Chapter 4 Review Sheet - Freeman Public Schools

Chapter 4 Review Sheet: Socialization
Lesson 1: The Importance of Socialization
1. Socialization
2. When does the most important learning occur?
3. Explain the importance of Harry Harlow’s experiment with rhesus monkeys
4. Explain the Anna and Isabelle case
Lesson 2: Socialization and the Self
1. Functionalism
2. Conflict perspective
3. Self-concept
4. Looking-glass self
5. What are the three steps of the looking-glass self?
6. significant others
7. role taking
8. Symbolic interactionism
9. What are the three stages of socialization
a. imitation stage
b. play stage
c. game stage
10. generalized other
11. I
12. me
Lesson 3: Agents of Socialization
1. What does a child learn within the family structure?
2. What does the hidden curriculum teach?
3. peer group
4. In peer groups, what do children gain experience in?
5. mass media
6. What are the positive effects of mass media and socialization?
7. What are the negative effects of mass media and socialization?
Lesson 4: Process of Socialization
1. Total institutions
2. desocialization
3. resocialization
4. anticipatory socialization
5. reference group