LEILEHUA HIGH SCHOOL Evolution of Systematic Data Collection Aloha Coleman - Principal Kerry Kawamura – DIR. of Curriculum/Instruction Ti s h a Ya m a s a k i - D I R . o f C u r r i c u l u m / I n s t r u c t i o n Dion Cabalce- School Service Assistant H a r m o n y P a z - S c i e n c e Te a c h e r • • • • • • Accreditation Recommendation Keep data for Academic Plan Collaborative Culture Data Based Decision Making Data to Inform Instruction To assure EVERY child has an opportunity to succeed!!! PURPOSE & DESIRED OUTCOMES K. Kawamura SYSTEMATIC DATA COLLECTION SCHOOL YEAR 2009-2011 QUALITY PERFORMANCE TARGET REPORT SCHOOL WIDE DATA DEPARTMENT LEARNING TEAM DATA CURRICULAR TEAM SUMMARY QPTR DATA ANALYSIS DH WALKTHROUGH OBSERVATION TOOL D. CABALCE Data Teams (Year 1) • Bell Schedule • LT Schedule • Facilitator Handbook • Team Evidence Binder HOW Leadership, Humility, Service … The Leilehua Way School Year 2011-2012 Common Course Collaboration Time: Periods 1, 3, 5, 7 Quarter 1 Quarter 2 8/5 (Fri) 8/8 (Mon) 8/12 (Fri) 8/15 (Mon) 8/22 (Mon) LT (Curricular) QPTR LT (Curricular) PD- Facilitator Training LT (Data) 10/12 (Wed) 10/14 (Fri) 10/17 (Mon) 10/21 (Fri) 10/24 (Mon) PD PD (Technology) QPTR data collection/analysis QPTR LT (Curricular) 8/26 (Fri) 8/29 (Mon) PD-Diana Day LT Instructional 10/28 (Fri) 10/31 (Mon) LT (Curricular) LT (Data)- Individual data collection/analysis 9/2 (Fri) 9/9 (Fri) LT (Curricular) LT (Data) 11/4 (Fri) 11/7 (Mon) LT (Data) LT (Instructional) 9/12 (Mon) LT (Instructional) 11/14, 11/16, 11/18 Parent Conference Week (Prep Time) 9/16 (Fri) LT (Curricular) 11/21 (Mon) LT (Curricular) 9/19 (Mon) Writing Rubric 11/28 (Mon) LT (Curricular) 9/23 (Fri) Quarterly Best Practice Forum 12/2 (Fri) Writing Rubric 12/5 (Mon) 12/12 – 12/16 Data Forum- Sharing of data teams process Finals Week (Prep Time) Note: ALL Wednesdays are LT (Curricular) meetings. • • • • • • • Reference guide Explanation of data process at LHS Roles of team members Guidelines for effective collaboration Samples Forms Effective instructional strategies FACILITATORS LHS Data Forum – 2011 (2nd Quarter) _______________ Learning Team Collect/Chart Data What did you collect data on? Analyze Data (Strengths, Weaknesses, trends) What were some patterns, categories, or trends that emerged from the data? SMART Goals What SMART Goal(s) did you agree upon? Identify Instructional Strategies What strategies did you agree upon trying? What are some actions we will take as a result of our conclusions? Determine/Identify Results Indicators How will we know if the strategies are working? What evidence do we expect to see from students as a result of instruction? 5-STEP DATA PROCESS • Created for accountability purposes • Avenue to display student work as a direct result of collaboration discussions • Provided information for anyone that missed a collaboration discussion Learning Team Evidence • Initial Buy-in • Overwhelmed • Unsure of what type of data to collect • 5-step data process CHALLENGES Quarter 2 Modifications of LT scheduled to address concerns Decreased number of data teams Quarter 3 Address areas of weakness in follow up sessions Use of lotus notes to collect minutes Quarter 4 Teacher observations Team lead LT schedule (develop own calendar) ADJUSTMENT HSA - ENGLISH (Rd. 2 & 3) 600 532 512 513 500 400 369 345 314 Totals (Rd 2) Totals (Rd 3) 300 NCLB Goal 198 200 187 123 123 100 62 54 61% 65% 72% 50% 44% 0 # of Students #Passed # Not Passed % Passing Goal # Approach % Approach HSA - Math (Rd. 2 & 3) 500 481 491 481481 450 400 350 308 300 277 265 245 250 Totals Rd. 2 246 Totals Rd. 3 NCLB Goal Safe Harbor 204 200 150 131 104 131131 104 100 61 50 79%47% 42%50%64%55% 0 # of Students #Passed # Not Passed % Passing Goal # Approach % Approach Leilehua High School HSA Math Intervention Plans 2011-2012 1. All 10th grade students who did not pass the HSA on the first two rounds will be required to do an HSA packet over spring break. · Accurate completion of the packet will count towards a test grade. Students who have already passed the HSA will automatically receive a 100% for the test. · Packets will be due March 19th for odd periods and 21st for even periods. · Upon return, HSA practice quizzes will be used as a review to address some of the deficiencies that were identified. · Assistance will be provided on the packets if students need by the extended quarter teachers during the break. Students must come on their own time. 2. Students outside the lab, will be addressed by doing “pullouts” based on the take home packets. · Pullouts will be done by the classroom teacher while coverage will be provided for the class. · Pullouts will be done once a week for the last half hour of class till the week of April 16th to the 20th. · We will try to schedule the pullouts to occur on Thursdays and Fridays. 3. Math workshop teachers will be given 2 sub days to plan curriculum for 4th quarter to strictly focus curriculum on preparing students for the final HSA. · This will be a good review for ALL students whether they are in Algebra or Geometry. · Teachers will give the packet to those who didn’t pass over the break and use data from the packet to make adjustments for curriculum during 4th quarter. Intervention Data Potes-3 4% 9% 87% Miyamoto-3 16% 27% 57% Groves-3 7% 40% 53% 6 41 16 21 37 27 31 58 0% 9%91% 4 Chun-3 20% 15% 65% Akagi-Bustin-3 39 7 13 47 43 20 % Well Below % Approach % Passing # Not Passed #Passed # of Students Potes-2 15% 81% Miyamoto-2 29% 49% Groves-2 63% 24% Chun-2 32% 66% Akagi-Bustin-2 20% 60% 0 7 9 39 10 1718 35 37 45 14 14 15 4 8 29 12 10 48 59 44 20 20 30 40 50 60 Integration of a 7th period Collaboration Time to work as Learning Teams During the school day Teachers grouped according to courses taught and grade level Learning Team schedule and rotation Curricular, Data, Instructional, Professional Development TEACHER IMPLEMENTATION Quarterly Performance Target Report Analysis integrated into Collaboration Time Analysis of UbD Performance Task, Final Assessments, Quarter grade Ongoing process but would take time out of Department meetings Common focus on Scientific Method in the Chemistry Learning Team Used the 5 step process to collect data and make adjustments in the classroom Change in vocabulary Need for more practice Increase in scores over the course of one quarter Led to department discussions on the need for common language in the Scientific Method SUCCESS IN THE CLASSROOM • Need for students to demonstrate basic math skills • Administration of a Math Skills Pre/Post Assessment • Weekly Timed Drills • Although I did not meet our SMART goal (of 50%), I did see a 10% increase in proficiency NEXT STEPS T. Yamasaki • Teachers requested more FLEXIBILITY with the meeting schedule • Teachers wanted opportunities to visit/observe their colleagues • More support was requested as teachers worked through the data teams process • We need the teachers to value the time they are being given • Elective course teachers had difficulties identifying topics to discuss for data teams • Lack of training/knowledge on some of the processes and initiatives that were asked to be done ADDRESS AREAS OF CONCERN Concern: The predetermined learning time calendars were too restrictive. Next Step: Collaboration teams will design their own schedule to meet their needs FLEXIBILITY Concern : Teachers wanted to see what their colleagues do in their classes • Began in 4th Quarter of SY 2011-12 • Teachers observed their colleagues and used the LHS Peer Walkthrough Observation rubric Next Step: Rubric will be modified to include a focus for each teacher and teachers will only need to work with one component at a time TEACHER Concern: Due to teacher apprehension on the data team initiative, many teachers requested more support be available Next Step: Administrators and DCIs will conduct quarterly walk-throughs • Walk-throughs will also allow us to gauge to what extent data teams occurs on our campus TEACHER Concern: Teachers do not see the value in the time they have been given to collaborate during school hours Next Step: • Binder checks to be held quarterly random teams will be selected to read through and provide support to the collaboration teams • Have teams set meaningful goals for the year. TEACHERS Concern: Difficulty identifying discussion topics Next Step: Organizing faculty into collaboration teams that are more relevant to the content they teach Next Step: Provide possible topics the courses could use to discuss as a team. GLOs Safety Incorporation of technology Use of the writing rubric ELECTIVE Concern: Teachers lacked background on some initiatives they needed to do Next Steps: Professional Development will be done based on need Teacher Observation Tool Writing Rubric PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WHAT IS STEM? STEM education integrates the study of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics by using scientific inquiry and engineering design as unifying processes STEM emphasizes innovation and the development of problem-solving, critical thinking and collaboration skills, through student-focused rigorous, relevant, and authentic learning WHY STEM? There is a growing demand for scientists and engineers STEM is necessary for determining Hawaii’s future viability STEM is needed to help prepare our students for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century global economy STEM AT LEILEHUA HIGH SCHOOL Earlier this year Leilehua High School was chosen as a STEM partnership school As a partnership school we have been working towards becoming a model school for STEM education We are focusing on classroom practices, creating student-led STEM activities that encourage sharing and collaboration, and emphasizing connections between different courses and real-life applications A STEM teacher cadre was formed Four science teachers Four math teachers One agricultural sciences teacher ACCOMPLISHMENTS STEM teacher cadre attended three professional development sessions facilitated by the State STEM Resource Teachers on the following topics: What is STEM? How to STEM-ify a lesson Engineering Design Process Mathematical Practices Integrated Thematic Units/Project Based Learning Developing Individual STEM Lessons An increase in the overall understanding of STEM education and how it can be used in our school NEXT STEPS FOR STEM AT LEILEHUA STEM teachers to implement their STEM units during the first semester of the 20122013 SY Continuing professional development with our resource teachers (literacy) Inviting other math and science teachers to join our STEM teacher cadre Developing more STEM units for implementation in the classroom THANK