Supplement to Sabbatical Leave Application

NHS Faculty Search
September 5, 2013
Initiating a Faculty Search
Required Documents
1. Position Authorization Form (PAF)
2. Recruitment Plan
3. Vacancy Announcement
4. Short Vacancy Announcement
5. Charge to Search Committee
6. Screening Criteria
7. Candidate Ranking Form
For Other Exempt Positions
Also need:
7. Position Description Questionnaire
(PDQ) and Organizational Chart
8. Exemption Request Form
9. Direct Appointment Form
Initiating a Faculty Search
1. Unit leaders submit all required documents to
NHS Associate Dean for review
2. NHS approved documents loaded into People
Admin by Debbie Pirera who notifies Search
Chair and Search Admin of log-in & password
3. Documents move through University’s
approval queue (HR, Budget Office, Provost)
4. Once Provost approves search
Debbie Pirera sends notification
Search chairs forward URL, log-in & password to
NHS posts Vacancy Announcements and places ads
Initiating a Search
• College advertises in the Chronicle of Higher Ed,
Diverse Issues and Hispanic Outlook
• Units advertise in discipline-specific venues
• Make it a priority to have ads published ASAP
• Use outlets other than print media
 Listserves
 Electronic news boards
 Personal contacts via phone and email
 Professional meetings
Follow recently disseminated candidate recruitment
expense procedures from Academic Affairs
Initiating a Search
Search File –all documents related to the search
Recruitment Ads
Selection criteria/Screening Criteria
Interview questions (Phone, In-Person)
Reference check questions
Minutes for search committee meetings
Applicant Files – one for each candidate
Applicant checklist form
Candidate materials not submitted on-line
All written correspondence with candidates including email
All screening materials – committee screening forms,
response to interview questions
Ensuring a Diverse Pool
• Current & former faculty recommendations
• Major players in the field – publishers,
• Professional associations – journals, meetings
• Relevant professional community
• Strong university programs
Conflict of Interest
• A situation when one has competing
professional or personal interests. Such
competing interests can make it difficult to
fulfill his or her duties impartially
• May not be unethical, illegal, or improper
• Nepotism – showing favoritism toward
relatives and friends, based upon that
relationship, rather than on an objective
evaluation of ability, merit, or suitability
COI Examples
• A search committee member who is a
• A search committee member who provides a
letter of reference
• A search committee member who has a relative
or close associate as a candidate
• A search committee member who has a
financial interest/stake in a candidate
COI Examples
• A search committee member who
discriminates based on:
national origin
marital status
medical condition
sexual orientation
veteran status
political affiliation
COI Examples
• Candidates should not be advantaged or
disadvantaged by association with a search
committee member
• If you have a known COI you should not serve
on the search committee
• If a COI occurs during the search process you
are obligated to discuss the situation with the
unit leader
Hiring Authority/AAEO
Screening Responsibilities
• Examine size, quality, and diversity of pool
immediately before initiating screening
process using PeopleAdmin data
• Compare the pool demographics with those of
your discipline for Gender and Ethnicity
• Share result of this analysis with the Dean to
determine if pool is sufficient to proceed
Reviewing Applications
• Use your screening criteria
• Always conduct phone interviews and at least
two reference checks for short list candidates
• Always use a script of approved questions
• Take notes of candidate responses – retain in
candidate file
Candidate Courtesy
• Correspondence is the first impression
candidates have of the university, so be polite
and timely
• Always acknowledge receipt of candidate
materials with a quick email
• Let candidates know if their application is
incomplete prior to posted closing/initial review
• When the search is completed please send a
thank you note announcing that the position has
been filled
Recommending Candidates
for Interviews
• Typically committee recommends 2-4 candidates for
on-campus interviews to Unit Leader
• Unit Leader forwards recommended candidates’ files
to Dean
• Hard copies of all required application materials
• Rationales for selection of candidates
• Explanation if under-represented applicants not in
interview pool
• Once approval received from Dean, contact
candidates to set-up interviews
Interview Protocol
• Candidate travel – arranged in consultation with the hiring
authority to ensure cost control (see new recruitment expense
• Be sure to complete Travel Authorization and Official Function
forms prior to travel
• Remind search committee members and candidate to retain all
receipts for meals, parking, etc.
• Unit makes lodging reservation
• Meet the candidate at the airport and transport to Greeley
• You may use a shuttle service to return the candidate to the
airport, but it is preferred to transport directly
• Always designate a host for transport to/from campus and
between on-campus meetings
Don’t Ask
• Race, ethnic, national origin – do ask
candidates you wish to interview whether they
are legally authorized to work in the U.S.
• Social, political, union, and religious affiliation
• Disability, how many sick days have you used,
drug use, etc.
• Age
Don’t Ask
• Gender, sexual orientation, or marital status –
includes spouse, children, pregnancy,
childcare needs, etc.
• Military status, financial status
• Arrest or criminal record – HR will conduct a
background check
• Legal off-duty activities – such as smoking,
drinking, etc.
Don’t Ask
• Salary – don’t ask the candidate and refer
candidate questions about salary to your unit
• Start up – this will be negotiated with the unit
leader in consultation with the Dean
Search Chair/AAEO
• Candidate files
• Copy of published ads
• List of candidates
• Applicant question responses from each
committee member
• Minutes from all committee meetings
Search Chair/AAEO
• Provide evidence to Director/Chair for why
underrepresented candidates (gender,
minorities, etc.) were not interviewed
• Provide evidence for why the candidate of
choice is superior to all other applicants
Making an Offer
• Director/Chair consults closely with Dean to
establish offer parameters that will be discussed
with the candidate and recommended to the
• Unit Leader contacts candidate to discuss offer
• Candidate typically provided up to one week for
negotiation and/or response
• Elements of offer recommended by Dean to
Provost who will make formal offer
Closing a Search
AAEO Rep - send to HR
• Candidate Exit Interview Questions – AAEO rep
• AAEO Closing Sheet
Search Chair – Provide to Hiring Authority who
will forward to Dean’s Office
• Search Chair Closing Sheet
• All items on Search Chair Closing Sheet
• Position Finalists Form
• Hard copies of finalists files