Young Nation study guide answer key

New Nation Study Guide
The following will be covered on your test on Monday, November 10. The test will be multiple choice, matching,
chronology and document analysis.
Federalists vs Anti-Federalists (Democratic-Republicans)
Characteristics of each
Feds: wealthy, educated elitist, fear of the common person and mob rule, belief that free speech
should be restricted for the good of the new nation
Anti-Feds: generally “common people”, farmers, etc, belief that the common person was the
backbone of the new nation, free speech essential to the growth of the nation
Philosophies of each regarding
The Role of Government
Feds: BIG government. The young nation would benefit most from a strong government
which controlled most aspects of life in the country. Looking for a British way of life. National Bank essential.
International Credit important. Acquisition of a National Debt in order to establish credit
Anti-Feds: SMALL national government. More power to the state and local governments.
Did not believe in the National Bank or the acquisition of debt. Looked to be like the French.
Feds: Federal Government should control the banks and credit. Will help big business and
Anti-Feds: Banks are best regulated by the states and local governments. Agriculture should
be the backbone of the economy and only local banks will only understand those specific needs.
Who should rule:
Feds: wealthy,educated
Anti-Feds: the common man
Washington’s Presidency: Federalist
His Precedents
1. Neutrality in foreign relations (i.e. French revolution)
2. Serve only 2 terms
3. “So help me God” at the end of the oath of office
4. Presidential cabinet office
His Cabinet
Secretary of War: Henry Knox
Secretary of State: Thomas Jefferson
Secretary of the Treasury: Alexander Hamiliton
Attorney General: Edmund Randolph
Personal Characteristics
Strong leader, high respected, ran for office twice without opposition
Why were political parties formed?
Differing philosophies about what the Young Nation should look like cause people to pick sides.
George Washington had warned against the formation of political parties
John Adams: Federalist
Personal Characteristics
Extremely intelligent, moody, insecure, paranoid
XYZ Affair: What was the issue? How was it settled?
French attacking US trade ship b/c they were upset the US had done nothing to support their
Adams sent three delegats to negotiate – delegates met with French diplomats, XYZ, who issued a
bride in order to speak at all. Delegates refused and went back to US. Delegates and Adams viewed as heros for
standing up to the French
Alien and Sedition Acts
Why were they passed?
French citizens fleeing France during the French Revolution due to its brutality. Because of
bad French/ US relations, Adams feared these new immigrants were actually trying to spy or hurt the US
The Alien Acts changed the length of time necessary to become a citizen and gave the
President the ability to deport or jail anyone he felt was a threat, without trial
The Sedition acts made it illegal to speak out against the government
What were the reasons why some were against them?
The Acts were seen as a violation of the 1st, 6th and 7th Amendments
What was the impact on John Adams’ Presidency?
Adams became extremely unpopular and lost his bid for re-election
Thomas Jefferson: Democratic Republican
Political Beliefs: See Anti-Feds
Why he opposed Hamilton’s Economic Plan
Felt it was unconstitutional and favored only the wealth
Louisiana Purchase
Impact on the Country
Doubled the size of the country
Vastly increase wealth of natural resources
Who was it acquired from?
France – Napolean sold it because he was near bankrupt
Lewis and Clark Expedition: Ultimate goal was to reach the Pacific Ocean
Sent back info on hundreds of new animal and plant species
Led my Indian guide, Sacajawea
Monroe Doctrine: What was it?
European countries were to stay out of the Western Hemishpere or the US would have to intervene
The US would stay out of all European affaira
Missouri Compromise: What was it?
Dispute over slavery
Missouri would enter the union as a slave state even though it should have entered as a free – many
occupants already had slaves
Maine was formed and entered the union as a free state
All states north of 36’30 would enter the union as a free state from this moment
James Madison Presidency
Who gained the right to vote during this time?
Property requirements to vote changed, giving more free, white, poor males the right to vote
This most likely gave Jackson the victory – he was a barely literate war hero loved by the common
Madison’s Spoils system
Once in office, Madison removed almost all qualified workers and replaced them with his friends,
regardless of their qualifications
Abused his power and became viewed as tyrant king
Resulted in much bitterness
Rationale for Indian Removal
Told Congress it would be in the Native’s best interest to move to delegated reservations
Economically necessary in order to develop the west and not have to pay for military protection of
new settlers
Arguments against Indian Removal
Native Americans had won a legal appeal to not have to move and were forced to do so anyway
They were already assimilating into American society
Was cruel and unnecessary
The Trail of Tears
800 mile march in which ¼ of the Native Americans died