U NACCOMPANIED H OMELESS S TUDENTS : W HAT YOU N EED TO K NOW Christina Endres Program Specialist National Center for Homeless Education G ET TO K NOW NCHE… NCHE is the U.S. Department of Education’s homeless education technical assistance & information center NCHE has: A comprehensive website: www.serve.org/nche A toll-free helpline: Call 800-308-2145 or e-mail homeless@serve.org A listserv: visit www.serve.org/nche/listserv.php for subscription instructions Free resources : Visit www.serve.org/nche/products.php S ESSION O UTLINE Characteristics of unaccompanied homeless youth (UHY) Identifying UHY McKinney-Vento and related educational rights Serving UHY D EMOGRAPHICS Studies estimate that 1+ million youth will become unaccompanied homeless youth each year There is a disproportionate representation of minority ethnic groups, LGBT youth, and pregnant or parenting teens Generally homeless youth are 13 or older, but they can be younger PATHS TO B EING “O N Y OUR O WN ” Longstanding patterns of family conflict, blended family issues, abuse and/or neglect within the home Parental incarceration, substance abuse, illness, hospitalization, or death Pregnancy, sexual activity, sexual orientation, gender identity, school problems, alcohol/drug use PATHS TO B EING “O N Y OUR O WN ” Foster care issues: running away from a foster care placement, aging out of the foster care system Some students become homeless with their families, but end up on their own due to lack of space in temporary accommodations or shelter policies that prohibit adolescent boys I DENTIFYING U NACCOMPANIED H OMELESS Y OUTH 2-step process 1. Does the student’s living arrangement meet the McKinney-Vento Act’s definition of homeless? 2. Once homelessness is determined, is the student unaccompanied? Housing Physical Custody UHY S TEP 1: I S THE S TUDENT H OMELESS ? Children or youth who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, including: Sharing the housing of others due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or similar reason (“doubling up”) Living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, camping grounds due to the lack of adequate alternative accommodations Living in emergency or transitional shelters S TEP 1: I S THE S TUDENT H OMELESS ? Awaiting foster care placement Living in a public or private place not designed for humans to live Living in cars, parks, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or a similar setting Migratory children living in the above circumstances Unaccompanied youth living in the above circumstances S TEP 2: I S THE S TUDENT U NACCOMPANIED ? Unaccompanied youth: a child or youth “not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian” The Act refers to physical custody, not legal custody; in practical terms, this means that the student is living apart from his/her parent(s) or guardian(s) IS THERE AN A GE L IMIT ? Lower: No lower age limit for unaccompanied homeless youth Upper: Your state’s upper age limit for public education, which is usually 21, but can be older A NGELA Angela is sixteen years old and had to leave home when she told her parents that she was pregnant. She moved in with her 18-year-old boyfriend who has his own apartment and has a job. She has come to your school, which is near her boyfriend’s apartment, to enroll. “B UT, THE STUDENT CHOSE TO LEAVE …” Callers to the National Runaway Safeline: 48% said they were kicked out 30% said they ran away 22% said it was a combination Examine the housing situation, not the perceived choice P LYLER V. D OE Federal court case Determined undocumented students are eligible for educational services to the same extent as documented students Includes students eligible under McKinney-Vento M C K INNEY-V ENTO P ROVISIONS : A LL H OMELESS S TUDENTS Immediate enrollment, even if lacking paperwork normally required School selection: Can attend either the local attendance area school or the school of origin, according to the student’s best interest Transportation to the school of origin Comparable services, including transportation Free school meals M C K INNEY-V ENTO P ROVISIONS : A LL H OMELESS S TUDENTS Access to educational programs such as: Title I, special education, English language learners, migrant education, vocational and technical education, gifted and talented, etc. Referrals to other services such as health, dental, mental health, and other appropriate services Policy revisions: special attention must be given to ensuring enrollment and attendance of homeless students not attending school M C K INNEY-V ENTO R IGHTS : UHY Enroll without proof of guardianship Enroll with liaison assistance Select a school of attendance with liaison assistance Receive transportation with liaison assistance Initiate dispute resolution process for self Receive assistance with disputes from liaison Receive written notice in disputes M C K INNEY -V ENTO P ROVISIONS : UHY Subgrant applications may include criteria regarding the extent to which case management or related services will be provided to UHY Authorized use of funds: “Services and assistance to attract, engage, and retain… unaccompanied homeless youths, in public school programs and services provided to nonhomeless children and youths” IDEA: S URROGATE PARENTS F OR UHY “Must make reasonable efforts” to appoint within 30 days Considered the UHY’s parent for special education purposes Cannot be an employee of the SEA, LEA, or any other agency involved in the education or care of the child Must have no personal or professional interests in conflict with the child’s interests Must have the necessary knowledge and skills IDEA: T EMPORARY S URROGATE PARENTS FOR UHY Appointed immediately and considered the parent for special education purposes Shelter, independent living program, and street outreach program staff and qualified school personnel involved in the education or care of the child may be appointed Must have no personal or professional interests in conflict with the child’s interests Must have the necessary knowledge and skills C OLLEGE C OST R EDUCTION & A CCESS A CT (CCRAA) UHY, as determined by a liaison, HUD or RHYA shelter director, or college Financial Aid Administrator (FAA), can apply for federal financial aid as independent students using the FAFSA Independent students Don’t need a parent/guardian signature on the FAFSA Are awarded aid without consideration for parent/guardian income CCRAA I NFORMATION Visit www.serve.org/nche/ibt/higher_ed.php for more information on the FAFSA and additional supports (SAT/ACT fee waivers, GEAR UP, TRIO, etc.) “O THER S TUFF ” Consider state-specific issues: Reporting, medical consent, etc. FERPA: Parental consent is not required for transfer of records to an enrolling school General liability concerns: The relationship between liability and negligence J EREMY Jeremy couldn’t get along with his stepfather and is living temporarily with his grandmother. He wants to enroll in your school, but his mom called to insist that the school force Jeremy to come home and threatens to sue the school if you enroll Jeremy. I DENTIFICATION S TRATEGIES Provide awareness activities for school staff (registrars, secretaries, counselors, social workers, nurses, teachers, bus drivers, administrators, truancy and attendance officers, security officers, etc.) about the specific needs of runaway and homeless youth Develop relationships with dropout prevention programs, truancy officials, and other attendance officers. Many unaccompanied homeless youth are out of school! I DENTIFICATION S TRATEGIES Reach out to community agencies and ask them to be your “eyes and ears” in the community to support school efforts to reach UHY Enlist other students to help spread the word Post outreach materials where students may spend time, including laundromats, parks, campgrounds, skate parks, clubs/organizations I DENTIFICATION S TRATEGIES NCHE youth outreach materials: Youth educational rights poster: http://center.serve.org/nche/pr/er_p oster.php Higher education poster: http://center.serve.org/nche/pr/he_p oster.php Surviving on Your Own booklet: http://center.serve.org/nche/pr/yout h_booklet.php B UILD TRUSTING RELATIONSHIPS Think like a youth Inform students up-front about circumstances that require reporting to child welfare or law enforcement and make reports with them present Keep in mind the challenges that UHY are facing as you work with them and provide support as able Encourage UHY to stay in school; support them and advocate for them in getting their education Remember: they’re evaluating you as you evaluate them! E NROLLMENT S TRATEGIES US ED Guidance: “Develop caregiver affidavits, enrollment forms for unaccompanied homeless youth, and other forms to replace typical proof of guardianship…such forms should be carefully crafted so they do not create further barriers or delay enrollment” July 2004 Policy Guidance, Question G -8 E NROLLMENT S TRATEGIES Three common methods for enrolling UHY The student enrolls himself/herself A caregiver enrolls the student (see http://center.serve.org/nche/downloads/toolki t/app_d.pdf for sample enrollment forms) The liaison enrolls the student E NROLLMENT R EMINDERS A school district cannot require a caregiver to obtain legal guardianship at any point prior to or following an UHY’s enrollment A school district cannot discontinue a student’s enrollment due to an inability to identify a caregiver, guardian, or parent or to produce guardianship or other paperwork following enrollment E XTRA - CURRICULAR A CTIVITIES McKinney-Vento defines enrollment as “attending classes and participating fully in school activities ” Includes extra-curricular activities offered through school SEAs and LEAs must develop, review, and revise policies to remove barriers to the enrollment and retention of homeless children and youth in schools Program fees and deadlines can be waived (For sample policy: www.serve.org/nche/forum/extra_curr.php) E XTRA - CURRICULAR A CTIVITIES McKinney-Vento funds can be used to assist with program fees, if needed States have implemented a variety of policies regarding signing/decision-making for UHY to participate in school activities Youth sign for themselves Local liaison signs for the youth Caregiver signs for the youth E DUCATIONAL S UPPORT Provide access to diversified learning opportunities (vocational education, credit-for-work programs, flexible school hours, etc.) but don’t assume youth will need or desire this option Provide before- or after-school support Permit exceptions to school policies on class schedules, tardiness, absences, and credits to accommodate needs Assist with credit accrual and recovery (chunking credits, partial credits, flexible school hours, etc.) Provide access to a “safe place” and trained mentor at school F OR M ORE I NFORMATION Barbara Greene Christina Endres State Coordinator Mississippi Department of Education bgreene@mde.k12.ms.us (601) 359-3499 Program Specialist National Center for Homeless Education cendres@serve.org (336) 315-7438 NCHE website: www.serve.org/nche/ibt/sc_youth.php NCHE helpline: 800-308-2145 or homeless@serve.org DATA S OURCES Homeless Youth in the United States: Recent Research Findings and Intervention Approaches, http://aspe.hhs.gov/hsp/homelessness/symposi um07/toro/index.htm Why They Run www.1800runaway.org