
HIME 2002:
History of the Modern Middle East
Professor Elizabeth F. Thompson
Lecture 25
Middle East, 1981
Egyptian-Israeli Peace treaty, March 1979
based on 1978Camp David Accords
Iran, Feb. 1979
Shah deposed in Islamic revolution
Aleppo, Syria
Muslim Brothers kill 32 Baathist army cadets in June 1979
Saddam Hussein
becomes president of Iraq, July 16, 1979
November 1979 Shi`ite revolt
December 1979 Soviet invasion
Statue of Saddam Hussein
felled after American invasion, 2003
Saddam Hussein in court, 2004
Hafez al-Asad, Muammar Qaddafi,
& Yasser Arafat, 1980
Bashar al-Asad,
President and leader of Baath Party, Syria
Protest in Syrian city of Deraa, April 2011
Nasser’s Image in the Cold War
Edward Said’s Covering Islam
Arab despots in TIME magazine, 1973
Images of Oriental despots:
Sultan Suleyman & an Egyptian Mamluk
Sultan Abdulhamid & Halide Edib
Saddam Hussein, a modern despot
Baathist regimes: Syria and Iraq
Michel Aflaq and Salah Bitar
founders of Baath Party in Damascus, early 1940s
Syrian colonels who staged coups in 1949:
Husni Zaim and Adib Shishakli
Col. Abd al-Karim Qasim
& revolutionary leaders, Iraq, 1958
Freedom Monument, Baghdad
Abd al-Karim Qasim
first prime minister of Iraqi republic, 1958-63
Syria’s Leftist Front, 1956-57
Khalid al-Azm & Akram Hawrani
Syrians rally for Nasser, 1958
celebration of the United Arab Republic
The United Arab Republic
union of Syria and Egypt, February 1958
Baath Party Logo
Baath leaders of the 1970s
Syria’s Hafez al-Asad & Iraq’s Saddam Hussein
Asad National Library, Damascus
Hama, 1982
Baghdad before 2003
Liberation Square, Baghdad
Iran-Iraq War, 1980-88
Qadisiyah Monument
Asad Monument