A, B, Cs of Special Education A primer on the abbreviations often used in K-12 settings. A ABA ABD AD ADA ADD ADHD AI AIDS APD ASL AT AU AUT applied behavior analysis antisocial behavior disorders attachment disorder Americans with Disabilities Act; attention deficit disorder attention deficit with hyperactivity disorder auditorily impaired acquired immune deficiency syndrome antisocial personality disorder; auditory processing disorder American Sign Language assistive technology autistic autism B&C BD behaviorally disordered; behavior disorders; brain damaged BI brain injury BIL bilingual BMP behavior management plan CAI computer-assisted instruction CAPD central auditory processing disorders; see also APD (auditory processing disorder) CC cross categorical CD communication development; conduct disorder CHI closed head injury CLD culturally and linguistically diverse CP cerebral palsy D&E DAP developmentally appropriate practices DB; DBL deaf-blind DCD developmental coordination disorder D deaf DD developmental disabilities; developmentally delayed EBD emotional and behavioral disorders ED emotionally disturbed; emotional disorders; US Department of Education EEN exceptional education needs ELL English language learner EMH educable mentally handicapped EMR educably mentally retarded ESL English as a second language ESOL English for speakers of other languages FL FAPE FBA GT HI HOH IDEA IED IEE IEP IEPC LD free appropriate public education functional behavior assessment gifted and talented health impaired; hearing impaired hard of hearing Individuals with Disabilities Education Act intermittent explosive disorder independent education evaluation individualized education program individualized educational planning committee learning disabilities; learning disabled MO MBD M/ED MH MMR MR MR/DD MR/MED diagnosis) MSDD OCD ODD OH minimal brain dysfunction mental or emotional disturbance multiply handicapped mild mental retardation mentally retarded or mental retardation mentally retarded/developmentally disabled mentally retarded and mentally or emotionally disturbed (sometimes referred to as dual multisystem developmental disorder obsessive compulsive disorder oppositional defiant disorder orthopedically handicapped PR PCD PDD PLI PTSD RAD RDD perceptual communicative disability pervasive development disorder pragmatic language impairment post-traumatic stress disorder reactive attachment disorder reading disorder-dyslexia S SECTION 504 a part of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 making it illegal for any organization receiving federal funds to discriminate against a person solely on the basis of disability SED seriously emotionally disturbed SI speech impaired SIB self-injurious behavior SLD specific learning disability SPD semantic pragmatic disorder TZ TAG talented and gifted TBI traumatic brain injury TESOL teachers of English for speakers of other languages TMH trainable mentally handicapped TMR trainably mentally retarded VCD volitional conduct disorder VI visually impaired WOD written output disorder Resources This presentation modified/abbreviated from: Acronyms Frequently Used in Special/Gifted Education http://www.ericec.org/fact/acronyms.html Dictionary: For Parents of Children with Disabilities http://www.usd.edu/cd/dictionary/