Review - Imperialism and Expansion _2_

US History
Unit 4 Test Review – Imperialism and Expansion
Terms to know
USS Maine
 Yellow Journalism
 Trench Warfare
League of Nations
 Missionaries
Battle of Argonne
 Roosevelt Corollary
 Dollar Diplomacy
 American
 Panama Canal Zone
Expeditionary Force
 John J. Pershing
 Trench Warfare
 Alvin York
Know the dates and chronological order of events from the Spanish American War: Battle of San Juan Hill,
Defeat of Spanish Fleet at Manila Bay, Sinking of the USS Maine, Cuba becomes a protectorate of the US while
Guam and Puerto Rico become territories, Liberation of Cuba.
What was the American Expeditionary Force (AEF)? Why are they important?
Know the dates and chronological order of events from World War I: Unrestricted Submarine Warfare, Invasion
of Belgium, Assassination of Franz Ferdinand, Battle of Argonne Forest, America Enters the War, Sinking of the
Lusitania, Zimmerman Note.
Explain the significance of each of the following factors in the beginning of World War I:
a. Expansionism
b. Nationalism
c. Militarism
d. Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
e. Systems of Alliances
Explain the significance of each of the following factors in the US entry into World War I:
a. Zimmerman telegram
b. Unrestricted submarine warfare
c. Sinking of the Lusitania
d. Economic ties to Great Britain
What were the causes of the US beginning the Spanish American War?
What is the significance of the following years: 1898, 1914, 1918?
What is significant about the following individuals as they relate to World War I:
a. Woodrow Wilson
b. Alvin York
c. John J. Pershing
In what way did the Battle of Argonne Forest serve as a turning point during World War I?
In what way does the Spanish-American war serve as a turning point in the history of the United States?
Why did Henry Cabot Lodge and other senators refuse to ratify the Treaty of Versailles?
What were the major tenets of the Treaty of Versailles?
What impact did the Treaty of Versailles have on Germany?
What is the name given to the tactics used by the Germans to interrupt US shipping during the lead up to World
War I?
In what ways were airplanes used to aid the war efforts in World War I?
Where were the first shots of the Spanish American War fired?
Why were the territories of Hawaii, the Philippines, and Guam so important to the United States?
How did the creation of the Panama Canal benefit the US economy and the world economy?
Alliance System
Treaty of Versailles
Fourteen Points Plan
Woodrow Wilson
Theodore Roosevelt
Submarine Warfare
Zimmerman Note
Open Door Policy
Espionage Acts
US History
Unit 4 Test Review – Imperialism and Expansion
19. How did Admiral Alfred T. Mahan believe the US could become the strongest military power in the world?
20. What geographic impact did the Panama Canal have?
21. What two significant bodies of water were linked by the Panama Canal?
22. Explain the significance of the Roosevelt Corollary.
23. What was the intended purpose of the League of Nation?
24. What was the purpose of Wilson’s 14 Point Plan?
25. Which of Wilson’s 14 Points did he consider to be most important in preventing future wars?
26. What are the major tenets of the Treaty of Versailles?
27. Which of the countries in Alliance refused to ratify the Treaty of Paris?
28. Briefly explain the impact of the Espionage and Sedition Acts.
29. Give the significance of each of the causes of the Spanish American War:
a. Sinking of the USS Maine
b. Yellow Journalism
c. DeLome Letter
30. What were the years of World War I?
31. Explain the importance of the statement “speak softly and carry a big stick”.
32. Give the significance of the following individuals to American expansionism:
a. Henry Cabot Lodge
b. Alfred Thayer Mahan
c. William McKinley
d. Theodore Roosevelt
e. William H. Taft
f. Sanford Dole
33. Give the significance of the following individuals during the time surrounding Spanish American War:
a. Theodore Roosevelt
b. Jose Marti
c. Emilio Aguinaldo
34. What is the importance of Missionary Diplomacy in the time period of American expansion/imperialism?
35. What are the three major characteristics of the Era of Imperialism?
36. How did each of the following weapons benefit the armies that used them in war:
a. Machine guns
b. Tanks
c. Airplanes
d. Depth Charges
e. Poison Gas
f. Submarines
g. Mines
37. What is trench warfare?
38. What was the significance of each of the following policies:
a. Open Door Policy
b. Dollar Diplomacy