Unit Organizer Imperialism and World War I 2015

Class: United States History
Last Unit:
Reform: Populists & Progressives
Current Unit:
Imperialism & WWI
Next Unit:
Roaring Twenties
The Big Idea: At the turn of the century, the United States began to compete with Europe as an imperial
power; but World War I caused the nation to return to isolationism.
Learning Activities
Essential Questions
Overview of Unit
L—Imperialism American Style
Prep work for Soc. Circle Discussion.
How and why did the United States take a more active role in world
SC--Spanish American War
Remember the Maine
What were the causes and effects of the Spanish American War?
Philippine Insurrection Cartoon Analysis
PSA—For and Against U.S. Annexation of
Was the United States justified in its annexation of the Philippines?
PSA--U.S. Entry into WWI
R--Wilson v. Zinn
Should the United States have entered World War I?
Meet in Library: Hearing & Vision Screening
Terms Due
I--Soldiers of WW
Quiz on Terms
L—WWI: The Homefront
G—Civil Liberties During World War I
TH/11/19  L – Wilson & the Treaty of Versailles
Unit Review
Test—Imperialism & WWI
Interactive Notebooks Due!
What was it like to be an American soldier during World War I?
Did World War I strengthen democracy on the Home Front?
Why did the United States senate reject the Treaty of Versailles?
What caused the United States to become involved in Imperialism and
World War I; and how was America changed by becoming a world power?
Define in Notebook and Know for Quiz
Read Chs. 9 - 10, pp. 248-315
Alfred T. Mahan 251
Liliuokalani 254
William Randolph Hearst 257
Emilio Aguinaldo 259, 263-4
Theodore Roosevelt 260, 269-72
Pancho Villa 274
Woodrow Wilson 287-291, 306-9
Doughboys 302
John J. Pershing 302
Irreconcilables 308
Reservationists 308
Seward’s Icebox 252
Philippines 259
Panama Canal 270
Remember the Maine! 258
Open Door Policy 266
Platt Amendment 269
Lusitania 288-9
Zimmerman Note 291
Selective Service Act 292
Sedition Act 296
Great Migration 298
Schenck v. United States 300
Treaty of Versailles
Commodities 251
Social Darwinism 252
Jingoism 257
Big Stick Diplomacy 269
Roosevelt Corollary 271
Dollar Diplomacy 273
Fourteen Points 305-6, 310
Over There Syndrome *
Objectives: Students will…
1. Explain the ideals of American Imperialism including the influence of missionaries, politicians, naval expansionists, economic
competition, and racism.
2. Identify the events which led to and the effects of the Spanish American War including the debate between imperialists and antiimperialists on the issues of Cuban independence, and annexation of the Philippines.
3. Identify the U.S. foreign policy in Latin America and the Far East including the Roosevelt Corollary, Open Door Policy, Big Stick Diplomacy
(Panama Canal), Dollar Diplomacy, and Moral Diplomacy. Compare these earlier policies with U.S. relations with Latin America from
4. Analyze the events which led to American involvement in World War I including American mobilization and support for the war.
5. Evaluate the impact of World War I at Home.
6. Compare the items in Wilson’s Fourteen Points with the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles and explain why the U.S. chose not to ratify
the Treaty of Versailles.
*Definition provided by Ms. Garvey; G=Glossary, L=Lecture, R=Reading, I=Internet, BB=Bring Book, SC=Socratic Circle, PSA= Primary Source Analysis