
CSE 5194: Orientation Seminar
Fall 2010
Bahram Khalili
Class website:
Fall 2010
CSE Grad Website
 Where?
 What?
Contacts and Advising Hours
MS Guide
All Electronic forms
Course Descriptions
Fall 2010
Other Resources
 Grad School Website:
 Graduate Catalog
 Graduate Calendar
 Funding Opportunities
 Thesis/Dissertation Guidelines
 Virtual Graduate Advisor:
 Grad School Forms
 E-mail: we will use your UTA e-mail account
(exclusively) for class communication
Fall 2010
 Graduate Secretary (Camille Costabile)
 Her office is the one-stop clearinghouse
for all things MS
 Graduate Advisors
 Bahram Khalili
 General Advising – MS & PhD
 In charge of S/W Eng. curriculum
 Mike O’Dell
 General Advising - MS
 In charge of MSCS and MSCpE curriculum
 Ramez Elmasri
 General Advising – MS & PhD
Fall 2010
CpE Degree Options
 MS CpE
 Must have Undergraduate degree in Engineering. More
hardware centric
 One of the specialty areas must be “Systems &
Architecture” track
 Curriculum pre-dominantly Software Engineering
*MS CS and CpE have Thesis or Non-Thesis (Structured)
options. MS SFWE has only Non-Thesis option.
Fall 2010
 Core Courses – These are mandatory
courses that all students MUST take
 Major (Specialty) Track Courses – Three
courses in a subject area including at least
one at 6000 level. Areas:
 AI, Database, Systems and Architecture,
Networks, S/W Engineering, Graphics and
Multimedia, Theory and Algorithms,
Bioinformatics, and Information Security.
 Breadth Courses – Courses outside of your
major/specialty track(s)*
*Courses in chosen Major/Specialty Track cannot be used for breadth
Fall 2010
Non-Thesis (Structured) Degree Plan
 Orientation Seminar (5194)
 2 core courses: 5311, One of {5306, 5317,
5301, 5350}
 3 breadth courses
 Only two may be in the same specialty area
 3 courses in major area 1 (one 6000-level)
 3 courses in major area 2 (one 6000-level)
 1 Elective (can be in area of Major/
Specialty or outside the Department, with
prior approval by advisor)
Fall 2010
 Orientation Seminar (5194)
 2 core courses : 5311, One of {5306,
3 courses in Major area (one 6000-level)
2 Breadth courses
 The two have to be in two different areas
1 Elective (can be in area of Major or outside the
Department, with prior approval by advisor)
Thesis I (5398) (Repeat if necessary)
Thesis II (5698) Must be taken in graduating
NOTE: Thesis II requires preparatory research work (CSE 5398, Thesis I)
in a prior semester. This requirement may only be waived with the
permission of your thesis supervisor.
Fall 2010
MS Software Engineering
 Orientation Seminar (5194)
 5 Core courses: CSE 5311, 5324, 5325,
5328 and 5329
 2 Courses from: CSE 5326, 5392, 6323,
6324, 6329, 6392
 5 Electives, including three from CSE
Fall 2010
MS CS MS CpE Distance Learning program in
Database and Information Technology
 Must be UG CS/CpE
 36 hours
 Courses (Fixed):
CSE 5311 - Advanced Algorithms
CSE 5306 - Operating Systems II
CSE 5317 - Design and
Construction of Compilers
CSE 5324 - Software Engineering
CSE 5325 - Software Engineering
CSE 5330 - Database Systems
CSE 5344 - Computer Networks I
CSE 5350 - Computer
Architecture II
CSE 5331 - DBMS Models and
Implementation Techniques
CSE 6331 - Advanced Topics in
Database System
CSE 6332 - Techniques for
Multimedia Databases
CSE 5321 - Software Testing
Fall 2010
Important Notes
 You can use one, and only one, course outside
the department (i.e., a non-CSE course) in
your Degree Plan.
 NO waivers for Core will be granted even if
you have taken Compilers/Advanced OS in
your Undergrad. DO NOT ASK
 Directed Study (5393) is not allowed under
the non-thesis (structured) option.
Fall 2010
Planning Courses
 Make sure your Program of Work is
complete… it is your responsibility
 Register early.
 Plan “Major” sequences for a three semester
 Thesis students - Do not wait to complete all
courses before registering for Thesis.
 Several 53X9/63X9 classes can be taken.
X = (1 for Theory, 2 for SE, 3=DB, 4=Networks, 5=Architecture, 6=AI, 7=BioInfo, 8=Security
Fall 2010
Managing YOUR Degree Plan
 CSE Graduate Students can register in
(almost) any course we offer… so BEWARE
 Only special CSE courses require clearance
(Directed Study, Thesis I, any web course)
 YOUR plan is YOUR responsibility
 Use MyMav Degree Audit capability
 Ask questions of the graduate advisors if in
doubt about progress or applicability of a
specific course
Fall 2010
Managing YOUR Degree Plan with
 Your degree plan is associated with your id#
 CS MS Non-Thesis, CS MS Thesis, CpE MS
Non-Thesis, CpE MS Thesis, MS Software
 Graduate advisor can change you between
Thesis and Non-Thesis
 MyMav uses best-fit algorithm to apply your
courses taken to your specified degree plan
 Courses that do not fit will be shown as “notapplied”
 Certain courses will require advisor action to apply
in correct spot
Fall 2010
Important Dates (e.g., Fall 2010)
 Current Student enrollment: April 5th
 Open enrollment for all current/returning students
 Regular Enrollment ends: August 25th
 Late fees apply after this date
 Students may add/drop courses
 Late Registration ends: September 1st
 Students may not add/drop after this date
 Critical changes may be made by advisor
 Census Date: September 13th
 NO changes after this date
 File for graduation: Sept. 27th
 Refer to checklist for graduating semester:
Last day to Drop classes: November
Fall 2010
CSE 5194 Course Requirements
 Thesis Critique
 Email the author and title of the thesis to by Oct. 30h.
 These are available in UTA Central Library
and may be searched at
 Your two-page critique is due Dec. 1st at CSE
Fall 2010
Thesis Critique Content
 Identification (author, supervising faculty,
title, etc.)
 Classification (What focused area of
computer science is addressed?)
 Effort (How much effort/creativity appears
to have been expended?)
 Contribution (What are the most notable
 Bibliography (What are the author’s key
 Opinions (What do you think about the
Fall 2010
… Requirements
 One Defense
 Attendance: Defenses announced through cse
website under seminars tab:
 Complete and submit a Defense Attendance/
Comment form for the defense attended.
Blank forms are available at the class website.
Get a faculty committee member’s signature,
answer the questions, and turn it in to the CSE
Office by Dec. 1st.
Please do not disturb defenses that you attend.
Arrive on time.
Fall 2010
Academic Dishonesty
 Do’s and Don’ts – Do the right thing. If you
think it is wrong it probably is – so Don’t do it!
 Ask your instructor what are acceptable and
unacceptable practices for the course.
 Plagiarism is dealt with more seriously than
you may think it should be.
 See Student Judicial Affairs Website:
 Red Pill vs. Blue Pill
 Form 1 - Admission of Guilt
 Form 2 - Deny Allegation
Fall 2010
 Is it for you?
 Sequence and Planning
 Work Expectations
 Assistantship Obligations - GTAs and GRAs
 Switching to and from structured
 Grades
Fall 2010
Curricular Practical Training (CPT)
- (Internship)
 Purpose: enhance your education through work experience
 F-1 Rules: see
 Current good academic standing
 Two semesters of graduate coursework complete
 Currently enrolled in an appropriate UTA course (hours cannot be used
for credit – CSE 5191)
 Part-time CPT students (20 hours or less) must be enrolled as fulltime student (9 credit-hours)
 CSE Rules
CSE 5194 completed BEFORE internship
6 graduate-level courses completed (18 credit-hours)
GPA must be 3.5 and above
May NOT do CPT during the final semester
At most two CPTs are allowed
Fall 2010
Curricular Practical Training (CPT)
- (Internship)
 Procedures:
 Ensure that you meet all requirements:
 Completion of 6 graduate level courses (5000 or 6000 level)
 GPA of 3.5 or better in graduate course work
 Completion of CSE 5194
 No probation of any sort
 Obtain an offer letter from your employer
 Must be on company letterhead signed by company official
 Must state that it is an internship offer
 Must specify dates of employment WITHIN the semester for
which the offer is given (i.e. start date and end date needed)
 Must specify whether offer is for part-time (<= 20 hours/week) or
full-time (> 20 hours/week) work
 Enroll in CSE 5191
 Take completed CPT forms to the International Office
Fall 2010