SD2650 Module 3 Social Networking Applications and Technology

Module 3
Social Networking Applications
and Technology
Total Out-Of-Class Activities: 16 Hours
Module 3
Social Networking Applications
and Technology
Title: Why LinkedIn is Employer’s First Choice
Discuss the following:
 Why is LinkedIn the first choice of employers?
 How would you use LinkedIn to search for a job?
 Compare the job-hunt-related features available in LinkedIn with the features available on other
job search portals and social media websites.
Submission Requirements
Turn in a one-page document, addressing each option above. Add URL references, Submit for grading.
LAB 4.1 (3.0 HOURS)
Assessment Preparation Checklist:
To prepare for this assessment:
 Read Chapter 5 from your textbook, Next Series: Social networking. This chapter focuses on how
to use, create, and maintain a LinkedIn profile.
 Read Chapters 2, 3, and 15 from ITT Tech Virtual Library> Basic Search>How to REALLY Use
LinkedIn, 2nd ed. These chapters provide in-depth insight into how to use LinkedIn.
 Go through the topic on using LinkedIn in the lesson for this module, which describes how to use
LinkedIn for effective job search and to connect with prospective employers.
Title: Using LinkedIn
In this lab, you will create a LinkedIn profile and perform the following tasks:
 Create a LinkedIn profile.
 Review other LinkedIn profiles.
 Add more connections.
 Search for a job.
 Explore LinkedIn groups.
 Explore companies.
 Follow a channel.
 Use the education features.
Required Setup and Resources:
You will need a computer with an Internet connection and a Web browser.
Recommended Procedures:
Task 1: Create a LinkedIn Profile
1. Open the Web browser and navigate to
2. If you already have a profile, sign in. If you do not, create an account.
3. Add a photo to your account. The photo should be one you would want a prospective employer
to see.
4. Edit personal details and contact information. Remember to only share information you want
prospective employers and the public in general to know.
5. Add information about your education.
6. Edit Skills and Endorsements and configure the settings as follows:
Module 3
Social Networking Applications
and Technology
7. Add the skills you want prospective employers to know you have.
Question 1: Why do you think endorsements might help you get a job?
8. Add any work experience information to the Experience area.
9. Write a Summary that describes what you are interested in and gives a little extra information
about yourself. Make sure to spell-check what you write.
10. Add any languages you speak.
11. Add any other related information, including awards, organizations you belong to, courses you
have taken, certifications you hold, and volunteer information.
12. Share your LinkedIn profile with the class. The link appears immediately beneath your photo.
Copy the link to the Word document.
Task 2: Review Other Students LinkedIn Profiles
1. Add connections to your classmates’ profiles.
2. Choose two other LinkedIn profiles.
3. Endorse some skills of that profile.
Task 3: Add More Connections
1. Click Network > Add Connections.
2. Use your email address to allow LinkedIn to determine whether any of your contacts are
LinkedIn members.
3. Search for people you know using the Search box.
4. Click Network > Contacts to view your contacts and allow LinkedIn to suggest possible
5. Take a screenshot and paste it in your Word document.
Task 4: Search for a Job
1. Click Jobs.
2. Enter one or more locations you would like to work in.
3. Click Company Size.
Question 2: What are the advantages of allowing you to filter job listings based on company
4. Click Industry. Choose one or more industries you would like to work in.
Question 3: Did the job listings change?
Module 3
Social Networking Applications
and Technology
Search for jobs as an Android programmer. Take a screenshot of the results and paste it in your
Word document.
Filter the results to those jobs that are within 50 miles of your zip code. Take a screenshot of the
results and past it in your Word document.
Click Advanced.
Question 4: Which filtering option requires an upgrade?
Select Entry Level from Experience Level and search again. Take a screenshot of your results
and paste them in a Word document.
Choose at least one position and view the requirements.
Question 5: Are you eligible to apply for this job? If not, what additional skills would you require?
Task 5: Explore LinkedIn Groups
1. Click Interests > Groups.
2. Locate at least one group that interests you.
3. Join the group.
Question 6: Which group did you join?
Task 6: Explore Companies
1. Click Interests >Companies.
2. Locate a company page that looks interesting and click it.
3. Read about the company.
Question 7: Are you connected to any of the employees of the company?
4. Take a screenshot and paste it in your Word document.
5. Repeat the search until you find at least one company you want to follow.
Task 7: Follow a Channel
1. Click Interests > Pulse.
Question 8: What channels are you already following (if any)?
2. Find a channel that interests you and follow it.
3. Take a screenshot of the channels you are following.
Task 8: Use the Education Features
1. Click Interests > Education.
2. Click Students.
3. Enter ITT Technical Institute as your school.
Module 3
Social Networking Applications
and Technology
4. Explore the resources LinkedIn can provide to help you find your first job.
5. Write a short paragraph explaining why you think this feature might be useful to you as you
complete your education and look for your first job as a programmer.
Submission Requirements:
Submit the Word document titled SD2670_Module 4_Lab1_1.docx to your instructor. Make sure to
include all the answers to the questions and screenshots of the LinkedIn profile used during the lab.
Evaluation Criteria:
The Lab rubric will be used to evaluate this assessment. Your submission will be evaluated against the
following criteria using the grading rubric:
 Did you create a LinkedIn profile that would appeal to a prospective employer?
 Did you use all the prescribed features in LinkedIn?
 Did you provide all requested screenshots in the worksheet?
 Have you researched one possible employer via LinkedIn?
 Did you review two students’ profiles and make constructive comments?
LAB 4.2 (3.0 HOURS)
Assessment Preparation Checklist:
To prepare for this assessment:
 Read Chapter 6 from your textbook, Next Series: Social Networking. This chapter explains how to
use Pinterest.
 Go through the topic on visual-oriented social platforms in the lesson for this module, which
explores how Pinterest is gaining popularity and entering the marketing space.
Title: Using Pinterest
In this lab, you will create a pinboard and perform the following tasks:
 Create a Pinterest profile.
 Create a Map Board.
 Create a board without a map.
 Follow classmates.
Required Setup and Resources:
You will need a computer with an Internet connection and a Web browser.
Recommended Procedures:
Task 1: Create a Pinterest Profile
1. Open a browser and navigate to
2. If you have an account, log on. If you do not have an account, create one.
3. Add your name, picture, user name to your profile and fill in About You.
4. If you feel comfortable sharing the information, add your location.
5. Add the WordPress blog you are working on for your project as your website.
6. Take a screenshot of your profile and paste it in your Word document.
7. Save your profile.
8. Click Account Settings.
9. Connect your Facebook account.
10. Connect your Google+ account.
Task 2: Create a Map Board
1. Click your name and then choose Your Profile and Pins.
2. Click Create a board.
3. Create a board for a place you would like to visit.
Module 3
Social Networking Applications
and Technology
Add a map.
Do not keep the board secret.
Add pins for three places you would like to visit.
Take a screenshot and paste it in your Word document.
Task 3: Create a Board Without a Map
1. Create another board for one of your interests.
2. Do not add a map.
3. Pin a photo by uploading one.
4. Pin a photo by providing a URL.
5. Take a screenshot and paste it in your Word document.
6. Open the board.
7. Click the Send Board button.
Question 1: What does this option allow you to do?
8. Click the <> button.
Question 2: What does this option allow you to do?
9. Take a screenshot and paste it in your Word document.
Task 4: Follow Classmates
1. Click Invite.
2. Use the Facebook option to invite your classmates to view your board.
3. When classmates invite you, accept their invitations and view their boards.
4. Pin at least one of your classmate’s pins to your board.
5. Take a screenshot and paste it in your Word document. Notate which classmate you pinned.
Task 5: Create a Secret Board
1. Create a secret board.
Question 3: Who can access a secret board?
2. Invite your classmates to the secret board.
3. Add a few pins.
4. Take a screenshot and paste it in your Word document.
Task 6: Search for Boards and Pins
1. Use the drop-down list to search for pins related to the board you created in Task 3. Add two
more pins to your board.
2. Use the Search box to search for pins related to the board you created in Task 3. Add two more
pins to your board.
Question 4: Which method was easier for you to use to find pins you liked?
3. Take a screenshot and paste it in your Word document.
Module 3
Social Networking Applications
and Technology
Task 7: Research the Pinterest API
1. Navigate to
Question 5: Research the SDK and answer the following questions.
a. Which version of the Pinterest SDK must be installed on an Android device to support a
Pin It button?
b. What do you need to obtain before you can use the Android or iOS SDK?
c. What is the advantage of an OnHover button?
d. What is the disadvantage of an OnHover button?
e. What type of output is returned by the Pinterest Domain API?
Question 6: Describe one way a business could use the Domain API.
Submission Requirements:
Submit the Word document titled SD2670_Module 4_Lab 4_2.docx to your instructor. Make sure to
include all the answers to the questions and screenshots of the Pinterest profile used during the lab.
Assessment Preparation Checklist:
To prepare for this assessment:
 Read from ITT Tech Virtual Library> Basic Search>:
o Blogging All-in-One For Dummies> Book IV (Chapter 3)
o Facebook Application Development For Dummies> Chapters 1–3
o Google+ Marketing For Dummies> Chapters 13 and 14
Title: Create a Blog Integrated with Facebook and Google+
Submit Project Part 1 for evaluation to your instructor by the end of this module. Refer to “PROJECT:
CREATING A BLOG USING WORDPRESS” for a detailed description of the project.