As per the University's Election Campaigning Policy: https://www

As per the University's Election Campaigning Policy:
We have contacted all candidates running in Guelph in the next federal
election and offered them the opportunity to send one e-message to our campus
community. Responses received are included in this email.
If you would like to find out more about the candidates and their platforms,
the University of Guelph is hosting two events to help inform members of the
campus community.
Student Political Forum - Monday Sep. 28, 7-9pm in the Bullring. Mingle with
candidates and enjoy free food while hearing campus political chapters share
their party's platform.
All Candidates Debate - Thursday Oct. 1, 12-1:30pm in Peter Clark Hall. All
registered candidates will engaged in a moderated discourse on the topics
that matter to you. Questions will be generated in advance and at the event.
Use the hashtag #UofGDebate to share what issues and questions are important
to you.
Thank you for your attention to this email.
Chuck Cunningham, Assistant Vice-President (Communications & Public Affairs)
A Message from the Communist Party Candidate
Students today are facing rising tuition fees, and program cuts combined with
a lack of jobs and a high cost of living.
The Communist Party of Canada believes in education that is public and
accessible to all, and is committed to eliminating tuition fees and
introducing a living expense stipend for all students. Through building
Canadian national industries, rebuilding public infrastructure, constructing
affordable housing, and expanding public services we can eliminate
unemployment in this country and create millions of well-paid, secure jobs
that will employ all the talents and skills that graduates have to
Demand more, vote Communist.
Tristan Dineen
A Message from the Conservative Party Candidate
You matter. Guelph matters. The person you choose to represent you in Ottawa
During my 24 years as a Guelph City Councillor, I had the pleasure of getting
to know the people who live here. I understand your aspirations for our
community and the challenges we face. Guelph needs a strong, local voice in
I've dedicated my life to building safe, healthy and sustainable communities.
I have earned recognition from the United Nations for my work. I invite you
to learn more about me, my passion for Guelph, and my vision for our
Gloria Kovach
A Message for the Green Party Candidate
The Green Party of Canada is the ONLY political party to put the needs of you
- our future - first. From removing the burden of student debt and making
education free for all to our paid Youth Community Environment Service Corps.
By focusing on cleantech, innovation and skilled trades, we will protect our
environment while providing a stable economy that will not continue to pile
debt upon future generations. A few Green MPs can and will make a difference
in a minority government.
This election is your opportunity to have a real voice in shaping the Canada
you deserve. If you haven't already, please register to vote and have your
say in our shared future.
Gord Miller
A Message from the Liberal Party Candidate
Making post-secondary education more affordable is crucial to Canadians'
Students have told me they need help paying for school, debt repayment, and
getting a good start in the workforce. If elected, I will fight for interestfree student loans, repayable based on income and the ability to repay.
Tuition fees should not be a barrier to anyone pursuing post-secondary
Youth unemployment remains a priority issue for me. As the President of the
Guelph Chamber of Commerce, I helped launch a breakthrough network that links youths seeking employment with employers in their
field; leading to the creation of more youth jobs.
Lloyd Longfield
A Message from the NDP Candidate
I'm running for Tom Mulcair's NDP.
We've all seen numbers that say young people don't vote. But when we look
closer, those numbers also show young people are the most engaged and most
passionate in other parts of political life of all age groups. I know no one
cares more about the future of Canada and our planet than students like you,
and no one works harder to build a better world.
I want to help you, and build a better future. Will you to join me?
Andrew Seagram for details on issues, taking action and
making your vote count.
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Electronic Mail Policy available at: