Socialization Study Guide 1. What is socialization?

Socialization Study Guide
1. What is socialization?
2. What were the results of Harlow’s monkey study in terms of emotional and physiological needs?
3. The case studies of Anna, Isabelle and Genie showed that normal social development in children depends
on what?
4. What is the looking-glass self?
5. What are significant others in terms of socialization?
6. What are the three stages of George Herbert Mead’s three stage process?
7. What are the agents of socialization we learned about in class?
What is the purpose of agents of socialization?
8. What is meant by “hidden curriculum”?
9. What is a total institution? Give an example of a total institution.
10. Explain the process of resocialization.
11. What is anticipatory socialization?
12. Define and give an example of an ascribed status.
13. Define and give an example of an achieved status.
14. What is a master status?
15. How does a role differ from a status?
16. Explain and give an example of role strain.
17. Explain and give an example of role conflict.
18. Briefly summarize two key findings about the impact of violent media on development according to the
study we read about in class.
19. Explain the idea of the looking-glass self. How can having a distorted looking-glass self affect one’s selfconcept?
20. What are some of the roles and statuses that you fill in the course of your day? List at least three, and
describe the basic rights and obligations connected to each status.
21. Recently, the men’s basketball coach at a state university was forced to resign because he had employed a graduate
student to write term papers for athletes at the school. The school’s basketball program had been very successful.
How does this example highlight role strain and role conflict, both for the coach and for the graduate student?