Lesson Plan Template

2013-2014 Week of_Dec. 9-13 Student Page
Grade Level _6____Lesson Plan Template____ Content_Chorus
Lesson Title:
Performance Preparation
AKS/CC Objectives,
Essential Question:
AKS Booklet
Sing, alone and with other, a varied repertoire of music (GPS) (6CH_201213)
Listen to, analyze and describe music (GPS) (6CH_A2012-13)
Standards of Learning :
Students will be learning and practicing how to use various dynamic
markings, note values and note reading in their performance music and
continuing using the music theory they have already learned
Musical Vocabulary will be introduced: Dynamics-piano, mezzo piano,
pianimissimo, mezzo forte, forte and fortisissimo
Day 1-5:Worksheets, Power Point, and Music Theory Websites and Exploring
Choral Music Sight Singing and Performance Books
Performance Songs:
Colors of Winter
Christmas in About 3 Minutes
Santa Is The Man
Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer
Anticipatory Set :
Day 1-5: Demonstrate rhythm and vocal techniques and dynamic markings
for Sight Singing
Octavos for:
Colors of Winter
Christmas in About 3 Minutes
Santa Is The Man
Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer
At end of class SWBAT:
Day 1: Identify the notes on the Treble and Bass Clef
Day 2: Identify whole, half, quarter, and eighth notes/rests
Day 3: Describe what it means to Sight Sing
Day 4-5: Demonstrate Sight Singing Skills using Dynamics
Teacher Input: (Model,
Background Knowledge
Students have background knowledge of music and I will relate this to my
lesson. Demonstration and practice of writing notes. Students will take a
written test on music theory.
Guided Practice: (whole
group, pair and share,
elbow partners, etc)
Whole group practices writing notes, oral response to questions
Students will be expected to practice their music theory at home to prepare
Independent Practice:
(when you know you know) for the following week where we will be preparing for the concert
Students will be able to identify dynamic markings
2013-2014 Week of_Dec. 9-13 Student Page
Grade Level _7____Lesson Plan Template____
Lesson Title:
Performance Preparation
AKS/CC Objectives,
Essential Question:
AKS Booklet
Sing, alone and with other, a varied repertoire of music (GPS) (6CH_2012-13)
Listen to, analyze and describe music (GPS) (6CH_A2012-13)
Standards of Learning :
Students will be learning and practicing how to perform various concert
music selections using the music theory they have already learned
Musical Vocabulary will be introduced Including all dynamic markings: piano,
mezzo piano, pianissimo, forte, mezzo forte and fortissimo- also, crescendo
and decrescendo
Day 1-5:Worksheets, Power Point, and Music Theory Websites and Exploring
Choral Music Sight Singing and Performance Books
Anticipatory Set :
Day 1-5:Worksheets, Power Point, and Music Theory Websites and Exploring
Choral Music Sight Singing and Performance Books
Choral Octavos:
Bidi Bom, Carol of the Bells,
Celebrate Music, Dream With Me, Yule Be Rockin
At end of class SWBAT:
Day 1: Identify the notes on the Treble and Bass Clef
Day 2: Identify whole, half, quarter, and eighth notes/rests + dotted quarter
Day 3: Describe what it means to sing at Performance Level
Day 4-5: Demonstrate Performance Skills using dynamic levels-Addition of
Choreography for Yule Be Rockin
Teacher Input: (Model,
Background Knowledge
Students have background knowledge of music and I will relate this to my
lesson. Demonstration and practice of writing notes. Students will take a
written test on music theory.
Guided Practice: (whole
group, pair and share,
elbow partners, etc)
Whole group rehearsal of new pieces of new songs
Students will be expected to practice new skills
Independent Practice:
(when you know you know)
Students will be able to identify dynamic markings
2013-2014 Week of Dec. 9-13 Student Page
Grade Level _8____Lesson Plan Template Chorus
Lesson Title:
Performance Preparation
AKS/CC Objectives,
Essential Question:
AKS Booklet
Sing, alone and with other, a varied repertoire of music (GPS) (6CH_2012-13)
Listen to, analyze and describe music (GPS) (6CH_A2012-13)
Standards of Learning :
Students will be learning and practicing how to use performance techniques
using the music theory & songs they have already learned
Musical Vocabulary will be introduced
Including: forte, mezzo forte, fortissimo, piano, mezzo piano, pianissimo,
crescendo and decrescendo
Day 1-5:Worksheets, Power Point, and Music Theory Websites and Exploring
Choral Music Sight Singing and Performance Books
Anticipatory Set :
Day 1-5:Worksheets, Power Point, and Music Theory Websites and Exploring
Choral Music Sight Singing and Performance Books
Choral Octavos:
Bidi Bom, Carol of the Bells, Celebrate Music, Dream With Me, All I Want for
Chirstmas is You
At end of class SWBAT:
Day 1: Identify the notes on the Treble and Bass Clef
Day 2: Identify whole, half, quarter, and eighth notes/rests
Day 3: Describe what it means to sing at Performance level
Days 4-5: Sing the Performance songs at Performance level
Teacher Input: (Model,
Background Knowledge
Students have background knowledge of music and I will relate this to my
lesson. Demonstration and practice of writing notes. Students will take a
written test on music theory.
Whole group rehearsal of new pieces of new songs
Guided Practice: (whole
group, pair and share, elbow
partners, etc)
Independent Practice:
(when you know you know)
Students will be expected to practice new skills
Students will be able to identify dynamic markings