What Is Alcohol??? In Chemistry, alcohol is an organic compound in which the hydroxyl functional group is bound to a saturated carbon atom Hydroxyl A chemical functional group containing an oxygen atom that is connected by a covalent bond to a hydrogen atom Types of Alcohols Ethanol Methanol Propanol Ethanol Commonly called ethyl alcohol, drinking alcohol The principal type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages Produced by fermentation of sugars by yeast 39 ethanol plants can produce 985 million gallons of ethanol In the U.S., ethanol makes up 10% of gasoline supply Methanol Also known as methyl alcohol or wood alcohol Molar Mass: 32.04 g/mol Formula: CH4O Has a distinct odor Often used as a fuel source Propanol Each of two isomeric liquid alcohols that’s used as solvents As of 2011, only one case of lethal 1-propanol poisoning was reported Formula: C3H8O Molar Mass: 60.09g/mol foods With Alcohol Fun Facts Alcohol can dissolve non-polar substances and evaporate easily Methanol can cause blindness when consumed in small quantities Ethanol is found in paints, tinctures, markers, and personal care products such as perfumes and deodorants Alcohol Video http://goanimate.com/videos/0m_BygOZv0_Y Pop Quiz 1. What can Methanol cause if consumed? a.) heart failure b.) loss of hearing c.) blindness d.) memory loss 2. How many cases of lethal propanol poisoning was reported In 2011? a.) 1 b.) 2 c.) 3 d.)4 3. Alcohol can dissolve non-polar substances and evaporate easily a.) True b.) False Work Cited www.google.com http://westernfarmpress.com/management/40-interesting-factsabout-ethanol http://www.miningoilgasjobs.com.au/oil-gasenergy/hydrocarbons-andenergy/hydrocarbons/petrochem/methanol.aspx http://humantouchofchemistry.com/astounding-facts-aboutalcohols.htm http://sussle.org/t/1-Propanol http://lifeischemistry.com/category/science-facts/