Type of Submission : Article Title : Configuring SI B2B JMS 1.1 Async Receive Adapter with WSMQ queue. Keywords : Sterling Integrator, JMS 1.1 Async Receive Adapter, WSMQ queue, Connection Factories, Destinations Author : Swathi BN Job Title : Software Developer, IBM B2B Sterling Integrator Group Email : swathi_kumar@in.ibm.com Company : IBM Abstract : This article aims at providing detailed steps along with screen shots in Configuring SI B2B JMS 1.1 Async Receive Adapter to listen to a queue configured on WSMQ server. This article also outlines the probable issues that can occur in starting up the adapter and resolution to overcome them. Reviewer : Vincent Tkac, Sterling B2Bi Software Architect vtkac@us.ibm.com NOTE: - In writing this article, all the configurations and tests were carried out on 5020402 version of SI and 7.5 version of WSMQ server. Configurations at the WSMQ server side:1. In the MQ Explorer, right click on the ‘JMS Administered Objects’ menu and select the menu option ‘Add Initial Context’. 2. Upon opening of the ‘Add Initial Context’ wizard, select the desired JNDI namespace location. In this example, File System is chosen as the JNDI namespace location. Note down the JNDI Service Provider’s Factory class which is ‘com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory’. 3. Provide the desired Bindings directory location. 4. Navigate to the next screen. 5. Provide the Context nickname of your choice or use the default one that appears on the screen. 6. Click on ‘Finish’ button to finish adding the initial context. 7. Now expand the newly created initial context object. 8. Right click on ‘Connection Factories’ menu item and this will open the wizard for creating new connection factory. 9. Specify a name for the connection factory and note down the name. 10. Navigate to next screen and select the type of connection factory and go to the next screen. In this example connection factory type is set to ‘Connection Factory’. 11. Select ‘MQ Client’ as the transport type and navigate to the next screen. 12. Leave the defaults as is in the next screen and navigate further to the properties screen. 13. In the properties screen, select ‘Connection’ properties and set the ‘Base queue manager’ to the queue manager to which the adapter needs to connect to. Change the ‘Connection list’ value to the hostname/IP of the machine where WSMQ server is installed and provide the port on which the queue manager is running. 14. Then in the Channel properties screen, select one of the channels available with the queue manager that was mentioned in the previous step. 15. Click on ‘Finish’ button to finish creating the Connection Factory. 16. Now right click on the Destinations menu to create a new JMS destination object. 17. Provide a JMS destination object name and select the desired destination type and navigate to the next screen. Leave the defaults as in on the next page and navigate further to properties screen. In this example, destination type is set to ‘Queue’. 18. In the general properties section, select the same queue manager that was used in creating the connection factory and one of the queues that’s available with the queue manage , to which the JMS 1.1 Async Receive Adapter should listen to and click on ‘Finish’ button to complete the process of creating the JMS destination object. 19. Once this is done, just disconnect the created JMS Administered Objects and reconnect so that all the properties are set and take effect. 20. Note that the bindings file will be present at the Bindings Directory location that was mentioned while creating the JMS Administered Object. Configuring the JMS 1.1 Async Receive Adapter on B2B Sterling Integrator:1. Install the required wsmq jars corresponding to the WSMQ server version using the install3rdparty command. By default on SI versions 5020300 and higher, the version of MQ libraries are shipped along with the product. Since for all the tests in the this document MQ 7.5 version is used, a sample command for installing the MQ 7.5 version libraries is shown below:Linux : ./install3rdParty.sh wsmq 7.5 –j <path_to_mq_jars_folder>/*.* Windows : install3rdParty.cmd wsmq 7.5 –j <path_to_mq_jars_folder>\*.* Care should be taken to ensure that there are no multiple entries of com.ibm.mq.jar file corresponding to different MQ versions in the dynamicclasspath.cfg file. If not, even though the adapter is enabled, it does not pick any message that is present on the queue. Simplest way to get rid of this issue is to comment out the entries of com.ibm.mq.jar file in the dynamicclasspath.cfg.in file that doesn’t correspond to the MQ version which is being used, and execute setupfiles and restart SI. This issue is explained in detail at the end of this document. 2. Copy the bindings file from the server machine to any accessible location on to the machine where the SI server is installed. Note down this location. 3. Login to SI dashboard. Navigate to Deployment->Services->Configuration. 4. Create a new service of type JMS 1.1 Async Receive Adapter. 5. Provide the desired name for this adapter and a description. 6. Select the JNDI connection type in the next screen. 7. In the JMS Connection Params screen, provide the a. Context Factory value as com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory b. URL value as file:///<bindings_file_loction> on SI installed machine. c. ConnectionFactory value as the name of the Connection Factories created on WSMQ server. d. Receive Destination value to the name of the Destination created on WSMQ server. e. Connection UserName and Password fields to be filled accordingly to the user/password value used to create the JMS Administered objects on the WSMQ server. 8. In the Pooling Params screen, select the desired Success Business Process and complete the adapter configuration by going with default values for other fields or filing the values as required. This business process gets bootstrapped when a message is received by SI. Essentially it is this business process that controls what happens with the message after it is received by SI. NOTE: - Transactions can be enabled in JMS 1.1 Aync Receive Adapter by setting the ‘Is Session Transacted’ parameter to ‘Yes’ in the Pooling Params screen. There are two scenarios where these transactions can be useful: i. When the bootstrap mode of the BP is async or default: - Before kicking off the BP the payload is stored in the DB. The transaction will be committed as soon as the persistence of the message to the DB is successful. If the DB is down, then the session is rolled back and the message is returned. Failure of bootstrapped BP does not ensure that the message is returned to the destination. ii. When the bootstrap mode of the BP is sync: - The session is committed only if the bootstrapped BP has successfully finished. Failure in the BP results in returning the message back to the destination. The success business process can be configured to execute in three different modes:i. Default (default) :- Async mode. On receiving a message a Business Process is kicked off in a separate thread. This ensures that the adapter is free to receive another message without waiting for the business process to finish. Using transactions here ensures that if system fails to persist the message then it is returned back to the provider. If the business process fails, then the message is NOT returned back. ii. FIFO - First In First Out (FIFO) mode ensures that the bootstrapped business process runs in FIFO mode. It can be considered as an async mode that guarantees the ordering of bootstrapped business processes. FIFO mode can be used where order of the bootstrapped business process should be same as received message. FIFO provides the ability to kick off a business process in a separate thread, but ensures that the kicked off business processes follows the correct order. As a result, you should be careful when selecting your transaction strategy with FIFO. iii. Non Queued - Sync mode. On receiving a message a Business Process is kicked off in the same thread. This ensures that the adapter is blocked; new messages are not received until the business process has completed. Using transactions here ensures that if the business process fails, then the message is returned back. Testing:1. Place a message on the WSMQ server queue to which the adapter is listening to. 2. Verify the success BP getting executed on SI upon receipt of the message by the adapter. Known issues in starting up the adapter or receiving messages from the queue:1. Even though the SI UI shows that the adapter is enabled, the adapter does not pick any message that is present on the queue. In the noapp.log.xxx file, the following error will be logged:Exception in thread "Thread-564" [2014-05-20 10:34:19.837] ALL 000000000000 GLOBAL_SCOPE java.lang.VerifyError: JVMVRFY012 stack shape inconsistent; class=com/ibm/mq/ese/jmqi/ESEJMQI, method=spiConnect(Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/ibm/mq/jmqi/system/SpiConnectOptions;Lcom/ibm/m q/jmqi/MQCNO;Lcom/ibm/mq/jmqi/handles/Phconn;Lcom/ibm/mq/jmqi/handles/Pint;Lcom/ibm/ mq/jmqi/handles/Pint;)V, pc=17 Root cause:This error occurs because of multiple entries for com.ibm.mq.jar for different WSMQ versions in the dynamicclasspath.cfg file. Resolution:Remove the jar file entries from the dynamciclasspath.cfg file for the version that does not correspond to the WSMQ server version. 2. Exception while starting adapter asynchronously. The following error will be logged in the jms.log.xxx file :ERRORDTL [1400598441006]org.springframework.jms.JmsSecurityException: JMSWMQ2013: The security authentication was not valid that was supplied for QueueManager 'TEST' with connection mode 'Client' and host name localhost(1414)'.; nested exception is com.ibm.msg.client.jms.DetailedJMSSecurityException: JMSWMQ2013: The security authentication was not valid that was supplied for QueueManager 'TEST' with connection mode 'Client' and host name localhost(1414)'. Please check if the supplied username and password are correct on the QueueManager to which you are connecting.; nested exception is com.ibm.mq.MQException: JMSCMQ0001: WebSphere MQ call failed with compcode '2' ('MQCC_FAILED') reason '2035' ('MQRC_NOT_AUTHORIZED'). Root Cause:Channel Authentication Records(CHLAUTH) is enabled on the WSMQ queue to which the JMS adapter is trying to connect to. Resolution:Disable CHLAUTH for the queue. Example:C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere MQ\bin > runmqsc <queue_manager_name> ALTER QMGR CHLAUTH(DISABLED)