AP HISTORY: BOOK REPORT FIRST QUARTER Name: Choose a biography or autobiography of one of the following and have it approved by the teacher Chris. Columbus Clark John Fremont John Rolfe John Marshall Winfield Scott John Smith Aaron Burr Elias Howe Anne Hutchinson James Madison Matthew Perry William Penn Tecumseh Samuel Morse Benjamin Franklin W H Harrison Dorthea Dix George Washington Henry Clay Harace Mann George III John C Calhoun Sara Grimke Samuel Adams Oliver Perry Susan B Anthony Crispus Attucks Francis S Key Frederick Douglass Patrick Henry Andrew Jackson W L Garrison Pontiac James Monroe Nat Turner Samuel Adams Samuel Slater Soujourner Truth John Adams Daniel Webster David Ruggles John Jay Martin Van Buren Harriet Tubman Thomas Paine Thoreau Amerlia Bloomer Thomas Jefferson Margaret Fuller H B Stowe Abigail Adams Horace Greely Steven Austin James Madison Nataniel Hawthorne Sam Houston Alexander Hamilton James Polk John Tyler Toussaint Zachary Taylor l’Ouverture Lewis Directions 1. Have the book approved by the teacher. 2. Read the book. 3. List six events that happed in this person’s life that was significant to US History or that were a response to something important that happened in US History. 4. Explain how this person had an affect on American History in around one page. 5. Explain why felt this was or was not an effective book in less than one page. (Rubrics considerations: complete life story, highlights those parts pertinent to American History, followed directions)