Mobile Business Review

May 2011
The Team
Jason Seiken, Head of
Keith Brengle, Head of
Kristin Calhoun, Head of
PBSi Station Relations
Kayla Nicolay,
Mike Jenkins, Head of
PBSi Product Development
Marla Krueger,
Station Relations
Today’s Webinar
• The Opportunity
• Who We’re Targeting
• Reddit Case Study
• Plan Updates
• Agile Development
• Timeline
• Key Platform Functions
• Station Testing
• Future Opportunities
• Q&A
The Opportunity
An Untapped Audience of Potential Station Members
A Vast & Dynamic Audience …
• Audience Average Age 34.2 Years Old*
• 40% of Audience Have HH Income of $75k+
• 19MM+ Visitors Coming to PBS Websites & Growing
• 1.5MM Social Followers & Growing
• 2MM Mobile App Downloads
An Audience That’s Different Than the TV Audience
• Only 26% of Visitors Watched PBS on TV in Last 7 Days**
• Television Audience Average Age 63*
Source: *ComScore March 2011; **ComScore PlanMetrix March 2011 Adults 18+
Who We’re Targeting
Prospects Who Are Falling Through the Cracks
We’re Not Targeting Users Who are
Already Localized
Reddit Case Study
“Yesterday, I Emailed the PBS Tech Support
About an Issue With Their Video Player …”
-- Initial Post on
Huge Click Through
From Reddit to the
“Donate to Station” Page
Unknown % Went to Local
16k Went to PBS Donation Page
-- 77% Exited
-- 13% Went to Local Station Site
-- 10% Other Areas of PBS
“How do I donate to the
“I don't have much
people that make PBS
content available online?
This is the future for a lot
of people. I don't have a
TV, so it doesn't make
sense for me to donate to
a local channel.”
spare money to throw
around these days, but I
think PBS would be worth
“I bet if Reddit got a big
enough check together (say
$10,000+), and donated it
to a specific show on PBS,
that show would TOTALLY
give a shout out. “
“I grew up in a small town
in Québec and my
parents didn't have cable,
only a fancy outdoor
antenna with a rotor on it.
As a kid, I would always
turn the antenna away
from Montreal where my
parents kept it and finetune it towards the
Vermont transmitter to
listen to PBS shows.”
Plan Updates
How You Informed the Plan …
• Donation flow for “Localized Users” – Will remain as it is today.
• Expansion of opportunities for users to indicate
station affinity.
• Introduction of two station pilots centered around name
sharing and dual prospecting.
• Commitment to collaborate with Contributor Development
Partnership (CDP) to identify areas and projects for alignment.
• Rebranded plan to PROSPER: Station Prospecting Platform
Agile Development
Flexible … Constantly Revising and Improving
“Agile development is a group of development
methodologies based
on iterative and incremental development, where
Requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration.”
-- Wikipedia
• Launch is not the end of the process, but rather the
• We’ll constantly adjust, with the guiding principle always
being the financial health of stations
Going on a Journey Together
 Develop Detailed
Project Plan
 Communicate
 Launch & Develop
 Launch Email
 Pilot Station
Test Begins
 Prospecting
Q3 &Winter
 Profile
 List/Name
 End of Year
 Partnership
 Phase II Platform
 Surveys
Key Platform Functions
Contact Management:
Centralized donor contact database; detailed histories including gift
and station affinity ~ Salesforce
Email Campaigns:
Electronic customer relationship management system offering lead
qualification and nurturing tools; digital footprint of users on ~ Eloqua
Member Station Reporting Portal
Online portal allowing Member Stations to view and download
“matched” donor contact records ~ Salesforce
Billing System:
PayPal payment processer for top four credit cards and PayPal
Call Center Support:
Donation troubleshooting via toll free number
Station Testing
PBS will work with a group of pilot stations to evaluate
the name sharing process and dual solicitation to
develop business rules and share key learnings.
Online Dual Solicitation Test
Question to Answer: Dual solicitation and its impact?
Test: Two groups of matched stations – one group gets both station
and PBS communications while the other group only gets station
Prospect Cultivation Test
Question to Answer: How is the best way to maximize cultivation
efforts for name sharing?
Test: 50/50 member station/PBS split of matched prospect names to
Future Opportunities
A Wealth of Possibilities
• Media partnerships to expand audience
• Tools, training & idea sharing forums for stations
• Cross-platform features to drive user registration
- Resume viewing (e.g., start on desktop – resume on iPad)
- Favorite programs (profile alerts, push notifications)
- Persistent station affinity storage / related features
• Features/Offers for “Station Members Only”
Online Platform
A robust online platform that leverages the best in electronic customer
relationship management (eCRM) and contact management systems
for both prospects and donors.
Donor contact management
(station and gift histories, etc.)
Email application for customer
relationship management and
consumer behavior
Payment processor leveraging
Payment Connect
Connecting the back end
systems together to be the online
fundraising platform
Key Station Benefits
1. Prospect & Cultivate New Leads
Acquire and build intender profiles using Eloqua; real time contact
updates with Salesforce; lead qualification and nurturing tools
2. Build Robust Contact Profiles
Centralized online contact database; prospect and donor contact
profiles; station/gift/transaction tracking histories; powered by
3. Retrieve Information in a Station Reporting Portal
Self-service member station reporting portal (24/7); viewable/ csv
downloadable donor information; profile with marketing details
Contact Donor Record
Identify and qualify new leads through the following tactics:
On Network
Previews newsletter site-wide Universal User Authentication (UUA)
Overlay light boxes and other site functionality, e.g.,
Existing lists, e.g., Parents
Viral marketed editorial products, e.g., eCards, quizzes
ROS banners
Off Network
Google AdWords monthly $10k grant
Partnerships, e.g., major website to start testing name
acquisition and build awareness in PBS as a cause
Facebook and Twitter campaigns
Key Station Benefits
1. Reach New Audiences
Leverage the reach of PBS websites to engage audiences and build
station affinity; off-network partnerships to prospect new names;
cultivate for future monetization
2. Leverage & Optimize
Site-wide profile creation that encourages station matching through
future product (Universal User Authentication); robust profile of user
interests, e.g., news and public affairs, and favorite shows; opt in to
receive alerts and updates; database updates -- PROSPER and UUA
3. Create Station Awareness
Encourage consumers to establish a station affinity; create relevancy
by understanding users and their interests; name sharing test to
determine business rules, e.g. Join PBS Community Campaign
Simplify and expedite the donation process through the following tactics:
On Network
Integration points across
Producer sites and newsletters
Actionable video, e.g., how-to donate bumper spots
Donation tip jar
Off Network
Corporate matching gifts
New ways to donate, e.g., text and/or bar code donations
Key Stations Benefits
1. Capture, Reinvest & Share Donations Not Matched
Don’t let monies fall through the cracks; tap into larger donation pool to
reinvest back into PROSPER program
2. Transact Quickly – Lessen Overall Bail
“One click” transaction; customized donation process, e.g. mobile
donation; payment processed and contact information shared in
station reporting portal when matched
3. Improve ROI, Lower Acquisition Costs
Develop key learnings and best practices for transaction user flow to
share with stations; survey and test to understand target audience
Donation Process
Customized transaction forms to help streamline overall process.
The forms “smart” for device type and/or point of entry.
Localized Donation
Station Localized
Donation made
directly to station
when user
experience is
Links to station
experience on
station site
Non Localized Donation
Step 1: Donate
Multiple payment
Quick transaction
Non Localized Donation
Step 2: Match Station
Auto-populate local
Enable sharing of
Non Localized Donation
Step 3: Share
Focused sharing
Preset messaging
to create engaging
For Stations
Donor Information
Information shared via the Member Station Reporting Portal
Robust contact record, e.g., gift history
One lead person at station is credentialed
*Once donor is matched to a member station, PBS will not reengage
individual through any direct e-mail solicitations*
Donor Monies
Lifetime value of donor
100% of monies collected will be distributed to stations after program
No donation monies used to pay initial program set-up costs
First payment in January 2012; quarterly afterwards