DBQ Early Global Economy - White Plains Public Schools

DBQ Early Global
Aspects of trade, motivations and complexities
Global flow of silver can be
economic, political or grouped by
commodities like silver
Source: merchant Chang Han on foreign trade in China, c. 1490.
Merchants boast that their wisdom and ability are such as to give them a free hand in affairs. They
believe that they know all the possible transformations in the universe and therefore can calculate
all the changes in the human world, and that the rise and fall of prices are under their command
POV of merchant after Ming Dynasty begins its period of isolation and before the silverization by
Spain (1517) remember, merchants were not well regarded in China. This one particularly looks
down on the boastfulness of foreign merchants (perhaps Japanese in Tokugawa or European
cominto Canton and Macao. Perhaps it serves as foreboding or a warning of the inflation yet to
Doc #2
most of the methods it employs are tricks aimed at making a profit by securing the difference between the
buying and selling prices, and by appropriating the surplus. This is why [religious] Law allows the use of
such methods, which, although they came under the heading of gambling, yet do not constitute the taking
without return of other people’s goods…
Kaldun discusses how without laws and regulations (Sharia) would be tricky and implies it would
be wrong (POV religious or Arab and/or cultural). Remember, the Arab world controlled great
maritime and overland trade in the post-classical world (look at the date :1370)
Doc #3 Ibn Khaldun on trade in general (POV
Khaldun was an Arab economist)
“Hence he made great profit in all his bargains, and gathered much
wealth in the sweat of his brow; for he sold dear in one place the wares
which he had bought elsewhere at a small price.”
Could be cultural (St. Godric or definitiely a European source (as opposed
to the earlier Chinese and Arab sources). Hansaeatic cities like Flanders
and Scotland are mentioned (Commercial Revolution) and could help to
evaluate why/how Europe becomes competitive
Document # 4Source: biography written by Reginald of
Durham on St. Godric, c. 1600 European source around
the time of Age of exploration and conquest
“The ordinary means therefore to increase our wealth and treasure is by Foreign Trade, wherein
wee must ever observe this rule; to sell more to strangers yearly than wee consume of theirs in
value. For suppose that when this Kingdom is plentifully served with the Cloth, Lead, Tin, Iron,
Fish and other native commodities, we doe yearly export the overplus to foreign Countreys to the
value of twenty-two hundred thousand pounds; by which means we are enabled beyond the Seas
to buy and bring in foreign wares for our use and Consumptions, to the value of twenty hundred
thousand pounds”
This European source indicates the measure of English mercantilism and the wish to maintain a
favorable balance of trade with respect to foreign markets.
Doc #5 Source: Thomas Mun, from
England’s Treasure By Foreign
Trade, 1664.
Illustration indicates Spanish Galleons sneaking silver into
China’s southern cities (Macao and Canton) can be grouped with
Doc #1 or as Spain or under the commodity of silver (remember
Tuesday’s DBQ?)
Doc 6 Source: Manila galleons docked in a Filipino
harbor readying for their voyage across the Pacific
and it is hoped that by God’s assistance, some of the said islands and Continent in
the ocean will be discovered and conquered by your means and conduct, therefore it
is but just and reasonable, that since you expose yourself to such danger to serve
us, you should be rewarded for it.
This document exposes the motivations for Columbus (Glory or Gold, perhaps God)
which is how all of these documents could be grouped but also exposes the royal
patronage of Spain to the private enterprises of joint stock companies like
documents #4 and 5
Doc #7 Source: Proclamation to Christopher Columbus for his
first voyage from Fernando and Isabela, Privileges and
Prerogatives, 1492
This map allows the reader to evidence important explorations
And motivations (God, Gold and Glory) by primarily Spanish
And Portugese merchants to tap into Indian Ocean markets (for
Spices, sugar and markets in Africa and Asia) can be grouped
Economically, by Spain and Portugal or by royal patronage)
Document #8 depicting Europe’s
entrance into Indian Ocean trade
As far as Asia was concerned, the commercial operations of the European corporate enterprises as
well as private traders in the Indian Ocean region between the sixteenth and the eighteenth
centuries had far reaching consequences for the economies and the polities of the countries of the
region. Asian merchants engaged in the Indian Ocean trade interacted with the European intruders
into the Ocean in a variety of ways.
This can be grouped politically , economically or by Europe’s entrance ( remember Spain and
Portugal had royal patronage whilst England, France and the Dutch had private enterprises) this
can be grouped with Document #8 in terms of European arrival or by motivations ( God, not much
but gold and glory for profits and lucrative trade of Indian Ocean goods)
Doc #9 Source: Bullion for Goods - European and Indian
Merchants in the Indian Ocean Trade, 1500-1800, Om
the free trade that had previously existed in those regions essentially ceased to exist. Increased demand for
spices, spiraling customs duties, and the inadequate capacity of overland trade caravans spurred the search for
new routes to Asia by Europeans eager to take part in the lucrative spice trade
This narrative provides for historical context as to the motivations
for Europeans to engage in the Spice trade. This can e grouped
economically, by Europe in general or by commodities like spices
which drove the global market.
Doc #10 Source: A Taste of Paradise: Cinnamon by Troy David
Interregional trading networks in the post-classical world 600-1450 were dominated
by Muslim and Chinese merchants both overland and maritime guided by major
commodities like sugar, spice and other luxury products. When Europe tapped into
the pre-existing markets and commodities , they were guided by both by the
motivations of religion, royal sponsorship and private enterprises. European entrance
into the Indian Ocean and Pacific would be greatly strengthened by its capacity to
link its newly discovered global sources of land (resources), labor (coercive
practices) and capital ( vast markets) which would help advance its agenda of
establishing a favorable balance of trade. A document illustrating the ration of
exports to imports from the Arab and/or Chinese markets would provide a stronger
understanding to just how long it took Europeans (Spanish, Portugese, Dutch,
French and English) to begin its ascension into the global marketplace.