ICT Activities

Languages’ Department: Italian ICT Activities 2012
St. Ignatius’ College, Riverview
Languages’ Department: Italian ICT Activities 2012
ICT Activity #1
Fumetti [Comics]
You are going to create an Italian comic-style poster, using the
program Comic Life!
You will insert photos of celebrities from Google Images into your
Comic Life template. Then you will drag in speech bubbles so they
look like they are talking to each other. You will create these mini-dialogues from phrases
from your Esplora! 1 – Student Book, plus those that you learned in class.
Cover the different topics: greeting, asking someone’s name, asking someone’s age, asking
where someone lives. You can also have the characters describing themselves.
1) Read over your notes to remind you of how to use verbs and adjectives.
2) Use the glossary lists in the Esplora! – 1 Student Book.
Remember: Come sei? = What are you like?
Come ti descrivi? = How do you describe yourself?
Che tipo di persona sei? = What type of a person are you?
How to answer: Io sono + adjective (in masculine or feminine form)
1) Right click on the photo and choose ‘Save image as…’
2) Save it to a folder in your private drive.
3) Then in Comic Life, on the bottom right hand side, you will see a place where your
photos appear, choose ‘Album’ and scroll down to where you’ve stored your photos.
Divertitevi! ~ Have fun!
St. Ignatius’ College, Riverview
Languages’ Department: Italian ICT Activities 2012
ICT Activity #2
L’italiano in giro al mondo [Italian around the World]
 Research countries where a significant number of people speak Italian.
 Write a brief explanation as to why Italian is spoken in this country.
 Present a poster showing:
o a map of these countries,
o their flag,
o a picture representing that country.
 Print your poster in colour and hand it in to your teacher to display in your
ICT Activity #3
Fatto in Italia [Made in Italy]
 List as many famous Italian products, brands, people, places and buildings
as you can.
 Search images for the items on your list from sources on the Internet.
 Create a collage of all these items.
 Print your poster in colour and hand it in to your teacher to display in your
ICT Activity #4
[This activity is based on Ecco Uno (Heinemann), p. 122]
Nutellizzati! [Italian Products]
 Read ‘Other famous Italian products’ for background information
Visit the Nutella website www.nutella.it , www.nutella.com.au and answer the
following questions:
o What is Nutella?
o How is it made?
o When was it invented and why?
o Who invented it?
o Why was it named Nutella?
o When was it introduced in Australia?
Read Luca’s BLOG on NUTELLA NUTS! Comment on his Blog making reference
to the points he makes. In your response, comment on a food item that many
St. Ignatius’ College, Riverview
Languages’ Department: Italian ICT Activities 2012
young Australians are crazy about, for example: Vegemite, Milo, Tim Tam,
Peanut Butter, Wheatbix or a specific chocolate bar, snack etc.
Answer the first question in the box ‘Moving between cultures’.
St. Ignatius’ College, Riverview
Languages’ Department: Italian ICT Activities 2012
ICT Activity #4 – Continued
St. Ignatius’ College, Riverview
Languages’ Department: Italian ICT Activities 2012
ICT Activity #5
Carta d’identità [Identity Card]
You are to create TWO identity cards: one of yourself and one of your best
Use the program ‘Photo Booth’ to capture a photo of yourself and your
In your profile you must answer the following questions:
1. Come ti chiami?
2. Quanti anni hai?
3. Dove abiti?
4. Come ti descrivi? / Come sei? [physical description]
5. Che tipo di persona sei? [personality]
6. Di che nazionalità sei?
7. Che lingua parli?
In your friend’s profile you must answer the following questions:
1. Come si chiama?
2. Quanti anni ha?
3. Dove abita?
4. Come si descrive? / Com’è lui/lei? [physical description]
5. Che tipo di persona è? [personality]
6. Di che nazionalità è?
7. Che lingua parla?
ICT Activity #6
[This activity is based on Esplora ! 1 Student Book (Nelson Cengage), p. 19]
I gladiatori antichi [Ancient gladiators]
Create a Fumetto [comic strip] about the life of a gladiator in ancient
Roman times.
Include his name, age and where he lives.
Plan it with illustrations on a poster.
You may create a fictional character or research the Internet for
gladiators who really existed in Roman times.
Use the program Comic Life 2 to complete this activity.
St. Ignatius’ College, Riverview
Languages’ Department: Italian ICT Activities 2012
ICT Activity #7
Italiani famosi [Famous Italians]
 Create a Powerpoint/Keynote Presentation of some Italian celebrities or
famous people from the past.
 Choose a person from the following fields:
 historical figure
 scientist
 artist
 actor/actress
 singer
 sports player
 politican
 Introduce each person you have chosen, include his/her city of origin and
a brief description [hair, eyes, personality and height].
ICT Activity #8
[This activity is modified from Esplora ! 1 Student Book (Nelson Cengage), p. 39]
Pasta per tutti [Pasta for everyone]
Read the background information in your Esplora 1 Student Book, page
Imagine you are opening an Italian restaurant and you are only going to
have pasta on your menu.
You are to create a menu of all the different types of pasta in Italy and
accompanying sauces.
On your menu you must provide a picture of all the types of pasta, the
name in Italian and from which region in Italy it originates.
You must include the following types of pasta in your menu:
nidi di rondini
Create your ‘own’ pasta variety: draw it, suggest a sauce that would go
well with it and invent an appropriate ‘shape-name’. Add this new pasta
variety to your menu as the ‘Special of the day’.
St. Ignatius’ College, Riverview
Languages’ Department: Italian ICT Activities 2012
ICT Activity #9
[This activity is modified from Esplora ! 1 Student Book (Nelson Cengage), p. 49]
Casa Dolce Casa [Home Sweet Home]
 Read the background information on the Esplor@mag in Esplora 1, pages
48 – 49.
 Design your dream house in the style of houses in Pompeii.
 Draw a plan in Sketch up/Powerpoint/ Keynote/Word/Pages
 Label each room in Italian, write a description and include appropriate
ICT Activity #10
[The first part of this activity is modified from Esplora ! 1 Student Book (Nelson
Cengage), p. 58]
I Davidi [The Davids]
Compare Donatello’s and Michelangelo’s Davids in a table.
Describe the differences between the two statutes, observing the
materials used, colours, accessories and styles.
Answer the following questions about each statue:
1. When was it made?
2. Who was it made for?
3. Where is it found today?
Create a collage of Michelangelo’s and Donatello’s famous works of art.
1. Michelangelo’s David is a very powerful symbol throughout Italy.
Images of David are often used in advertisements for things like jeans,
insurance companies and even a brand of prosciutto. How do you
think Michelangelo would feel about that?
2. Do you think Michelangelo’s David is a good symbol for Firenze?
3. Which David do you prefer and why?
St. Ignatius’ College, Riverview
Languages’ Department: Italian ICT Activities 2012
ICT Activity #11
[This activity is to accompany Esplora ! 1 Student Book (Nelson Cengage), p. 88]
I SIMBOLI DI VENEZIA [Symbols of Venice]
 Imagine you live in Venice and you want to advertise the beauties of your
city. Create a presentation on the famous symbols and attractions of the
 In your presentation you are to include several symbols [with a description
and/or an image] of Venice, including the following:
o Piazza San Marco [St. Mark’s Square]
o Il Palazzo del Doge [Doge’s Palace]
o Basilica di San Marco [St. Mark’s Basilica]
o Il Ponte di Rialto [The Rialto Bridge]
o the gondola
o Murano glass
o Burano lace
o Carnevale and its masks
o Il Canal Grande [The Grand Canal]
REFLECTION! – In your presentation reflect on why you live in Venice. What
are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a city without cars?
ICT Activity #12
[This activity is to accompany Esplora ! 1 Student Book (Nelson Cengage), p. 89]
L’EURO [The Euro]
Click on the link EURO CURRENCY http://www.eurocoins.co.uk/ and read
through the information on this page. The back of each Euro coin
presents a different masterpiece of art or architecture. Search this site for
all the euro coins and their designs.
Choose a denomination of a coin (1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 1 Euro, 2 Euro) and
compare all the coins from the different European countries.
Create an A4 poster of the different images and a brief outline of what
the image symbolises for each country.
Find today’s exchange rate for the Australian dollar against the Euro.
Print out your poster, hand it in to your teacher next lesson.
St. Ignatius’ College, Riverview
Languages’ Department: Italian ICT Activities 2012
ICT Activity #13
Le Feste Italiane [Italian Festivals of Historical Importance]
 Create a Powerpoint Presentation on one festival of importance in Italy.
Answer the following questions:
1. When is the festival held?
2. When did it begin?
3. Where is it held?
4. What is significant about the event?
5. Are there special costumes for the day/festival/period?
6. Include images depicting the festival.
Choose a festival from the following list:
Il Palio di Siena - Il Gioco del Calcio Storico - La Regata Storica di Venezia - La
Partita a Scacchi di Marostica - Il Matrimonio del Mare - Il Carnevale - La
Cavalcata Sarda - Il Calendimaggio - La Festa del Grillo - Il Festival delle
Cipolle - Il Festival del Vino - La Battaglia dei Fiori
You will save your work onto a USB and then bring the USB to class to present in
front of the class or you may connect your device to the projector.
ICT Activity #14
I Mezzi Di Trasporto [Modes of Transport]
Use the Internet to find the information you need to match each city with its
specific mode of transport.
1. Create a Word document or Powerpoint,
with the heading COME VAI IN GIRO NELLE
CITTÀ FAMOSE, to present a photo essay on
the famous vehicles listed.
2. Search the Internet for photos/images of
the modes of transport.
3. Copy them into your Word/Powerpoint
4. Write a caption for each, identifying the
particular mode of transport used.
Double-decker bus
Underground train
Motor scooter
e.g A Sydney vado in giro in…[insert mode
of transport]
St. Ignatius’ College, Riverview
Languages’ Department: Italian ICT Activities 2012
ICT Activity #15
[This activity is to accompany Esplora ! 1 Student Book (Nelson Cengage), p.
UNESCO World Heritage List
 What does UNESCO stand for?
 How do you say World Heritage in Italian?
 Do you think we need a World Heritage List?
 Make a list of Famous World Heritage sites in Italy and Australia.
 Choose one heritage site in Italy and one in Australia, describe both, say
where they are found and explain why you would like to visit the chosen
[whc.unesco.org – www.unesco.com ]
ICT Activity #16
I Nomi Italiani [Italian Names]
1. What are the most common male and female names in Italy and in Australia?
2. What were the most popular names chosen for Italian babies: in 1950? 1960?
1970? 1980?
3. Search the Internet and compile a Top Ten list of these names.
4. Print the list and paste it into your Italian exercise book!
ICT Activity #17
[This activity is based on Esplora ! 1 Student Book (Nelson Cengage), p. 115]
Album di Attività [Pictionary]
 Find pictures to illustrate expressions using the verb fare. The expressions
are found in Esplora! 1 – page 115.
 Write a sentence to accompany each expression and organise them in a
Powerpoint/Keynote Presentation.
St. Ignatius’ College, Riverview
Languages’ Department: Italian ICT Activities 2012
ICT Activity #18
Viaggio In Italia [Travelling to Italy]
Prepare a fact sheet/presentation/brochure/poster for
a friend who is traveling to Italy for the first time.
Using the Internet and your Italian textbook,
provide information, such as the:
 Actual distance from where you live to
 Time taken to travel by plane from
where you live to Italy
 Time difference between your
town and Italy
 Population difference
between Australia and Italy
 Average temperature in
Rome in January and June
 What items to pack in your
 What currency you will need
 Travel tips
 Any other information you
think might be necessary to know
ICT Activity #19
[This activity is modified from Esplora ! 1 Student Book (Nelson Cengage), p. 119]
Le Previsioni del Tempo [Weather Forecast]
 Imagine you are presenting the weather on the 6:00pm news bulletin. You
can choose whether you wish to present:
o the capital cities in Australia,
o the capital cities in Italy or
o the weather for your chosen city for the week.
Prepare the script of the weather forecast. In your report include:
o a greeting to the viewers,
o minimum and maximum temperature for each city or day of the
o a variety of weather forecasts
Use iMovie to create your Weather Forecast presentation.
St. Ignatius’ College, Riverview
Languages’ Department: Italian ICT Activities 2012
ICT Activity #20
[This activity is modified from Esplora ! 1 Student Book (Nelson Cengage), p. 129]
Bologna: La Grassa! [Bologna: The Fat!]
 Create a poster, iMovie, Keynote or PowerPoint Presentation to promote
tourism in your city Bologna.
 Answer the following questions:
1. What is its nickname?
2. What food products are from Bologna?
3. Name a famous bolognese person. What is his/her claim to fame?
4. Create a list of the Top Ten tourist attractions in Bologna.
 In your presentation, include the answers to the above questions, images
and other relevant facts about Bologna.
ICT Activity #21
[This activity is modified from Esplora ! 1 Student Book (Nelson Cengage), p. 138]
F1 in Italia [Formula One in Italy]
 Research the Formula Uno in Italy and answer these questions:
1. What is Formula Uno?
2. What does il Gran Premio mean?
3. When is the F1 of Monza held?
4. When is the F1 of Imola held?
5. How much does a ticket cost to see a race?
6. Name some famous Italian F1 drivers.
7. Provide images of the tracks in Monza and Imola.
8. Pin point on a map where these two tracks are located.
Research the Grand Prix in Australia and answer these questions:
1. Where is the Grand Prix held in Australia?
2. Why is this race called The Grand Prix in Australia?
3. When is it held?
4. Other than Australia and Italy, list the other countries that host the
Formula One Grand Prix.
ICT Activity #22
[This activity is to accompany Esplora ! 1 Student Book (Nelson Cengage), p.
Le Mascotte Di Serie A [Italian Football Mascots]
 Create a photo catalogue of the teams in the Serie A Football League.
 In your catalogue include:
o the team’s mascot
o the team’s colours
St. Ignatius’ College, Riverview
Languages’ Department: Italian ICT Activities 2012
o the team’s emblem
o the city from where the team originates
ICT Activity #23
Le Vacanze Estive [Summer Holidays]
 Read this forum discussion post and reply to the questions asked.
ICT Activity #24
I Passatempi e gli Sport [Sports and Pastimes]
 Read this forum discussion post and reply to the questions asked.
St. Ignatius’ College, Riverview
Languages’ Department: Italian ICT Activities 2012
ICT Activity #25
Gli Inviti [Invitations]
 Read this forum discussion post and reply to the questions asked.
ICT Activity #26
[This activity is modified from Volare 2 Course Book (Longman), p. 120]
Le Feste Pubbliche [Public Holidays]
 Create a snap shot of all the Public Holidays, festivals and main events in
o Which of the Italian public holidays coincide with the Australian
 Write the dates in Italian and try to write the name of the event in Italian.
 For each event/Public Holiday/festival include an image depicting the
 Present your calendar to the class.
ICT Activity #27
 Research the SMS and informal abbreviations for text messaging in Italian.
 Use examples in your textbook as well as sites from the Internet.
 Create a useful list of these abbreviations for you and your friends to use.
 Create a brief SMS inviting your friend to a concert with relevant details,
then, create a reply to the first SMS either accepting or declining with a
reason. Challenge yourself to use as many abbreviations as possible.
St. Ignatius’ College, Riverview
Languages’ Department: Italian ICT Activities 2012
ICT Activity #28
[This activity is to accompany Esplora ! 1 Student Book (Nelson Cengage), p.
Le Piazze di Roma [Rome’s Squares]
 Research and present a slide show using PowerPoint on a chosen square
in Rome. Be sure to include answers to the following questions in your
1. When was this place built?
2. What events have taken place here in the past?
3. What was/is its significance in the past and present?
4. Is it used for any special events today? If yes, which ones?
5. What are its physical features?
6. Is there any other special or interesting information about it?
7. Include images of the famous place or monument.
Suggested Piazze
Piazza Barberini
Piazza Colonna
Piazza del Campidoglio
Piazza Farnese
Piazza Navona
Piazza di Spagna
Piazza della Minerva
Piazza del Popolo
Piazza del Quirinale
Piazza Venezia
St. Ignatius’ College, Riverview
Languages’ Department: Italian ICT Activities 2012
ICT Activity #29
[This activity is modified from VOlare 2 Course Book (Longman), p. 145]
Ricerche Su Roma [Researching Rome]
 Research and present a slide show using PowerPoint/Keynote on a famous
place or monument in Rome. Make sure you include answers to the
following questions in your presentation.
When was this place built?
What is it made of (brick, mortar, sandstone etc.)?
What events have taken place there in the past?
What was/is its significance in the past and present?
Is it used for any special events today? If not, why not?
What are its physical features?
Is there any other special or interesting information about it?
Include images of the famous place or monument.
Suggested places/monuments in Rome:
1. Il Colosseo
2. Il Vaticano
3. La Fontana di Trevi
4. Il Pantheon
5. Piazza Navona
6. Piazza Venezia
7. Il Castel Sant’Angelo
8. Piazza di Spagna
9. La Bocca della Verità
10. Circo Massimo (Circus Maximus)
11. Campo de’ Fiori
12. Piazza del Popolo
13. Villa Borghese
14. Arch of Constantine
15. Gesù Church
16. Mamertine Prison
17. St.Ignazio church
18. St.Peter in Chains
19. Trajan’s Column, forum and market
20. Mausoleum of Augustus
21. Baths of Diocletian
22. Largo Argentina
23. Capuchin Crypt
24. Via Appia (Appian Way)
St. Ignatius’ College, Riverview
Languages’ Department: Italian ICT Activities 2012
ICT Activity #30
Conosciamoci! [Getting to know each other]
 Read the discussion post and respond to all questions asked in Italian.
ICT Activity #31
Come ti descrivi? [Describing yourself]
 Read the discussion post and respond to all questions asked in Italian.
St. Ignatius’ College, Riverview
Languages’ Department: Italian ICT Activities 2012
ICT Activity #32
Chi ha rubato la statua del Dio Marte? [Who stole the statue of Mars?]
 Read the discussion post and respond to all questions asked in Italian. This
discussion post refers to Esplora! 2 – Chapter 1.
ICT Activity #33
Rimorchiare una ragazza [Picking up a girl]
 Respond to the discussion post on Quantum on ‘How to impress a girl’. In
your post write all the things you have to do to get into shape.
 You must use the verb dovere – to have to, must.
 Use Giuliana’s diary entry from Esplora! 2 – Chapter 2, as stimulus for your
own post.
ICT Activity #34 – Stage 5 – 6
La mia giornata tipica [My Daily Routine]
 Read the discussion post asking questions about your daily routine and
reply to all questions asked.
St. Ignatius’ College, Riverview
Languages’ Department: Italian ICT Activities 2012
ICT Activity #35
Il tempo libero [Freetime]
 Read the discussion post on freetime and respond to all questions and
comments made in the post.
ICT Activity #36
Parlami un po’ di te! [Tell me about yourself!]
 Read the discussion post and respond to all questions and comments
made in the post.
St. Ignatius’ College, Riverview
Languages’ Department: Italian ICT Activities 2012
ICT Activity #37 – Senior Italian, Years 11 – 12
Le risoluzioni per il 2012 [New year’s Resolutions for 2012]
 Read the discussion post on New Year’s resolutions and respond to all
questions and comments made in the post. Remember to use the future
tense and subjunctive mood.
ICT Activity #38 – Senior Italian, Years 11 – 12
Quando ero bambino… [When I was a child…]
 Read the discussion post and respond to all questions and comments
made in the post. Remember to use the Imperfect tense.
St. Ignatius’ College, Riverview
Languages’ Department: Italian ICT Activities 2012
ICT Activity #39 – Senior Italian, Years 11 – 12
La musica [Music]
 Read the discussion post and respond to all questions and comments
made in the post. Remember to write about some genres of music that
you do not like.
ICT Activity #40
[This activity is modified from Esplora ! 2 Student Book (Nelson Cengage), p. 4]
I Profili Pericolosi – la Foto Segnaletica [Wanted People – Mugshots]
You have been named as a suspect in Commissario Caruso’s investigation
of the theft of the statue of the god of Mars.
Take a mug shot of yourself and create a suspect profile with your details.
Include the following:
o Nome:
o Cognome:
o Età:
o Professione:
o Residente a:
o Attività agli Uffizi
[Photo Booth, iMovie]
St. Ignatius’ College, Riverview