ART AS EMOTION – AN EXPLORATION OF VISUAL ARTS INTEGRATION AS AN ANGER MANAGEMENT STRATEGY IN AN ALTERNATIVE HIGH SCHOOL A Dissertation Proposal Submitted to the Graduate School of Tennessee State University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Education Graduate Research Series No. _______ Delores Brazzel September 14, 2010 Overview PresentationOF VISUAL ART AS EMOTION – AN of EXPLORATION ARTS INTEGRATION AS AN ANGER MANAGEMENT STRATEGY IN AN ALTERNATIVE HIGH SCHOOL was born of this teacher/researcher/participant’s first hand observations of angry “at risk” students and the behavior change Visual Art education seem to affect in those students. This study is crafted from my observations, research, continuing pursuit of educational excellence, as well as my commitment to being the most beneficial educator to students and especially the “at-risk” populations I am privileged to serve . Theoretical frameworks Theoretical frameworks sharpen the significance of what notable observations are in the study and lessen the significance of some preconceived notions. The theoretical framework serving as the foundation of this study includes: Alternative high school students Anger management Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs (1943) Art therapy Constructivism utilizing technology Alternative Education Alternative schools were created to remediate students academically as well as behaviorally for return to their regular schools. Alternative education programs are expanding in the United States due to Zero-tolerance policies Changes in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Increases in youth violence and school failure, (Tobin &Sprague, 2000). National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Common Core of Data (CCD) 1993 - 2,606 public alternative schools 1997-1998 - 3,850 public alternative (Hoffman, 2001). Common Core of Data for school year 2007-08 show 10,300 district administered alternative schools and programs for at-risk students. 645,500 as the total number of students enrolled in public school districts who attend alternative schools and programs for at-risk students Alternative School Students and Anger Students in alternative schools - chronic behavior problems. Youth who feel ignored are often angry, … resentful of an adult world with adult rules (Melton, 2001). Mandatory placement of students fuels anger students bring into the alternative school classroom. Statement of the Problem Anger is often found at the root of the behavior problems for alternative school students. Among the most powerful factors for school violence is anger, especially sudden rage. Students who have not learned to manage their anger are at-risk for aggression, perhaps even violent explosive behavior (Skiba & McElvey, 1999). Purpose of the Study The purpose of this study is to explore how the implementation of a visual arts integrated curriculum unit, “Art as Emotion,” created by the researcher, influences anger management among students in disciplinary alternative high school classroom. The Center for Disease Control’s surveillance of students attending alternative schools’ students found that: 32.9% carried a weapon such as a gun, knife, etc compared to 17.3% of students from mainstream schools. 13.8% were more likely to carry a gun on one or more days of the 30 days preceding the survey compared to students from regular schools ( 4.9%). 60% of students had been in a physical fight at least once in the pass year compared to 35.5% of students from standard schools (Escobar-Chaves, Tortolero, Markham, Kelder, & Kapadia, 2002). Significance of the Study Comprehensive research based anger management programs could have a positive impact on the total school climate. Anger management in alternative schools allows students an opportunity to acquire and hone the skills necessary to become productive citizens. The goal of this study is not to eliminate the anger emotion but show evidence of the “Art as Emotion”, visual arts curriculum, in the management of anger. Research Questions Quantitative Research Questions 1. How does the implementation of the “Art as Emotion” unit affect participating students’ attendance? 2. How does the implementation of the “Art as Emotion” unit affect participating students’ discipline and suspensions, to include In School Suspension and Out of School suspensions? 3. How does the implementation of the “Art as Emotion” unit affect participating students’ academic achievement? Quantitative Research Questions 4.How does the implementation of the “Art as Emotion” unit affect participating students’ positive coping skills? 5. How does the implementation of the “Art as Emotion” unit affect participating students’ anger experiences? 6. How does the implementation of the “Art as Emotion” unit affect participating students’ school hostility? 7. How does the implementation of the “Art as Emotion” unit affect participating students’ destructive expressions? Qualititative Research Questions 1. What are students’ general perceptions of the “Art as Emotion” unit with regard to social skills (i.e., interpersonal, intrapersonal, and interaction to include peers as well as teacher)? 2. What are students’ perceptions of the “Art as Emotion” unit respective to the relationship between creative expression and academic achievement? 3. What are students’ perceptions of the “Art as Emotion” unit with regard to their anger experiences, school hostility, destructive expressions and positive coping skills? 4. How do students interact during the “Art as Emotion” classroom lessons? (Interactions may include nonverbal as well as verbal interactions Chapter II Literature Review An examination of the literature on anger management, art education, and constructivist principles, provided evidence that a complementary relationship seems to exist. Anger Overview In the cognitive domain, anger is associated with biased information processing. In the behavior domain, anger can be either functional (e.g., being assertive, setting limits) or dysfunctional (e.g., being aggressive, withdrawing, using alcohol and drugs) (Hogan, 2003). Anger Management Theory Some adolescents acquiring anger management skills: Exhibited a reduction in the frequency acting-out incidents Exhibited a reduction in the intensity of actingout incidents (Kellner & Bry, 1999). As a result of growing evidence of the minimal success of “last chance” detention center programs, alternative educational programs are shifting toward: Smaller innovative academic programs For socially and academically at-risk students (Kochlar-Bryant, 2005). Anger Management Programs Best results will come from anger management programs that are comprehensive, data driven, seek to develop positive productive skills seek to develop strengths in students (Amendola, Scozzie, 2004). Empirical studies provide evidence that a number of successful anger management programs have demonstrated success in reducing youth violence. Art Therapy Edith Kramer (1958, 1971, 1979,) Healing occurs within the art-making process Approach especially suited for children with emotional problems. Elinor Ulman (1961) Decreases chaotic feelings, and changes in personality Becomes a permanent part of the client/student’s individual qualities. Arts Integration and Anger Management Problem students often become the high achievers in arts learning settings. Success in the arts can be a bridge to success in other areas of learning (Oreck, Baum, & McCartney, 1999). Students taught using integrated arts learning use more self-regulatory behaviors and have a sense of identity that make them more confident and resilient (Oreck, 1999, p. 70). Manova I – Overall there is no statistically significant difference in the pretest and posttest results of anger management strategies in the four areas of the anger experience – Anger; Hostility; Positive Coping, and Destructive Expression. Descriptive Statistics Anger Hos tility Pos itivecoping Des tructive testing Before After Total Before After Total Before After Total Before After Total Mean 2.4135 2.4712 2.4423 2.1354 1.8750 2.0052 1.9609 2.1016 2.0313 1.8125 1.6389 1.7257 Std. Deviation .48640 .45367 .46360 .76792 .51819 .65785 .69029 .47919 .58888 .69058 .48091 .59198 N 16 16 32 16 16 32 16 16 32 16 16 32 Pilot Study Results The researcher (Brazzel, 2005) found no statistically significant difference, at the .05 level, in students’ level of anger or on the anger experience sub-scales: School Hostility; Positive Coping; and Destructive Expression, after anger management strategies intervention. However, the anger management intervention strategies did have some effect on students: School Hostility scores, lowering them from 2.13 before intervention to1.87 after intervention. Positive Coping Skills exhibited a slight increase, from 1.96 before intervention to 2.10 after intervention. Destructive Expression showed a slight decrease from 1.81 before to 1.64 after intervention (Brazzel, 2005). CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Detailed description of the study Research questions Research design Procedures Participants and setting, Data collection and analysis so that replication is possible and to substantiate validity. Research Questions- Quantitative Quantitative data drawn from two sources (1) Multidimensional Student Anger Inventory (MSAI) quantitative research questions regarding measurement of: • • • • positive coping skills, anger experiences, school hostility destructive expressions among students Researcher/Teacher will administer both the pretest and posttest of the MSAI to students participating in the study. Research Questions- Quantitative Quantitative data drawn from two sources (2) Student Maintenance System will address other quantitative questions including: • ATTENDANCE • DISCIPLINE • ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT Research Questions- Qualitative Qualitative data will be collected using the RESEARCHER/TEACHER OBSERVATIONS MINI CASE STUDIES STUDENT INTERVIEWS STUDENT SURVEYS STUDENTS’ ARTWORK (ARTIFACTS). Research Design The research design used to structure this study is a mixed method design with multiple groups and multiple measures. Methodology Event Sampling Method (ESM) will be the methodology for this study. The Experience Sampling Method takes place over time, and collects quantitative and qualitative data. Experience Sampling Method can be used to obtain empirical data on the following types of variables: frequency patterning of daily activity social interaction, changes in location; Theoretical Sampling This method is best used when the research focuses on: theory and concept development the researcher’s goal is to develop theory and concepts that are connected to, or emergent from real life events and circumstances. The researcher’s development of theories and concepts will be connected to the four week intervention, “Art as Emotion” unit. Strauss and Corbin’s (1990) guidelines of Open Coding, Axial Coding and Selective Coding Open Coding is “the process of breaking down, examining, comparing, conceptualizing, and categorizing data” Quantitative & Qualitative data Research Questions Data Type Data Source 1. How does the implementation of Quantitative SMS Chancery Attendance data 2. How does the implementation of “Art as Emotion” affect participating students’ discipline and suspensions, to include In School Suspensions and Out School Suspensions? Quantitative SMS Chancery Discipline data 3. How does the implementation of “Art as Emotion” affect participating students’ academic achievement? Quantitative SMS Chancery Progress reports- “Art as Emotion” affect participating students’ attendance? Report cards data Open Coding is “the process of breaking down, examining, comparing, conceptualizing, and categorizing data” Quantitative & Qualitative data Research Questions Data Type Data Source 11. What are students’ general perceptions of the “Art as Emotion” unit with regard to social skills (i.e., interpersonal, intrapersonal, and interaction to include peers as well as teacher)? Qualitative Teacher observation Students/ Participants surveys 2. What are students’ perceptions of the “art as Emotion” unit respective to the relationship between creative expression and academic achievement? Qualitative Teacher observation Students/ Participants surveys 3. How do students interact during the “Art as Emotion” classroom lessons? (Interactions may include verbal and non-verbal interactions) ? Qualitative Teacher observation Students/ Participants surveys Strauss and Corbin’s (1990) guidelines of Open Coding, Axial Coding and Selective Coding Axial Coding is “a set of procedures whereby data are put back together in new ways after open coding, by making connections between categories”. Connections between Art as Emotion unit and Anger Experiences (Quantitative data) Attendance (Quantitative data) Discipline (Quantitative data) Academic (Quantitative data) Selective Coding is “the process of selecting the core category, systematically relating it to other categories, validating those relationships, and filling in categories that need furtherrefinement and development” Core Category Other Measurement Relationship Categories Art As Emotion: Attendance Anger Management Quantitative-SMS Art As Emotion: Anger Management Quantitative-SMS Discipline/ Behavior Art As Emotion: Academic Anger Achievement Management Quantitative-SMS Research Instrument The Multidimensional School Anger Inventory (Smith, Furlong, Bates, and Laughlin, 1998) is one of the research instruments that will be utilized. The MSAI is designed to measure affective, cognitive, and behavioral components of anger among youth. Scales include anger experience, cynical attitudes, and destructive expression Students will respond to 27 anger expression items using a four-point Likert-type scale 1 = I’m not angry at all 2 = I’m a little bit angry 3 = I’m pretty angry 4 = I’m very angry. I’m furious The anger expression portion of the questionnaire asks about how frequently the student expresses anger in various ways using these responses: 1 = Never 2 = Occasionally 3 = Often 4 = Always Data Collection Quantitative, then qualitative data collection methods will be employed throughout the implementation of the “Art as Emotion” unit. Quantitative data input and analysis data from the Statistical Package for the Social Scientist (SPSS). The student maintenance system records, retains and disaggregates all data in areas students’ attendance, discipline, academic achievement Data Collection Qualitative data collection Grounded Theory analysis. Glaser and Strauss (1967) describe this analysis process as involving 1) the identification of a phenomenon, object, event or setting of interest 2) the identification of a few local concepts. Qualitative data will be collected observations, pre and post-intervention assessments, student artworks video/audio tape analysis interviews. “Art as Emotion” is the unit created by the researcher/teacher participant. “Art as Emotion” coalesces art therapy anger management strategies along with the art integration curriculum The visual art integration projects/lesson plans will align with the core curriculum of history, math, English and other academic courses to provide relevant and long lasting learning. “Art As Emotion” Unit Lesson Plans Lesson Plan1 Art as Emotion© Elements of Art; COLOR – Color Theory Color Wheels; Color theory artwork; Warm/Cool color artwork. Lesson Plan 2 Art as Emotion© - Elements of Art: LINES – Expressive Lines. (1) Hands (2) Expressive Lines Lesson Plan 3 Art as Emotion© - Visual Art Integration with History Examples – PPT – Renaissance Artists Lesson Plan 4- Visual Art Integration with Geometric Shapes Lesson Plan 5 - Visual Art Integration with English Art as Emotion© CHARACTER EDUCATION JOURNALS