Objectives 2-4

Name ________________________ Date___________ Class #________
History of Science Project
Objective 2 (1-2 days): Find out what each of these famous scientists has done/studied. List your
findings on a separate sheet of paper and staple it to this page. (70 points)
Hubble –
Leonardo da Vinci –
-shiung Wu –
-Montalcini –
Helpful websites:
Objective 3 (1/2 a day): Research the Space Shuttle Columbia mission STS-107 – Jan. 16 – Feb. 1 2003,
and answer the questions below (30 points).
What was the shuttle mission?
Who were the crew members?
What happened to the mission?
Objectives 2 & 3 will be combined as one daily grade
Name ________________________ Date___________ Class #________
History of Science Choice Board
Objective 4 Directions: Pick a famous scientist for your project. You may choose someone from the
objective 2 list, or have your teacher approve an alternate choice. Then choose two activities from the
chart below to complete about your scientist and his/her discoveries/inventions. You must have one
technology based activity (*shaded squares*) and one non technology based activity as part of your
final product. Each choice is worth up to 50 points towards an exam grade.
** Make sure the following questions are included in each part of your project. Who was ______________?
Where was ______________ from? What did ______ do? What is possibly _______'s greatest
achievement? What happened later in life to ________? You may include other information you find out as
My Scientist is______________________________________________.
Book Jacket Report
Drawing/ Painting
Read a book about your
scientist. Create a biography
book jacket telling about his/her
accomplishments/ inventions.
Be sure to include an illustration
and summary of his/her life.
Create a drawing or painting of
your scientist’s invention(s) or
discoveries/research. Include a
brief description of how this
invention/ discovery changed
Create a brochure about your
scientist and his/her
accomplishments. The brochure
should include pictures as well
as detailed paragraphs
containing information from
your research.
Wanted Poster
*Prezi Presentation
Create a Wanted poster for your
scientist. It should include why
your scientist is wanted for
being famous.
Video a pretend interview with
your scientist. You will need
help from a classmate for this.
One of you will ask the
“scientist” questions about their
life and discoveries, and one of
you will pretend to be the
scientist. Yes, you can dress up.
Post to Edmodo
Develop a Prezi presentation
about your scientist. Make sure
you include all the required
information about your
scientist, and include pictures.
Post to Edmodo
Children’s Book
Newspaper Article
Create a children’s book about
your scientist and his/her
accomplishments. The book
should be at least eight pages
long, contain all the required
information, and include
Create a newspaper article
about your scientist written in
brief, factual form. It should be
written as if you were reporting
on your scientist at the time of
one of his/her specific
achievements. Example: Write
a news report that Jonas Salk
has just invented a vaccine for
*Power Point or
Google Slides Lesson
Develop a digital lesson to teach
others about your scientist.
Include all the required
information as well as one
picture/ graphic per slide. You
should include some,
animations, transitions, or
activities for your viewers.
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