1000 2050 1500 Population Projections thousands 1500 1300 1100 Why? 900 Answer: China’s One Child Law! 700 500 1945 1955 1965 1975 1985 1995 2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 Population Density Nicknamed “Land of the Rising Sun” Japan by Satellite Japan and the United States Japan’s Regions Physical Map of Japan Mountain s And Peaks Kitani Mts. Kitakami Mts. Mt. Fuji Mt. Fuji Very Mountainous: Little Arable Land Islands Hokkaido Honshu Shikuku Kyushu Okinawa Japan’s Land Area and Utilization Precipitation Different Climates and Seasons in Japan Spring Summer Fall Winter Average January Temperature Average July Temperature Natural Resources Industries Terrace Farming of Rice The Japanese Farm the Sea Tokyo Fish Market Japan’s Population Density Population Comparisons 1,400 1,250 1,200 1,000 Thailand Japan China Hong Kong Singapore 800 600 400 200 61 126 7 0 Population in Millions 4 The Two Koreas: North Korea and South Korea Divided in two at the 38th parallel South Korea Topography of South Korea mostly Hills & Mountains West & South = Coastal Plains South Korea Size Comparison Regions of South Korea South Korea is divided into 16 provinces Population Density Land Use Chart Natural Resources North Korea North Korea mostly Hills & Mountains West = Coastal Plains North Korea Size Comparison Mississippi and North Korea are similar in size Regions of North Korea North Korea is divided into 13 provinces Population Density Land Use Chart Natural Resources Electricity: North Korea vs. South Korea World Contributions to Global Warming Rainforest Rainforests are located in Southeast Asia Asia – “the Pacific Rim of Fire” Home to: • 75% of the world’s active volcanoes • 90% of the world’s earthquakes Volcanoes! Japan’s Sub-Oceanic Trenches Earthquakes in Asia Earthquakes in Japan: 1961-1994 Earthquake Zones in India Tsunamis – Tidal Waves 2004 Earthquake In Indonesia: the Tsunami’s Devastation Estimated 100,000 dead! Japanese Tsunami: March 11, 2011 15,854 deaths, 26,992 injured, and 3,155 people missing Southeast Asia: Global Areas of Malaria World Population Projections SAYONARA!