
LEC 9 _10
• An aphrodisiac is a substance that arouses or increases sexual desire
• The name comes from Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of sensuality and love
• Throughout history, many foods, drinks, and drugs have had a reputation for making
sex more attainable and/or pleasurable
• In certain Asian countries, ground up animal horns considered powerful sexual
• From the scientific point of view, the desired results may be because their users have
chosen to believe they will be effective (the placebo effect)
• Aphrodisiacs have a powerful impact on the mind as they are thought to trigger the
release of chemicals in the brain which then stimulate certain organs
Anatomical regions of the brain involved in sexual arousal & response:
1. cerebral cortex: thinking center of the brain
2. Limbic system: associated w/emotion & motivation; also includes the “pleasure
Neurotransmitters & sexual arousal
1. Dopamine
Released in the “pleasure center” of the limbic system
Facilitates sexual arousal and response
Testosterone stimulates dopamine release in both males and females
2. Serotonin
Inhibits sexual activity
Inhibits release of dopamine
SSRIs increase serotonin levels in the brain--side effects often include decreased
libido and diminished sexual activity
• Foods & Herbs
• Drugs
• Others
Anatomical regions of the brain
involved in sexual arousal & response
center of
the brain
Limbic system:
w/emotion &
also includes
the “pleasure
Aphrodisiac (Foods & Herbs)
Spinch a very powerful antioxidant contains lots of vitamins, speeds up protein
digestion and improves fat metabolism
Bananas are rich in potassium and B vitamins, necessary for sex hormone
Radish: considered an aphrodisiac by Egyptian pharoahs, most likely because
its spicy taste stimulates the palate
Asparagus- for energy and vitamin E, which directly effects fertility & sexuality
Celery- contains androsterone, a hormone in males when released, attracts
 The chemical is released after eating through perspiration and functions as a
pheromone that increases the sexual desire in women
Onion a stimulant in Ancient Egypt
Garlic is one of the oldest known aphrodisiacs which was widely used by
Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt
Caviar & Oysters
A good source of zinc which stimulates the formation of testosterone
Low sperm count is associated with zinc deficiency
Chocolate contains over 400 chemicals including:
CNS stimulants,
White honey
Aphrodisiac herbs and plants such as Ginseng, Nutmeg, Damiana, Tongkat Ali,
Goat Weed and many more, have been used for centuries in many cultures
throughout the world
Champagne viewed as the "drink of love," moderate quantities lower
inhibitions and cause a warm glow in the body
Small amounts of alcohol
Aphrodisiac Drugs
Melanotan II
PEA (phenylethylamine)
Sex Hormones
Examples: testosterone, estrogen
Both sexes produce each, but in varying amounts
Testosterone: the major androgen, or male sex hormone, produced in the testes
(men), adrenal glands (men and women), & ovaries (women)
Estrogen: the major female sex hormones produced by ovaries & testes (small
Hormonal control of arousal:
• Testosterone is the key circulating hormone
• Estrogen is the key cellular hormone
• Threshold levels of testosterone are necessary for sexual interest in both
• But testosterone is not a sufficient cause for sexual activity
• Social factors are far more important
• Men have 20 to 40 times more ‼‼
• Libido (desire) is clearly linked to levels of sex hormones, particularly testosterone.
It affects (libido) more than function
Testosterone–“The motivator”:
• Castration – the surgical removal of the testes causes dramatic reduction in sexual
interest & desire
• In individuals with relatively low levels of testosterone (e.g. post-menopausal
women or men over age 60), testosterone supplements will often increase libido
Females & Testosterone,Post-menopausal women :
 Testosterone clearly increases female sexual desire & sensitivity
 Women with low hormone levels, can try hormone replacement therapy
(HRT) to improve libido
 There are some negative side effects such as tremors, headache irregular
heartbeats and cancer
Good Luck
Lecture 10 Cont. Aphrodisiacs
Cont. Aphrodisiacs
• Yohimbine is the main alkaloid of Yohimbe, evergreen tree that grows in Nigeria,
Cameroon, Congo and Gabon
• Yohimbe bark extracts are widely promoted online and in health food stores as a
“natural aphrodisiac”
Aphrodisiac effects:
In rats, yohimbine extracts induced sexual arousal and activity
Positively affected sexual desire and performance in men with erectile disorders
Increased sexual arousal in postmenopausal women
This drug was approved in the US for treatment of impotence
As a weak MAO inhibitor and alpha-adrenergic antagonist, yohimbine may
increase genital blood flow & sexual sensitivity in some people
Preparations of yohimbe bark are available over-the-counter and should be used
with caution
The unrefined yohimbe bark contains several active alkaloids besides yohimbine.
Side effects can include rapid pulse, sweating, and anxiety in susceptible people R
(higher doses)
Can’t be taken by anyone with medical problems such as heart problems, high
blood pressure, liver problems, diabetes, or anyone taking a number of different
Some compounds that activate the melanocortin receptors MC3-R and MC4-R
in the brain are effective aphrodisiacs
Bremelanotide, is used in clinical trials for treatment of sexual arousal disorder
and erectile dysfunction. It is intended for both men and women. However, the drug
causes increased blood pressure
Melanotan II
Melanotan is a bremelanotide's precursor having aphrodisiac properties
Phenylethylamine (PEA)
a chemical present in chocolate, considered an aphrodisiac
Neurotransmitters & sexual arousal:
Released in the “pleasure center” of the limbic system
Facilitates sexual arousal and response
Dopamine agonists
1. Pramipexole
is a dopamine agonist used in medicine as an aphrodisiac, and is sometimes
prescribed to counteract the decrease in libido associated with SSRIs
2. Apomorphine
the older dopamine agonist has been used for the treatment of erectile
dysfunction, but it causes nausea.
Psycho-active Substances
Neurotransmitters & sexual arousal:
Stimulants affecting dopamine system such as cocaine and amphetamines are
frequently associated with hypersexuality, though both may impair sexual
functioning (with long term use)
Alcohol, cannabis, cocaine amphetamines, can increase libido and sexual desire.
However these drugs are not aphrodisiacs in the strict sense of the definition, as they
do not consistently produce aphrodisiac effects as their main action. However, these
drugs are sometimes used to increase sexual pleasure
Relations between alcohol, drugs & sex
• Strong aphrodisiac
• Increases stimulation
• Increases confidence
• Prolongs sex
• Increases sexual desire
• Unprotected sex
Some Alleged Aphrodisiacs:
Actual effect
Can reduce inhibitions to
make sexual behaviors less
stressful. Alcohol is actually
a depressant and in quantity
can impair erectile ability,
arousal, and orgasm.
CNS stimulants, reduce
inhibitions. High doses or
long-term use can cause
erectile disorder, delayed
ejaculation, and inhibitions
of orgasm in both sexes and
can reduce vaginal
lubrication in women.
Dilates arteries to brain and
also to genital area, produces
time distortion and warmth
in pelvic area. Can decrease
sexual arousal, delay
orgasm, and inhibit or block
Reduce inhibitions in similar
fashion to alcohol and may
decrease sexual desire,
impair erection, and inhibit
Not effective as sexual
stimulant. Acts as a powerful
irritant that can cause
inflammation to the lining of
bladder and urethra.
CNS stimulant, lossens
inhibitors and enhances
sense of well being, may
impair ability to enjoy sex,
reduce sexual desire, inhibit
erection, or cause
spontaneous or delayed
No direct physiological
enhancement of sexual
response. Can produce
altered perception of sexual
activity, frequently
associated with
unsatisfactory erotic
Reputed effect
Enhance arousal, stimulates sexual
Name (& street name)
Elevate mood, enhance sexual
experience and abilities.
Amphetamine (speed , uppers)
Intensifies orgasms and arousal.
Amyl nitrite (snappers, poppers)
Enhance arousal, stimulate sexual
Barbiturates (barbs, downers)
Stimulates genital area, cauing
person to desire coitus.
Cantharides (Spanish fly)
Increase frequency and intensity of
orgasm, heightens arousal.
Cocaine (coke)
Enhance sexual response.
LSD and other psychedelic drugs
(including mescaline, psilocybin)
No documented benefits to
Sexually rejuvenates older males.
sexual ability. Occasionally
produce a painful condition
known as priapism
(constant, unwanted
Enhances mood and reduces Elevates mood and arousal,
inhibitions in a way similar
stimulates sexual sctivity.
to alcohol. Can inhibit sexual
response and may distort the
time sense, with the resulting
illusion of prolonged arousal
and orgasm.
Appears to have genuine
Induces sexual arousal and enhances Yohimbine
aphrodisiac effect on rats.
sexual performance.
Recent evidence suggests it
may enhance sexual desire
or performance in some
Date rape“party club”
drugs: Flunitrazepam ‘Rohypnol
• Tasteless, potent BZ with rapid onset and marked amnestic properties
• The amnesia-producing effects of this BZs make the victim unable to
describe the events after she or he has recovered
Tasteless BNZ + high potency + rapid-onset + production of amnesia, 
victim incapable of resisting rape "date rape“.
It gained popularity among younger individuals and is placed in the
alcoholic drink of the victim
Erectile function disorders
drugs, such as Viagra and Levitra, are not considered aphrodisiacs because they do
not have any direct effect on the brain, although increased ability to attain an
erection may be interpreted as increased sexual arousal by users of
these drugs.
Sildenafil: MOA
• Sildenafil, is a potent and selective inhibitor of cyclic GMP-specific
phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) which is present in high concentrations in the
smooth muscle of the penis
• Cyclic GMP promotes smooth muscle relaxation, increased blood flow to the
penis. Inhibiting PDE5 maintains concentrations of cGMP necessary for
achieving and maintaining erection
Adverse Events:
• Flushed face
• Headache
• Nasal congestion
• Muscle/back pain
• Nitrates and PDE inhibitors must not be used together
• Includes use of amyl nitrate
• Any treatment for ED is contraindicated in men for whom sexual intercourse is
inadvisable due to cardiovascular risk factors
Perfumes: made of natural foodstuffs such as almond, vanilla, and other herbs
and spices act as a pheromone to communicate emotions by smell
The red colour
Spanish Fly made from the dried body of a special beetle, it irritates the urinary
tract, sending a rush of blood to the genitals. is actually quite dangerous
Substances which inhibit sexual desire and performance
Birth control pills (progesterone-containing) reduce sexual desire by lowering
testosterone levels
Opiates, tranquilizers, sedatives reduce sexual interest, activity, and function
Nicotine: reduces sexual interest and function by constricting blood vessels and
reducing blood testosterone levels
Blood pressure medicine, drugs that treat heart disease
Inhibit erection and ejaculation, reduce orgasm intensity, reduce sexual interest
Decreased desire, erectile disorder, delayed or absent orgasm
Anticonvulsant and antipsychotic drugs