Session 3 Industrial Waste Management Administration in Japan Armando Bandeira dos Santos Jr. SUFRAMA April 6, 2010 GOVERNO FEDERAL Solid Waste Classification and Responsibility in Japan Solid waste arising from business activities is termed “industrial waste” and the enterprise is responsible for treating it. All other solid waste is termed “municipal waste” and municipalities are responsible for management Municipalities hold responsible Household waste Oversize waste Garbage Municipal waste Ordinary garbage (combustible, non-combustible, etc.) Establishment waste Nightsoil Special control municipal waste Solid waste Enterprises hold responsible Industrial waste Waste arising from business activities Special control industrial waste Special control municipal waste/special control industrial waste: Hazardous, infectious or explosive waste Industrial waste: Cinders, sludge, waste oil, waste acid, waste alkali, waste plastics and other waste defined by Cabinet Order and imported waste GOVERNO FEDERAL 2 Responsibilities for solid waste management - Responsibility for the treatment of Urban Solid Wastes: Responsibility from the Provincial Government; the Government pays the service companies to recycle/treat such wastes - Responsibility for the treatment of Industrial Wastes: Responsibility from the generator; nevertheless, it is transferred to the management company once the wastes services company is hired; the role of the generator is to identify problems in the source of the wastes. GOVERNO FEDERAL Roles of National/Local Governments in Japan National (Federal) Government Defining national waste management policy, Setting standards for the appropriate waste management, Financial and technical support to the local government, etc. Prefectures (States) Establishing regional waste management program, Ensuring the appropriate management of industrial waste, Authorization for waste treatment facilities and landfills, Providing technical aids to the municipalities, etc. GOVERNO FEDERAL Roles of National/Local Governments in Japan Municipal Government Establishing municipal general waste management program, Authorization for general waste treatment agents, Treatment of municipal general waste & human waste, among others Municipal Solid Waste = Domestic or Urban Solid Waste GOVERNO FEDERAL Roles of Participants Regarding Industrial Waste (1) • Japanese Population - make an effort for waste reduction, waste recycling, waste separation, and selfdisposal of waste - follow up application/improvement of environmental laws - check the factories activities - accept to pay for special waste recycling GOVERNO FEDERAL Roles of Participants Regarding Industrial Waste (2) • Companies – treat waste produced by their own business activities under their own responsibility (on-site management) – make their best effort in reducing waste by recycling, reuse and reduction. – motivated by governmental support and internal competitiveness, waste service companies make searches in order to develop new treatment technologies and build up a positive image among the people GOVERNO FEDERAL Roles of Participants Regarding Industrial Waste (3) • Prefectural (State) Government – License to treat industrial waste and to install industrial waste facilities – On-the-spot inspection for companies, treatment contractors, and industrial waste facilities – Establish prefectural industrial waste treatment plans • National (Federal) Government – Promote technical development concerning collection, arrangement, and the provision of information on wastes and their treatment – Make the best efforts to provide technical and financial support for prefectural and municipal government to fulfill their own duties – License to import waste and verify the export of waste GOVERNO FEDERAL Industrial Waste Disposal Flow in Japan (2002) Note: The percentage of the amount of discharge does not correspond to the total percentages of the amount of recycling, reduction, and final disposal of waste due to rounding off. (FY2002) Amount of discharge: 393 million tons (100%) Amount of waste recycled and used (182 million tons) 46% Amount of waste directly recycled (82 million tons) Volume of waste recycled after treatment Amount of waste treated intermediately Amount of waste directly disposed of (20 million tons) Amount of treatment residues Amount of waste reduced 175 million tons (44%) Amount of waste finally disposed of after processing Amount of waste finally disposed 40 million tons (10%) Data Source : MOE GOVERNO FEDERAL Legal Framework Fundamental Law for Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society Waste Management Law Law for the Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources Containers and Packaging Recycling Law Home Appliance Recycling Law Construction Material Recycling Law Food Waste Recycling Law End-of-Life Vehicle Recycling Law GOVERNO FEDERAL Waste Management Hierarchy under the Fundamental Law • Basic principle for the sound materialcycle society: 1. Source reduction or waste prevention 2. Reuse 3. Recycling 4. Energy recovery 5. Appropriate disposal • Extended producer responsibility: EPR GOVERNO FEDERAL IWM by Tokyo Metropolitan Government Landfill Sites in Tokyo Bay 12 GOVERNO FEDERAL Responsibility for Appropriate IWM Industrial Waste Generator of Industrial Waste Permitted Transporter Building Contractors Manufacturers Hospitals Licensed Treatment Facility Industrial Waste Permitted Transporter Licensed Landfill Dehydration Pulverization Incineration Recycling GOVERNO FEDERAL Industrial Waste in Tokyo Industrial waste generated in TOKYO 24,448 Treatment 23,787 (97.3%) 2.7% Dehydration, Pulverization, Incineration, etc. 3.0% FY2006 UNIT:Thousand tons Waste from Others 5% Manufacturers 6% Construction & Demolition Waste 35% Sewage Sludge 54% Recycling Disposal 7,836 1,405 (5.7%) estimated by TMG GOVERNO FEDERAL The TMG Waste Management Plan Transformation into a recycling-oriented society • Reduction of natural resource consumption and waste generation • Minimization of environmental risks in the process of waste treatment GOVERNO FEDERAL The TMG Waste Management Plan:Target 1 • Reducing generation and promoting recycling ①Reduce the final disposal of waste to 1,600,000 tons in FY2010(Reduction of 35% from FY2004) ②Promote recycling waste plastic to achieve zero landfill disposal ③Increase the use of construction mud by 50% GOVERNO FEDERAL The TMG Waste Management Plan:Target 2 • Reduction of environmental risks concerning waste treatment and recycling ④Establish a system for hazardous waste treatment within Tokyo ⑤Reinforce wide-area cooperation in the metropolitan area to eradicate illegal dumping of industrial waste GOVERNO FEDERAL The TMG Waste Management Plan:Target 3 • Promotion of the development of sound waste treatment and recycling business ⑥Establish a system that enable reliable industrial waste disposal contractors to enhance their market value GOVERNO FEDERAL Toward Zero-Landfilling: Plastic Recycling Composition of Landfilled MSW FY2003 others plastic others plastic ash by weight ash by volume TMG’s landfill site GOVERNO FEDERAL Toward Zero-Landfilling(1): Ash Melting electrode ash flue gas In Tokyo 23 wards, most of incinerator ash is melted into slag to be used as civil engineering material. slag over 1200℃ metal Arc Type Ash Melting Furnace slag GOVERNO FEDERAL Toward Zero-Landfilling(2): Eco-cement In the TAMA region, all of the incinerator ash is used to produce Eco-cement. benches Eco-cement facilities interlocking blocks GOVERNO FEDERAL Summary of IWM in TMG • Most of industrial wastes are disposed of by licensed private companies. • About three quarters of industrial waste generated in Tokyo is disposed of in other prefectures. • We are cooperating with other local agencies to prevent illegal dumping. • We are promoting Super Eco-Town Project in order to establish environmentally sound industrial waste management. GOVERNO FEDERAL Resource Recycling • TMG aims to build a recycling-oriented society by implementing the measures set forth in the TMG waste management plan. • The residents should fulfill their responsibilities as waste generators and improve their daily purchasing behavior. • According to the concept of EPR, business companies should take a responsible approach to reduce waste. • TMG will build new recycling systems and engage in the development of a wide-area framework in collaboration with privatesector companies and municipal governments. GOVERNO FEDERAL General Law Concerning the Dissemination of the 3 Rs: - The factories must follow the following measures: 1 - Reduce the generation of sub-products in the production process and reuse the used products as raw-material; 2 - Adopt zero emission measures; 3 - Collection and recycling of used products. GOVERNO FEDERAL About the Industrial Waste Management in Japan The governmental efforts in creating and solidifying an environmental culture in Japan was just providential, once the development of the production and consumption as those noticed in that country in the 1960s do not usually imply in good examples concerning the handling of both municipal and industrial wastes. Japan got to overcome such trend by inventing in environmental education and crating strict laws for the separation, collection, transport, treatment and final disposal of the wastes by generators and management companies. GOVERNO FEDERAL MASTER PLAN Suggestions from SUFRAMA technicians for the MASTER PLAN: 1- Legislation: specific regulation for the 3Rs; 2- Create a department for the Management of Industrial Wastes in Suframa; 3- Give suport to awareness programs through of educational actions related to the advantages of environmental preservation; 4- Implementation and monitoring of the Waste Inventory Data Base, in partnership with IPAAM; 5- Suport for the companies and other demands regarding to IWM; 6- Incentive for the setting of new WS and Recycling companies; 7- Acknowledge the recycling actions of the factories, such as a green stamp or award; GOVERNO FEDERAL MASTER PLAN Suggestions from SUFRAMA technicians for the MASTER PLAN: 8- Extend the adoption of ISO 9001 (Decree 783/1993), foreseen for the PBP of the large factories, also for ISO 14001 (currently voluntary); 9- Obligation of minimum percentages for on-site waste treatment, in relation to annual amounts generated for each factory; 10- Subsides for the acquisition/renewal of machines and to obtain tested/patented technologies from large management companies in Brazil and abroad, including the treatment of their own wastes. GOVERNO FEDERAL Thank you very much! Arigato gozaimasu Armando Bandeira Jr. - David Silva - Rita Mariê - SUFRAMA JICA Office: 3321-7280/7281 GOVERNO FEDERAL