SG Imperialism & Progressivism What are the muckrakers and why

1. What are the muckrakers and why are they important?
2. Define protectorate.
3. Why is Commodore Dewey important to the Spanish American War?
4. Explain the reason for sending the Maine to Cuba, and why this ship is historical significant.
5. Define imperialism.
6. Describe the importantance of Alfred T. Mahan, explaining the three reasons why people supported his
7. Define Anglo-saxonism.
8. Define jingoism.
9. Who is Jose Marti and why is he important?
10. What is the Platt Amendment?
11. Describe how Northern Securities violated Roosevelt’s Square Deal?
12. Explain the outcome of Northern Securities vs. the United States.
13. Who was the Queen of Hawaii?
14. Explain Roosevelt’s Open Door Policy.
15. What is the Roosevelt Corollary and what is it similar too?
16. What was the phrase behind Roosevelt’s domestic policy?
17. Who was Emiolio Aguinaldo?
18. Why did Americans support the Cuban rebels?
19. Explain the three reasons people believed Taft had sold out the Square Deal.
20. Name three areas Roosevelt clearly improved American society.
21. Define yellow journalism.
22. What is the 19th Amendment?
23. What is the Payne Aldrich tariff?
24. What is the Meat Inspection Act?
25. Why was Roosevelt upset at the coal miner owners?
26. What is New Freedom?
27. Explain the importance of the Jungle.
28. Define prohibition.
29. Describe Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders importance in the Spanish American War.
30. What was the Great White Fleet? Who created the Great White Fleet?
31. Define suffrage.
32. What was the Women’s Christian Temperance Movement?
33. Who opened Japan for American commerce?
34. Who created the idea for Pan-American movement?
35. Who negotiated the Open Door Policy with Japan?
36. Define initiative.
37. Define Recall.
38. Name and explain the new forms of government created by the Progressives.
39. What was Jacob Riis book about?
40. Define direct primary.
41. Define suffrage.
42. Describe the three different women’s organization during the Suffrage movement.
43. How did Roosevelt become president?
44. Explain how Roosevelt expanded government powers in the Coal Strike of 1902.