Journal of Engineering and Technology THE TITLE SHOULD BE BOLD-CAPITALIZED AND SET IN TWO LINES (LESS THAN 15 WORDS & NO ABBREVIATION) F. A. Author1,2,*, S. B. Author2, T. C. Author3 1 Department, University, Completed Address, Country. Department, University, Completed Address, Country. 2,3 ABSTRACT These instructions give the author guidelines for preparing manuscript for Journal of Engineering and Technology. Authors should use this document as a template. The abstract must be accurate as a reflection of what is in your article. The abstract is a summary of the objective, method, findings, and conclusion. The abstract should not exceed 250 words (italic) and no abbreviation should appear. There should be no citation of the references in abstract. There should be no abbreviations, footnotes, or citation of references in the abstract. Leave one blank line after the abstract and write the KEYWORDS. Do not cite references in the abstract. KEYWORDS:The required keywords of the manuscripts are only up to a maximum of 6 words; the word in italic style; represents the major idea of research. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Please follow these special instructions carefully. Manuscript must be submitted via link provided: Authors should prepare the manuscript in Microsoft Word format. 1.0 MANUSCRIPT PREPARATION Manuscript should content a title, list of authors, abstract, body, conclusions, acknowledgement (if necessary) and references. 2.1 Format Manuscript should have a title, list of authors, abstract, body, conclusions, acknowledgement (if necessary) and references. The language of the journal is English. The manuscript should be typewritten in single column, single space, and with 12pt size Times New Roman font using Microsoft Word. The manuscript should be prepared in A4-sized pages, left and right margins of 30 mm and top and bottom margin of 25 mm. All pages should be numbered consecutively starting from the title page. The total length of the manuscript should not be less than 3000 words or exceed 8000 words. Each subheading must be written with the format of capitalised each word. * Corresponding Email: ISSN: 2180-3811 Journal of Engineering and Technology 2.1.1 Language The manuscript must be typed single spacing. Use extra line spacing between equations, illustrations, figures and tables. The body of the text should be prepared using Times New Roman font. The text shall have both the left and right margins justified. The type, fonts and style above (Times New Roman 12 point bold) are an example of a section heading. Do not underline section headings. A bold font should be used for section headings. The headings should be numbered. 3.0 EQUATIONS AND SYMBOLS All equations must be clearly typewritten and special symbols must be properly identified. The equation should appear in left-parenthesis and be numbered consecutively. All equation numbers must appear on the right-hand side of the equation and should be referred to within the text. Authors should use the following sequences of parenthesis. Author should use Microsoft Equation (Insert | Object | Create New | Microsoft Equation). The equation must be separated by one blank line and as Equation (1) below. Fxfl cos Fyfl sin Fxfr cos Fyfr sin Fxrl Fxrr m Vx V y Z s (1) This text is separated from the equation by one line spacing. 4.0 UNIT SI units must be used throughout the manuscript. 5.0 TABLES Tables must be numbered consecutively along with a brief title. The number of the table should be cited in the text before presenting the tables. Vertical rules should not be used. The table title should be above the table. Table 1.1 shows the description of the manuscript format. ISSN: 2180-3811 Journal of Engineering and Technology Table 1.1 Type the caption here Type size (pts.) 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6.0 Appearance Bold Regular Italic Manuscript title Author’s name Affiliations and Address Abstract Keywords Acknowledgement Headings Subheadings References Table caption and content Figure caption ILLUSTRATIONS Diagrams, pictures and charts are to be referred to as “Figure(s)” and should be numbered before presenting the Figure 1.1 in the order in which they are referred. 600 Temperature (°C) 500 400 300 200 100 0 1 2 3 Pressure (kPa) 4 5 Figure 1.1 Type the caption here 7.0 CONCLUSION A conclusion indicates the advantages, limitations and possible applications of the paper. Kindly discuss about future work. ISSN: 2180-3811 Journal of Engineering and Technology ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Acknowledgement of no more than half a manuscript page may be included in a paper and should be placed between the Conclusions section and References section. REFERENCES The APA format 6th edition referencing system is to be used. In the body of the text a paper is to be referred to by the author’s surname with the year of publication in parentheses. References should be listed together at the end of the paper in alphabetical order by author’s surname. Personal communications and unpublished data are not acceptable references. Journal Papers Heineman, P.H., Pathare, N.P. & Morrow, C.T. (1996). An automated inspection station for machine-vision grading of potatoes. Machine Vision and Applications, 9:1419. Zainudin, N. F., Lee, K. T., Kamaruddin, A. H., Subhash Bhatia, & Mohamed, A. R. (2005). Study of adsorbent prepared from oil palm ash (OPA) for flue gas desulfurization. Separation Science and Technology, 45: 50-60. Zhang, H. F., Yang, X. H., Zhao, L. D., & Wang, Y. (2009). Ultrasonic-Assisted Extraction of epimedin C from fresh leaves of Epimediumand extraction mechanism. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 10 (1): 54– 60. Books Stephens, R. I., Fatemi, A., Stephens, R. R. & Fuchs, H. O. (2000). Metal fatigue in engineering. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Reports American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Practice guidelines for the treatment of patients with eating disorders (2nd ed.). Washington, DC: Author. Dissertation Dissertation Abstract Yoshida, Y. (2001). Essays in urban transportation. Dissertation Abstracts International, 62, 7741A. ISSN: 2180-3811 Journal of Engineering and Technology Dissertation, Published Lastname, F. N. (Year). Title of dissertation (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from Name of database. (Accession or Order Number) Dissertation, Unpublished Lastname, F. N. (Year). Title of dissertation (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Name of Institution, Location. Proceedings Papers Rahman, M. M., Bakar, R. A., Sani, M. S. M. & Noor, M. M. (2008). Investigation into surface treatment on fatigue life for cylinder block of linear engine using frequency response approach. 15th International Congress on Sound and Vibrations, 2119-2127. Web Pages Felippa, C. A. (2011). Advanced finite element methods. Retrieved from /AFM.d/Home.html. IN-TEXT CITATION The in text citation is highlighted in this example: One author Hanim (2010) claimed that … or The theory was first put forward in 1960 (Hanim, 2010). Two authors Always cite both authors. Example: Hanim and Razak (2009) found or The majority found (Hanim & Razak, 2009). Multiple authors for 3-5 authors Cite all authors the first time. Hanim, Razak, Abu and Ali (2008) found that … or (Hanim, Razak, Abu & Ali, 2009). ISSN: 2180-3811 Journal of Engineering and Technology In subsequent citations. Example: Hanim et al. (2009) or (Hanim et al., 2009). Multiple authors for 6 or more authors With six or more authors, cite only the surname of the first author, followed by “et al.”. Multiple works (when two or more references are cited to make the same point) List two or more works by different authors who are cited within the same parentheses in alphabetical order by the first author’s surname. Separate the citations with semicolons. Example: (Hanim, 2010; Hanim & Razak, 2009; Abu et al., 2011) Multiple works by the same author Arrange two or more works by the same author by year of publication. Give author’s surname once; for each subsequent work, give only the date. Example: University research has indicated that… (Hanim, 2007, 2010). SUBMISSION Professor Dr. Md. Razali Ayob Editor-in-Chief Journal of Engineering and Technology (JET) Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka Hang Tuah Jaya 76100 Durian Tunggal Melaka, Malaysia Email Editor-in-Chief: Email: Phone: +606-2346906; Fax: +606-2346884 ISSN: 2180-3811