King Middle School SBDM Council Meeting KMS Media Center

King Middle School
SBDM Council Meeting
KMS Media Center
March 14, 2013
3:30 p.m.
The King Middle School Site Based Council met on Thursday, March 14th, 2013 at 3:30 p.m. in the King
Middle School media center.
The following council members were present for the meeting: Terry Gordon, Mark Harris, Michael
Harris, Christie Devine, and Robin Dean.
1. Opening Business
a. Agenda approval- The SBDM Council approved the February agenda by consensus after
an item pertaining to Standards Based Grading was added at the bottom.
b. February minutes- The SBDM Council reviewed the February meeting minutes and they
were approved by consensus.
c. Good news reports- Mrs. Devine was happy the soccer team was doing well. Mrs. Dean
reported that she was hearing good reports from those attending the NY trip.
d. Public Comment- None.
2. Student Achievement
a. ESS Daytime- Mr. Gordon reported that ESS had been cancelled for the week of March
11, due to so many students and teachers being on the NY trip.
3. Planning
a. 13-14 Staffing - Mr. Gordon reviewed the staffing for 13-14. KMS will need to eliminate
a .5 position. Mr. Gordon suggested using Title I funds to purchase a .5 certified teacher
and cut a Title I instructional assistant to pay for it. No action was taken. Council will
address the issue in April at the next Council meeting. This will give Council members
time to consider other options.
b. 13-14 Budget - Mr. Gordon reviewed the 13-14 budget. The district has yet to decide on
adding the custodial supply allocation. Mr. Gordon reported there is a good possibility
that it will be added at the next BOE meeting. Mr. Gordon will submit a budget to
Council next month after he finds out about the custodial allocation.
c. Gateway to Technology class- Mr. Michael Harris reviewed with Council his proposal for
selecting students to take the 8th grade Gateway to Technology year long class. Council
identified several criteria. Mr. Harris and Mr. Gordon will continue with modification to
the proposal and get the application process started.
d. Spanish Class – Mr. Gordon reported that he was working with Ms. Jenkins and others
to see if we could hire a Spanish teacher to teach one Spanish class next year at KMS.
Funds would come from the .15 that Jeff Meadows teaches at the high school. Mr.
Gordon reported this would all work if we purchase a .5 teacher using Title I funds.
Discussion was held about what to teach, a class of 20-24 for a full year or a survey class
that would change each trimester. Mr. Gordon reported he would consult with Mr.
Smith at the 9th Grade Academy to get more insight as well as from Ms. Hutchins at the
high school.
4. Budget Report
a. Activity Report- Mr. Gordon reported on the activity account. (See attachments)
b. Section 6 funds- Mr. Gordon reported on the section 6 funds. (See attachments)
c. PD- Mr. Gordon reported on the Professional Development funds. (See attachments)
d. ESS- Mr. Gordon reported on the ESS funds. (See attachments)
5. Committee Reports- None
6. New Business
a. Recognize Heather Bensinger (Dept of Agriculture poster winner) – The Council
recognized Ms. Bensinger for doing an outstanding job with her poster. This was
another State or National award presented to a KMS student.
b. Teacher Election Chairs – Mr. Gordon reported that at the March 13, faculty meeting,
Mrs. Delora Severance and Mrs. Tiffany Ison were selected by the faculty to run the 1314 KMS teacher Council elections.
c. Standards Based Grading – Council members reported they had been contacted by a
few parents about standards-based Grading. Mr. Gordon reported that staff had been
working to use Infinite Campus to come up with a better system to report grades so we
do not penalize our student athletes. We want to hold students accountable, but give
them time to have instruction and then retest. Mr. Gordon reported that David Roberts
shared information with 7th grade teachers on Thursday, March 7, about how to do this
in Infinite Campus. Mr. Gordon reported that we had some issues with eligibility with
some football players, no girls’ basketball players, no boys’ basketball players, and
maybe one cheerleader. As far as spring sports goes, no student has missed a game due
to grades. This may change as teachers begin to move grades in I/C. Mr. Gordon
reported that he was seeing gaps in student knowledge, especially in math, as oppose to
standards-based grading issues. Mr. Gordon reported that he had been in contact with
Jennifer Hatton from the District office. She told him the District was working to
develop a dual report card within the next couple years that would report standardsbased grades and other academic criteria. Mr. Gordon also reported that next year KMS
will continue to work with the Kentucky Middle Grade Schools’ of Innovation in the area
of standards-based grading.
7. The SBDM meeting was adjourned. Mr. Michael Harris made the motion to adjourn and
Mrs. Christie Devine seconded the motion. Approved by consensus.
8. The next scheduled SBDM meeting will be April 11th, at 3:30 p.m. in the King Middle School
Media Center.