“Congress: Bingo with Billions” - Thank you Red Skelton CONGRESS Who Gets to Congress? Members of the House and Senate are predominantly middle-aged, white, Protestant, male lawyers. But people with these characteristics do NOT all have similar opinions Of late, the number of blacks and women in the House has been slowly increasing. More important is the proportions of representatives serving several terms and occupying safe rather than marginal districts. The cast-iron dome of the United States Capitol, constructed between 1855 and 1866 . What has changed? Contains portrait busts of the early explorers John Cabot, Christopher Columbus, Sir Walter Raleigh, and Sieur de La Salle. In 1869 the average representative had served only one term in Congress By the 1950s over half the representatives had served four or more terms In the nineteenth century the federal government was not very important, Washington was not a pleasant place in which to live, and being a member of Congress did not pay well Demographics of Congress Age 30 – 39 40 – 49 50 – 59 60 – 69 Over 70 3% 19% 39% 29% 10% In the relief panels above the four entrances are scenes from American colonial history: Conflict of Daniel Boone and the Indians Landing of the Pilgrims Preservation of Captain Smith by Pocahontas William Penn's Treaty with the Indians Ethnicity African American 8% American Indian Asian 1% 1% Asian 1% Indian Caucasian 86% The Crypt – not for the deceased! Hispanic 5% Gender Male 84% 455 members Female 16% 84 members Baptism of Pocahontas Marital Status Divorced 6% 32 Domestic Partner 1% 1 Engaged 1% 1 Married 84% 454 Separated 1% 1 Single 7% 37 Widowed 2% 13 Religious Affiliation African Methodist Episcopal3 Assembly of God2 Baptist67 Catholic150 Christian21 Christian Non-Denominational1 Christian Reformed1 Christian Science5 Church of Christ3 Evangelical 1 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints2 Church of the Nazarene1 Community of Christ1 Congregationalist5 Disciples of Christ2 Episcopal41 Evangelical Presbyterian1 Greek Orthodox3 Jewish37 Lutheran18 Methodist59 Moravian1 Mormon15 Not Affiliated1 Not Stated12 Presbyterian47 Protestant24 Reformed Church of America1 Roman Catholic2 Serbian Orthodox1 Seventh-day Adventist2 Southern Baptist3Unitarian3 United Church of Christ3 Party Affiliation Declaration of Independence – John Turnbull Democratic Independent Republican 46% 1% 53% 250 2 287 Why so many Incumbents? Because the job is more attractive today, we expect more serious challenges By 1970, however, over threefourths of running incumbents won with 60 percent or more of the vote The cause may be re-districting changes and voters' anti-incumbency attitudes Still, the majority of House incumbents seeking reelection are successful. Discovery of the Mississippi By William Powell Commissioned in 1847 Redistricting with the Census Malapportionment: deliberately creating disparity in number of people in each district Gerrymandering: drawing boundaries to ensure party victory Congress decides size of House Congress reapportions representatives every ten years 1964 Supreme Court decision requires districts to be drawn to ensure "one person, one vote" Senators Senators are somewhat less secure In fewer than half of their races does the winner get 60 percent or more of the vote. President Pro Tempore Daniel Inouve, Hawaii Incumbency Theories Voters are voting their party identification less and less and may therefore be voting for the candidate whose name they recognize Incumbents have more ways to get their names known Also, incumbents can use their powers to get (or may simply take credit for) federal grants, projects, and protection for local interest groups. Embarkation of the Pilgrims By William Weir 1837 Characteristics of Representative Representatives are more likely to be white, male senior in terms of years of service Democrats This is because more voters consider themselves Democrats than Republicans (though this is changing) And because the advantages of incumbency began to take effect after the Democrats gained control of Congress Landing of Columbus, 1836 Who was President? In only seven Congresses since the New Deal have the Democrats failed to control both houses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1947-1948 1953-1954 1981-1982 1983-1984 1985-1986 1995-1996 1997-1998 Harry S. Truman Dwight D. Eisenhower Ronald Reagan Ronald Reagan Ronald Reagan William Clinton William Clinton Why Congressional Incumbents Incumbents have certain Win advantages over their challengers First, winning elections gives an incumbent a set of developed "strategies that seemed to work at least once They may not know exactly why; but they do know their strategies apparently brought voter approval In future electoral contests, "tradition" serves as an important guide for the incumbent. The challenger does not have that reservoir of experience Surrendering of Burgoyne, 1817 Another Turnbull Opportunity to Practice between Campaigns Second, incumbents constantly contacting their constituents and powerful groups, whereas the challenger has only limited contact prior to the campaign. It is not only the lack of money or name recognition; inexperience with the difficult learning situation that campaigns provide. Without an already successful strategy, and with fewer opportunities to learn from experience and evaluate the effectiveness of their strategies, challengers start out with a learning deficit compared with most incumbents. Incumbent members of Congress can be defeated Incumbency can lead to stagnation existing strategies may become so fixed that the incumbent fails to adapt in time to a changing political environment they can become “victims of victory" (Hershey) The challenger who sees shifts in the district's mood, population, and policy preferences before the stagnant incumbent does can win Is the Challenge Hopeless? Why is the Senate more Vulnerable? Greater media exposure given to Senate races Challengers also receive media attention Surrender of Cornwallis, 1817 Another Turnbull gives challengers a boost in gaining name recognition among voters The press does not investigate House challengers as seriously. WHY? Congressional Organization Congress is not a single organization but a vast collection of organizations. In the Senate, leadership is in the hands of a majority leader, chosen from among the majority party Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid – Democrat NEVADA Party Organization And a minority leader, chosen from the other party The whip Minority Leader MITCH MCCONELL – KENTUCKY - REPUBLICAN takes a nose count of how votes are lining up on controversial issues keeps the party leader informed and rounds up members for important votes. The Democratic Steering Committee and the Republican Committee on Committees assign senators to standing committees. Such assignments are extremely important to a senator's career prospects. In the House Rep. John Boehner Elected by the whole of the House of Representatives, the Speaker acts as leader of the House and combines several roles: the institutional role of presiding officer and administrative head of the House, the role of leader of the majority party in the House, and the representative role of an elected member of the House. The Speaker of the House is second in line to succeed the President, after the Vice President Eric Cantor Party Structure in the Senate Similar with two important exceptions The leadership has more power in the House, because the House is a very large body that must restrict debate and schedule its business In the House, the position of Speaker carries considerable power. The Speaker may decide whom to recognize in debate whether a motion is relevant and germane and to which committees new bills are assigned The Speaker also influences which bills are brought up for a vote appoints members of special and select committees and nominates majority-party members of the Rules Committee. The Party Vote Party is a very important determinant of a member's vote-more important than any other single thing However, party voting in Congress is still not as important as in a parliamentary system In Congress party voting has been declining Party voting is probably actually ideological voting: Republicans in both houses are predominantly conservative and Democrats liberal. Caucuses Associations of congressional members Support an ideology or act on behalf of constituency concerns As of January 1996, there were 129 caucuses in the Congress. General Washington resigning his commission, 1817 Another Turnbull Six Types of Caucuses Two types of caucuses are ideologically or interest based: intraparty caucuses have members which share a common ideology (e.g., the Democratic Study Group); personal interest caucuses form around a shared interest in a particular issue (e.g., Congressional Family Caucus) The four remaining types of caucuses are constituency based: national constituency concerns (e.g., Congressional Black Caucus), regional constituency concerns (e.g., Western Caucus), state or district constituency concerns (e.g., Rural Caucus), industrial constituency concerns (e.g., Steel Caucus). Senate Committees Here is where the real work of Congress is done and where most of the power is found Standing committees are the most important, because they are (with a few exceptions) the only ones that can propose legislation by reporting a bill out to the full House or Senate Aging Agriculture Appropriations Armed Services Banking Budget Commerce Energy Environment Ethics Finance Foreign Relations Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Homeland Security & Govern. Affairs Indian Affairs Intelligence Judiciary Rules Small Business Veterans' Affairs Other Committees Select committees last for only a few Congresses and have a specific purpose Joint committees are those on which both senators and representatives serve Conference committees try to resolve differences between House and Senate versions of the same legislation Joint Committee on Printing? The principal purpose of the Joint Committee on Printing is to oversee the functions of the Government Printing Office and general printing procedures of the Federal Government. Joint Committee on Taxation Too long to explain! Joint Committee on the Library? No explanation The Joint Economic Committee (JEC) was created when Congress passed the Employment Act of 1946. Under this Act, Congress established two advisory panels: the President's Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) and the Joint Economic Committee. Their primary tasks are to review economic conditions and to recommend improvements in economic policy. Importance of the Chair Chosen by seniority Different committees attract different kinds of Congress members House Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, attract policy-oriented members; House Post Office and Civil Service Committees, provide means of servicing a constituency and improving chances of reelection Staff Congress has created the most rapidly growing bureaucracy in Washington In 1935 the typical representative had two aides; By 1979 the average had increased to sixteen but has held fairly steady since then, with the average standing at fifteen in 1996. Some staff members (increasingly located in district offices) service requests from constituents Other staff members do legislative work, helping the Congress members informed How a Bill Becomes a Law In the House, a bill is introduced by dropping it into the hopper or handing it to a clerk In the Senate, by announcing the bill's introduction on the floor Legislation may be initiated by the president and enacted by Congress, but Congress often initiates legislation; The consumer and environmental legislation of the 1960s and 1970s are good examples. Study by Committee The bill is referred to a committee There are rules that govern which bills go to which committees, but sometimes a choice is possible and the bill can be sent to a receptive (or unreceptive) committee Most bills die in committee Important bills are generally referred to a subcommittee for hearings. Then the subcommittee will mark up the bill-make revisions and additions. Out of Committee If a majority of the committee votes to report out the bill, it goes to the full House or Senate Otherwise the bill dies, unless a discharge petition (a maneuver that is rarely successful) brings it to the full House In the Senate any bill can be proposed on the floor as an amendment to another measure, so discharge petitions are not needed. Bill Goes on the Calendar In the Senate the majority leader, consulting with the minority leader, schedules bills for consideration In the House, the Rules Committee reviews major bills and may block action or send them to the floor under a closed rule this limits debate and forbids amendments, or under a less favorable open rule, which permits amendments from the floor. Floor Debate In the House, major bills are discussed by the Committee of the Whole under rather tight restrictions The committee sponsoring the bill guides the debate amendments (if they are allowed at all) must be germane the time allowed for debate is limited The sponsoring committee usually gets its version passed by the House. Trent Lott Voice – aye or no Division – if voice vote unsure counts members standing – no record of individual votes Recorded - Rollcall votes – individual votes recorded Voting Procedures Voting in the Senate There is no limit on debate (except for cloture) the Senate may limit consideration of a pending matter to 30 additional hours, but only by vote of three-fifths of the full Senate, normally 60 votes. Nongermane amendments may be offered, producing a Christmas tree bill (with goodies for lots of groups) Just Deal with It ! This forces the Senate to deal with an important policy issue in connection with a trivial bill In general, the guidelines for Senate debate are negotiated by the majority leader and listed in a unanimous consent agreement. Conference Committee Used if a bill passes the House and Senate in different forms Differences must be adjusted before the bill can become law If the differences are minor, one house may simply accede to the changes made by the other If differences are major, a conference committee must iron them out In most cases, conference votes tend to favor, slightly, the Senate version of the bill. The Mace – symbol of the Sergeant at Arms. May be presented before an unruly member of the House The President’s Signature Official portrait of George Washington If both houses accept the conference report, the bill goes to the president for signature or veto If the president vetoes the bill, the veto can be overridden by a two-thirds vote of those present in each of the two houses. Does Congress Represent Constituents' Opinions? There are three theories why members of Congress vote the way they do Dirkson Senate Office Building Members want to get reelected and therefore vote to please their constituents When the issue is highly visible and the constituency is fairly united in its stance, as was the case on civilrights bills in the 1950s and 1960s. Representational Organizational Members of Congress respond to cues provided by their fellow members. Such as: Party ideological and intra-party caucuses, such as the Democratic Study Group, may also be important. Members also tend to go along with their party's representatives on the sponsoring committee and with their state delegations. Attitudinal More ideological in their thinking than the public at large Democratic members tend to be strongly liberal Republicans The WELL, immediately in front of the conservative Speaker This is where members stand to address the House Term limits Current Issues Lifetime limits produce amateur legislators who are less prone to compromise Limiting continuous sequence leads to office-hopping and push for public attention 1995, Congress failed to approve resolutions for a constitutional amendment on term limits Supreme Court ruled states cannot constitutionally impose term limits on Congress Ethics and Congress The system of checks and balances is designed to fragment political power and thus prevent any single branch from becoming tyrannical. BUT, this also provides multiple points of access to influence government officials and corruption. Today this has caused the public's low opinion of Congress, with only 17 percent approving of its performance in 1992. The series of scandals can be lumped into three categories Violation of Criminal Law Violation of criminal law is obviously unethical Since 1941, nearly fifty members faced criminal charges, most convicted 1978-1992, charges of congressional misconduct against sixty-three members 31 sanctioned, convicted 16 resigned or announced retirement Financial Improprieties Use of their political office to obtain some monetary benefit they would ordinarily not receive. Representative Tony Coehlo, for example, took a loan from a political fund-raiser and resigned over the apparent conflict of interest; Senator David Durenburger was "denounced" by the Senate for requiring groups to purchase numerous copies of his book as payment for speaking. In 1989, the powerful Speaker of the House, Jim Wright of Texas, was compelled to resign; In 1997, Newt Gingrich became the first Speaker in House history to be reprimanded. Sexual Escapades of Congress The problems have ranged from Representative Barney Frank's homosexual relationship with a male prostitute to Representative Donald Luken's 1989 conviction for a sexual encounter with a sixteenyear-old female. Recently focus is on sexual harassment on Capitol Hill; A 1993 poll by the Washington Post discovered that one of every nine female staffers reports having been a victim of sexual harassment by a member of Congress. Packwood – Rep. Senator Robert Packwood was forced to resign in 1995, after the Ethics Committee recommended that he be expelled for having sexually harassed several women and for refusing to be completely cooperative with the ethics investigation. Frank – Dem. Political Abuse of Power The Keating Five Charles Keating, head of Lincoln Savings and Loan (S&L), contributed an estimated $1.3 million to the campaigns of five senators. These senators in turn intervened on Keating's behalf during a government investigation into the mismanagement of his S&L, an intervention that delayed government action and eventually cost taxpayers $2 billion to bail out the institution when it failed. The senators responded that they were acting only to represent a constituent Only one senator, Alan Cranston (who was about to retire), received a formal censure for his activities in this episode. From Cincinnati, Ohio Codes of Ethics Assume corruption is mainly a monetary concern. Favor wealthy members of Congress who have no need to supplement their incomes. The Vote to Reprimand Speaker Newt Gingrich - 104th Congress House Democrats claimed that the new Speaker, Newt Gingrich (R, Georgia), had previously engaged in questionable activities On December 6, 1995, House Ethics Committee found Gingrich guilty of violating House rules in publicizing his college course allowing one of his political consultants to interview candidates for congressional staff positions. Why was this influence pedaling? The committee dismissed two other charges: It concluded that free cable broadcasting of the college course did not have to be reported as a financial donation from the cable company it only criticized the acceptance of a book advance from HarperCollins, saying that the action had created the impression of ,exploiting one's office for personal gain." The deal had originally involved a $4.5 million advance, which Gingrich returned Let’s Make a Deal Instead, he agreed to write one book and edit another, for a $1 advance and a share of sales royalties. HarperCollins was owned by Rupert Murdoch, whose media interests stood to be affected by pending legislation First Speaker to be Reprimanded Many House Republicans, whose leaders had insisted that the report would be comparatively mild, felt betrayed. On January 21, the House voted in favor of the disciplinary actions recommended by the Ethics Committee. Newt Gingrich became the first Speaker to be reprimanded by the House of Representatives. A short time later, the Clinton Lewinsky scandal Gingrich was calling for the impeachment of the President He assailed the character of the President Then Larry Flynt's "Hustler Magazine" offered money for those with information about the extramarital affairs of the Republican members of Congress Calling the Duck a duck Is Anybody ethical? Evidence was obtained that Gingrich had also had an extramarital affair and he stepped down from the speakership and announced he would not run for reelection After the Republican caucus chose Bob Livingston as speaker it was found out that he too had an affair Finally the Republicans settled on Dennis Hastert as Speaker of the House. New ethics rules (104th Congress) Honoraria: House bans, Senators may designate charity Campaign funds: ban retaining of surplus Lobbying: former members banned for one year Gifts: $250 House limit, $100 Senate Lobbyist payments banned for travel, legal defense funds, charitable donations Three Stages of House of Rep. Mid-1940s to early 1960s Powerful committee chairs, mostly from the South Long apprenticeships for new members Small congressional staffs so members dealt face-to-face 2. Early 1970s to early 1980s Spurred by civil rights efforts of younger, mostly northern members Growth in size of staffs Electronic voting meant members more often on record Focus on reelection--sophomore surge More amendments and filibusters Early 1980s to Present Strengthening and centralizing party leadership Reassertion of congressional power in 1970s Reaction to Vietnam, Watergate, and divided government War Powers Act of 1973 Congressional Budget and Impoundment Act of 1974 Legislative veto included in more laws Congressional power never as weak as critics have alleged