Keyboarding Drill & Practice

Keyboarding Drill & Practice
hrough the years there have been many different typing (keyboarding) systems introduced and
established with many different thoughts in mind. In this introduction we will discuss three of
the most popular keyboard layouts used: the QWERTY keyboard, the DVORAK keyboard, and
the COLEMAK keyboard.
QWERTY - the most common keyboard layout, the most used, and the best known
standard English computer keyboard is this system. The keyboard’s name comes
from the six keys that are located on the top alphabetic key row (starting at the left)
and just below the numbers, is Q-W-E-R-T-Y. The QWERTY keyboard was designed
in 1868 by Christopher Sholes, the inventor of the typewriter. According to myth,
Sholes arranged the keys in an odd fashion to prevent jamming in order to separate
letters of commonly-used words or letter combinations. However, there is no
evidence of this claim, except the QWERTY keyboard arrangement does hinder
typing speed. The Sholes and Glidden typewriter was the first commercially
successful typewriter, and then sold to E. Remington and Sons in 1873. With further
refining, Remington introduced the Remington typewriter to the market on July 1,
1874. During its development years, the typewriter evolved as a curiosity item, to a
practical device, and then becoming an industry standard.
Remington Typewriter 1874
Q-W-E-R-T-Y Keyboard
©Education Get Real 2015
Keyboarding Drill & Practice
DVORAK – the Dvorak keyboard was designed in the 1930s by August Dvorak, a professor of
education, along with Wiliam Dealy, Dvorak’s brother-in-law. Dvorak thought the QWERTY keyboard
was uncomfortable and wasted too much energy for the typist to move fingers around the board.
Unlike the QWERTY keyboard, the Dvorak was designed so the middle row included the most used
common letters. In addition, the common letter combinations are positioned so the typist can type
much faster. The main difference between QWERTY and Dvorak is the home row where the fingers
rest. Dvorak tries to put the most popularly used keys such as vowels at a place where they are
easily assessible in order to save keystrokes. Likewise, most other common strokes are typed with
the right hand.
Interesting Fact: It’s been estimated that in an average 8-hour day a typist’s hands will travel 16
miles on a QWERTY keyboard, but only 1 mile on a Dvorak.
Dvorak Keyboard
COLEMAK – the COLEMAK is the third most popular keyboard layout for touch typing in English, after
QWERTY and Dvorak. It builds upon the QWERTY layout as a base, changing the positions of 17 keys
while retaining the QWERTY position of most non-alphabetic characters and any of the popular
keyboard shortcuts, thus making it easier to learn than Dvorak for those who already type with
QWERTY. The advantages of a Colemak keyboard are:
 Ergonomic and comfort – fingers on QWERTY move over 2 times more than on Colemak.
QWERTY has 16 times more hand/row movement than the Colemak. By using the
Colemak home row, there are 35 times more words to type than on QWERTY.
©Education Get Real 2015
Keyboarding Drill & Practice
 Easy to learn – allows easy transition from QWERTY. With the Colemak, many common
shortcuts such as Ctrl+Z/X/C/V are the same as the QWERTY keyboard.
 Fast – most of the typing is done with the strongest and fastest fingers with a low samefinger/hand ratio.
 Multilingual – allows typing in over 40 languages and a variety of symbols, e.g. "pâté",
"mañana", €, em-dash, non-breaking space.
Colemak Keyboard
In Summary . . .
The Q-W-E-R-T-Y keyboard was built to accommodate a slow typing speed. Early on, typists had problems with
the plates jamming in the mechanical arms when they typed too fast. Christopher Sholes invented the QWERTY
keyboard layout to force typists to type slower so the typewriter keys wouldn’t jam. Thus, QWERTY became the
standard for business use for many years to come.
Jamming typewriters is not an issue for today’s computer users, so why is the QWERTY layout still used today?
One answer is the continued reliance on QWERTY is simply a matter of ensuring ongoing productivity. Most
companies do not want their employees to lose productivity while they learn a new keyboard layout; thus, taking
weeks or even months before a typist can type at full speed and become productive again. Also, most individuals
are unwilling to learn an alternate method.
Another reason is marketing to a QWERTY crowd is the focus of manufacturers. It would be is major problem for
manufacturers to make a change by adopting another layout because of the cost. Even cell phone manufacturers
incorporate a cell phone QWERTY keyboard, and many users simply do not know that alternative keyboards even
exist. Laptop computers have the QWERTY layout, too. Therefore, it is very unlikely that alternative keyboards
will be marketed in the U.S. anytime in the future.
©Education Get Real 2015
Keyboarding Drill & Practice
Keyboarding Drill & Practice Activity
DIRECTIONS: After all alphabet letters and punctuation (; : , .) have been presented, students can
continue to practice and reinforce their keyboarding skills in the classroom or on their computer at home
using this DRILL & PRACTICE activity. This activity has been created as a protected file and enables students
to simply key in the data with NO RETURNS at the ends of each line – the lines will wrap. When each set of
two lines is complete (EACH LINE KEYED ONE TIME ONLY), the student will simply TAB to the next set to
continue on with their keying practice. The objective of this practice is for students to keep their eyes on the
lines to be keyed and not on their hands. Using correct finginering on the keyboard is essential as they
memorize key locations since this will result in good form and increase their speed.
PART #1 – General Drill & Practice
fff fff fff jjj jjj jjj fff jjj fff jjj fff jjj fff jjj fff jjj jjj
fff fff fff jjj jjj jjj fff jjj fff jjj fff jjj fff jjj fff jjj jjj
Click here to enter text.
ddd ddd ddd kkk kkk kkk ddd kkk ddd kkk ddd kkk ddd kkk ddd kkk dkd
ddd ddd ddd kkk kkk kkk ddd kkk ddd kkk ddd kkk ddd kkk ddd kkk dkd
Click here to enter text.
sss sss sss lll lll lll sss lll sss lll sss lll sss lll sss lll sls
sss sss sss lll lll lll sss lll sss lll sss lll sss lll sss lll sls
Click here to enter text.
aaa aaa aaa ;;; ;;; ;;; aaa ;;; aaa ;;; aaa ;;; aaa ;;; aaa ;;; a;a
aaa aaa aaa ;;; ;;; ;;; aaa ;;; aaa ;;; aaa ;;; aaa ;;; aaa ;;; a;a
Click here to enter text.
©Education Get Real 2015
Keyboarding Drill & Practice
aaa ;;; sss lll ddd kkk fff jjj ddd kkk aaa ;;; sss lll ddd kkk aaa
aaa ;;; sss lll ddd kkk fff jjj ddd kkk aaa ;;; sss lll ddd kkk aaa
Click here to enter text.
lll aaa ddd lad lad jjj aaa lll jal jal lll aaa ddd lad lad ddd lll
lll aaa ddd lad lad jjj aaa lll jal jal lll aaa ddd lad lad ddd lll
Click here to enter text.
aaa sss ;;; as; as; fff aaa ddd fad fad aaa sss ;;; as; as; aaa aaa
aaa sss ;;; as; as; fff aaa ddd fad fad aaa sss ;;; as; as; aaa aaa
Click here to enter text.
aaa ddd ;;; ad; ad; sss aaa ddd ad; sad aaa ddd ;;; ad; ad; sad sad
aaa ddd ;;; ad; ad; sss aaa ddd ad; sad aaa ddd ;;; ad; ad; sad sad
Click here to enter text.
aaa ;;; sss lll ddd kkk fff jjj aaa ;;; sss lll kkk fff jjj aaa ;;;
aaa ;;; sss lll ddd kkk fff jjj aaa ;;; sss lll kkk fff jjj aaa ;;;
Click here to enter text.
aaa ddd sss ads ads aaa sss kkk ask ask aaa ddd ddd add add ads ads
aaa ddd sss ads ads aaa sss kkk ask ask aaa ddd ddd add add ads ads
Click here to enter text.
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Keyboarding Drill & Practice
aaa lll lll all all aaa ddd ddd add add aaa lll lll all all add add
aaa lll lll all all aaa ddd ddd add add aaa lll lll all all add add
Click here to enter text.
aaa ddd ;;; ad; ad; jjj aaa lll jal jal sss aaa ddd sad sad ad; ad;
aaa ddd ;;; ad; ad; jjj aaa lll jal jal sss aaa ddd sad sad ad; ad;
Click here to enter text.
aaa sss kkk ask ask fff aaa ddd fad fad aaa sss kkk ask ask fad fad
aaa sss kkk ask ask fff aaa ddd fad fad aaa sss kkk ask ask fad fad
Click here to enter text.
ddd ded eee ded lee lee fee fee see ddd ded eee ded fee see lee lee
ddd ded eee ded lee lee fee fee see ddd ded eee ded fee see lee lee
Click here to enter text.
ded ade ade ded sea sea ded led led ded ade ade ded sad lad dad dad
ded ade ade ded sea sea ded led led ded ade ade ded sad lad dad dad
Click here to enter text.
jjj juj uuu juj dud dud due due sue sue jjj juj uuu sue due dud dud
jjj juj uuu juj dud dud due due sue sue jjj juj uuu sue due dud dud
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Keyboarding Drill & Practice
juj us; us; juj uke uke juj use use juj juj use use juj juj us; urs;
juj us; us; juj uke uke juj use use juj juj use use juj juj us; urs;
Click here to enter text.
fff fgf ggg fgf egg egg keg keg leg leg fff fgf ggg sag sag sss sss
fff fgf ggg fgf egg egg keg keg leg leg fff fgf ggg sag sag sss sss
Click here to enter text.
fgf jug jug fgf jag jag fgf lag lag fgf fgf jug jug sag sag sad sad
fgf jug jug fgf jag jag fgf lag lag fgf fgf jug jug sag sag sad sad
Click here to enter text.
jjj uuu ggg jug jug lll eee ddd led led jjj uuu ggg jug jug jug jug
jjj uuu ggg jug jug lll eee ddd led led jjj uuu ggg jug jug jug jug
Click here to enter text.
sss eee aaa sea sea uuu sss eee use use sss uuu eee sue sue sue sue
sss eee aaa sea sea uuu sss eee use use sss uuu eee sue sue sue sue
Click here to enter text.
kkk eee ggg keg keg fff eee ddd fed fed lll eee ddd led led led led
kkk eee ggg keg keg fff eee ddd fed fed lll eee ddd led led led led
Click here to enter text.
©Education Get Real 2015
Keyboarding Drill & Practice
uuu sss ;;; us; us; aaa ggg eee age age uuu sss eee use use use use
uuu sss ;;; us; us; aaa ggg eee age age uuu sss eee use use use use
Click here to enter text.
fee fee lee lee see see sea sea lea lea fee lee lee fee fee fee fee
fee fee lee lee see see sea sea lea lea fee lee lee fee fee fee fee
Click here to enter text.
led led lad lad lag lag lug lug dug dug dug led led lad lad lad lad
led led lad lad lag lag lug lug dug dug dug led led lad lad lad lad
Click here to enter text.
dud dud due due sue sue see see fee fee lee lea lea sea sea sea sea
dud dud due due sue sue see see fee fee lee lea lea sea sea sea sea
Click here to enter text.
fed fed fad fad fag fag jag jag jug jug fed fed fad fad lag lag lag
fed fed fad fad fag fag jag jag jug jug fed fed fad fad lag lag lag
Click here to enter text.
aaa ;;; sss lll ddd kkk fff jjj ggg ;;; aaa ;;; sss lll aaa ;;; aaa
aaa ;;; sss lll ddd kkk fff jjj ggg ;;; aaa ;;; sss lll aaa ;;; aaa
Click here to enter text.
©Education Get Real 2015
Keyboarding Drill & Practice
aaa sss kkk ask ask jjj uuu ggg jug jug aaa ddd eee ade ade ade ade
aaa sss kkk ask ask jjj uuu ggg jug jug aaa ddd eee ade ade ade ade
Click here to enter text.
eee lll kkk elk elk fff eee ddd fed fed eee kkk eee eke eke eke eke
eee lll kkk elk elk fff eee ddd fed fed eee kkk eee eke eke eke eke
Click here to enter text.
kkk kik iii kik kid kid is; is; if; if; kkk iii ddd kid kid kid kid
kkk kik iii kik kid kid is; is; if; if; kkk iii ddd kid kid kid kid
Click here to enter text.
kik did did kik aid aid kik ail ail kik kid kik did kik kid ail ail
kik did did kik aid aid kik ail ail kik kid kik did kik kid ail ail
Click here to enter text.
fff frf rrr frf fur fur far far fir fir fff frf rrr frf fur fur fur
fff frf rrr frf fur fur far far fir fir fff frf rrr frf fur fur fur
Click here to enter text.
frf irk irk frf ark ark frf are are frf irk irk ark ark frf irk irk
frf irk irk frf ark ark frf are are frf irk irk ark ark frf irk irk
Click here to enter text.
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Keyboarding Drill & Practice
jjj jhj jjj jhj had had hid hid has has jjj jhj jjj jhj had had had
jjj jhj jjj jhj had had hid hid has has jjj jhj jjj jhj had had had
Click here to enter text.
jhj her her jhj his his jhj he; he; jhj her her his his he; he; he;
jhj her her jhj his his jhj he; he; jhj her her his his he; he; he;
Click here to enter text.
kkk iii ddd kid kid jjj uuu ggg jug jug jjj aaa ggg jag jag jug jug
kkk iii ddd kid kid jjj uuu ggg jug jug jjj aaa ggg jag jag jug jug
Click here to enter text.
fff iii rrr fir fir hhh aaa ddd had had fff aaa rrr far far far far
fff iii rrr fir fir hhh aaa ddd had had fff aaa rrr far far far far
Click here to enter text.
rrr eee ddd red red aaa iii lll ail ail aaa iii ddd aid aid ail ail
rrr eee ddd red red aaa iii lll ail ail aaa iii ddd aid aid ail ail
Click here to enter text.
sss hhh eee she she hhh eee rrr her her sss hhh eee she she her her
sss hhh eee she she hhh eee rrr her her sss hhh eee she she her her
Click here to enter text.
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Keyboarding Drill & Practice
see see dee dee fee fee gee fee lee lee see see dee dee fee fee fee
see see dee dee fee fee gee fee lee lee see see dee dee fee fee fee
Click here to enter text.
dug dug hug hug jug jug lug lug rug rug mug mug tug tug lug lug lug
dug dug hug hug jug jug lug lug rug rug mug mug tug tug lug lug lug
Click here to enter text.
kid kid lid lid hid hid rid rid aid aid mid mid kid kid lid lid lid
kid kid lid lid hid hid rid rid aid aid mid mid kid kid lid lid lid
Click here to enter text.
lag lag rag rag hag hag sag sag fag fag gag gag rag rag tag tag tag
lag lag rag rag hag hag sag sag fag fag gag gag rag rag tag tag tag
Click here to enter text.
aaa ;;; sss lll ddd kkk fff jjj ggg hhh aaa ;;; sss lll ddd kkk fff
aaa ;;; sss lll ddd kkk fff jjj ggg hhh aaa ;;; sss lll ddd kkk fff
Click here to enter text.
fff iii rrr fir fir jjj uuu ggg jug jug bbb uuu ggg bug bug bug fir
fff iii rrr fir fir jjj uuu ggg jug jug bbb uuu ggg bug bug bug fir
Click here to enter text.
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Keyboarding Drill & Practice
kkk iii ddd kid kid sss eee aaa sea sea lll eee aaa lea lea sea sea
kkk iii ddd kid kid sss eee aaa sea sea lll eee aaa lea lea sea sea
Click here to enter text.
sss hhh eee she she lll eee ddd led led ttt eee ddd ted ted led led
sss hhh eee she she lll eee ddd led led ttt eee ddd ted ted led led
Click here to enter text.
fff ftf ttt ftf fat fat aft aft sat sat ttt aaa ttt tat tat sat sat
fff ftf ttt ftf fat fat aft aft sat sat ttt aaa ttt tat tat sat sat
Click here to enter text.
ftf fit fit ftf rut rut ftf kit kit ftf sit sit ftf lit lit ftf fit
ftf fit fit ftf rut rut ftf kit kit ftf sit sit ftf lit lit ftf fit
Click here to enter text.
jjj mmm jmj jmj jam jam mad mad mum mum mam mam jmj mat mat jmj jmj
jjj mmm jmj jmj jam jam mad mad mum mum mam mam jmj mat mat jmj jmj
Click here to enter text.
sam sam jam jam tam tam ham ham ram ram dam dam cam cam jam jam sam
sam sam jam jam tam tam ham ham ram ram dam dam cam cam jam jam sam
Click here to enter text.
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Keyboarding Drill & Practice
ddd dcd ddd ccc cad cad ace ace ice ice dad dad mad mad lad lad dad
ddd dcd ddd ccc cad cad ace ace ice ice dad dad mad mad lad lad dad
Click here to enter text.
dcd cur cur dcd cut cut dcd car car dcd cur cur dcd cut cut dcd car
dcd cur cur dcd cut cut dcd car car dcd cur cur dcd cut cut dcd car
Click here to enter text.
aaa ;;; sss lll ddd kkk fff jjj ggg jjj aaa ;;; sss lll ddd kkk fff
aaa ;;; sss lll ddd kkk fff jjj ggg jjj aaa ;;; sss lll ddd kkk fff
Click here to enter text.
a ; s l d k f j g h f j d k s l a ; s l d k a ; d k s l a ; s l d k
a ; s l d k f j g h f j d k s l a ; s l d k a ; d k s l a ; s l d k
Click here to enter text.
ded kik dcd juj frf jmj ftf fgf kik jhj fit juj jmj ded kik dcd dcd
ded kik dcd juj frf jmj ftf fgf kik jhj fit juj jmj ded kik dcd dcd
Click here to enter text.
A;; S;; D;; C;; F;; R;; T;; G;; H;; Y;; U;; L;; S;; E;; A;; D;; D ;
A;; S;; D;; C;; F;; R;; T;; G;; H;; Y;; U;; L;; S;; E;; A;; D;; D ;
Click here to enter text.
©Education Get Real 2015
Keyboarding Drill & Practice
add Add red Red gem Gem far Far ask Ask jar Jar ask Ask add Add Add
add Add red Red gem Gem far Far ask Ask jar Jar ask Ask add Add Add
Click here to enter text.
elm Elm the The she She cut Cut dig Dig her Her she She the The the
elm Elm the The she She cut Cut dig Dig her Her she She the The the
Click here to enter text.
did Did sis Sis cal Cal get Get rim Rim did Did sis Sis did Did did
did Did sis Sis cal Cal get Get rim Rim did Did sis Sis did Did did
Click here to enter text.
Fit fit hit hit lit lit sit sit kit kit did did fit fit sit sit sit
Fit fit hit hit lit lit sit sit kit kit did did fit fit sit sit sit
Click here to enter text.
Set set jet jet get get met met let let net net set set met met met
Set set jet jet get get met met let let net net set set met met met
Click here to enter text.
Car car mar mar far far jar jar tar tar gar gar mar mar tar tar tar
Car car mar mar far far jar jar tar tar gar gar mar mar tar tar tar
Click here to enter text.
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Keyboarding Drill & Practice
all All see See due Due elk Elk the The sea Sea all All see See see
all All see See due Due elk Elk the The sea Sea all All see See see
Click here to enter text.
jjj jyj yyy jyj jay jay day day say say may may cay cay day day day
jjj jyj yyy jyj jay jay day day say say may may cay cay day day day
Click here to enter text.
jyj yes yes jyj yet yet jyj sly sly jyj yet yet jyj yet yet jyj yet
jyj yes yes jyj yet yet jyj sly sly jyj yet yet jyj yet yet jyj yet
Click here to enter text.
fff fvf vvv fvf vie vie vie vim vim vat vat fff vvv fvf vat vat vat
fff fvf vvv fvf vie vie vie vim vim vat vat fff vvv fvf vat vat vat
Click here to enter text.
fff eve eve fvf ivy ivy fvf vet vet fvf eve eve fvf ivy ivy fvf ivy
fff eve eve fvf ivy ivy fvf vet vet fvf eve eve fvf ivy ivy fvf ivy
Click here to enter text.
kkk k,k ,,, k,k me, me, it, it, is, is, if, if, is, is, it, it, it
kkk k,k ,,, k,k me, me, it, it, is, is, if, if, is, is, it, it, it
Click here to enter text.
©Education Get Real 2015
Keyboarding Drill & Practice
Vic is, Eve is, Ave is, Eva is, Val is, Joy is, Ava is, is, is, is,
Vic is, Eve is, Ave is, Eva is, Val is, Joy is, Ava is, is, is, is,
Click here to enter text.
Laa Kaa Iaa Jaa Uaa Yaa Haa Maa Jaa Kaa Saa Gaa Taa Laa Kaa Saa Laa
Laa Kaa Iaa Jaa Uaa Yaa Haa Maa Jaa Kaa Saa Gaa Taa Laa Kaa Saa Laa
Click here to enter text.
ill Ill him Him kit Kit lid Lid jug Jug mug Mug bug Bug tug Tug Tug
ill Ill him Him kit Kit lid Lid jug Jug mug Mug bug Bug tug Tug Tug
Click here to enter text.
dug Dug ill Ill him Him kit Kit lid Lid jug Jug tug Tug mug Mug Mug
dug Dug ill Ill him Him kit Kit lid Lid jug Jug tug Tug mug Mug Mug
Click here to enter text.
use Use yet Yet her Her if, If, had Had has Has she She use Use use
use Use yet Yet her Her if, If, had Had has Has she She use Use use
Click here to enter text.
kid Kid may May lit Lit has Has ice Ice lid Lid her Her she She she
kid Kid may May lit Lit has Has ice Ice lid Lid her Her she She she
Click here to enter text.
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Keyboarding Drill & Practice
Jay jay Ray ray Day day Say say May may Lay lay Cay cay Gay gay gay
Jay jay Ray ray Day day Say say May may Lay lay Cay cay Gay gay gay
Click here to enter text.
Try try Cry cry Fry fry Try try Dry dry Rye rye Cry cry Try try Try
Try try Cry cry Fry fry Try try Dry dry Rye rye Cry cry Try try Try
Click here to enter text.
Gae gae Gad gad Gay gay Gag gag Gas gas Gal gal Gam gam Gag Gag Gam
Gae gae Gad gad Gay gay Gag gag Gas gas Gal gal Gam gam Gag Gag Gam
Click here to enter text.
Jim Jim rim rim dim dim vim vim him him Kim Kim mim mim dim dim dim
Jim Jim rim rim dim dim vim vim him him Kim Kim mim mim dim dim dim
Click here to enter text.
a ; s l d k f j g h fj dk sl a; a ; s l d k f j g h fj dk sl a; sl;
a ; s l d k f j g h fj dk sl a; a ; s l d k f j g h fj dk sl a; sl;
Click here to enter text.
a;sldkfjgh a;sldkfjgh hgjfkdls; hgjfkdls; asdfghjkl; asdfghjkl;asd
a;sldkfjgh a;sldkfjgh hgjfkdls; hgjfkdls; asdfghjkl; asdfghjkl;asd
Click here to enter text.
©Education Get Real 2015
Keyboarding Drill & Practice
frf jyj ftf juj fgf jhj fvf jmj ded kik dec k,k juj ftf jyj jmj jmj
frf jyj ftf juj fgf jhj fvf jmj ded kik dec k,k juj ftf jyj jmj jmj
Click here to enter text.
dcd k,k Amy Jed Sal Mac Gay Les Dee Jim Lil Joe cal Nel Del Mae Nel
dcd k,k Amy Jed Sal Mac Gay Les Dee Jim Lil Joe cal Nel Del Mae Nel
Click here to enter text.
jjj jnj nnn jnj and and any any net net end end any any yen yen yen
jjj jnj nnn jnj and and any any net net end end any any yen yen yen
Click here to enter text.
jnj fun fun jnj run run jnj man man jnj men men bun bun dun dun bun
jnj fun fun jnj run run jnj man man jnj men men bun bun dun dun bun
Click here to enter text.
sss sws www sws sew sew new new few few dew dew hew hew new new dew
sss sws www sws sew sew new new few few dew dew hew hew new new dew
Click here to enter text.
sws saw saw sws why why sws was was sws way way why why sew sew why
sws saw saw sws why why sws was was sws way way why why sew sew why
Click here to enter text.
©Education Get Real 2015
Keyboarding Drill & Practice
lll l.l ... l.l cr. cr. dr. dr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Dr. Dr. Mr.
lll l.l ... l.l cr. cr. dr. dr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Dr. Dr. Mr.
Click here to enter text.
Dr. is, Mr. is, Sr. is, Jr. is, Sr. is, Jr. is, Sr. is, Mr. is, Mr.
Dr. is, Mr. is, Sr. is, Jr. is, Sr. is, Jr. is, Sr. is, Mr. is, Mr.
Click here to enter text.
a ; s l d k f j g h f j d k s l a ; s l d k f j g h ; a l s k d ;;;
a ; s l d k f j g h f j d k s l a ; s l d k f j g h ; a l s k d ;;;
Click here to enter text.
a;sldkfj a;sldkfj fjdksla; fjdksla; a;sldkfjgh a;sldkfjgh a;sld;al;
a;sldkfj a;sldkfj fjdksla; fjdksla; a;sldkfjgh a;sldkfjgh a;sld;al;
Click here to enter text.
juj ftf jyj ftf jhj fgf jnj fvf jnj ded jyj fbf frf juj jnj jmj fbf
juj ftf jyj ftf jhj fgf jnj fvf jnj ded jyj fbf frf juj jnj jmj fbf
Click here to enter text.
kik dcd k,k sws l.l Dr. Law and Mr. Dee kik dcd k,k dcd sws l.l sws
kik dcd k,k sws l.l Dr. Law and Mr. Dee kik dcd k,k dcd sws l.l sws
Click here to enter text.
©Education Get Real 2015
Keyboarding Drill & Practice
fff fbf bbb fbf bid bid bud bud bad bad bed bed bid bid fbf bbb fbf
fff fbf bbb fbf bid bid bud bud bad bad bed bed bid bid fbf bbb fbf
Click here to enter text.
fbf ebb ebb fbf but but fbf Ben Ben fbf ebb ebb fbf ban ban fbf ban
fbf ebb ebb fbf but but fbf Ben Ben fbf ebb ebb fbf ban ban fbf ban
Click here to enter text.
lll lol ooo lol low low old old oil oil lie lie low law law lol lol
lll lol ooo lol low low old old oil oil lie lie low law law lol lol
Click here to enter text.
lol one one lol too too lol own own lol owe owe one lol own own own
lol one one lol too too lol own own lol owe owe one lol own own own
Click here to enter text.
sss sxs xxx sxs six six sox sox box box fox fox dox dox sxs sxs sxs
sss sxs xxx sxs six six sox sox box box fox fox dox dox sxs sxs sxs
Click here to enter text.
sxs axe axe sxs wax wax sxs fix fix sxs six six sxs mix mix sxs sws
sxs axe axe sxs wax wax sxs fix fix sxs six six sxs mix mix sxs sws
Click here to enter text.
©Education Get Real 2015
Keyboarding Drill & Practice
sss sxs xxx sxs six six sox sox box box fox fox dox dox sxs sxs dox
sss sxs xxx sxs six six sox sox box box fox fox dox dox sxs sxs dox
Click here to enter text.
sxs axe axe sxs wax wax sxs fix fix sxs six six sxs mix mix sxs mix
sxs axe axe sxs wax wax sxs fix fix sxs six six sxs mix mix sxs mix
Click here to enter text.
ox, ox, sox sox fox fox box box rox rox fox fox dox fix fix six six
ox, ox, sox sox fox fox box box rox rox fox fox dox fix fix six six
Click here to enter text.
nob nob job job mob mob rob bob bob sob sob cob cob dob dob nob dob
nob nob job job mob mob rob bob bob sob sob cob cob dob dob nob dob
Click here to enter text.
rub rub nub nub cub cub hub hub tub tub sub sub dub dub pub pub pub
rub rub nub nub cub cub hub hub tub tub sub sub dub dub pub pub pub
Click here to enter text.
Max Max wax wax lax lax tax tax sax sax axe axe jax jax max max max
Max Max wax wax lax lax tax tax sax sax axe axe jax jax max max max
Click here to enter text.
©Education Get Real 2015
Keyboarding Drill & Practice
to, to, so, so, do, do, no, no, go, go, to, to, so, so, lo, lo, lo,
to, to, so, so, do, do, no, no, go, go, to, to, so, so, lo, lo, lo,
Click here to enter text.
Dix Dix Mix Mix Fix Fix Nix Nix Six Six Six Nix Nix Dix Dix Mix Mix
Dix Dix Mix Mix Fix Fix Nix Nix Six Six Six Nix Nix Dix Dix Mix Mix
Click here to enter text.
bad bad bay bay bar bar ban ban bar bar bad bad bay bay bar bar bad
bad bad bay bay bar bar ban ban bar bar bad bad bay bay bar bar bad
Click here to enter text.
The man and the boy got one day off.
Thursday or Monday?
O.K. O.K.
The man and the boy got one day off.
Thursday or Monday?
O.K. O.K.
Click here to enter text.
a;sldkfjghfjdksla;sldkfjghfjdksla;sldkfjdksla;sldkfjghfjdksla;s sla
a;sldkfjghfjdksla;sldkfjghfjdksla;sldkfjdksla;sldkfjghfjdksla;s sla
Click here to enter text.
frf juj ftf jyj fgf jhj fvf jnj fvf jmj ftf jyj ftf frf juj ftf ftf
frf juj ftf jyj fgf jhj fvf jnj fvf jmj ftf jyj ftf frf juj ftf ftf
Click here to enter text.
©Education Get Real 2015
Keyboarding Drill & Practice
ded kik ded k,k sws lol sxs l.l aaa ;;; ded kik ded kik sws l.l l.l
ded kik ded k,k sws lol sxs l.l aaa ;;; ded kik ded kik sws l.l l.l
Click here to enter text.
gay Gay old Old the The may May don Don gay Gay old Old gay Gay Gay
gay Gay old Old the The may May don Don gay Gay old Old gay Gay Gay
Click here to enter text.
;;; ;p; ppp ;p; pep pep pup pup pop pop ;;; ;p; ppp pop pop pup pup
;;; ;p; ppp ;p; pep pep pup pup pop pop ;;; ;p; ppp pop pop pup pup
Click here to enter text.
;p; pay pay ;p; rap rap ;p; up; up; ;p; ;p; pay pay pip pip pop pop
;p; pay pay ;p; rap rap ;p; up; up; ;p; ;p; pay pay pip pip pop pop
Click here to enter text.
aaa zaz aaa aza zoo zoo oz. oz. zip zip aaa aza aza zip zip zoo zoo
aaa zaz aaa aza zoo zoo oz. oz. zip zip aaa aza aza zip zip zoo zoo
Click here to enter text.
;;; ;;; ::: ;;; to: to: by: by: me: it: it: if: is: is: be: be: be:
;;; ;;; ::: ;;; to: to: by: by: me: it: it: if: is: is: be: be: be:
Click here to enter text.
©Education Get Real 2015
Keyboarding Drill & Practice
;;; if: if: ;:; it: it: ;:; is: is: ;:; to: to: ;:; if: if: is: is:
;;; if: if: ;:; it: it: ;:; is: is: ;:; to: to: ;:; if: if: is: is:
Click here to enter text.
pop up: pep up: aiz up: tip up: map up: zip up: tip up: up: up: up:
pop up: pep up: aiz up: tip up: map up: zip up: tip up: up: up: up:
Click here to enter text.
zoo Zoo pat Pat zig Zig pay Pay zip Zip pad Pad zoo Zoo zip Zip Zip
zoo Zoo pat Pat zig Zig pay Pay zip Zip pad Pad zoo Zoo zip Zip Zip
Click here to enter text.
pip rip nip tip hip dip lip sip yip zip kip pip tip kip lip zip zip
pip rip nip tip hip dip lip sip yip zip kip pip tip kip lip zip zip
Click here to enter text.
pips rips nips tips hips dips lips sips zips sips pips tips lip lip
pips rips nips tips hips dips lips sips zips sips pips tips lip lip
Click here to enter text.
till mill sill hill will fill bill pill mill kill dill till ill ill
till mill sill hill will fill bill pill mill kill dill till ill ill
Click here to enter text.
©Education Get Real 2015
Keyboarding Drill & Practice
fall mall wall tall hall pall call ball call mall fall hall all hall
fall mall wall tall hall pall call ball call mall fall hall all hall
Click here to enter text.
bold cold fold gold hold mold sold told bold cold fold told old told
bold cold fold gold hold mold sold told bold cold fold told old told
Click here to enter text.
to fill to mill to till to will to fill to bill to till to fill fill
to fill to mill to till to will to fill to bill to till to fill fill
Click here to enter text.
PART #2 - CAPS LOCK and Punctuation ( ? ' " - )
Janet Yocum joined FBLA in her new high school - Chatfield Sr. High.
Janet Yocum joined FBLA in her new high school - Chatfield Sr. High.
Click here to enter text.
Rebecca Rae has a professional membership in JCEA, NBEA, and CSPERA.
Rebecca Rae has a professional membership in JCEA, NBEA, and CSPERA.
Click here to enter text.
©Education Get Real 2015
Keyboarding Drill & Practice
You can become a new member of FBLA in high school - PBL in college.
You can become a new member of FBLA in high school - PBL in college.
Click here to enter text.
??? ?; ;?; ?; ;;; ??? ;;; Who? What? When? Where? How? Why? Can you?
??? ?; ;?; ?; ;;; ??? ;;; Who? What? When? Where? How? Why? Can you?
Click here to enter text.
Where is it?
Where did you go?
Who is it?
Is she up there?
Is it?
Where is it?
Where did you go?
Who is it?
Is she up there?
Is it?
Click here to enter text.
(BLOCKED PARAGRAPHS - Key twice; each in a separate text box)
The tab key is used to indent paragraphs in doubled-spaced reports
and other documents.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
When typing paragraphs in a report, your teacher will request that
you set your machine to double space the document.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
©Education Get Real 2015
Keyboarding Drill & Practice
A paragraph is usually indented five spaces from the left margin and
blocked paragraphs begin at the left margin.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
You should learn the tab key by touch because of its frequent use. It
will add to your keying skill.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Strike the tab key firmly and release it quickly; begin by keying the
paragraph without pausing or hitting the return.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
;;; ''' ;'; ;;; ''' ;';;; ;; I've it. Janet's. I'm sure it's Karen's.
;;; ''' ;'; ;;; ''' ;';;; ;; I've it. Janet's. I'm sure it's Karen's.
Click here to enter text.
I've said it is not a problem; you are responsible for the solution.
I've said it is not a problem; you are responsible for the solution.
Click here to enter text.
©Education Get Real 2015
Keyboarding Drill & Practice
;;; --- ;-; ;;; --- ;-; ;-; -;- ;-; We did use 2-ply paper products.
;;; --- ;-; ;;; --- ;-; ;-; -;- ;-; We did use 2-ply paper products.
Click here to enter text.
There are 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-bedroom apartments now available for rent.
There are 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-bedroom apartments now available for rent.
Click here to enter text.
Restaurants are now rated: 1-star, 2-star, 3-star, 4-star, or 5-star.
Restaurants are now rated: 1-star, 2-star, 3-star, 4-star, or 5-star.
Click here to enter text.
;;; """ ;"; ::: """ :": :': :;: ;'; :": """” I asked, "Did they win?"
;;; """ ;"; ::: """ :": :': :;: ;'; :": """” I asked, "Did they win?"
Click here to enter text.
"Abe Lincoln," he said, "was our sixteenth United States President."
"Abe Lincoln," he said, "was our sixteenth United States President."
Click here to enter text.
©Education Get Real 2015
Keyboarding Drill & Practice
"Jackson became the President after Lincoln's death," she reported.
"Jackson became the President after Lincoln's death," she reported.
Click here to enter text.
PART #3 - Balance-hand, left-/right-hand words
by to of us an ha is go he if it to me am so do he ox so me do it by
by to of us an ha is go he if it to me am so do he ox so me do it by
Click here to enter text.
for dog fit jam did men pan fur ham cut the lap own may man for it it
for dog fit jam did men pan fur ham cut the lap own may man for it it
Click here to enter text.
it's they make maid city paid mend form laps them then when turn then
it's they make maid city paid mend form laps them then when turn then
Click here to enter text.
when risk usual land corn box did the pan rifle dish them make to did
when risk usual land corn box did the pan rifle dish them make to did
Click here to enter text.
©Education Get Real 2015
Keyboarding Drill & Practice
we as at be ax at we at was tea fax tax sad car save were rest as car
we as at be ax at we at was tea fax tax sad car save were rest as car
Click here to enter text.
in up no on my oh no my pin pop ink imp him ill you him poll look him
in up no on my oh no my pin pop ink imp him ill you him poll look him
Click here to enter text.
it is to us to do to go if it is by us do so for the paid for it paid
it is to us to do to go if it is by us do so for the paid for it paid
Click here to enter text.
when did she may turn it down she did it for the man to bid now down
when did she may turn it down she did it for the man to bid now down
Click here to enter text.
saw you pink car were you be sad oh no on my as we see it be my were
saw you pink car were you be sad oh no on my as we see it be my were
Click here to enter text.
©Education Get Real 2015
Keyboarding Drill & Practice
I was ill you saw it save my water fast car be sad on my taxes water
I was ill you saw it save my water fast car be sad on my taxes water
Click here to enter text.
milk faced pill cease jump bread join faster holly were when pin was
milk faced pill cease jump bread join faster holly were when pin was
Click here to enter text.
PART #4 – Numbers 0-9
;;; ppp 000 p0; ;p0; 00 ;0p; ;0p; ;00; ;p0 0; 00; reach for the ;p0
;;; ppp 000 p0; ;p0; 00 ;0p; ;0p; ;00; ;p0 0; 00; reach for the ;p0
Click here to enter text.
aaa 111 a1a aaa qqq 111 aq1 aq1 a1qa a1qa 11a 11a 11a reach for a 1
aaa 111 a1a aaa qqq 111 aq1 aq1 a1qa a1qa 11a 11a 11a reach for a 1
Click here to enter text.
sss www 222 sw2 sw2 222 ww sss s2s s2s sw2ws sw2 s2 reach for the 2
sss www 222 sw2 sw2 222 ww sss s2s s2s sw2ws sw2 s2 reach for the 2
Click here to enter text.
©Education Get Real 2015
Keyboarding Drill & Practice
ddd eee 333 de3 de3 333 eee ddd d3d d3d de3ed de3 d3 reach for the 3
ddd eee 333 de3 de3 333 eee ddd d3d d3d de3ed de3 d3 reach for the 3
Click here to enter text.
fff rrr 444 fr4 fr4 444 rrr fff f4f f4f fr4rf fr4 f4 reach for the 4
fff rrr 444 fr4 fr4 444 rrr fff f4f f4f fr4rf fr4 f4 reach for the 4
Click here to enter text.
fff 555 f5f f5f ff 55 f5f 5f5 fff 555 fr5 fr5 555 f5 reach for the 5
fff 555 f5f f5f ff 55 f5f 5f5 fff 555 fr5 fr5 555 f5 reach for the 5
Click here to enter text.
jjj 666 j6j j6j 6j 6j 66 jj 66 jj yy jy6 jy6 jy6j j6 reach for the 6
jjj 666 j6j j6j 6j 6j 66 jj 66 jj yy jy6 jy6 jy6j j6 reach for the 6
Click here to enter text.
jjj 777 j7j j7j jj uu 77 ju7 ju7 7j7 ju7 ju7 ju7j j7 reach for the 7
jjj 777 j7j j7j jj uu 77 ju7 ju7 7j7 ju7 ju7 ju7j j7 reach for the 7
Click here to enter text.
©Education Get Real 2015
Keyboarding Drill & Practice
kkk 888 k8k k8k kk ii 88 ki8 ki8 8k8 8k8 ki8 ki8k k8 reach for the 8
kkk 888 k8k k8k kk ii 88 ki8 ki8 8k8 8k8 ki8 ki8k k8 reach for the 8
Click here to enter text.
lll 999 l9l l9l ll oo 99 lo9 lo9 9l9 9l9 9ol lo9l l9 reach for the 9
lll 999 l9l l9l ll oo 99 lo9 lo9 9l9 9l9 9ol lo9l l9 reach for the 9
Click here to enter text.
UA Flights 934, 440, and 490 left after 4009, 4033, 943, 94 and 994.
UA Flights 934, 440, and 490 left after 4009, 4033, 943, 94 and 994.
Click here to enter text.
Reach for 6, 7, 8, 67, 68, 76, 77, 78, 66, 677, 867, 878, 67 and 70.
Reach for 6, 7, 8, 67, 68, 76, 77, 78, 66, 677, 867, 878, 67 and 70.
Click here to enter text.
Key the following figures: 5, 1, 2, 55, 11, 22, 555, 111, 23 and 22.
Key the following figures: 5, 1, 2, 55, 11, 22, 555, 111, 23 and 22.
Click here to enter text.
©Education Get Real 2015
Keyboarding Drill & Practice
Key: 1234567890 0987654321 a1 s2 d3 f4 f5 j6 j7 j8 j9 ;0 1029384746
Key: 1234567890 0987654321 a1 s2 d3 f4 f5 j6 j7 j8 j9 ;0 1029384746
Click here to enter text.
Jan 1 Feb 2 March 3 Apr 4 May 15 June 6 July 7 Aug 18 Sept 9 Oct 10
Jan 1 Feb 2 March 3 Apr 4 May 15 June 6 July 7 Aug 18 Sept 9 Oct 10
Click here to enter text.
©Education Get Real 2015