Mixtures & Solutions FOSS Stories Activity Cards

Mixtures & Solutions
Read the text.
Complete I, II, or III.
Answer “Questions to Explore”.
Make a chart or poster for mixtures and solutions.
Write a song or rhyme that will help you to remember what mixtures and solutions
Karon Massado
Elementary Science Specialist
A Salty Story
Read the text.
Complete I or II.
Write one “on your own” and three “right there” questions that go with the text.
Make a poster or PowerPoint presentation that shows how salt is made or mined.
Karon Massado
Elementary Science Specialist
Earth Elements
Read the text.
Complete I or II.
Use the information about the elements (in the sidebar) in the human body to make
a bar graph.
Write three “right there” questions that go with the text.
Karon Massado
Elementary Science Specialist
Decompression Sickness
Read the text.
Complete I, II, or III.
Pretend that you are a doctor who is giving a speech about decompression sickness.
What would you say?
Write a report or make a PowerPoint about how James Buchanan Eads and the Eads
Write a report or make a PowerPoint about Washington Roebling and the Brooklyn
Karon Massado
Elementary Science Specialist
Sour Power
Read the text.
Complete I or II.
Make a chart to show where the four basic tastes are located on the tongue.
How do bitter and sour tastes warn us of foods that may be harmful?
Karon Massado
Elementary Science Specialist
Grow Your Own Crystals
Read the text.
Complete I, II, or III.
I. Copy the directions and try to grow your own crystals at home.
II. Substitute salt, sugar, Epson salts, or citric acid for the Borax in the directions and try to
grow those crystals at home too.
III. Write two “right there” questions and one “on your own” question that go with this text.
Karon Massado
Elementary Science Specialist
The Air You Breathe
Read the text.
Complete I, II, or III.
I. Design a graphic that shows the 4 layers of the Earth’s atmosphere: troposphere,
stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere. Use the information in Amazing Air Facts to
help with the design.
II. Turn the pie chart that shows the gases that make air into a bar graph that shows the gases
that make air.
III. Are air and oxygen the same?
Karon Massado
Elementary Science Specialist
What a Reaction!
Read the text.
Complete I, II, or III.
I. Answer the Questions to Explore.
II. Make a reactants and products chart or table for salt, water, and rust.
III. Draw pictures that have dates and times, just like a camera, to show slow and fast reactions.
Karon Massado
Elementary Science Specialist
What Is Matter Made Of?
Read the text.
Complete I or II.
I. Write a song or a poem about atoms and molecules.
II. Write three “right there” and three “think and search questions” to go with the text.
Karon Massado
Elementary Science Specialist
Ask a Chemist
Read the text.
Complete I or II.
I. Role-play the interview with a partner.
II. What makes a good interview question?
Karon Massado
Elementary Science Specialist
The Periodic Table
Read the text.
Complete I or II.
I. Answer the Questions to Explore?
II. Make a poster or PowerPoint about some the scientists who worked on the Periodic Table.
III. Make a timeline that shows who worked on developing the Periodic Table.
Karon Massado
Elementary Science Specialist
The Metals
Read the text.
Complete I, II, or III.
I. Make charts or posters that show uses of metals.
II. Write a song or poem about the properties of metals.
III. Answer the Questions to Explore?
Karon Massado
Elementary Science Specialist
The History of Rubber
Read the text.
Complete I, and II, or III.
I. Use a chart or Venn diagram to compare natural and synthetic rubber.
II. Make a PowerPoint about rubber.
III. Write three “right there”, two “think and search”, and one “on your own” questions that go
with the text.
Karon Massado
Elementary Science Specialist