Quaestio: How did Indian Ocean Trade impact East Africa? Nunc Agenda: Finish discussion of Sundiata using yesterday’s classwork What is a Monsoon? Ivory “The Cities of the Zanj and Indian Ocean Trade” Discuss the questions as a class Please add to the discussion if you can Cite exactly where in the text you are referencing “The Cities of the Zanj and Indian Ocean Trade” Muhammad Al-Idrisi: Geographer and Cartographer working for the Norman king of Sicily who used information from Muslim merchants and Norman voyagers to create the most accurate world map and write about different parts of the world Zhao Rugua (Chau Ju-Kua): Customs inspector in Song Dynasty China who did not travel but learned about other lands from foreign traders Abu al-Fida: Syrian prince of the Kurdish Ayyubid dynasty who fought in the Crusades in his youth and later wrote about the peoples of the world “The Cities of the Zanj and Indian Ocean Trade” Discuss the questions as a class Please add to the discussion if you can Cite exactly where in the text you are referencing Pensa Ibn Battuta reading and questions