Diversity and Social Justice Most of us have had negative experiences discussing racism, sexism, etc. Think about a time when you had a constructive conversation on the subject. What made it constructive? Culturally Competent Human Services: Are you culturally competent? We are looking at systems, but must recognize the importance of individual cultural competency How do you define diversity? In what ways are you privileged? What is internalized “ism?” Cultural Identity – assimilation vs. separation Immigration – A Hot Topic Immigration Quiz! How aware are we? http://www.pbs.org/independentlens /newamericans/quiz/q01.htm Radio Program: http://kbcs.fm/site/PageServer?page name=voicesofdiversity http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1N 8P9S3YKU4 (Dream Act) Discussion 1. 2. 3. Do a go-round – each person share one response to the video. Briefly discuss the stages of the “Agent Skills Model.” What connections can you make between the video and the model? In other words, what kinds of responses to the DREAM Act reflect the various stages. Social Justice Advocacy within Human Services Look at the “Value Base…” How do we move systems toward cultural competence. Two key questions: • Is maintenance of one’s ethnic/cultural identity important to the individual? • Are relationships to the new culture and representations of it important? Four possible outcomes: • Yes and Yes: • Yes and No: • No and Yes: • No and No: Integration Separation Assimilation Marginalization